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7597966 No.7597966[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think there are some looks only certain races can usually pull off? If so, what kinds?

(Disclaimer: We're talking strictly about looks here. Don't turn this into a shitstorm of a conversation.)

>> No.7597982

A good half-black half-Hispanic friend of mind pulls off this pseudo-Rasta dreadlocks look like no other. I doubt anyone who isn't relatively dark-skinned could do it like he does.

>> No.7597995

dat my nigga hopsin?

>> No.7597997


Yeah, thin black guys do the sort of Rasta-chic very well.

>> No.7597993

u could never get like me

>> No.7598007
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Indeed it is

>> No.7598070

Nope, and lets just skip to the chase, whenever this comes up it's usually agreed that white people can wear everything, asian people can wear everything, and that it's just black people who can't wear certain looks, and the two extreme looks that first come to mind are WASP and Goth. Joshua Kissi and Karlo Steel respectively disprove this idea pretty swiftly. Also look into the sapeurs of Congo for proof that black people can wear pretty much anything and get away with it.

Clothing and fashion has nothing to do with race and everything to do with how you carry yourself.

>> No.7598089

hopsin looks almost as bad as he raps

>> No.7598093

Black people can pull off camo better than anyone else.

>> No.7598118
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I find black people get away with a lot of looks that would make white people look autistic

>> No.7598131
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>> No.7598139
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This Yohji fit in particular is a favorite of mine

>> No.7598143

ill mind 5 is great but the rest of his stuff kinda sucks yeah

>> No.7598147
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>> No.7598159
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Dandyism is something they seem to pull off a bit better than white people as well

>> No.7598166
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>> No.7598168

any runway model could wear this
or this
I could see a Japanese guy wearing this easily

how you pull off something has absolutely nothing to do with race, but rather your skin tone/confidence/geographic location

>> No.7598174
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>> No.7598176

That second one might look good on a different skin color, but the way it plays off of his tone adds to it in my opinion. Of course, that's really the gist of it, you can do pretty much anything if you fit it to your skin and hair correctly.

>> No.7598178

White guy is in trouble, too much jews around.

>> No.7598183
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We aren't talking about runway models though, we're talking about average, day to day people. And in that regard I find that black people typically have an easier time pulling off these slightly more eccentric styles.


>> No.7598191



>> No.7598198

I feel like it's more in the beards, honestly. If you're eccentric enough to grow out a crazy big beard and big glasses it's not too much of a stretch from there. Look at the dude with the ginger beard up there, he fits right in.

>> No.7598207

Yeah, and this one
kinda shows that. However, I don't think I'd like the shorts on a white guy, because it'd throw off the color balance.

>> No.7598214

it helps that they are/have

1) skinny
2) beards
3) long-limbed/well proportioned
4) good posture/confidence

are you saying they are pulling those fits off just because they are black? because substitute Sam with someone who has all 4 but happens to be Asian/white/hispanic I guarantee they'd pull it off just as well

>> No.7598237
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w2c hat

or at least name of style....

been looking 5ever

>> No.7598264

I'm not saying they are pulling off the fits -because- they are black, I'm just saying that all other things equivalent, it's somewhat easier for them.

>> No.7599342

hopsin is cancer

>> No.7599656

Hopsin is fucking trash for angry teenage boys. I can't believe anyone listens to that whiny shit.

That nigga dresses like he stepped out of 2001

>> No.7599665

Ill Mind of Hopsin 5 is nothing but shit "enlightened" teenagers have been saying on the internet since Myspace and Vampire Freaks gave them a voice to spew their ignorant shit into the zeitgeist. Only put into rap form.

He's not saying anything new or original. Only to people who's memory is so shit, and are so short sighted and one-tracked that you can sell them the same 'message' over and over again.

>> No.7599671


I'd love to, but I don't have his permission

>> No.7599684

Fucking immaculate tailoring. Jesus Christ, I'm popping a #menswear boner over this.

>> No.7599693

lold @ chick mirin

>> No.7600296

i cant see asians doing this
i rarely seen hispanics with long beards
white people pull it off fine
post other race inspo please, prove me wrong

>> No.7600314

I see more black hipsters wearing fedoras than white neckbeards.

>> No.7600807

La Haine-Core

>> No.7601905
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can a whitey do this???
i already know blacks can

>> No.7601909

Hopsin dressed like an emo white kid from 2002.

>> No.7601971

ill mind of hopsin 5 is probably the worst rap i have ever heard in my life, not exaggerating

hypocritical "why am i so much better than everyone else" wrong generation garbage, he shits on people dropping for out of school, he fucking dropped out of the retard class in grade 10, hopsin should actually retire instead of just threatening it for attention

>> No.7604106

I feel sad that this even needs to be explained hopsin is awful. it's literally (read literally) the worst rap that has any sort of attention.
not only that, their is no musical quality to it. it's just him ranting over some shitty instrumental

>> No.7604142
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Yes, obviously there are looks that only an Asian guy, or a black guy, or a white guy could pull off.

>> No.7604157
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you have no idea, this guy pulls this shit off like no other

>> No.7604170

Dark draped clothes do not look good on British men.
Any androgynous outfit do not look good on British men.

>> No.7604266

Brits, Irish, Danes, Germans and Icelanders look terrible wearing anything androgynous. Obviously there are a few exceptions, but guys from that part of Europe are generally quite solid and robust.

Norwegians, Swedes and Finns tend to be a bit thinner. They've got big men too, but they can pull off that feminine look a bit more.

>> No.7604268
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>tfw want to go desertcore/sandninja
>tfw not an arab, Muslim, or any other type of middle eastern race
>tfw don't know how to incorporate my ancestor's culture through high fashion
I wish being Puerto Rican had something to offer in the fashion world.

>> No.7604280

how about some gardening gloves ya fuckin beaner.

>> No.7604287

>garden gloves
lel, baby trying out his first racists insults on muh 4chan? That's so cute.

It isn't even accurate.

>> No.7604291

Wear a cowboy boots and a hat, beaner

>> No.7604311
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>> No.7604333

darker skin= better template for color

>> No.7604338


>> No.7606671

a black man can really only pull off the thief/rapist look.

>> No.7606715

What looks can only whites pull of?

>> No.7606716

As a black male I often feel like it's easier for white men to wear all black or darker tones, because of the natural contrast, e.g.: pale-skinned white man in a black or navy suit.

Sucks, because I really like wearing darker tones(monochrome).

>> No.7606730
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>> No.7606748


>> No.7606760

Basically, what was said here >>7606716
It seems rare that a black individual can pull off goofninja styles due to lacking that sharp contrast. Though it's not entirely true, I think with more very light colored bases it could be done, it's just certainly takes a bit more thought.