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/fa/ - Fashion

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7639132 No.7639132 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7639135

i'm abstaining from voting but my money is on trunks

>> No.7639136


>> No.7639151


>> No.7639152

maybe have an actual ip-based poll so samefagging is harder?

>> No.7639153

absolutely trunks

>> No.7639154


>> No.7639157

voting for op for starting shit threads like this one

>> No.7639164

Op is up there, also trunks isn't that bad

>> No.7639168

oh yes he is

>> No.7639176

trunks or sieg
id go for trunks

>> No.7639169


>> No.7639173


>> No.7639182

he dress like an autist cancer victim wearing a final fantasy costume

>> No.7639185

Sieg is the most obnoxious by far. How is this even a question?

>> No.7639191

Have you seen what sieg looks like?

>> No.7639198

Natalie P, also asokone, they are retarded.

>> No.7639194

op this is unfair
ppl will just vote 4 trunks because of being hilarious meme hounds
objectively there are far worse posters but most of them use anonymous ids

>> No.7639202

he might fat and ugly but at least he doesnt dress ridiculous and tryhard like trunks

>> No.7639206
File: 1.87 MB, 400x227, 1378105456270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres nothing wrong with trunks or sieg. they've both given me honest advice on this board, only seem to act like douchebags is when some faceless anon cowardly insults them behind a computer screen. They at least have the balls to own up and take responsibility for the things they say here by tripping, trunks even posts his fucking face and fits all the time, as ugly as they are, which is a lot more then 95% of you fuckers do. And they NEVER ever make off topic shitposts afaik, at least not while tripping. The real cancer are the tards with irrational hatred for tripfags and bitch out at them every time they see them post and derail threads, some loser insecure stigmata they picked up from /v/ I'm sure.

>> No.7639212

trunks isnt a fucking meme, he truly dress like crap and gives terrible advice

>> No.7639213

btw where is SQUIDS
I miss him and his yellow teeth

>> No.7639208


very lame, unfunny, no fits

>> No.7639215

alright gay. calm down.

>> No.7639219


>> No.7639228
File: 91 KB, 1201x362, trip hating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, OP

>> No.7639231

>NEVER ever make off topic shitposts
hey guys look at what i copped on ebay

>> No.7639232


>> No.7639237

so we have some samefag butthurt cunt with a underage mentality thinking spamming will get people to hate his enemy
please educate yourself

>> No.7639249

check the id #s bby :^)

>> No.7639248

Nominate people ITT and i'll make a poll

So far:
- trunks/bp
- asokone
- abo thug/samson
- sieg heil
- OP

>> No.7639257

lol and now apparently he's a /b/tard
this is hilarious

>> No.7639255


>> No.7639263


I disagree about sieg...

But yeh trunks is OK

>> No.7639261

someone make a strawpoll instead it would be much simplier

>> No.7639276

not any single dude but the ones who shitpost and talk about feels or talk shit in waywt without posting fits

the dudes who have been here for years and still want to cop more H&M and Zara

>> No.7639311


>> No.7639316

nothing wrong with copping some zara tees or H&M sweats/hoodies from time to time

>> No.7639328

I had extra spots

>> No.7639323


lol some of these people are mad inactive. Does anyone here even know who slater fucking is?

>> No.7639326

I like all of those except im indifferent to Sieg and OP.
So my votes on OP I guess

>> No.7639331

based trunks, definitely

>> No.7639340


>> No.7639341

shit i forgot dr mario/starfucks

if you hate him say it in a reply

>> No.7639364

why are ppl still bitching about sieg, his trip leaked a few days ago

and some ppl are saying it was made public years ago...

>> No.7639366

delete this and make one with the pool as the OP

>> No.7639390

Oi, i didn't even make it to the list.

>> No.7639397

This Anonymous faggot posts the most retarted shit in EVERY THREAD,and it's not even /fa/ it's every fujing board on 4chan.
Like fuck off already.

>> No.7639410

that is true, the part about siegs trip being made public years ago

>> No.7639416

>his trip leaked a few days ago
>days ago
his trip has been leaked for a VERY long time fascist's as well iirc

super obvious when some fuccboi tries to imitate them though since both posters have a very specific typing style

>> No.7639419

definitely sieg heil

>> No.7639423

klopt, jij staat op de autisten lijst

>> No.7639435

>The real cancer are the tards with irrational hatred for tripfags and bitch out at them every time they see them post and derail threads, some loser insecure stigmata they picked up from /v/ I'm sure

This nig is correct

>> No.7639445

ooooh snap, haha weak shit. Gj bb.

>> No.7639446

You niggers forgot denim dan and hungry skeleton in white shirt and shorts

>> No.7639450
File: 23 KB, 464x175, troof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7639460

that was just his samefag damage control m8

>> No.7639461

couldn't have taken him more than 5sec to type those two comments esp since he has a 4chan account

You on the other hand too screenies to try and slander uuuuhhhh's good name

>> No.7639481

it still speaks truth idc if it was bin laden making the comments
r u reverse trolling? gj

>> No.7639560

Asokone, fuckin idiot.

>> No.7639566

he was saying it for the purpose of covering his ass

it was like bin laden saying that having a harem "wasn't so bad" and that we should "chill out"

>> No.7639569

post a fit you sad samefagging cunt

>> No.7639576

>And they NEVER ever make off topic shitposts afaik

>> No.7639588

>case will never repost his edits of all the tripfags with alexa's O-Face with her dildo in her mouth photoshopped onto them

>> No.7639596


>> No.7640140


>> No.7640684

what happened to sieg? i havent seen him post in time

>> No.7640700

That lame nigga Azetx

>> No.7640738


I was looking thru some older folders on my HDD and found that alekzia nude compilation.pic, nostalgia kicked in hard


>> No.7641583

i agree lol.
this whole anti-tripfag thing is fucking stupid. i could be contributing and some frothing nerd will just derail the thread and say "HU THE FUCK R U WHY R U TRIPPING"
this culture is disgusting. these are probably the same people that make "is my dog /fa/??" threads

>> No.7641599

Trunks, even tho' he did make me laugh few times.

>> No.7641602

case/comfy skeleton

and le poet :^))))

>> No.7641610

poet and natty, 2 of the most pretentious shitheads ever to grace this board.

abo thug is too new to be relevant

>> No.7641613 [DELETED] 

accepting requests for trips
ask your words

>> No.7641620

>implying abo thug isn't just an elaborate practical joke being played on /fa/

>> No.7641621 [DELETED] 

no longer than 4 letters

>> No.7641624

Based Tinny

>> No.7641636

sieg recently, but trunks overall

>> No.7641651

Denim Dan takes the cake when it comes to shit trips.

>> No.7641658 [DELETED] 


>> No.7641661

just go into notepad and scramble letters
i want to trip so i can have a cool orig name but i don't want to be arrogant/self-important yknow

>> No.7641670


>> No.7641679


>> No.7641690


>> No.7641700


>> No.7641707

poet for being a pretentious unintentional shitposter
tinfoil for not knowing anything
starfucks/dr. mario for never talking about fashion and instead bragging about how many girls he's slayed

best/most funny trips are probably trunks and sieg

>> No.7641732

Definitely lemons. Hes a bum nigga

>> No.7641898

then it deserves being on the shitlist for not being funny.

>> No.7641937

obviously me

>> No.7641951

Shitty trips:

Trips I dislike but don't hate:
Denim Dan
Twerk it
Cassie, he's a mixed bag though, sometimes his posts make me laugh sometimes i hit them.

R.i.p. in piece ;_;:

>> No.7642043

matt helders when he was fat and 15

>> No.7642068


>> No.7642070

hahaha this
he's a total bro these days 8)
used to truly be a piece of shit
like uuuuhhhh 5 months back x10

>> No.7642072

Only you care enough to dislike you

>> No.7642078

not sure who's the worst, but mike was definitely the best

>> No.7642079


>> No.7642081

Trunks or Sieg.

They both post like /pol/'s who shaved off the neckbeard and lost weight. That and Trunks is a fucking diva. He's like the Big Sean of /fa/

>> No.7642141

It can only be trunks. that and he's a complete fuccnigga

>> No.7642155
File: 46 KB, 400x533, trunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7642183
File: 176 KB, 720x540, BASEDFAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy
i forget his name though
is it trunks?

>> No.7642197

i have achieved memehood

bow down to your new god

>> No.7642216

trunks his fits are aweful but he acts like the shit

>> No.7642226

eat an anal cyst trunks. also voting for trunks as the worst can't even into fits

>> No.7642232

Shit poll. Here's a better one.

>> No.7642235

post a fit

>> No.7642239

ctrl+f trunks 37 results a good start all daddy's money and he still can't dress

>> No.7642249

anyone who has ever talked shit and not posted a fit should just leave right now.

>> No.7642264

Your argument is retarded. Do you think movie critics should lose their jobs because they've never directed before?

>> No.7642293

are you capable of thought? Movie critics don't just talk shit, they give their opinions on something and then attempt to establish an argument that supports their opinion through reasoning. Most of you guys are too unintelligent/unknowledgeable about fashion and aesthetics to critically evaluate a fit. You just say "Lmao u look like a dumb nigger ghost".

>> No.7642337

That's because we're not here to spoonfeed people and tell them everything that's wrong with every god damn fit. Fuck on out of here, moron. "Talk shit post fit" was just a humorous homage to "talk shit get hit".

>> No.7642356

>That's because we wear nothing but levis and sk8 his and our mom's won't let us borrow the camera

fixed u little bitch

>> No.7642374

Did that sound clever to you?

>> No.7642424

Myfeels when I didn,t see poet for a while online, Where did he go?

>> No.7642453

who cares about op's autistic analpain
actually let's vote who the biggest shitstain of an anonymous is
i nominate
kpop TOP shitposter
the troll that keeps posting his blatant bs greentext stories and kiko/gosling reaction images
the troll that renames pics (lol how autistic can you get) off google, styleforum, etc and posts in waywt threads

>> No.7643065

you seem angry there, trunks

>> No.7643727

you seem mad someone else thinks you're a bitch OP.
because you are.
you truly are
call samefag all you want
but you know deep down you're a bitch
bitch niggah

>> No.7643732

You seem to think OP is the only one in this thread. And you seem mad.

inb4 I am OP as well

>> No.7643738

all of them because there all new fags

>> No.7643750

sieg or nat

>> No.7643749


>> No.7643757

every trip on this board is a bro
even dr mario, even though he doesnt know anything about fashion

>> No.7643895

we've had more of these threads in the last week than Fashion week threads.


>> No.7643906


Fucking this

>> No.7643904


>> No.7643915

sieg is hilarious

>> No.7643991

nah its def the sky ferreira dude

i was ambiv about her before but now i cant stand her dumb blockheaded fucking face fucking downs looking 5'2 fucking dwarf walking for hedi thinking shes a fucking model naaaah bruh naaaaaaaah