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7657870 No.7657870 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm 19 and I'm going bald, what should I do?

>> No.7657879

That sucks but it's not your fault OP, if you just have a receding hairline I'm sure there are styles that can conceal it, although if your plight is rather obvious I wouldn't advise.

Some attractive men manage to look good despite their obvious balding, such as Jason Statham and Jude Law.

If you don't think you can pull off any of the haircuts that allow you to keep your hair you should probably shave it and go with dignity. Best of luck if you have a baby face like I do.

>> No.7657887

It's not all that bad, and I think its even better than Johnny Depp right here, but still..

>> No.7657900

Killing yourself is the only option.

>> No.7657908


>> No.7658264

Buzz hair. Grow goatee. Work out.

You can transcend fashion if you just look hard as fuck.

>> No.7659471

18 here, my hair line isnt too bad but im receding a little. Once it looks obvious enough, shave that shit.

Once it looks bad enough go bald & embrace that shit instead of holding on for dear life, or get a mohawk m8

>> No.7659527
File: 67 KB, 591x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.
Also 19, horribly enough

>> No.7659601
File: 20 KB, 500x376, 1390515550772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit thats whats happening to me.

I have long manbun hair and I make the front like this to cover the balding spot a bit then bun the rest.

I want to have short hair again but I hate the balding D:

>> No.7659639

and another thing. thes rest of my hair is really thick otherwise :(

>> No.7659650
File: 113 KB, 500x750, 1370375035337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God im worried i will bald soon

my grandpa on my mothers side went bald at like 30 so im probably fucked

i have really nice thick hair also

>> No.7659660

What hair products do people with hair like this use?

>> No.7659665

Embrace it. Or be black like me and just pull it off.

>> No.7659696

what is more pathetic than going bald is trying to conceal it

just face your genes and pull a statham

>> No.7660275

ur fucked kid
ur fucked

>> No.7661520

blow dry, maybe some forming cream

>> No.7661532

I'm 22 and my hair is falling out due to my depression, should I kill myself?

>> No.7661543

he's like in his 50's and going out with the hottest girl alive
so jelly

>> No.7661546


To be fair, my Grandfather on my mothers side is well into his seventies and still has a luxurious head of hair. Every male on my mothers side is.

My father is balding and his father was bald as fuck and my hairline is pretty severe already at 19.

Its not just the 'mothers side' thing.

>> No.7661562

Not a single bald male in my family.
Thank you for making me realize how lucky I am.

>> No.7661565

Wtf does hair really fall out with depression?

Ive been suffering from depression and thats when i noticed my hairline receeding

>> No.7661579

Yeah, that is what my doctor told me. He said if my depression doesn't get better i'll be bald by 28.

Does hair re-thicken? ;_;

>> No.7661603

Not depression really but really it's stress. Try to enjoy life more.

>> No.7661621
File: 138 KB, 417x600, 1321646482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going bald?
go bald
not fuckin complicated
fucking hell i want my picture back but i'm not going to resave this shit and i can't delete the post now stupid fucking cross-linking

>> No.7661627

shave that shit
or consider suicide

>> No.7663114

I dunno man, I've been depressed for 20 years and still have 90% of the hair I had then.

>> No.7663164
File: 21 KB, 800x564, 1386986204556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old was he on pic related?

>> No.7663168

thanks for making me engage panic mode, OP. I haven't been treating my depression and my dad's balder than our nation's most beloved bird. I only look good with mid-length hair. Fuck.

>> No.7663633

Go to a stylist and have them fix you up. If you feel you can't do it, then shave it and start molding your confidence.

>> No.7663647

if you weren't dumb enough, you could just head to imdb and see his birthday and what year that movie was released

>> No.7663676

tfw been pretty depressed and stressed out for the last couple of years

My hair is less thick but I dunno if it's me going bald. My scalp is a tiny bit more noticeable but no-one seems to be able to tell when I ask them. At least it gives me motivation to be happy.

>> No.7663688

>start molding your confidence

>> No.7663707

Yea thinking of doing this. Like another anon, I notice my hairline receding and hair thinning due to stress and depression (been having them for five years now).

Shit sux but whatever.

>> No.7665696

Stop worrying about it.

I've gone through that shit and am having no problems.

>qt gf has complex about girls liking me
>7/10 I work with has a mondo crush
>catch girls mirlin all the time
>9/10 has been coming into work and making eyes at me consistently for the last few days

Bein bald ain't a thing