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/fa/ - Fashion

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7651567 No.7651567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay got this shitty hoodie from a friend for Christmas and she's hinting that she's hurt that I never wear it. What could I possibly do to make this thing more /fa/?

Also general DIY thread

>> No.7651584

Just wear it occasionally when you're with her. Not all the time or you're retarded.
Don't wear it the very next time you see her or she'll think you're just doing it to make her feel good.
So where it the next after that.

>> No.7651580

cut off the sleeves

>> No.7651590

It's karmaloop-tier but it's good. Damn, you are black, 95% of clothing looks good on you. Throw on some skinnies and vans for that slacker look.

>> No.7651660

Josh is that u

>> No.7651695

is it just me or would that look amazing with black super skinnies and white velcro hi's

>> No.7651698

like xavier wulf yo
this guy speaks the truth

>> No.7651720

If I ever saw you walking in my neighborhood at night, I would follow you, confront you, and then shoot you, claiming self defense in front of the cops.


>> No.7651849
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I feel like a draped look or some slight tearing could probably make it better but I wouldn't know where to start with that. It just looks too generic right now, everyone and their mom has
something like this

>> No.7651867

oversized on a skele white boi prob

>> No.7651872

Put it on, give her a kiss, and tell her do better.

>> No.7651874

Hi Curtis. How's Alisha and community service?

>> No.7651894 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 318x315, 1385886585006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers are authorized to post on /fa/

>> No.7651901

Hey, lets be open minded.

>Being African American.
>Having community service.
Nevermind, saged.

>> No.7651902

>Calling black people niggers
pick one m8

>> No.7651915
File: 131 KB, 500x374, X2X2cyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist pieces of shit authorized to post of /fa/

>> No.7651924

>not hating niggers

>> No.7651925

Isn't that the same hoodie from Walter Mitty?

>> No.7651946

Nay, the Walter Middy hoody was a drug-rug poncho thingy.

>> No.7651950

fuck off

>> No.7651953

>Not wishing you were black

>> No.7651954

So no recommendations guys?

>> No.7651960

dude, what do you want us to say. it's ugly. if you were white you may be able to make it work if you went hedi-core but its just fucking ugly. be unfa for a day its not going to kill you. and for gods sake please shave that mustache

>> No.7651974

Oh shit i didn't even think it was that noticeable. Every time i shave that area no hair ever comes off but it seems to always look like its there

>> No.7651984

I think it looks better on black person tbh.

But yeah, I think this anon>>7651695 had it right, you won't be the ultimate /fa/ master but you'll look p. cool.

>> No.7651988

This only looks good on a darkie. Ignore this fag OP. You look decent, it doesn't look terrible but follow what>>7651695 is saying

>> No.7651987

just you. that would look like shit.

>> No.7651986

It honestly doesn't look that bad.
Just wear it on lazy days.
Days you don't feel like trying or all your clothes are in the wash or some shit.

>> No.7651993

The only thing I can think of is altering it by cutting the sleeves and doing some comfy layering. Maybe even cutting the middle open and sewing on buttons + making holes.

But I don't know much about altering clothes, not sure how that would turn out.

>> No.7652012

cut the sleeves off

>> No.7652009



Ignore these faggots OP. The hoodie isn't that bad at all. Looks like it fits well. If you really dont like it then Im sure you can find ways to wear it with her but not in public

>> No.7652025

I actually like that hoodie a lot. You pull it off pretty well with the sleeves rolled and unrolled. As another anon said, it would go well with a relaxed look, and probably some beat up vans

>> No.7652053

What length should i cut the sleeves?

>> No.7652064

Kek, what a black ass nignog.

>> No.7652081
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Is high school out already?

>> No.7652095

you must be new here
we have lots of regular black posters who never get shit

>> No.7652476


>> No.7652488

So much fucking edgy in this thread.

Go back to /b/ you wastes of life.

>> No.7652878

I was saying it looked good on him specifically because it was dark you tumblrite.

>> No.7652938

Wear it under a neutral sweater so the pattern still shows but doesn't dominate your whole body. Wacky prints like that can look good in the smallest of doses, imho

>> No.7652968

No fashion sense here because I think it looks good on you. But would not wear it myself, I don't think a white guy could pull it off unless he was just chilling at the beach on a cool morning or afternoon.

>> No.7653007

>not watching misfits

>> No.7653016

I wouldn't cut the sleeves but I think wearing w/ black skinnies is a good idea
ngl the pattern is quite dated but it looks good on you

>> No.7653208

probs just helly of his massive blackcock heyoo

>> No.7653224

I'm not saying this because you're black but dude you look like a fag.

>> No.7653252

faggot is pretty offensive as well, if you're going to get one right get them both right

>> No.7653402
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Cut doesn't look that back actually. What should I do to these floppy hood labias? Also I'm very hesitant to cut down the middle and fuck everything up. I want the neck draped though

>> No.7653431
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if it was more baggy i reckon you could rock that shit with a very worn in and beaten up fit

>> No.7653438
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Perhaps I could make some holes and do a hockey jersey style lace up with the strings? Or does the fabric seem too thin for that?

>> No.7653460
File: 249 KB, 650x350, 1390425653423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this seems easy enough

>> No.7653746
File: 243 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok pretty happy with this right now, I just gotta sew the interior later. anyone have any idea for a hood? Also, should I make a faux pocket with the leftover fabric or another one?

>> No.7653762

just get some extra laces and use those instead of ur hood laces

make hidden pocket with extra fabric

>> No.7653792

i actually dig this

at least compared to the original

>> No.7653797

This is ten times better than the original. Good work, dude.

>> No.7653839

damn nice job

>> No.7653851
File: 269 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks very much it's my first time. These white laces are all I can find right now but I'll look around for a better suites color

>> No.7653857

good job
mirin hair btw

>> No.7653868

if you're gonna do it with diffrent string than the hoodie string you should pull the hoodie string out

>> No.7653872

shit really? damn good job then


i like it better with the original string tho

>> No.7653886

yeah just use the hoodie string

>> No.7653936

Yeah def going back to the hoodie string

>> No.7654590

Post results?

>> No.7654803

Im going to get someone to help me with the pocket tomorrow. If the threads still up ill post. It should be though

>> No.7654938

Dat shit is fuckin fire now. Sleeve cut was crucial.

>> No.7656527

cut the hood and make a front pocket from the material, but dye it first so it is the same pattern but in a different color.

>> No.7656546

cut it up and use it as a poncho

>> No.7656558

>mfw i just realized 90% of /fa/ are filthy niggers

i like you you link to /b/
what's wrong niggers, did you get kicked out of that board or something lel

>> No.7656612

if it makes you feel better, she got it at Pac Sun for like $20.

you do have to be "sensitive" to her feelings though, because in this situation it involves her money.
and when her money equals your gain, you are winning.

so wear it when you go to see her, but nothing very public.
tell her
"i'm just making sure it doesn't get worn out"
"i'm saving it for a special occasion" etc
but on the nights when it's just you and her, wear that shit like crazy.

but make sure you show her stuff you actually like, with info on how to get it.

so next time she buys you that and not Zumies shit.

>> No.7656626

/pol/ pls go

>> No.7656968
File: 250 KB, 1634x2308, 179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, too many nigga sleepin on this reference in this thead.

>> No.7656986

nah no one with any self respect goes to that place lol

>> No.7657133

>back to /b/

>> No.7657152

Does every thread featuring a black person get easily railroaded by people spouting nigger?

>> No.7657159

you look like black walter mitty dude

>> No.7657185


>> No.7657781
File: 2.37 MB, 2000x1500, rack1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is this still a general diy-thread?

>> No.7657784
File: 2.08 MB, 2000x1500, rack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7657789

If I take a patch and my polyester uniqlo bomber to my local tailor, will he be able to sew it on?

>> No.7657790
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>> No.7657805
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x1500, rack4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I only need two woodplanks to put shoes and stuff on.
Couldn't find good ones yet, tho..

>> No.7657809

sound sick

>> No.7657815

Honestly the biggest problem here is that thing sticking out of the neck hole.

>> No.7657830
File: 2.29 MB, 2000x1500, loldude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7657839

the fuck is going on here

>> No.7657850

fantastic job anon

>> No.7657905

that's fuckin sweet bro
like damn what an improvement
someone on /fa/ who actually does shit well wow

>> No.7657919

damn wtf man it looks so cool now, you did an awesome job gj

>> No.7657920

this is actually cool

>> No.7657933
File: 33 KB, 523x480, 1390417982759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this came out really good! you should stain some wooden planks and mount them on the bottom as like a shoe rack of sorts

>> No.7657939

How much did that piping cost ya? I'll have my own place this summer and i want to make one of these

>> No.7657967

Thank you, aswell. I'm planing to do that. See:>>7657830
Around 100€.
I still have 2 long and several short pipes leftover due to some miscalculations.
A diy tutorial form 2011 says 71$ tho.

>> No.7658010

Not too bad. Is it sturdy enough to hold an entire wardobe's worth?

>> No.7658011


>> No.7658049

If you use the same pipes i used and screw the parts well together, you will have no problems.
With thiner copper pipes it would be a problem I believe.
I can't try it out yet. I first have to move it to the place where my wardrobe is.

>> No.7658061

Am I the only one who understands that this is a misfits reference? It made me laugh anyway