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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 808x674, alice-practice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7598453 No.7598453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is Crystal castles /fa/?

>> No.7598455


>> No.7598458


>> No.7598459

i love crystal castles

>> No.7598471

Yes. Methfuckers are always fa

>> No.7598476


>> No.7598482
File: 54 KB, 466x700, versaceetc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crystal castles are fucking good.

All their albums are great.

>> No.7598488

>mfw i wish that cigarette was my dick
>mfw she'll never suck on my cigarette dick.

>> No.7601414


CC are superior in every musical/fashionable aspect. period.

>> No.7601465

No. Crystal castles is for 17 year old white teens who think they're individual for listening to them.

>> No.7601501

Maybe 5+ years ago.

>> No.7601511


how about fuck off with your recycled opinions from /mu/

>> No.7601525
File: 146 KB, 598x651, 1369065530757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw alice spat on me once
>its like we made out

>> No.7601532

don't kid yourself. its definitely not very cool or hip to like them anymore. most people in to music would consider them a shitty pop group.

>> No.7601536

more like 2/3 ;.

>> No.7602843
File: 69 KB, 500x333, 1351890596450568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw she grabbed my arm in a concert and I also got to touch her ass

>> No.7603771

I heard she smells really bad in person.

>> No.7603778

I bet her and grimes don't shower for weeks on end

>> No.7603782

good production with insanely boring live shows

yeah theyre pretty /fa/

>> No.7604096
File: 71 KB, 500x404, 1389677977957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7604101

no, just really annoying and hipster tryhards.

>> No.7604143

Well she grew up in a crust punk squat, so that's not really a surprise...

I think they're pretty awesome. You can't really insult them by calling them pop because that's what they are. They're dance punk electro pop. Just because they're now pretty well-known and popular doesn't make them shitty.

>> No.7604305

i can see the appeal, same way i understand why Justin biebber or one direction appeals to young girls, but i don't think its /fa/

>> No.7605091
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>> No.7605099
File: 103 KB, 1229x922, alice glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7605605

ty for that

Crystal Castles is not listened to by any mainstream bro or faggots.

only fashionable girls listen to them

and even if they have been around for a few years you can still come to common grounds with these girls to admit and agree that Crystal Castles is a good group

not a "pop trash" or other bullshit you /mu/ faggots are saying

your autism probably prevents you from having actual conversations with real people so you have to pretend your indie underground glitch electronica band is the only cool group and everything else is shit.


>> No.7605622

Nah, there's a pretty large "bro" crowd that listens to them. The sort of crowd that just can't shut up about how they'll "totally get super high on tomorrowland this year". It's not an obscure thing by any means.

>> No.7605625

>listening to a band because it's 'fashionable'
>knowing fuck all abut music

>> No.7605626

if your definition of bro is tumblr core faggots then ok i can see that

my definition of bro is jocks who wear abercrombie or hollister and think they are fashionable

>> No.7605656

I mean bros that wear DC shoes and A&F+sk8er apparel. Yeah, they fit under the definition of "bros" and there's quite a few of them.

It's not like listening to Crystal Castles makes you effay at all, if you like their music that's completely fine, but don't think you're better than anyone because of it.

>> No.7605907

the most /fa/