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/fa/ - Fashion

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7617484 No.7617484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I fat?

>> No.7617488

nice tits now the back

>> No.7617500
File: 379 KB, 960x720, 1389909879988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


non-sideways picture

>> No.7617504

Yes, but always remember that as long as you're comfortable with your body you're fine. What are your stats?

>> No.7617509
File: 328 KB, 960x720, 1389910035807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for real this time

>> No.7617524


oh, fuck it

you get the idea

>> No.7617532

5'10 or so, 160 pounds

I hate my body and I hate myself

>> No.7617533
File: 72 KB, 245x244, 190028617746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah, you're fat.

P.S. Nice tits, fuccboi.

>> No.7617537
File: 268 KB, 711x672, 2014-01-16 15.12.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If over 15%bf you are fat. You are between 20 and 25%bf.

>> No.7617538

You're not crazy obese or anything but yeah you're a fatty.

>> No.7617545
File: 255 KB, 611x705, body-fat-percentage-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7617559

Actually maybe even between 25 and 30%bf.

Also you more like 5'8" if 160lbs is your weight. You probably don't work out. So eat 1600Cal a day and you will lose weight.

>> No.7617576

Your hips are perfect for carrying a baby you fat fuck

>> No.7617579

OP here.

It's exceptionally sad because I've been starving myself as much as possible. I skip lunches, typically eat only two meals a day, and small ones at that. I get little physical activity but my school requires me to hustle from one end to the other rather frequently, and I also go for walks. I used to eat more than this and do minimal exercise and I was skinny; people even told me I should eat more. But fuck it; it could be my medication, my diet, or the fact that I'm a lazy fucking idiot, but I'm fat.

>> No.7617586

Count calories. Only drink water and coffee.

>> No.7617582

This picture is mad dumb, and not really representative of anything other than "more muscle and less muscle".

>> No.7617581

> as long as you're comfortable with your body you're fine
>This is what fat people actually believe

>> No.7617590

Diet isn't going to change anything till you start working out.

>> No.7617598

>It's exceptionally sad because I've been starving myself as much as possible
youre fucking retarded. go run some and do pushups. it'll come off

>> No.7617593

You don't know how percent body fat works. Go do sit ups and tell me when you get abs.

>> No.7617603

What are those two meals, McDoanlds breakfast and mcdonalds dinner? Your body shape looks like your regular food intake is slothered in msg, salt, sodium, and canola oil.

Hustling from one end of school to the other and daily walks don't count as exercise. Going to the gym and working out so hard that you throw up, and then working out some more, is exercise.

Only person that can help you lose weight is yourself. It only matters if you care enough about yourself to do so.

>> No.7617602

Cutting meals isn't the way to go.
Cutting certain types of meals may be.

>people even told me I should eat more
People tell me this all the time and I ignore them because I'm skinny fat. Literally have fat nowhere else but my belly.

>> No.7617605
File: 20 KB, 195x300, 343860_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7617612

yeah pushups. look at his fuckin tits, it'll do some good

>> No.7617614

Starving yourself is unlikely to work well. There are models who do it, but their careers can be massively influenced by their size so to them, their size means their livelihood. Unless you can muster up that kind of determination then you're gonna have a hard time.

Just exercise and cut the unhealthy shit out of your diet bro. Work your way from there.

>> No.7617622

it's representative of "more fat and less fat". and it's actually pretty accurate.

>> No.7617624

sry for trying to cheer up a fellow anon

>> No.7617650

Cleanliness of a diet is less important than amount eaten. All you have to do is count calories, that's it.

>> No.7617648

Don't you dare bring tiny into this

>> No.7617661

Does Wellbutrin or Lexapro cause weight gain?

>> No.7617660

You're doing more harm than good I hope you realize that. Giving people unwarranted praise means that they should be contempt with mediocrity. Fat people get judged instantaneously as lazy, not motivated with no self control and no discipline, which is 100% true most of the time.

I hope you never have kids because with that mentality they'll grow up to be failures.

>It's okay if you get a C as long as you're happy with it and did your best!

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot, you're the reason society is currently in a downward spiral.

Yes I'm mad.

>> No.7617666

It's really not
Maybe the first 3 are, but that's about where the madness starts.

>> No.7617670

>too lazy to google this question
This is why you're fat.

>> No.7617673

You aren't supposed to be looking at the muscle, you're supposed to be looking at the definition. My gf is 6' and 135lbs and has abs if she flexes. She has no muscle, she's a skeleton. But her bodyfat is low enough to show some definition

>> No.7617681

Sorry to hear that your parents raised you like that.
>Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot, you're the reason society is currently in a downward spiral.
top lel u mad bruv? I ain't even fat so suck it.

>> No.7617687
File: 119 KB, 867x434, julien_makeover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has more muscle on the left than the right. He simply has less fat on the right.

>> No.7617698

But that's exactly the problem. The implication that the definition in these pictures is to be expected with a relatively normal diet and exercise a couple hours no more than three days a week is ridiculous.

>> No.7617721
File: 506 KB, 869x944, 2013-12-16 06.41.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not implied at all. Anyone who isn't a retard knows how long that takes and that the first and second pictures are geared. Natty goal should be 10-12%bf. I'm personally about 15% right now and cutting to there. I've had ~1200Cal today and plan on 800Cal more. Getting below 10%bf takes hardcore diet planning or gear.

>> No.7617731
File: 316 KB, 884x996, 1382941374755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me in summer. Eat less. It isn't hard.

>> No.7617740

Coming from a guy who used to be 244lbs and now is 180lbs going downwards, I must ask you. Did you have days when you pigged out?

>> No.7617741
File: 126 KB, 740x972, Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me? Am I fat?

>> No.7617744

Over Christmas I went from 180 to 190lbs again but I'm back to 184lbs already. My tip is avoid weed.

>> No.7617746

>avoid weed
Rather be fat forever.

>> No.7617747

Looking good Dan

>> No.7617753

Should mention I was 210lbs in august.

>> No.7617754

I don't understand what's wrong with him.
It's like he's not fat, but he's barrel chested with absolutely no muscle which just makes him look like an alien.

>> No.7617759

So you're between 6'0 and 6'2 right?

>> No.7617761

6'2", yeah

>> No.7617762

You're idiot? Diet is like 95% of loosing weight. I can sit all day in front of computer and still loose weight as easily, as running 10 miles a day. You're another /fa/ expert, who thing that starving + coffee is best way to lose weight.

>> No.7617772

op you should read this:

eating less doesn't guarantee you will lose weight because you might still be eating absolute shit or stuff that isn't appropriate (too many starches even if they are healthy). Plus you're losing muscle mass if you're just "starving" yourself.

>> No.7617785


Jeez, someone had an unhappy childhood. You must be doing quite well at state college eh champ?

>> No.7617797

One thing I love about /fa/ is their ability to call out projection. You don't see this on loser boards like /cgl/ lmfao


>> No.7617795

>You're idiot?

The irony. My point is that he'll have no definition at all till he starts exercising.

>> No.7617847

Do you even into nutrition?

>eating less doesn't guarantee you will lose weight
If you're eating fewer calories, such that it is lower than your daily expenditure needs, yes it will.

> might still be eating absolute shit or stuff that isn't appropriate
This affects satiety and vitamin/mineral intake, but it has very little to do with losing/gaining weight beyond craving.

>losing muscle mass
You will lose mass if you aren't exercising yes. But the amount you lose will not be so substantial that it completely fucks your ability to lose weight. Starvation mode is a myth. It was based off of logical reasoning from a string of studies rather than empirical fact.

Saw this from the front page Don't even wanna read the rest of this thread. I consult fatties on diet and training regimens for a living, and you guys are, surprisingly, a metric shittonne worse than /fit/

I'll field a couple questions though if anyone wants, since I'll be monitoring this thread now

>> No.7617848

>eating less doesn't guarantee you will lose weight
yes it does, if he's eating less calories, as opposed to the actual mass of the food, but I think he means calories