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7615770 No.7615770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong? how did he let his elite facial aesthetics go to shit?

>> No.7615776
File: 72 KB, 625x840, 1389877124697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like a fat baby with stubble now

>> No.7615778

he grew from a little boy to a man and got some muscle and weight. he looks better now. if u like that look i got news for u faggit, ur probably pdeo

>> No.7615779

he aged
if you get olders some of your features grow + your skin gets shit
why don't people get this
of course there are people who grow into their face but yeah most people look uglier

+ he probably did a lot of drugs and alochol and what not

>> No.7615781
File: 39 KB, 400x600, lenoardo-dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is about his facial structure fuccboi

>> No.7615788

its exactly the same u pedofile. his hairline didnt even change much. he just got big

>> No.7615798
File: 41 KB, 565x506, 1366740044338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying a 23 year old dicaprio looked better makes you a pedo

>> No.7615813 [DELETED] 

you must be his most pretentious fan.

you makes the word "aesthetics" meaningless.

>> No.7615817

insecure little faggot projecting his ass off ITT

>> No.7615819

b-b-b-b-b-but men are supposed to age like w-wine???

are you telling me im not gonna be muddle-tier when i hit 40?

>> No.7615827

He let himself go. Excessive tanning, partying, drug and alcohol abuse takes it's toll on you. Plus the stress of being an A-List celebrity will make some people age quicker.

>> No.7615830

if you keep exercising, eat healthy, take care of yourself
yeah you could end up aging like wine (genes play a big part too)
but yeah most 40 year old men look terrible lmao

>> No.7615831

would u still fuck him?

>> No.7615832

thats u u disguting child fucking piss of shit, proecting boyhood faggoty on fa

>> No.7615834
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>> No.7616241 [DELETED] 

I've wondering the same since Blood Diamond i was like "leo no no no what the fuck are u doin" he used to have god tier facial aesthetics

>> No.7616245

I've wondering the same since Blood Diamond i was like "leo no no no what the fuck are u doin" he used to have god tier facial aesthetics

>> No.7616308

is that winston churchill

>> No.7616317

every fucking time

>> No.7616364

he got old

>> No.7616392


it's all fucking genetics

>> No.7616404

I think he looks good tho

>> No.7616474

he was always ugly

>> No.7616481

you know he's not actually the wolf of wall street right?

he's probably never taken a drug in his life

>> No.7616491

Hollywood movie star
Never done drugs

Now son, you're right, he isn't banging hookers every day and bringing tigers to work or some shit, but he has almost certainly done drugs. Hell, maybe even in his R+J baby state.

>> No.7616494
File: 141 KB, 256x256, 1303359999048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes you say that?

>yfw movies aren't real life

>> No.7616514

he has his own yacht that he parties on

>> No.7616520

From the looks of his face now, I'd say it's more alcohol than drugs, but I don't deny one or the other.

>> No.7616569
File: 94 KB, 300x263, 1309992013456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he loses again this year

>> No.7616597

What the fuck? Drugs don't change your face.
Coke doesn't turn into fat after you snort it you know.

He's just gotten fat.

>> No.7616725

actually him and toby mcguire used to rent out entire hotels and fill them with escorts and have massive coke, booze and slut parties that lasted for days. these were in the earlier days though. im sure hes calmed down since. he had a real wild child reputation after titanic

>> No.7616726

They weren't really ever elite. He had a boyish face, that kind of face doesn't age well. His nose is also just weird. Reminds me of matt's a little bit.

>> No.7616730

How do you do that without a shit ton of people starting to talk about it?
Doesn't add up, IMO.

>> No.7616742

Yeah, got that booze bloat
Well fuck me, what a guy.

>> No.7616759

>Drugs don't change your face.
yes they do

>> No.7616753

it was always in the gossip magazines around that time. there was one other celeb that joined them i cant remember who now. he had a little entourage. theres probably a lot of shit online

>> No.7616771
File: 36 KB, 500x447, dont-do-drugs-lindsay-lohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616818

>She will never look like she did in Mean Girls again

>> No.7616828

>she had all those tits?
MY GOD. I wasnt aware of that.

>> No.7616832


>> No.7616840

leonardo dicaprio doesnt do krokodil tho

it some fucking sensationalist shit anyway... jenkem MKII

>> No.7616857
File: 41 KB, 367x500, bar-refaeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drugs OP, lots of drugs. Doesnt matter though cuz hes still pretty good looking and he still gets supermodels

>> No.7616860


krodil is for russian tramps you muppet

>> No.7616869

can't get Cara doe

although she's not rly a supermodel he must have gotten rly embarrassed when him getting rejected ends up on the news lmao

>> No.7616874

+shit diet

Generally, not giving a fuck.

>> No.7616881

>hes still pretty good looking

he isn't as good looking as he could be, tho, don't hold back

>> No.7616897

cara just has shit taste in men doe

>> No.7616905
File: 14 KB, 220x290, 1389899754564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk dude he looks kinda lame now

>> No.7616909

i still would rape his anus

>> No.7616918

nigga, u gay

>> No.7616923
File: 143 KB, 650x924, 650x581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was very attractive as a young man, but to say he looks like shit?

He looks like shit compared to his young self, but compared to most 39 year old guys he looks pretty good and distinguished.

Most of us look worse now as young men than he ever will (>tfw balding manlet), so whatev.

>> No.7616947


>> No.7616955


but p-p-potential????

>> No.7616987

his facial hair looks so bad jesus he would look good if he just shaved

it's like he knows he can't get boy roles anymore so he forces a pseudo goatee to remind people that he's a distinguished adult actor

>> No.7617009

No. He looks like a a faggot with cactus pubes on his face.

>> No.7617017

cara is a troll compared to the bitches leo has gotten with, I'm surprised he would lower himself to her
probably but I'd rather do drugs and have fun then not because Im trying to fight a losing battle against father time. Like i said he still gets 10's