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7592493 No.7592493[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Q: Why do fat people make you so mad, /fa/? I really don't understand. If someone admits they're fat and are okay with it, what reason do you have to be mad? Why does being on the internet constitute acting in a way which you would not deem permissible in real life?

Is it because some of you use to be overweight and are traumatized by fatness? Or have most of you been skinny your entire life and your ire is derived from a internalized fear of becoming fat? Do a lot of you just have eating disorders?

Please answer. I'm having a hard time understanding how you could possibly rationalize this.

Also, where can I cop the jacket in this pic? Thnx!

>> No.7592516

they just look bad
there is basically no way for a fat person to look good. the silhouettes will always look weird

plus they are generally lazy people who blame society and genetics for being fat when really they just cant be fucked to do some exercise

>> No.7592531

like this is a board dedicated to fashion so it should come as a shock that a lot of the ppl are extremely insecure with themselves

>> No.7592536
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they just mad they can't cop food for a month for that designer fit


i just ate $27 in double cheeseburgers from mcdonalds nigga

>> No.7592537


But modern aesthetic theory mostly rejects any notion of objective beauty.

And how can you generalize most fat people like that? I have fat friends who admit they don't like to exercise/have eating issues. Some may be in denial about the reasons for their weight, but I wouldn't say most are.

>> No.7592546

plus this is 4chan and autists have difficulty with empathy

>> No.7592548

I guess my point is this - in real life, I doubt many (if any) of you would express the same amount of disdain for fat people. In fact, I'd be willing to bet (as an optimist) that most of you are probably decent and cordial people.

Why then doesn't this attitude extend to your online interactions?

>> No.7592555

being fat looks bad and is extremely unhealthy
yet we are creating a society where being fat is accepted and people give you shit when you criticise them
fat people have the same rights as everyone of course
but they shouldn't ramble about everybody being beautifull

>> No.7592557


>> No.7592558

>yet we are creating a society where being fat is accepted and people give you shit when you criticise them

such monsters

>> No.7592566

because everyone is insecure as fuck
personally i don't mind if you're lazy and/or enjoy eating too much junk food, provided you're comfortable with consequently being fat. overly self conscious skinny dweebs are worse company, they just look better.

>> No.7592568

Ill hang with a fat dude if he's funny enough, but if he's fat and boring no way he's just keeping qts away.AndI completely ignore fat women irl. I don't like fat people on fa because they look shit in clothes that simple.

>> No.7592583


But there are plenty of things that are unhealthy that doesn't the same amount of hate.

Most of you are disgusted by fat under the pretense that it is unhealthy, and yet, consider smoking and undereating as desirable, despite their adverse health effects.

I agree, it is a shame that (at least in America) we are becoming increasingly unhealthy. I think it's counterintuitive to direct our hatred towards the results of poor diets, rather than the cause of poor diets (sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy food, pleasure based culture.)

>> No.7592593

Oh and they're lazy and gluttony disgust me. Fat people are constantly looking for excuses.

>> No.7592597

fat people complain about all the problems they have because of being fat but ignore the simple fact that if they ate right and exercised regularly they could end all their problems easily

>> No.7592608


Again, I think you guys are merely making generalizations and concluding one's personality based off of their appearance.

There are plenty of fat people who are hard workers and merely eat poorly and live sedentary lifestyles outside of work. There are many fat people who admit that their weight issues are their own fault.

And being disgusted by someone does not make it ethically permissible to mistreat someone. We value other people because they, like us, are rational beings. I am disgusted by the effects that cancer has on the body, but that doesn't mean that I treat cancer patients poorly. I am disgusted by tje effects of drug abuse on the body, but that doesn't mean I lack empathy for addicts.

It seems that alot of you lack fundamental critical reasoning skills.

>> No.7592611


Typing on my phone, so I apoligize for typos.

>> No.7592613

Is being skinny-fat /fa/?

>> No.7592615

>fat people are constantly looking for excuses
have you ever talked to a seriously fat dude irl? it doesn't seem like a total rarity that all the ones i've talked to are willing to call themselves fat and make no excuses for this. it's a bullshit stereotype that all fat people blame genetics, big bones, diseases etc.

>> No.7592621

>>my distaste for fat people is almost never outwardly shown. I don't point and laugh at fat people I just don't talk to them unless I have to. But at th end of th day they have no place here.

>> No.7592630

Alright fuck my iPod I'm out.

>> No.7592634


I think it's a cultural problem. We are skeptical of everyone and everything. We assume that if someone is in a bad situation (homeless, addict, fat) that not only are they in denial, but also that it is necessarily entirely (as in 100%) their fault for being in the situation that they are in. Perhaps the worst part is that even if they are in denial and their situation in life is entirely their fault that this somehow constitutes us regarding them as lacking basic human worth.

>> No.7592635


You seem like a shallow person. Do you have any friends irl? A gf?

>> No.7592657

aka fundamental attribution error

>> No.7592666

I have friends, used to have a lot more but I can't be around that scene anymore. As for girlfriends I got a p qt date coming up so idk apparently she's just as "shallow".
I believe you create the situations you find yourself in based on the decisions you make and only you can effect your reality, if you let others influence YOUR reality then you are weak and deserve my distaste.

>> No.7592667

>But there are plenty of things that are unhealthy that doesn't the same amount of hate.

yeah, like smoking, drug addiction, anorexia/bulimia, self harm? all of those are totally accepted in modern society, right? being fat one of the only unhealthy thing that DOESNT get a fuckton of hate. like go on a diet and you get accused of having an eating disorder, but if you weigh 300lb? no problem

>> No.7592671

if you are fat and over the age of 12 it is your fault

you can eat less no matter what position you are in, there is no excuse

>> No.7592672

Op is a fat dork.

>> No.7592676


There's not a fedora on this planet big enough to be tipped in your honor for that post.

This example is probably reductive, but here it goes.

1. Each individual person is SOLELY responsible for what happens to them.

2. A woman is walking home from a party at night when she is brutally accosted and raped by several men.

3. Following premise 1, we conclude that it is solely her fault for being raped.

>> No.7592685

being fat is literally like being VIOLENTLY GANG RAPED

>> No.7592698

She made the decision to go to the party she made the decision to walk home alone. I'm not saying she could have stopped them. And I'm not saying that everyone knows how certain decisions will effect them but they had everything to do with it happening. That was also a p poor analogy no one forces food down a fat persons throat but themselves.

>> No.7592700


What if you were raised in a family of obese people, who from a young age fed you poorly, nurtured your lazy tendecies, and didn't motivate you to engage in physical activity?

You still have a choice, yes, but the way you were raised and the environment you are surrounded by has a great affect on you and your actions as well. Health concious families typically don't raise obese children. Nice neighborhooss usually don t produce too many gangbangers.

>> No.7592706

Same basic effect on the colon really.

>> No.7592708

>But modern aesthetic theory mostly rejects any notion of objective beauty.
Modern aesthetic could be wrong.

Kant and his nigga's stressed the importance of the shared experience of beauty. An aesthetic judgement can be legitimized if it's a judgement that can be shared and not based on internal, personal 'faults'/'shortcomings'/'preferences'.

Liking a musical piece because you like violins and there's a violin in it is bad.
Disliking a musical piece because you hate violins and there's a violin in is not a legitimate judgement.
Liking a musical piece because it gives you a aesthetic experience that you think you can probably share with other people can be a legit judgement.

>> No.7592715

So fatness can be a quality that we as a collective agree upon that degrades the aesthetic experience, without it being a 'fault'/'shortcoming'/'preference'.

>> No.7592717


I never said this. I was simply applying that poster's logic to a different situation.

>> No.7592722

you can make your own choices. if youre a kid its not your fault, if you choose to continue to eat like a pig and not exercise after childhood then its your own fault youre fat.

>> No.7592731


One's upbringing has absolutely no affect on a person's phsycological makeup?

>> No.7592747


They obviously didn't have everything to do with what happened to them if the other people involved also had to make a concious decision to rape someone.

What kind of sense does it make to blame the victims of a crime and not the criminals?

Sorry mom and pop. I know your store was broken into and robbed but maybe your store just shouldn't have existed in this particular place and time.

>> No.7592750

if you want to bitch and moan and blame your parents for your shitty life choices your entire life go ahead. the rest of us will grow up.

>> No.7592753

Nigga fuck fat people. Fuck op for trying to make more excuses for them. I've actually had other girls kick fat chicks out of parties for me.

>> No.7592754


Or rather, it is unreasonable to assume that it is a conbination of one's personal choices and externam forces which determine their current lot in life?

>> No.7592763


That's not what I'm saying. Stop constructing strawmen out of my arguments. If you can't argue rationally without getting upset, please stop posting.

>> No.7592764

unless there is an externam force forcing food down your fat gob then it is 100% your personal choice

>> No.7592766
File: 49 KB, 480x480, not-a-disease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one rule of logic can be applied to all situations

>> No.7592771


Please refrain from posting in this thread if you don't wish to contribute to the discussion in a constructive manner.

>> No.7592773

1 fat people aren't victims.
2 of course the rapist are to blame for raping but they would have gotten someone else if she wasn't so honorably retarded.

>> No.7592779


>> No.7592780

you're right in some way
but you make a mistake at "you"
/fa/ isn't a hivemind
people who smoke are not necessarily the same people who give fat people shit
also, /fa/gs that smoke don't say shit like "I'M ALLOWED TO SMOKE EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL HATERS ARE MOTIVATERS"

>> No.7592784

nahhhhh man
there is literally no situation where a woman is at any fault for being raped
regardless to what you'll hear on r9k women do not actually like to be raped

this thread is retarded, fat people should lose weight and im gonna leave it at that

>> No.7592798

ya dude i dont think its ever ur fault to get raped or killed or stolen from or shit like that but at the same time u should take all the steps u can to make sure it doesnt happen to u

i mean u tell a girl not to walk home at night thru dirty alleys wasted and alone and ur a rape apologist rape culture promoting misogynist but u tell her to carry bear spray and ur just being helpful? doenst rlly make sense to me but w/e

>> No.7592807

he specifically emphasized the word 'solely' so he wouldn't have to deal with idiots like you

>> No.7592812

>Most of you are

>Again, I think you guys are merely making generalizations

Right back at you.

>> No.7592815


How is the woman in this situation retarded? How would she have know that she would be raped for merely walking in public at night? What you are saying is exactly what it means to victim blame. I'm sorry, but you need to think more critically before you post.

>> No.7592821

Do not ever.
Do Not Ever.

Yeah the rapist are shitty. But the hypothetical girl made the naive decision to walk home alone in a hypothetically sketch area instead of getting a cab. she was bound to get picked off eventually.

>> No.7592828

Anyways fat people are fucking eyesores.

>> No.7592871

Because internet forums have always largely been a form of escape and socialising for the outcasts (read: teenagers feeling like outcasts) of society. This is where people could express their bitterness and dislike and where they could do and say anything and where nothing was taken seriously. This started changing as the internet itself became more popular and mainstream with the advent of social networks and social media sites.

Now there are a whole host of people who carry over their real life expectations of decency on to the internet and are shocked to find how rude and terrible some people can be.

But this is par for the course of what it used to be. There was a popular saying that was once an ironic statement but has now become truth as the internet has become crucial to the everyday lives of so many people:

The internet is serious business.

And these days it really is, but if you have a similar mindset to what it used to be you're going to call a chubby dude a fat fucking slob who can't go more than 3 minutes without some form of cheap, minimal-effort, processed piece of synthetic calories being stuffed into their face. Why? Because you can and because the internet is still serious business in places.

>> No.7592874


One's upbringing and surroundings has absolutely no affect on the choices they willmake as adults.


Trunks, why are you so stupid? Why do your fits look like autistic cosplay attire? Why do you hate women? Why are you bald? Is it to hide a receding hairline? You look like a holocaust victim.

>> No.7592883


>> No.7592893


>the naive decision to walk home

Yes. Stupid. All women should stay indoors after sundown.

>hypothetically sketch area

I never said that. I merely said she was walking home after a party at night. Rapes can occur anywhere.

>she was bound to get picked off eventually.

It is inevitable that at a certain point all women who walk outside are going to be raped.

You are stupid.

>> No.7592897


That doesn't address any of the points brought up in my second paragraph tho.

>> No.7592906

maybe when i see a fit

>> No.7592907


Most people in this thread have expressed disgust for fat people. In many other threads you will find the same. It's a warranted generalization.

>> No.7592914


I don't see how that's relevant to anything stated in my second paragraph.

Whether or not I dress well has nothing to do with the fact that you dress like a fantasy character in a JRPG.

>> No.7592921

I like you but, does the lack of female attention not upset you? I remember when a girl I was obsessed with in senior year led me on for attention and went on dates with me whilst telling everyone how unattractive I am I went out the very next day and walked 24 miles...

I lost 100 lbs overall...

>> No.7592935

OP here

Bump for info on jacket

>> No.7592974

Op here

Bump for info on coat

>> No.7592994

because if we not judge people this will become new mfa

>> No.7593422

The key word was ALONE no one gets gang banged in nice areas.

>> No.7593824
File: 66 KB, 568x794, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7593842

Ungrateful sow

>> No.7594090

hey thats me. its allsaints

>> No.7594107

>I remember when a girl I was obsessed with in senior year led me on for attention and went on dates with me whilst telling everyone how unattractive I am I went out the very next day and walked 24 miles...
damn that's rough

>> No.7594125
File: 266 KB, 840x673, Nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of you

This is an anonymous imageboard created to cater to neckbeard autists and their moonpeople cartoons, which happened to implement a fashion board

Smoking and undereating is desirable to the minority that lurk here and few other social circles, whereas fat acceptance is widespread because of the amount of fatties and everyone being a libtard now cause they want to seem progressive

Personally, i believe undereating is also desirable because it takes effort to ignore the natural responses we get when we don't eat for a while

It takes work to become what we want to be, but fatties want to be accepted and loved for doing jack shit, they feed their impulses as soon as they can recklessly because they're addicted to shit going down their gullet

There is little problem nowadays with teenagers or children being 40lb overweight and loving themselves, but if that same kid browses fashion boards and weighs 10lb less than average, the whole world goes fucking berserk and blames media, companies and the "patriarchy" today

We hate them precisely because of that numbnuts, they refuse to exert the slightest modicum of effort into becoming healthier or changing, their fat is what tells us about their lifestyles

This is 4chan, no one here would even dream of having the balls to call out fat people constantly irl anyway
And shut the fuck up about "pleasure based culture". We are humans who have evolved to derive happiness from things that ensure our survival, consequently, most of us do those things a lot, no one's going to go out of their way to hurt themselves without any potential benefit. What the fuck is your point when you say "pleasure based society"? Is there something wrong with survival?

>> No.7594232
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fat people feel upset cause when someone says they are fat the get hungry and sad