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File: 38 KB, 659x373, 1375760454336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7620852 No.7620852 [Reply] [Original]

>people arguing you pay for quality for cp.'s
>buttero has better quality leather and is way cheaper
>implying you don't pay 35% pseudo high fashion tax

>> No.7620853

the samba's made out of kangaroo leather have way better leather than cp's and they are $80

>> No.7620876

Why would I buy some ice skates?

>> No.7620889
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>> No.7620898

Just looked at Buttero.
Pretty damn nice...

>> No.7620918

THese are nice but the off white sole isn't as nicer as the cp

>> No.7620920

Why do you say that butt's leather is superior?
By what standard do you rank leather?
As I see it they are just different. At least I know that butt's leather is some kind of vegetable tanned stuff, but since I don't know what kind it is, nor what kind specifically cp uses in their chrome tanned leather, I withhold from making basesless absolute qualitative judgements about either like some kind of faggot.
Different leather, different properties: one sneaker is stiff and requires wearing in and looks imo better than the other when all worn and beat, and the other is comfy straight away but imo doesn't look as good when worn in. Different tastes prefer different looks.

They'll both most likely last as long as each other anyway, both using the same exact kind of sole and both ultimately being disposable, unresoleable sneakers and all.

>> No.7620926

they dont even look like cps.
i cant imagine why anyone who likes the cp aesthethic would buy butteros.
sure, if you like them better, buy them.

>> No.7620935

buttero are only like £20 cheaper and i think they look comparatively ugly to CPs

>> No.7620937

>They'll both most likely last as long as each other anyway, both using the same exact kind of sole and both ultimately being disposable, unresoleable sneakers and all.

I'll just add that this being the case it makes more sense for the economically challenged to purchase the cheaper alternative, but there's no accounting for taste and people will want what people will want - whether it's a good idea or not in their circumstance is another matter andup to them.

If buttero's slightly more rustic look is too unrefined for you then national standards edition 3's provide a similar look to cps but for a lesser price; same sole, probably same construction quality.

Buy what you want; it's your fucking money.

>> No.7620942

I wonder how the Acne Adrians hold up quality wise.

A bit cleaner, not feeling the detailing on the Buttero's. They look kinda dated.

>> No.7620947
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Forgot pic.

>> No.7620953
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I prefer these, too bad you can't find them anywhere

>> No.7620956

They're closer to cps than to buttero, but since no one actually owns any and just buys cps instead I guess we'll never know. Lanvins are another thing altogether, and are flashier than all.

>> No.7620954

the quality is nice, but i dont like the way the leather creases. it completely ruins the clean look while creased cps dont look substantially worse than brand new cps.
thats just something you have to get used to i guess, i dont even think anyone besides me will notice the creasing on my sneakers lol.
same for saint laurent sneakers, the leather makes creases look awkward

>> No.7620960


Mm, yah i feel ya. Especially the slimane ones, feel kinda thin and the sole is too slim for my liking.

>> No.7620959

lanvins are on par with saint laurent when it comes to "dressy" sneakers

>> No.7620968

National Standards 3's are clean...

>> No.7621038
File: 414 KB, 1535x945, Buttero parts 1 - 14 oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttero are cool,
the leather on some of their models are absolutely amazing and the very simple construction is cool too.

I have not owned achilles, adrians or buttero, but from checking them out in stores the construction feels off and leather feels cheaper on the adrians compared to the other, the strenghtened sole is nice though.

the leather treatment on adrians is very different to regular achilles and butteros so imo it is kinda dumb to compare the leather.

but yeah would be cool if like magnetess could post some detailed photos of his adrians so we can see how they age.

>> No.7621047
File: 362 KB, 1600x1067, buttero_sneakers_detail_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the suede on these ones, looks so damn nice.

>> No.7621051
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>> No.7621073

I was tempted by Buttero for a while but they kina look less comfortable than CPs plus I dig the sleek modern look over the heritage look.

I ended up getting some used CPs and I'm happy with them although it would be nice to check out some Butteros in a store at some point.

>> No.7621077
File: 841 KB, 1292x953, nationalstandarded3noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are "anthracite", which is a carbon grey I guess and white.
White looks odd to me.

I prefer then straight captoe look of National Standard's to CP's. I like Lanvin's, but their captoe has that tacky looking patent leather and the glossy patent piping too that just scream "LOOK AT MY SNAZZY SNEAKERS!!!!1".

These are clean, and don't cost as much as CPs (yet).

>> No.7621094

>I was tempted by Buttero for a while but they kina look less comfortable than CPs plus I dig the sleek modern look over the heritage look.

This is pretty much the distinction, and CPs are def more comfortable, at least at first; I wouldn't know how comfortable the Tanino's are once the stiffer leather has worn in.

I think Buttero's are more of a spring-autumn look shoe, and that the tans and browns look better than the black and perhaps the white too, but I've never seen the white in person so I can't really say. The tan color is def much better looking when it darkens over time, and perhaps treating the leather would accelerate that process.

CPs are like an all year kinda thing, screw their other colors though, just black, white and black/white.

Fuck the hassle of suede in all shoes.

>> No.7621112

where sum good online stores for aus for butteros

end. only got 5 styles they ok but meh

>> No.7621118

ya but they dotn look as good

>> No.7621144

next pair im gonna be saving up for i think

>> No.7621180

the captoe is the best part of the lanvins
it makes them look sorta oversized

>> No.7621281

It's a different look; cp's, acne's, natstands and even buttero's can blend into any fit.
The lanvin patent captoes aren't "minimalist", and aren't as versatile imo.

>> No.7621338
File: 632 KB, 1008x650, 9436404582_e4673550cb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about copping these. My only issue is that they are from 2002, lol.

>> No.7621501

yes, i was just saying i like thelanvins. they're sweet

>> No.7621539

they look pretty nice, are they dior?

>> No.7621541

helmut lang

>> No.7621550

topkek these all look the same might as well buy the shitty zara ones

>> No.7621569

>Not noticing the subtle yet obvious differences between all of them

Come on, if you put some Butteros and CPs next to eachother you could not honestly say that they look exactly alike.

I've handled the Zara ones, they're total shit.

>> No.7621598

if you want something cheap that'll last a year before throwing sure, get the zara ones.
if you can afford better why not buy better?

>> No.7621638

>look exactly alike
Do you just disregard all subtle detailing? Do vans plimsolls look exactly like CPs to you too? I think both of these sneakers look nice but damn, they're still very different from eachother.

>> No.7621658

Shit, that should read

*could you not honestly say that they look rather different?

Shit man, I just realised I typed that out all wrong. I don't even know what I was thinking then.

>> No.7621669

>implying you can resole any of these
if you're not living like a NEET you won't have these much longer than a year anyway, i've had to learn this the hard way.

>> No.7621692

u can restore sneaker soles
u can also just not drag ur feet like a neanderthal

>> No.7621696

>what is walking
you sure as shit can't resole cp's

>> No.7621720


I walk. A lot. Don't like driving, don't know why. I'm not good at it. Because of my awkward walk and my slightly different length legs my soles wear down way more on the one side than on the other, which is really devastating. What do?

>> No.7621733

work on your fucking posture idiot

>> No.7621943

actually retard that post doesn't imply that at all
it STATES that cp's et. al. will last longer than zara's pieces of crap

if you're going to use
then use it right, faggot

>> No.7622329

wow an extra 4 months for $250 more

>> No.7622336

not true, the quality is actually a lot better.
also the zara shoes look like shit, as do most cheap things

>> No.7622355

be that as it may a rubber sole is a rubber sole or are you paying for premium italian rubber

>> No.7622371


the soles are made in Italy and are thick as hell

while rubber is rubber, there's many ways to manufacture it

>> No.7622434

reaching for that apple, foxy?

whenever I hear these complaints I can only think of jelly poorfags that can only dream of the disposable income available to others and have to come up with rationalizations to make themselves feel better about their situations
fuck people buy whatever the fuck you want if you can

>> No.7622447

Apparently it's vulcanised rubber so that's pretty good

>> No.7622456

or, you know, people who have just found better priced alternatives

>> No.7622460

there are none that look the same

>> No.7622463

yeah most shoes use vulcanized rubber though

>> No.7622465

>u can also just not drag ur feet like a neanderthal
this pretty much, i've had vans last me 2+ years, don't really understand how you can wear through your soles in a year

>> No.7622467

How much should I pay for white achilles cps? I can get a pair brand new for $300. Should I cop?

>> No.7622468
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>> No.7622478

If you think it's worth it given your financial situation

>> No.7622486

its not bait.
theres kent wang, they look like shit.
then theres acne adrians, theyre about as expensive. thats it

>> No.7622501

did you even read the thread?

>> No.7622503
File: 409 KB, 739x572, trippingballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get some clean and simple looking sneakers
can't come to justify spending 200+ on them even though I have the money to buy them. Maybe it's my inner jew

>> No.7622507
File: 209 KB, 1024x683, 1389990492594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c cheap alternative to pic related

>> No.7622511

yes, all the sneakers in this thread are very different from cps

>> No.7622519


>> No.7622525

are you blind?
some have a very different silhouette, some use completely different materials, some have eyelets, most have weird stitching all over the place.
its all in the details. if you dont care about design that much and your priority is to get white sneakers, thats fine too

>> No.7622535

silhouette and materials mainly...

did you read the sticky?

captcha: material nFornmu

>> No.7622538


if anything, they look inspired by german army trainers

perhaps there's some adidas models out there that are similar but otherwise, not really

>> No.7622544
File: 28 KB, 500x375, 1378900759604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying so hard to justify buying overpriced sneakers

>> No.7622555

of course theyre overpriced, everything in fashion is overpriced. but you wont get something similar for less money, deal with it.
you dont have to buy them.

>> No.7622577

With regular use, you'll walk the sole off a pair of CPs or Butteros in a year anyway. It's not like you can resole these shoes.

>> No.7622593

this is untrue, i speak from experience

>> No.7622595


no you won't

>> No.7622623

So do I, but maybe "regular use" means something different for me than it does you. I regularly replace soles on boots and shoes and while the CPs are certainly nice (nicest damn tennis shoes I've owned), once they're done, they're done.

>> No.7622636

enjoy your vans pleb

>> No.7622644

>tripfag too stupid to figure out how to trip
thanks i bought 4 pairs for the price of your "patrician" shoe

>> No.7622654

>wont get something similar for less money
no, but you can buy the exact same labels from a thrift shop for a fraction of the price. paying retail is just moronic

>> No.7622659

get out of here macklemore i don't want somebodies sweaty smelly old shoes

>> No.7622676

>or, you know, people who have just found better priced alternatives
better priced for whom?

you just don't get it, do you?

>> No.7622699

>trying so hard to rationalize away the choices of others because no money to buy what he really wants

>> No.7622718

My cp sole are gonna last a while; they're part of a rotation.

You're an absolute fool if you wear the same pair of shoes day in day out all year, doesn't matter what kind they are.

If you're gonna wear your cp's or whatever as your ONLY pair of footwear then it would be prudent to ensure that you are of the sort that can afford a swift replacement when that time comes.

Pretty sure most people that are buying these things are able to do this; only a retard will buy what they can't afford and afford to lose.
Then again, this is /fa/

>> No.7622727

>thanks i bought 4 pairs
four pairs of what, m8?
i'd rather have one pair of decent sneaks to go with my other shoes and boots than 4 flimsy pieces of crap that will last about the same time as one

>implying quantity>quality

>> No.7622733

they aren't "way cheaper" than common projects

>> No.7622751

they were on all the recent online sales and shit

you missed out

even those horrid patent lanvins were going for a price that i'd consider worth it, and i think they go for much more than common pros

>> No.7622810

link for kangoroo leather sambas please

>> No.7622895

>they were way cheaper
>during sales
yeah okay dude

CPs go on sale too just not achilles low from what i've noticed. If they do go on sale it's not for much cheaper than retail

>> No.7622938

>CPs go on sale too just not achilles low from what i've noticed. If they do go on sale it's not for much cheaper than retail
or it's those fucking suede ones nobody

>> No.7622951

or it's any model other than the achilles

I have a pair of suede CPs the quality is nice, would cop again

>> No.7623616


>post national standard website to give someone an alternative
>next day everyone is posting them

I should have told them to give me a free pair for advertising for them. Or did you guys know about them before ?

Anyway I don't think the quality is meant to be quite as good as CPs, but it's good leather, made in the same factories as some of the biggest brands out there, with italian soles (the same as the one used for butteros I think). I think I'm gonna cop >>7621051 in white or grey, they look dope as hell.

I prefer these over the CPs actually, silhouette wise.

>> No.7623624

I knew about them from a while ago it's not like you were the first to discover them on /fa/ mange

>> No.7623634

They've been in the sticky since ever

>> No.7623645

okay cool. Just never saw them being discussed here, but then again not everyone reads the sticky, clearly.

>> No.7626950

>quality leather


>> No.7626987

Thanks for the informative post.

>> No.7627135

cp defense force found the thread

>> No.7627158

if a product is genuinely good it doesn't need a autistic defense force
only the unsure and insecure would rabidly defend a brand
tbh haven't seen as much of that blind devotion recently tho

>> No.7627649
File: 39 KB, 500x385, 1390065229237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to dye the sole of this beauty completly white? That would looks pretty awesome.

>> No.7627922

can't dye rubber like that
you could try painting it but it would fail

>> No.7627935

>those eyelets

common projects will always be the no. 1 minimalist sneaker. who knows, they might blow up massively and export their shit to china and stuff and they could be sold for nike prices in the future

>> No.7627987

remove the fugly eyelets and make sole match the leather and you're done.
The perfect and better substitute to cps were svenssons, not butteros.

>> No.7629182

kill it

>> No.7629237

>Shit man, I just realised I typed that out all wrong. I don't even know what I was thinking then.
it read pretty clearly to me
>Come on, if you put some Butteros and CPs next to eachother you could not honestly say that they look exactly alike.

"if you put them next to each other, you couldn't say they look alike"

idk wtf this guy read though

>> No.7630272

Reading and misreading

I don't even know man

>> No.7630300

~$100 dollars less is not "way" cheaper, with such a minor difference in price why would you not just buy a pair of CPs

>> No.7630322

what does cp stand for?

>> No.7630330

cheese pizza

>> No.7630337

>no this is Patrick!

top kek

>> No.7630351
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>how do I use google

>> No.7630360

Child pornography

>> No.7630361

child pornography
pedo shoes

>> No.7630370

meh they look ghetto

>> No.7630390


They are some of the least ghetto/hypebeast looking sneakers I have seen that still look good.

>> No.7630405
File: 168 KB, 280x363, 1390096751221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay I gotta keep it on point 100%

nah man they're dope af

>> No.7630416

why are you tripping when you don't even know what cps are?

what a fucking mug

>> No.7630426

he has social anxiety, he was getting so uncomfortable during his interview with charlamagne that they had to clip much of it out, I actually thought yeezus was pretty cool

ye gonna do ye and I hope he keeps it up, cause all these niggas callin him gay now and unauthentic just hatin ass niggas, I hope he don't break, cause I don't know how much more he can take

funny how the jews ain't phase niggas, kinda makes you wonder ey?

>> No.7630437

oh ok. never mind then

>> No.7630439

sometimes you just gotta be above it but when the whole world callin you a joke and yo bitch the only human bein sayin other wise and supporting you is a joke herself then ey, how much more can you take?

just look at that bound 2 vid man

his mind is getting fucked, he's cracking under his own hype and he's getting confused with his own identity now, he feel the need to reaffirm himself, but niggas aint' there for him anymore

>> No.7630448

whitest shit i have ever read

post a fit or shut the fuck up

>> No.7630471

I'm still rocking the white converses. Come at me /fa/. Come the fuck at me.

>> No.7630472

ey whatchu know about bein white, bird shit?

you fuckin faggot man

oh I forgot it's that time of the month

how much penis you average a day?

I bet you got something sticking out of your large butthole

>> No.7630475

Whatever floats your boat mate

>> No.7630482

That's aight dude you do your own thing.

>> No.7630495

stfu pussyole b4 man str8 bodies u innit u tink ur dat rhudeboi ting innit bruz
u step me in manz endz bruz i sware fuck around nd get a few licks 2 ur face
get me fam

>> No.7630496

posting on hype beast doesnt make you black kiddo

fit battle me or leave this board

>> No.7630511


catch ya on the flipside bro, tomorrow

you gonna be on /fa/ gayboi? or should I check /hm/ or hm.com?

actin like a 3rd rate cartoon character isn't something real men do

>> No.7630515

real men dont go on 4chan

>> No.7630557

>fit battle me

rip sides

>> No.7630572
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>fit battle

>> No.7630577
