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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 97 KB, 425x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7640873 No.7640873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

requesting pics of all of lelders fits in existence. please post ones you have. specifically looking for wallabee + nike Air Force ones.

pic cool but unrelated

>> No.7640906
File: 314 KB, 340x559, PjY3xIg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i dig that fit

are those Our Legacy shorts?

wish i had some of the fits from the lelders jap streetwear era heh

>> No.7640963

yeah, they're long but look sweet rolled up

>> No.7640981

why u hype ol so hard damn
and im sure hit fits are up on his tumblr

>> No.7640988
File: 211 KB, 1200x1800, our-legacy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perhaps they're supposed to be worn high-waisted, like this?


i dunno man it just resonates with me. easily my favorite brand. i'm glad that you noticed

>> No.7640996


btw, you can find a bunch of older ones this way

>> No.7641092

>rolling up sleeves And cuffing jeans

I didn't see it before but god damn it looks awful

>> No.7641285


>> No.7641293


here you go, then





>> No.7642854
File: 698 KB, 573x1503, 13 auguest_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill treat ya ya talkin to the dude whos got ALL the pics : )

>> No.7642868


hey matt wats up

>> No.7642869


who is this guy? is this the lelders trip? isn't he yung lean? why does he post on 4chan

>> No.7642873

looks like hes wearin the oi polloi walabees ive got

theyre the nicest shoes ever, man, no joke this elk skin shit is crazy soft i wear them with pyjamas like boz theyre velevet slippers

>> No.7642883
File: 452 KB, 2000x480, 8 nov_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took lsd im strill trippin, had the craziest trip ever craziest visuals about an hour ago

>> No.7642890


did u see my willyh in ur sister

>> No.7642900

just out of interest, this isnt remotely snarky but are you serious

it sounds like im being adick because its just text but im not im honestly just curious if you thought i was really lung lean ive seen like 5 peopel before on /fa/ say they thought i was yung lean and it never occured to me they might not be taking the piss

>> No.7642911

i want matt to return to days of sobriety and try hardness

>> No.7642917

what do you mean? is this yung lean im talking to?

>> No.7642916
File: 258 KB, 390x654, 11th september_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dude i lost my magnifying glass
lol look at this pic i just found

>> No.7642935
File: 292 KB, 487x777, 20th august.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i remember trying taking this pic and trying this on thinking it looked cool and trying to think of cool outfits at like 1 am because i was starting school the next day (2nd year of college i mena)

>> No.7642941


y u doin so many drugs m8 im worryin here

>> No.7642947

matt if i speak to you on skype can u tell me how to buy weed on silk road

>> No.7642949

honestly dont worry, think about it, i only do psys and weed, they wont do no harm

>> No.7642952


w2c sweater matt?

>> No.7642974

is this yung lean? yes or no?

pls respond

>> No.7642988

dang my man thats actually a primark striped long sleeved t shirt my mum got me on the way back from work way back
i had started reading gq mainy cause my mum would buy it me when she bought magazines or something and i saw this dude with a blazer and striped t shiort like that and white trainers and i wanted to copy it really bad but couldnt do it i was too fat that guy was a model

this is before i posted on /fa/ / right whern i got into /fa/, like just after i been on it so had an interest in fashion but it was early, GQ core stuff MFA stuff wanting to look many and gentlemanly, this being february or so of 2012

no im not yung lean

>> No.7643006

you are the best dude on fa

for real

>> No.7643025
File: 663 KB, 1933x486, 4 september 2012_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the fit i wore on the first day though i think

>> No.7643048


remember when u said u got a blowjob

Lol that was funny

>> No.7643061

have you done any sexual acts with girls matty?

>> No.7643078
File: 61 KB, 480x960, 1367296560810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no im not yung lean

>> No.7643084
File: 461 KB, 1286x484, 1st september12_00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i wore on the first friday of the school year last year i took the friday off coz i went to look round this university with my dad it was in wales i forgot the name that was back when i wanted to do motion graphics at university they showed us some vids someone made of a dinoaur smashing up the uniserity in 3ds max and after effects

i was a dab hand at after effects (still am really( i used to sit for hours like maybe 7-8 hours straihgt every friday/saturday and then for a few hours in the weeks and make motion graphics and edit call of duty 4 omntages

before i got into /fa/ i used to spend all my internet time on youtube as a guy who made call of dudy 4 edits, back in the day like 2010-11 there was a whole community of us who lived and breathed editing cod 4, i had a closeknit group and we would talk all day mainly about editing and call of duty 4

my biggest ahievement was getting an edit of mine put on hazard cinema and also doing an edit for ps3comedy who were two really big channels who posted cod edits, some of the biggest around bar top notch multimedia

>> No.7643089

>asking Matt "hymen buster" Helders if he's had sexual acts

what kind of retard are you?

>> No.7643094

w2c shoes

>> No.7643110

damn man

post some of your shit :)

did you just edit fotage, or did you also have to play cod 4 (lol) and then edit it?

>> No.7643139
File: 279 KB, 497x376, 1390273947159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



theyre my two old channels

ignore the meme shit or w/e i think there might be some i cant remember this was back when i first started going on 4chan like just /b/ and /mu/ and that i was dead cool because i went there

i remember going on /mu/ properly for the first time and seeing all the tripfags and being like damn i want to be a tripfag so i came up with matt helders on the spot idk why and photoshopped a folder of around 30 pictures of matt helders with captions like this pic related

did that all in one day cause i wanted to be a cool tripfag or something

lol i was just looking through all these pics (from july 2011) lol all stupid meme jokes lol, look at this one (dated huh?)

>> No.7643191

lolol that story and those videos made my day

but i dont understand

you just took other peoples cod videos and then edited them?

>> No.7643200


lol at editing public match 2-3 pieces

>> No.7643210


this video is so rich with memories of me a few years ago, took up such a huge part of my life making this

watching all my old edits is really weird because of that, shoot me right back

that one was kinda my best, not technically but had the coolest vibes

those videos really are a part of me and all the edits represent days of me sat all night making them for hours at a time just making shit up and editing

i got paid 25 dollats by the guy who recorded those clips to edit it

i really wasnt feeling it, i remember not wanting to do it and just hating it and being bored, whereas i could sit and edit cod 4 for hours and hours and hours on end

watching this now makes me feel so nostalgic man, FUCK i watched that video ATLEAST 20 times, same for many other edits - all of joehans0mes stuff pretty much, ebonix, simplyreed (he was also my bro)

jesus i started watching she looked 16 by katha, that has so many memories, like i remember my friend showed it me and it was what made me want to edit cod

its so fucking bad ass i mean like totally honestly and seriously, cod edits like that and just edits in general are honestly an art form of themselves

not my clips, and do answer the other dude, i rarely used my own clips i onyl had an easycap (not hd) so i used other peoples HD clips

>> No.7643211





>> No.7643216

yeah lol i used to like to do prank calls

most of them were call of duty/editing related

anyone who liked cod 4 and mw2 might like the nike id one

>> No.7643233

duuuuuude i wasted so much of my life on cod4

i shouldnt say wasted cause that game was the shit

brings me back du B^)

>> No.7643237


do more prank calls

phone some manchester hookers/escorts

>> No.7643254

i rememeber downloading loads ofo katha and joehandsome edits and going through them literally frame by frame in after effects appreciating the amazing editing and trying to learn

>> No.7643267

haha nice

hows life matt?
what have you been up to?

>> No.7643264

yeah ok man hit me up on skype

>> No.7643269

holy fuck dude u made fragmovies??

tthats so unexpected, i used to watch tf2/quake fragmovies for hours in hs

>> No.7643280

well fragmovies is just pc, to my coming from console world of editing we felt inferiour to the pc editors who made 'frag movies' with high fps so they could do really good slow motionm and us, the console editors who made 'edits' not fragmovies

but yeah lol

it was basically the space inmy life now filled with /fa/ anf 4chan

>> No.7643298
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 02_m3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothign really much i just hang around i work in a charity shop twice a week ive been playing a lto of gta v recentrly just driving round in a pimped out car like a karin suiltan or that bmw one that looks like an m3, all black with a spoiler speakin of which i just rememebered i have this picture saved on my deskop

m3s are the sickest

>> No.7643317
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1200, bmw m3 e3 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude

>> No.7643319

Historian had an entire folder but he's gone

>> No.7643334

oh i was wondering y u were using that term lol

they're still cool af tho, i wish i had done shit like that

>> No.7643341

i used to think 24fps was cool thought it was cooler than using 30fps on youtube

24fps is waht figr and katha and ebonix etc use cause they thought they were film makers making cod edits

and they were im not saying they werent they were definitely artists its just funny to reminisce aboiut now im not part of that world (whcih was all i was, i was a zombie at school and i hated it and would edit all day when i got home lol)

>> No.7643366


straight up this went above the judges heads, im not joking, it didnt even place and whilst there were some good editors in that editing contest i made that for (like kidswissy) mine should hjave placed

i didnt make flashy stupid soulless optical flares edits so some people didnt like my edits, but some people thought i was one of the best around and they were usually very good editors themselves and could appreciate it

>> No.7643375


what the fuck are you doing fag

>> No.7643384


kathas fms are cool but you cant even see the proper frag, nigga only cares about his edition

>> No.7643395

man the fyucking colour correction on the clip on headquarters is the dopest

notice the subtleties, the motion tracked mask layer and the flare on the rpg

yeah honestly i didnt care about watching the clips, in something like kathas stuff they are trivial to me compared to the edit its self

>> No.7644273

>i dunno man it just resonates with me

Man I'm happy for you Butts

A favorite brand is nice to have

>> No.7644275

matt whats ur skype

>> No.7644280

>no dude i lost my magnifying glass

>> No.7644288


>> No.7644707

this thread is beautifuul

>> No.7644732

You got a good provider in Stockholm m8?

>> No.7646072

chilldude372 dude add me im always down to talk and if im not i just wont reply

no i dont live in stockholm
oh wait you mean caose of yung lean lol... i guess he gets all the drugs he wants

lol i woke up at 4pm when my sister knocked on the door coming home from school

>> No.7646086

i dont think so im reading it over and i dont think its ringing any bells

also i must have been wrong about takign that the day before school cause it says 20th augusrt