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/fa/ - Fashion

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7659572 No.7659572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> 2014
> spending thousands of dollars for Rick Owens etc, while gym is like 25 bucks
> thinking fancy, expensive clothes make you look superior while in reality only models can pull them off. Average and below average guys actually look way worse and trying too hard.
> Face, body and hygiene are 90% of looks, clothes are just the tip of the iceberg
> thinking any girl ever would go for a goth ninja rather than a sporty guy with less sense in fashion
> ishygddt

so /fa/, what is your excuse for not working out?

>> No.7659577

being a gn is cooler than being a bimboman, no matter how few bitches you get.

>> No.7659585


>> No.7659590

this is true. in reality /fa/ isnt about the ladies no matter how much they fool themselves. its like being a monk or a samurai, it doesnt really get you pussy it just makes your feel coolio

>> No.7659597

>caring about females

And if you have to look like the dudebro on the right to get girls then it is clearly not worth it anyway.

>> No.7659619

Overcompensating /fit/ manlet detected.

>> No.7659637

but I do workout

>> No.7659649

confidence amounts for most of how attractive you are
there are plenty of ugly dudes out there who have a shit load of confidence and get girls
there are plenty of good looking dudes who have no confidence and are always single
and in turn if you have enough confidence, you can pull off any outfit

>> No.7659651

yeah thats true a lot of /fa/ works out a reasonably healthy but dont care enough to make encompass it their entire life

>> No.7659662


> thinking fancy, expensive clothes make you look superior while in reality only models can pull them off.

i dont work out because im lazy

>> No.7659666

if you actually talked to girls, OP, you would know that both these things can work in your advantage, if wearing cool clothes makesyou feel cool, go for it, it will make you feel more confdent, chicks dig confidence, if being ripped makes you confident, then that will get you pussy.

if you're really effay but a sperglord you won't get pussy

if you're j00cy as faurk but also a beta, you wont get pussy.

as simple as that

>> No.7659670

the problem I have with working out is that unless you started at age of 16 or maybe max 18, you are too late to enter the game

>> No.7659676


this shit cracked me up

>> No.7659673

People like you are the reason why /fa/ is shit.
You know nothing about fashion.

>> No.7659681

>used to be on dance team in high school
>graduate and go to college
>been working out for a while
>130 last year
>150 now
>go back to high school to see old dance team
>"anon you look kinda weird."
>"anon looks stupid lmfao"

you faggots lied you said i would look good

>> No.7659685

Not even /fit/, but this is not true. At all. Like fuck. DYEL?

>> No.7659683

the problem is that nobody is really cares about either if you are seeking out a serious and meaningful relationship with the other sex

if you are doing both for anything other than a hobby, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.7659687

I'm lazy master race

>> No.7659693


You cracked it OP
You found the ULTIMATE truth bro!

That is why JERSEY SHORE men are far superior men
Jersey shore bros are the ultimate male goal 4 all 2 f0llow!!!

>> No.7659699

are you retarded?

>> No.7659702

stationary lifestyle game strong

sofa gang

>> No.7659710

I'm all about that stiff hamstring swag bruh

>> No.7659716


i like you

>> No.7659720



>> No.7659727
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das it

>> No.7659751

working out is modern couture

>> No.7659755

what isn't modern couture these days

>> No.7659789
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>> No.7659807
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Im too lazy to go to the gym now. I started deadlifting my old computer, I don't know if its doing anything other then damaging my back

>> No.7659813
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need to get used to staring at the ground as an old man

>> No.7659811
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finally someone posts this

>> No.7659829

>le epik /fit/ vs /fa/ 'battle'
this shit is always cringeworthy

i'm both btw and I can legitimately not see why anyone would choose just one

>> No.7659839
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>not doing both

>> No.7659837

I spend a lot of money on clothing, i'm riding road bikes somewhat seriously for 4 years, i run and lift for 2. I don't have qt gf, because i'm too shy around women. What you can recommend to me, BRAH? SQUATS AND OATS?

>> No.7659838

>> thinking any girl ever would go for a goth ninja rather than a sporty guy with less sense in fashion

is that why /fit/ is filled with nogf threads and the thirstiest permavirgins on 4chan????

>> No.7659846

you should end your post with
>pls be in london

>> No.7659840

I fucking laughed at that pic
gr8 ergonomics
truly an innovator in your field

>> No.7659851

It's lifting weights not playing the piano.

>> No.7659871

squats are by far the most bullshit exercise
would rather be top-heavy than have stubby legs

>> No.7659887
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>doing either
lazy boys we in this

>> No.7659897

>being a disgusting stoner

>> No.7659891

not working out

>> No.7659910

I'd blow the team for a Supreme John Coltrane tee damn

>> No.7659982

what's that under shirt?

>> No.7659990

looks like rick folded
possibly damir doma

>> No.7659999

>not doing both

are you some sort of a scrub?

>> No.7659995


Center seam and ribbing would suggest that it's a Rick tank.

>> No.7660009

it's bulkan time /fa/

>> No.7660025


>> No.7660036

I honestly think that fit would look better on a skinny person

>> No.7660048
File: 55 KB, 879x1320, 066-077_rick-owens3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick Owens is noted for his borderline obsession with muscles, you moron.

>> No.7660047


Looks fine to me.

>> No.7660059

>tfw you can't afford to work out in full rick

>> No.7660079

I don't think the shirt cuffs or cargos would look all that good on a skinny guy
mirin the fuck out of his arms & vascularity

>> No.7660096

>10kg x2
v. impressive

>> No.7660100

i was already really confident before /fa/ but now when im out i feel like everything about me is on point and i feel a lot better

tho that aint why i like fashion or why i came to this board

>> No.7660302


Is it not enough to do both? I'm from /k/, mind you, but it logically follows that a person who is willing to invest time and money into their clothes is likewise willing to invest in their bodies as well.

Clothing isn't about attracting women, and neither is working out. It's about how you see yourself. Nobody sees you more than yourself, especially in a society where mirrors are EVERYWHERE. Obviously, this is cliche, but it doesn't make it less true.

>> No.7662487

the bar is 35 pounds plus ~22 pounds per side so 44 = almost 80 pounds, 80 pounds on that excercise is pretty solid, especially for a DYEL /fa/g. most people starting at the gym can MAYBE do half of that weight. stop behaving like a superior asshole, go lift and get a real personality

>> No.7662501

>the bar is 35 pounds
isn't that heavy as fuck for a bar
i'm a p skinny dweeb and I can lift like ~35kg fairly easily with no serious lifting experience
rick's not tiny so i wouldn't think he'd struggle with 80lbs lol
>stop behaving like a superior asshole
>assuming my personality and giving me orders

>> No.7662506


>> No.7662524

80 pounds for reps for an upright row. any asshole can pull that once, try 4x10 with minimal rest time. regardless, hes actually lifting and bettering himself and you are not.

>> No.7662535

>implying i dress for girls

>> No.7662547

the guy on the right would be more interesting to talk too, and they are way cuter than that orangeboi on the left

>> No.7662549


>> No.7662562

can you into left and right?

>> No.7662572

ahhaha that such a funny mental image
imagine some fuccboi, all in black, dead lifting an old beige computer

>> No.7662571

>working out
>doing any physical activity
lol wtf are you some kind of bleb
mind over matter, if you need to impress people with your body then you just a fuccboi

>> No.7662576

oh fuck
i can't i'm dyslexic
damn it

>> No.7662581
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that's him alright. not to be mistaken with the arm

>> No.7662583

>implying I dress nice for girls

I dress nice so that when I cross paths with someone else in the city or on campus who's dressed great we both look at each other and give each other a nod that we know what's going on.

That's what I do it for. A sense of belonging to a group.

>> No.7662591


I'm /fa/, /fit/ and /o/.
One for me
One for the ladies
One for the mates.

>> No.7662598

What's it like being stuck forever as a horny teen, revolve your life and everything you do around bitches and getting laid?

>> No.7662606


pretty vapid i would imagine

>> No.7662609

if you were anything other than a horny teen then surely you would know from experience

>> No.7662633

I wear men dresses because I feel comfortable in them

>> No.7662637

chances are if you're /fit/, you can into fashion. not the other way around though.

>> No.7662669

what did i just read

>> No.7662671

sorry the right answer is your face and that only

>> No.7662678

I think /fit and /fa are very complimentary. But its just that /fit always takes it to the body builder extreme, when I think a athletic swimmer type body is the ideal type.

>> No.7662694

Why would I want working out to encompass my entire life? I have other, more important things to do. I just want to be relatively strong, look good and be healthy.

>> No.7662697

You realize the guy on the right is a fitness model who has literally put in thousands upon thousands of hours of time into the gym, paid thousands of dollars for steroids, and literally won the genetic lottery, right?

>> No.7662731

I don't date turds who work out all the time and think wearing an Abercrombie polo with socks and sporty sandals is dressing.

I'm a lesbian, but if I wasn't. Naw.

>> No.7662736

just had my workout bruh. snatch high pulls, squats and kroc rows. gonna eat a hyoog breakfast now.

>> No.7662748

who needs muscle in the world of fashion faggot

>> No.7662778

this a lot

>> No.7662788

yee man
personal journey and shit 8)

>> No.7662833

>I'm a lesbian
Well...at least you're not a tranny.

>> No.7662844

Dat some based SVU?

>> No.7662990

I don't work out because i can't (inb4 mahcundishion), i have elbow problem

>> No.7663008

how about nearly every male model?

>> No.7663009

gym membership in sourthen california is like a sweater a month

usually reserved for douchebags, 90% of which drive riced out luxury cars (2012ish bmw 335i's with wheels and sound systems in them, or some sort of gixxer) and girls who look like curlgurl, where those super tight booty shorts and sports bras

then when you sit there and lift.
some juiced looking dude comes up and starts talking



nigga i can't squat 500lbs

>> No.7663014

stop cryung and start lifting yiou poorfag fatty

PS: only poor people are fat LOL

>> No.7663024

i shall lift everyday until i could rip a japanese size 5 merely by flexing, and i will not stop lifting until i can lift thor's hammer, and with that hammer i shall tame even the wildest pussy

>> No.7663035

>se size 5 mer
ok bnut your not funny tho LOL

>> No.7663060

Not having enough time. 8 to 13 university. 15 to 21 work.

>> No.7663094

>tfw gym is $60 for 2 trainings a week

>> No.7663711
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>an excuse /fa/ggots tell themselves.
Did you really just compare yourself to a monk or samurai?

>> No.7663716

it's the gym that caused that, it's /fa/

>> No.7663721
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they have a 24/ 7 crime channel here

>> No.7663740
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>mfw /fit/ and /fa/
>mfw at a school with 80% guys I still have girls hitting me up craving the wang.

>> No.7663759

u would too
if u knew
what this game will do 2 u