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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 161 KB, 292x310, swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7594708 No.7594708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

a grill complimented me on my shirt the other day I just wanted to share because that's the first time that happened and it felt good I hope it happens to you guys if you've never been complimented on your outfit because I know you guys have some sick fits <3

>> No.7594724
File: 21 KB, 645x773, 1385147701884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Anon.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.7594736
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1380958892748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7594741
File: 21 KB, 425x411, 1339740898974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom tells me women compliment her on how good looking I am
>Older housemate tells me her qt niece called me cute
>tfw no one ever compliments me in person

>> No.7594740

You're still ugly and short , alone , living at home with your parents with no money and no girlfriend though. I bet the shirt was shit.

>> No.7594761


>> No.7594804

You aren't Yawm m8

>> No.7594826
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1387591110693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i use to get compliments all the time when i dressed like a preppy dadcore faggot
>turned effay and wear all black
>clothes look basic as shit now but one piece cost more money than my entire dadcore outfits
>no 1 compliments me or even says anything

are least i dont look like a faggot

>> No.7594832

they are too scared to approach u because of ur good looks anon, you're gonna make it

>> No.7594848

u don't need compliments from plens, just kno that rick raf and damir are all smiling down on u

>> No.7594855

ty, anon

>> No.7594868

That's because dadcore is easily approachable.

>> No.7594877
File: 191 KB, 624x480, 1382361320657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a boring place in England
>going full lunarcore
>nobody knows anything about fashion
>more or less know I'll get funny looks and be called a spaceman

How do I respond to them, /fa/?

>> No.7594890

tfw you notice girls miring you

or maybe they're just looking at me like i'm a freak

>> No.7594891

Shoot yourself

>> No.7594909

true plus i have a gf so it dont matter
dadcore more like badcore amirite

>> No.7594910

D-don't do this to me, Anon...

>> No.7594916

post pic of lunarcore fit plz

>> No.7594923

same thing m8

I think getting compliments from plebs is a bad sign

go out and wear a big Abercrombie logoed sweater and you'll get may more compliments on it then u would ur acne sweater or whatever

I am cool, calm, and comfortable in my monochrome goofy outfits. As a true patrician, I don't live to please other people.

>> No.7594929

Already posted before but I don't have the right pants/tees and accessories atm.
Got palladium vapor/metal baggy's, modern ma-1 bomber jacket by Hotel Manufacture.

Waiting for cargo pants to arrive, but not sure if this whole thing was a good idea now.

>> No.7594950

>being called a spaceman

I don't understand, thats hwat ur goin 4 rite ?

>> No.7594957

It's the look I'm going for, but if people are mocking it 24/7 I'd probably rather not.
I guess there's only one way to find out though.

>> No.7594977
File: 114 KB, 800x585, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I dress minimal goofninja
>mfw when girls ask me out


>> No.7594984

sriously doe, lunarcore is a fresh concept, you have to experiment with it - and that means making mistakes/bad fits too.

aim 4 the stars, even if you miss you'll end up lunarcore
>or something like that

>> No.7594985

lemons did you get your phone fixed

>> No.7594988


minimal goofninja sounds like you dress in asos and H&M tbph

what do you actually wear?

>> No.7594992

post fit

>> No.7594994


Damir Doma
Jil Sander
Sruli Recht

>> No.7595003

I only get compliments when I wear stuff like military/ranger. Especially the patrol cap.

I hate patrol caps.

>> No.7594998


sounds kinda cool - you should post a fit

>> No.7595000
File: 93 KB, 505x379, 1389560837715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, I feel better now.

>> No.7595008

maybe they're trying to say you look better covering your balding head ?

>> No.7595016

Not even balding. I wear caps only on bad hair day.

>> No.7595022


>> No.7595024

agreed with these. not only is there the issue that most people have plebcore taste, but making your self esteem a function of what strangers think is a terrible choice. sure path to insecurity and misery

>> No.7595033

Lmao that's brilliant, thank you Anon.

>> No.7595034

m8 u should no from living in a boring place in england that if you wear anything different you'll b laughed @ whenever u go out

u just gotta grin and bear it + move away as soon as poss

>> No.7595044

Yeah I guess, I'd rather be wearing something that I know looks good rather than wearing something pebs think looks good.
The way to be /fa/ here is equivalent of wearing a peacoat if you're older or wearing chinos and swag clothing.
Fuck 'em.

>> No.7595058

yawn is always nice

youre not good at this

>> No.7595065

Did somebody steal his trip or something?

>> No.7595072

Nigga read again what you just typed.

>> No.7595078

He is a name not a trip, anyone can use it.

>> No.7595075

Ah okay, whoops.
It's late here Anon, I'm tired.

>> No.7595106

That's because they're taking his money

>> No.7595112

goodshit. "dress for yourself, not for others"
lol what

>> No.7595124

>lol what
i asked for your snapchat a while ago but you said your phone was broken or something so you didn't want to give it to me

>> No.7595131

Lmao I think he may of been lying to avoid you.
Post tfw you realize in your next post please.

>> No.7595144

how 2 smile for pictures

>> No.7595362
File: 278 KB, 500x381, tumblr_mkt87asXaN1qbdjqao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no effay friends and only poster on /fa/ in your city lies about having a broken phone to avoid you

>> No.7595367


what city do you live in

>> No.7595378


>> No.7595394


there's bound to be a few. post in area code threads i guess

>> No.7595406

super/fa/ black guy in class compliments my coat
fucckin woo

>> No.7595427

Was best dressed and best style in high school, get the occasional photo taken of me, and get referenced for fashion advice often.

Most ridiculous part? Not even that well dressed, just dress cleanly and am slightly above average looking.

Only take style/clothing compliments from fashionable people as truly meaningful.

>> No.7595441

MD here brah

>> No.7595447

take the D

>> No.7595527

Fuck you op for posting that picture.
I refuse to part with my blankie, just ask my past girlfriends.

>> No.7595535

keyword: past

>> No.7595544

blankie > gf

>> No.7595548
File: 230 KB, 971x741, animal-hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u probably think thats cute and endearing but its just fucking autistic and gross

ur like those fat, greasy slobs who wear these every day

>> No.7595566

Only thing cute is your projecting.

I don't understand why you're not banned yet. You are probably the most unless tripfag on this board.

well, ttyl.

>> No.7595575

>dressing for girls

What are you...some kind of faggot?

>> No.7595579


typical neckbeard furry anime faggot response is " ur projecting!!!!!!!" grow up u lame ass faggot

>> No.7595599

post fits or fuck off.

>> No.7595602


>damir doma x1
>jil sander x1
>sruli recht x1

the rest being cos and uniqlo, of course. why lie?

>> No.7595610

Holy shit as soon as trunks comes on the board just drops in quality.

>> No.7595615


he speaks the truth man child

>> No.7595637

>be trunks
>get #rekt by anon
>starts posting as anon

>> No.7595654


ur lame as fuck

>> No.7595684
File: 14 KB, 225x200, 1389568349447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when every time i've been out with classmates a grill has complimented something i'm wearing
>m8's mirin my sneaks too

to think less than a year ago all i wore was shitty fitting gifts. thank you based /fa/

>> No.7595686

Do you seriously think that animal sleeve-hats are awesome? Or that the majority of people who wear them aren't idiots?

I'm open to whatever but come on, man.

>> No.7595690
File: 2.96 MB, 200x202, 1367551158513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grats broski good vibes

>> No.7595862

Not the same anon but I think spirit hoods are fun when on drugs /at a "rave"
Other than that they're silly.

>> No.7595874

What'dya wear, Anon?

>> No.7597447

where in md? my parents live there

>> No.7597733

What's her name again? She's the one with the video of fingering herself right?

>> No.7597774

I think it's Monroe.

>> No.7598301

what the fuck

>mfw pedophiles on /fa/

sick fucks