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File: 957 KB, 450x337, jW4Ys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7601418 No.7601418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are asians fashionably disabled?
Why are asian hypebeasts worse than any other ones?
Why are asians so awful?

>> No.7601422

>mfw I'm Eurasian

I'm effay..... r-right?

>> No.7601424


>> No.7601430

do u have one big eye one small eye just curioyus

>> No.7601440

ching chong ding dong

>> No.7601451
File: 25 KB, 450x450, 1389221862709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some not all

>> No.7601449


Its true that in some cases being asian is a curse, but there other when you can actually look pretty good.

its like any race, there are ugly and handsome, sadly in asian the ugly/handsome ratio is fucked up, also a 10/10 asian is most of the time a 8 or 9/10 caucasian.

Half asian here, its not great but if you know how to handle yourself you can look way better than most whites.

>> No.7601458


No. I'm an actual geographical Eurasian (half turkish, half English)

>> No.7601469
File: 348 KB, 1200x1200, nice_guys_finish_last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most not some

I don´t only mean asians are physically ugly, but most of them are ugly from the inside, you know ?

>> No.7601466

oh wow that mix sounds disgusting im sry bro

>> No.7601475


>> No.7601480

I want to get rid of them all. They are ruining my country.

No you're a fucking disgusting halfbreed.

These people are literally shit. Eat some wontons, and Filipinos will crawl out of your asshole. They have nigger genetics.

>but there other when you can actually look pretty good.
Fucking false. Asians can never look good. Fuck the gook fucks.

None of them look good.

Kill yourself.

Smartest guy in the thread.

>> No.7601482
File: 150 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m4a3okO9QH1qkhciuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggas need to stop hatin

SWAG = something we asians have

>> No.7601477

Its like having the hairness of a Turk and the subtle ugliness of an English person crammed into one.

>> No.7601502
File: 55 KB, 540x960, Bdq-6zgCYAAJozn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fair

>> No.7601493
File: 125 KB, 676x673, 1388259080347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7601477 meant for >>7601466

>> No.7601494

dont get me wrnog im not against racemixing yeah? u aussie or what

>> No.7601495
File: 33 KB, 283x348, 1383598631222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol stay mad you ignorant piece of shit

>> No.7601500
File: 136 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m5eygb6gag1qkhciuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4sho ching chong dick long

>> No.7601504

SWAH then?

>> No.7601506

Racemixing just makes ugly people. It is a shallow and unethical practice.

Shut the fuck up, you libtard faggot.

>> No.7601512



>> No.7601517

That guy is ugly and has no style.

Both are ugly. Why is it that Asian women are only attractive (and remotely at that) when they try to emulate white women?

>> No.7601522
File: 47 KB, 500x250, 1389650084775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to get rid of them all.


>> No.7601523

universal perceptions of beauty

>> No.7601521

the asians around my university tend to dress much better than the white guys

yeah a lot of them look like hypebeasts but that's better than looking like you got gang banged by american eagle and sperry top-siders

and if I ever see anything really expensive, it's some chinese kid wearing it

(to be fair, the foreign students have a bunch of money, I think)

>> No.7601529
File: 150 KB, 600x610, pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT everyone is faggots

everybody chill and listen to the rapper of the century

>> No.7601531

>Why are asians so awful?
I think being short and girlish gives them some desire to compensate for those problems with their appearance. Hypebeasting and general foppery ensues.

>> No.7601539
File: 124 KB, 500x375, its_time_to_stop_posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah a lot of them look like hypebeasts but that's better than...

>> No.7601533

So what? The new-money Asians are still fucking ugly as hell. Who cares if they are wearing the latest Givenchy whatever? You can tell when a university goes to shit when there is a large number of Asian students.

>> No.7601540
File: 997 KB, 500x281, BasedTears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up, you libtard faggot.
ok then fuccboi, blame other people for your problems just cause these asain niggas are stylin' on you.

>> No.7601545

you know that all your friends on /pol/ dress a lot worse, right?

>> No.7601555

That bitch is fucking ugly as hell. She looks exactly like the kind of trash that would racemix with a nigger.

Only Caucasian features are objectively beautiful. Attraction to anything else is just a gimmick and / or a fetish.

All Asian men are bitches. The girls are bitches. When they mate, they just make a double bitch. The Asian race is the beta race.

>> No.7601551
File: 23 KB, 289x292, meh.ro10588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7601558

nothing worse in this world than an asian

>> No.7601560

>Why is it that Asian women are only attractive (and remotely at that) when they try to emulate white women?
I find it to be the opposite. I don't find that kind attractive besides the whole I know they'll be perceived as attractive by plebs thing. But after living in HK and japan I realized that way more asian people are ugly or boring on average and that pic just proves my point. Even the attractive ones look really boring somehow.

I find this one attractive. Besides her horrible clothes of course. But not because she's emulating a white person. Because her facial features are actually great and don't look like the result of plastic surgery at all.

>> No.7601566

True that.

All Asians are fucking ugly. ANd why the fuck would you live in Asia? What is wrong with you!?

>> No.7601567

exactly why I'm dating a bitch like that right now. You mad fag? Go cry into your new balanced broski

>> No.7601570

>eah a lot of them look like hypebeasts but that's better than
its really not
spending more money to look like a noticeably faggoty faggoty isn't better

>ITT aiouh is an asian manlet

>> No.7601574

i use to be an asian hypebeast.
i hate asian hypebeasts now.
infact i hate most asian people

>> No.7601575

Is /pol/ invading /fa/ again?

>> No.7601576

New Balances are for nigger trash like you. I wouldn't own a pair of that kind of shit. Have fun dating a monkey for a girlfriend.

>> No.7601577
File: 62 KB, 750x519, 57264057Wenzhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7601587

It's good to hate your own people. They are inferior, in fact. Kill yourself.

>OMG /pol/ so bad I don't like thing therefore /pol/

>> No.7601583
File: 258 KB, 912x1075, 1379012031740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you people take all this misguided hate from to transform it into posts on a fashion image board, it really makes me wonder man

Tell me, what's on your mind

>> No.7601590

ill get around to that man

>> No.7601599

Nah, at least /pol/ has learned debating etiquette for the most part
This is just an imbecile flinging shit

I can see your self hate in most of your fits

>> No.7601592

Lol, you are deep like that philosopher chink Confucius. Have fun not getting laid, shrimpdick.

>> No.7601593
File: 47 KB, 538x720, iseentyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look i know the word edgy is thrown out a lot and is painfully overused but fuck man

>> No.7601594

i found this funny because i guarantee OP and mots of pol in general wears clothes made by asians lol

>> No.7601597

new shoes are on my mind
go and make some pls, gonna pay you 2€ a month

>> No.7601600
File: 2.94 MB, 240x135, papa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pipedown you should probably stop posting it's awful and embarrasing
Thats sad af lol

>> No.7601606

wow there are some real morons on this board

>> No.7601604
File: 11 KB, 115x145, tex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the one not getting laid you or me, anon
if you checked your shitty shoes you'd notice they arent even made in china anymore

>> No.7601608

Do it now, faggot.

>le edgy meme
Go fuck yourself, Mr. Politically Correct.

Have fun paying for chink shit that falls apart in a month.

No. You should pipe down, weaboo.

>> No.7601615

You're the one not getting laid. Nobody wants to date Asian men, and that is why you can't even get your pathetic dick wet. Have fun being avoided by women of your own race.

>> No.7601613

>implying your wardrobe isnt all made in china bullshit

>> No.7601617


What do you ask for when you get your haircut?

>> No.7601618

Wow, you sure showed me. Everything I own is either made in the USA or in a European country. I, for one, like to wear quality clothing made by humans with good eyesight.

>> No.7601619
File: 50 KB, 478x478, asian fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a ignorant fucking racist. Asians got style.

>> No.7601623

>asian fan.jpg

More like asian fag.jpg.

>> No.7601629

it's not about political correctness, some of us have just read books and had intelligent conversations with other human beings

you remind me a little bit of mentally handicapped guys who yell racist things on the bus

then again maybe I've just been brainwashed by jewish literature?

>> No.7601630

>made in the USA
lol pleb
and your nudies arent good quality just because theyre made in italy haha

>> No.7601633
File: 94 KB, 684x600, fahumor5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one not getting laid. Nobody wants to date Asian men, and that is why you can't even get your pathetic dick wet. Have fun being avoided by women of your own race.
Last woman I dicked was chinese.
I don't know what to say, you sure showed me.

Make me pretty like one of your french girls

>> No.7601635


>> No.7601640

>implying nordic white/north asian isn't the most /fa/ heritage possible

>> No.7601641

le tröll lvl over 9

>> No.7601639
File: 135 KB, 497x750, jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, stop trolling and just look at that fit

>> No.7601646
File: 41 KB, 500x502, thisisyoupt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.7601652

Yeah, you have been brainwashed by the fucking kikes. You are a fucking robot, man. A fucking robot. Drones like you make me sick.

Clothing made in Asian countries means that they are poor quality.

Chinese people smell like shit. You practically stuck your dick is a sewage pipe. Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.7601658

okay you're just TRYING to be edgy now, right?

there's no way you're serious

>> No.7601659
File: 149 KB, 640x960, thisisyoupt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.7601671

which made in USA brands do you like?

>> No.7601672
File: 77 KB, 500x502, 1389651333549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7601679

He's one of the very few that looks passable. He won the genetic lottery, even from fucked up mixed genetics. He isn't as attractive as a pure white person.

>le funny images

Mixing Nordic genetics with Asian genetics is wrong. That is just ruining the Nordic genotype. It is sad to see white people dirtying their blood.

>> No.7601686
File: 37 KB, 535x577, cryingfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese people smell like shit. You practically stuck your dick is a sewage pipe. Am I supposed to be impressed?
>Backpedaling all the way back to africa
I dont know if you are supposed to be impressed but you sure cared enough to write something stupid on the internet

>> No.7601678

this is the only thread on fah i have open rn

>> No.7601689

>He isn't as attractive as a pure white person.

>> No.7601700




aiouh stop bumping this shit thread

>> No.7601702

Holy shit this thread is filled with angry inbreed ppl. Ask yourself, WWRD (what would rick do), and realize how in/fa/ you plebs sound.

>> No.7601704

>waaahhh waaahhh I don't like comment he is edgy waaahh
If you can't handle the heat, get the fuck out of my kitchen!

that sheriff was a nigger anyway

fuck off, slanty

>> No.7601695
File: 61 KB, 500x500, thisisyoupt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.7601698

channeling my self loathing though my outfits

>> No.7601722
File: 6 KB, 300x303, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off, slanty
Tired racial slurs, the last bastion of the superior race

>> No.7601714
File: 568 KB, 490x750, 1382779370879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf has this thread turned into? I thought this was bout why asians are so fashionable and have so much swag

>> No.7601715

a bunch of neo nazis in here. ww2 was over 70 years ago and tiny asians are taking over the world how do yous feel about that

>> No.7601717
File: 76 KB, 423x750, thisisyoupt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7601724

that is not good >:(

its a nice photo though :)

>> No.7601726

nazis were actually OK with some asians

>> No.7601735

>smoking weed
Marijuana is for niggers. I'm better than that.

I'm sorry. The white man has always been in charge. No gook is going to change that.

>butthurt halfbreed detected

>> No.7601745


>> No.7601762

>nazis were actually OK with some asians
Ugh. Hypocrisy in the Third Reich.

>> No.7601755

You sound like you are Alabama some redneck place

>> No.7601757


>> No.7601761

He's a White Brazilian you dumbass.

It's really just Filipinos in all honestly.

>> No.7601768

You sound like you get your asshole reamed by niggers in Compton.

>> No.7601770
File: 360 KB, 500x750, 1385762333529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Asians' is too general. I'm Filipino and I just facepalm when I see this. Most of these swagfags lurk on tumblr hopping on every trend possible. I'm blessed that I wasn't exposed to such environment because I lived with proper supervision from my parents.
That being said, Japanese and Koreans are in a different league because I can bet that not a lot of you can pull off this fit, but this particular asian can.

>> No.7601787

do I hear a chingchong speak?

>> No.7601798

goddamnit his face tho.

>> No.7601800

dude philipinos aren't asian they are pacific islanders

>> No.7601801

I'm sorry? Your ignorance is not allowed. Talk to me when you know at least 4 different languages.

>> No.7601811

theyre seasians

>> No.7601812


Wow. You are a piece of shit.

>> No.7601815

english german french
and farsi

>> No.7601821
File: 165 KB, 392x271, wise fwom yo gwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7601832

now tell me if you can open your eyelids +1cm, otherwise those hipster glasses look really ridiculous

>> No.7601827

im so sorry

>> No.7601846

whenever people talk about "cleanliness" or "purity" it's the first sign that they're mentally unstable

the language of "filth" always becomes mixed up with social ideas, and it poisons the mind. it's the worst tendency we humans have, to label things as filth, degenerate, dirty. it's a mixing of the aesthetic and moral sense. and it leads to horrible results.

people who ramble about "clean" bloodlines are not far removed from serial killers who kill prostitutes.

making your opponent out to be ugly and gross is an old, cheap, and dangerous propaganda technique. The racist dude is in the wrong here, but if your response is the equivalent of Nazi depictions of Jews (with grotesque features, giant noses, etc), making his kind out to be visually repulsive, then you're throwing away a lot of the moral high ground that you had. I don't care if op is 6'4 and extremely handsome. he is still neurotic -- no, psychotic -- and holds untenable opinions. being ugly wouldn't make him more wrong.

>> No.7601839

i am late for my train oh no

>> No.7601851

Funny, I actually have prescription glasses.
Weak. English, Mandarin, Spanish, and Italian.

>> No.7601864

>2 spagetti languages

calls me weak

>> No.7601881

Polyglot here.
Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, and Arabic.

>> No.7601897

Post your wonderful face then

>> No.7601911


>> No.7601906

Hah. Let's see who's more favorable in terms of work and life, in general. I speak the most spoken language in the Earth and you speak a Nazi language whilst sucking on Hitler's dick.

>> No.7601922

what the f lel

>> No.7601921

>most spoken language
go make some business with your subhuman spagettiniggas and ching chong hustlers, while I ride some with my nigga adolf

>> No.7601940

adolf is dead

>> No.7601941

I seriously cannot image what kind of person type this. Holy shit, just the though of you siting at your keyboard is hilarious.

>> No.7601959
File: 1.93 MB, 3696x2645, 1386304664372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made so much sense, wow. You almost hit a nerve, but we're not playing horse shoe here.
Here's a picture of your hero. :)

>> No.7601987

samefagging like a hurensohn

>> No.7601996
File: 115 KB, 1023x896, follow-your-leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i scab out my jeans this will be the first patch :)

>> No.7602007
File: 86 KB, 1149x488, charge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3. Try harder, faggot.
Go attack Russia so you can fail miserably again.

>> No.7602011

I woudlnt say every asians.

eastern asians are pretty fa whereas southeast asinas aren't. they're like the nigger of asians. pinoys, indonesian uggh

>> No.7602017

Dude i don't know where do you live but the asians here in Cambridge UK are pretty effay.
At least a lore more then these 'bruvs' and 'm8s'

>> No.7602031

mandarin is sought after in workfield.

>tfw half chinese
>no mandarin whatsoever

>> No.7602040

Did an asian beat you up or something op?

>> No.7602064

>asians beating anybody up
the average asian boy weights 20kg
no, I just hate asians probably because of the local asians in my area and those I´ve seen on tumblr and shit. I have some asian friends but I hate those too cause they are really hypebeasts and I tell them everytime I see them

>> No.7602072

talk shit post fit faget

>> No.7602075

fit? what?

>> No.7602098

ye faget post fit fuccboy

>> No.7602120
File: 78 KB, 461x639, CIMG0965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7602138

Oh boy, you again..
I can't even bother any more.
That bandana or whatever the wannabe manly skirt shit you have hanging in there, for the sake of all fashion, just ditch it.


>> No.7602149

u look like an asian manlet. why do all asians try to dress black

>> No.7602166

there are some ugly ass east asians too get over yourself

>> No.7602182

Is this the thread where the Asians kill themselves? Where can I sign up?

>> No.7602184
File: 498 KB, 1350x2000, bait-3d_poster02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this pic is from some niggas tumblr and it has been all over /fa/ and /b/ after some guy started making fun of his page. I can not understand why you do reply to this shit

>> No.7602203

Because I'm a self hating asian.

>> No.7602220

no you're just ugly

>> No.7602226

How does that make me not hate myself?

>> No.7602332

you're grouping everyone else in your race w/ yourself
aka crab mentality
tl;dr do u

>> No.7602368

How does that make me not hate myself?

>> No.7602378

i like u ;)

>> No.7602384

Just trying to live fruity bby

>> No.7602415
File: 26 KB, 300x250, #fire #swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7602435
File: 85 KB, 1536x864, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7602460


>> No.7602482
File: 28 KB, 238x96, 8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7602493

I'm sorry, I actually meant >>7602482.

I'm currently intoxicated.

>> No.7602499
File: 322 KB, 545x700, gb2 containment board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire fucking thread

>> No.7602508

B-but I'm a left-wing JDIF supporting minority!

>> No.7602536

Yeah. I'm asian and I agree with this a good amount. That pent up submissive nature forcing out the worst of people.

>> No.7602586


>> No.7602636
File: 32 KB, 333x500, y14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being openly racist on an anonymous imageboard on the internet

i understand that your inadequacy in reality forces you to vent on the internet as a means to inflate your fabricated "self esteem". you can feel good about yourself in other ways, not by putting people down.

please sort out your issues, i wish you the best

also, this is not fashion related


>> No.7602823

mods where are you