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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 308 KB, 1125x585, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7589751 No.7589751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

last one reached 300

>> No.7589806
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>> No.7589812
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>> No.7589841
File: 319 KB, 360x599, 1389484256153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropped the kids off at church :^)

>> No.7589843
File: 743 KB, 837x2566, IMG_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love basic bitches thats my fuckin problem

>> No.7589849

For the record I loved this fit esp with the cardigan down, shaved head is nice contrast too. Everyone saying you need slimmer/smaller boots is wrong because you'd be more top heavy than it already is. Maybe there's more coordinated pants out there but I don't know what it'd be, I don't think going much baggier would improve it so much as make it a different outfit.

>> No.7589855


Info on jacket?

>> No.7589856

are the pants ro?

>> No.7589866

nice lace qtie-boi


>> No.7589875

god aweful

>> No.7589874
File: 80 KB, 362x1072, repost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel bad because this is a lazy brokeboi fit and previous fits are pretty great but hey

>> No.7589878

wtf are you even wearin man

>> No.7589880


>> No.7589894


me today

>> No.7589898


How does the jacket fit (size down?) Is it a decent cop while on sale ($205)?

>> No.7589902

What's the off white shirt? RO? Looks fucking cool, dat texture. I used to hate you, but everyone can change. You actually know a lot of useful shit, and have helped me recently. So props.

>> No.7589908

>Everyone saying you need slimmer/smaller boots is wrong because you'd be more top heavy than it already is.

yeah, thats what i thought too. i would like to try baggier pants as well but i dont own any

>> No.7589909

You look like a tall jawa with the cardigan up. Keep it down.

>> No.7589918

I do like this fit though. You've definitely improved.

>> No.7589921

thanks man, its a pink julius tee, you can pick them up on ebay for 50$ + ship but the shipping costs twice as much as the shirt if you dont live in the us.i hope my unstable cotton rick tees end up looking like it eventually tho

>> No.7589929

People actually wear this? What the fuck...

>> No.7589930

Same guy, maybe some black pants with stacks on stacks? Jeans or not. Could still be slim but change up the texture/look from the sleek boots a bit

>> No.7589948

nice start retard

>> No.7589953

it fits slim so take your normal size. if anything size up

>> No.7589968
File: 265 KB, 295x615, 1389485542111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same day same fit

>> No.7589981
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new kicks

>> No.7589983

damn dude did you make that shirt yourself?

can you send me your patterns?

email is attached

>> No.7590002
File: 2.38 MB, 2877x2304, fitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590016
File: 187 KB, 1144x1680, 2014-01-11 16.45.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590029
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1456, PHOTO_20140111_163116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590053

I know some denim jackets are in now but this does not look right

>> No.7590067
File: 689 KB, 2688x1520, PHOTO_20140111_143312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting old

hobo chic

>> No.7590068
File: 475 KB, 3244x2832, IMG_3083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the fit, that coat looks comf af

glad you took our advice it fixed some things, unsure whether that shirt is working. rest is good

looks pretty trill, shoes look bit too basic

that pallete is disgusting and doesnt work with your skin colour

what i wore to a party, had to avoid looking goof so grills will talk 2 mi :^)

>> No.7590074

Lol who are you kidding levy. All of your samefags from every waywt thread are structured the same.

1. I like, fit good
A. Texture hur dur
2. Everyone hate you but, everyone else says this but
3. Improving, pls like me, help me, can make it bro

It's hilarious because your self replies are borderline confessing to samefag

Don't reply.

>> No.7590088

clean, but I'm not sure if I like the undershirt look, it doesn't look natural

>> No.7590089

ur one ugly cunt

>> No.7590086

you look like a bene gesserit house mother.
feedback: need a wider cut of pants and don't wear the boots on the outside. t-shirt looks interesting (but dirty) at least

>> No.7590091

#rekt #samefag

>> No.7590092

fite me fgt

>> No.7590112

I noticed that too. Good eye. Why is everyone reposting the same garbage that already got feedback from the last thread?

>> No.7590122

jeans suck, shoes suck but are salvageable, v-neck is disgusting, jacket is fucking terrible. that hair though is on another level of bad. also don't put a tv next to a fish tank, the electromagnetic radiation and loud sounds fuck with a fish's magnetic sensitivity. you're basically torturing those animals every single day they're alive.

>> No.7590127
File: 1.28 MB, 944x2968, American Vintage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590133

man who are u kidding anon, every time u accuse me of samefagging its the same, u reply calling me a samefag, then u reply to urself saying #etherd or #rekt or whatever, when i call u out on it u post photoshopped pics, its painfully obvious man, stop samefagging

>> No.7590148

not a vneck shirt, tv is rarely used ( only for gamecube once a year or so)
Our everyday tv is elsewhere

>> No.7590157

painfully obvious is probably the worst phras

>> No.7590168


>> No.7590177

cheap sweater/10

>> No.7590185

I don't post, but I'm on to you too. It is obvious and painful.

>> No.7590191


Thx lmnz

Looks like they're out of my size on their site tho.

>> No.7590211

fug me,
this is one of my favorite fits that i've seen on this board,
looooove the jacket and the overall palette

>> No.7590235

rekt af

>> No.7590264
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590265
File: 280 KB, 376x496, way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590272
File: 1.28 MB, 1927x2946, chvnnybrxwnexperience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost cuz i wore the same thing to breakfast this morning

>> No.7590269

>mfw u think trunks needs to samefag

he's the current best dressed person on the board

>> No.7590275

your shoes look kinda big. im guessing you sized wrong and you are now convincing yourself theyre fine if you just wear thick socks

>> No.7590278

haha ok. i wanna see this cunt wear that recent fit basically anywhere in public (not the woods of his mum's house). its unwearable. not only that but it's not even avant garde enough to be interesting. it's just try hard shit m9

>> No.7590283

actually, they fit perfectly fine, though they do look a tad bit big though so i do get worried about that, but you just described exactly what i did with my palladiums last year

>> No.7590286

bomber over hoody looks off bro. rest looks ok. ditch hoody or bomber and would be a clean fit

>> No.7590298

gud music choice bro

>> No.7590299

Visible undershirt looks bad. Button up more or wear a vneck undershirt or both.

>> No.7590310

w2c hoodie?

>> No.7590320

Ok, thanks for the input.

>> No.7590318

Some people have really big/long feet
Who caaaaares just fucking stalk him if it's that important to you

>> No.7590327
File: 224 KB, 770x1201, 2014-01-11 05.06.13 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590322

ty m8
air force 1s mid
ah they should restock soon

>> No.7590338

nice fit

w2c pencil thin facial hair?

>> No.7590344

genes and shaving

>> No.7590345

its some womens oversized hoodie from chaser 88 that i got from my friends mom cuz she work at some boutique around my town, have never been able to find it online or anything :/

>> No.7590362

rings suck
everything else is what /fa/ circlejerks over so that's it I guess

>> No.7590394

I think the jacket is a little too tight.

>> No.7590396
File: 630 KB, 356x1079, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for feedback

>> No.7590402

i think if the shirt was loser around the chest and maybe around the arms/baggier it would be a sick fit

still pretty cool

>> No.7590407

why even post this shit
dont like the shoes
fucking sick

>> No.7590436

Pretty plain, the vans completely ruin it though.

>> No.7590445

w2c pants like that?

>> No.7590466
File: 856 KB, 1932x2576, 2014-01-11 19.43.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as earlier today but with different shoes and cuffs.

>> No.7590474


>> No.7590483

damn nigga that gucci belt doe oh shittttt

>> No.7590492

totokaelo the brand is hope

>> No.7590508

i think it looks good on you

>> No.7590626

info on shirt

>> No.7590644

pants + shoes?

>> No.7590648

did twerk leave his beanie at your house?

>> No.7590784

looks ok but could use better shoes.

>> No.7590839

shieetttt im copping some af1 mids how are they?

>> No.7590934

gtfo hs kiddie

>> No.7590964
File: 118 KB, 477x1000, pr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7590995

I just bought them too I'm loving them, post the entire fit pls.

>> No.7591004


I feel this man

you gotta do the face blanking differently tho it just looks disturbing when you only do your eyes.

>> No.7591038
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 09218765241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591130
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x960, momcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting cause fuck you


>> No.7591139

not bad

but what exactly are you trying to do with your outfit here?

>> No.7591150

top half is sick af

>> No.7591149

i literally just go into my gril inspo folder and copy the outfits, gold star if you have the outfit that i copied

>> No.7591152

you look like a dark souls character
not a fan of the shirt nor pants. The shoes are A1 though.

>> No.7591161

This looks super good except for the hood, the taper is too shallow. Too narrow at the top and too wide at the bottom makes your shoulders flow in to your head which detracts from the silhouette.

>> No.7591166

oops meant for >>7589806

>> No.7591177

p good man, everything works well
you'll get shit on here for wearing authentics but whatever

>> No.7591178

man you would look so much better if you shaved and ditched the rings
i know you won't agree w/ me but personally i just hate either
sick fit as always tho

>> No.7591186

i would let you fuck me

>> No.7591319

so thats what he looks like

>> No.7591340

looks pretty sweet man, people hatin cos it aint goof enough

>> No.7591354
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6310[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost but want to know if jeans attract too much attention from the sweater

>> No.7591385

why do you carbon copy? have you no love for your own creativity?

>> No.7591403
File: 2.74 MB, 2848x4272, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time lurker. thought I looked decent today.

>> No.7591411

keep lurking ;)

>> No.7591413

would fuck

except for your shoes, ugh


>> No.7591423

why did you black out your face ;__;

>> No.7591424

I figured the vans would get hate. i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair

>> No.7591461

tips fedora

>> No.7591466

one of the few decent fits by you

>> No.7591474

>I figured the vans would get hate. i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
>i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
> i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
> i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
> i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
> i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair

>> No.7591479

Everything fits decently but at the same time, everything looks cheap as shit, those jeans especially. Plus your hair looks like shit. If I saw you on the street I would think: "That guy knows how to buy clothes that fit," not "that is a guy who knows how to put an outfit together." Severely unimpressive. And I have to reiterate: your hair looks like absolute dirty loser shit.

>> No.7591480
File: 1.21 MB, 2250x4000, DSC_0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7591476

what's the beige jacket

>> No.7591486

instead of having 6 pairs of vans you could of had like 1 and a half pair of dope nikes or NBs... ya fucked up mate

>> No.7591505

>i have like 6 pairs of them since I can get them for like $30 a pair
>6 pairs
>$30 a pair

For that money you could have bought:
A pair of Generic Surplus Champions for FW and Wellingtons for SS.
NB 1400s and 420s
Red wings off eBay
Inneva wovens
Flyknit trainers and 30 bucks left over for whatever, which for you is probably getting sucked off at the local gay bar

>> No.7591533
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, vulc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a journeys, we have one pair on NBs left, but they have a terrible color scheme and I'm just not into Nikes. Not a popular opinion in general, but w/e I just find like these, for example, to be more attractive.

>> No.7591539

don't wear a hoodie with that

>> No.7591634
File: 68 KB, 397x720, picture096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I didn't leave the house today. Black cp's as far as shoes go.

>> No.7591647

looks good except the shoes

>> No.7591664

nasty palette
don't wear white with that brown

>> No.7591675

I like it

Not gonna lie, I like the dog even more. w2c

>> No.7591676

Very nice, I loved you in The Seventh Seal.

>> No.7591695
File: 32 KB, 617x960, 1389507787500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591736

>glasses AND sunglasses

>> No.7591742

Male or Female?

>> No.7591746

pffffhaha ugly midget. cao ni ma

>> No.7591766

for seeing and for seeing in the sun?
idk man i wear glasses and carry sunglasses on me but i keep the suns in a case stowed

>> No.7591787
File: 21 KB, 355x480, 1386928547751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7591802

Where'd you get that sweater? I've been looking for a good black sweater that fits well

>> No.7591813
File: 65 KB, 720x960, oldfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stayed in and studied this weekend so no recent fit

Here is an old fit

Raf raincoat
Woodwood bomber
Generic button up
Jil Sander
Generic socks
Ann D.

>> No.7591820

it seems you got lost
fuck off you ugly fucking jew piece of shit

>> No.7591845

>being this new

>> No.7591852

>disrespecting our moot and saviour

get fukt m8

>> No.7591847 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 541x960, me1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be nice I have limited funds. Also I am slightly big because fucking military diet and shit.

>> No.7591855
File: 36 KB, 541x960, me1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing what I can with my tight budget.

>> No.7591870

ummm i can't shit on you, you're trying.
maybe some sneakers or desert boots instead of the shoes.

>> No.7591885

pants seem a little too big on you but i cant really tell

>> No.7591887

both shirt and pants need to be tighter/smaller
work on your posture, this makes you look insecure as hell.. least put your feet apart
and to be honest, lose some weight

>> No.7591897
File: 22 KB, 401x271, h10314A6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7591903

I have some desert boots but they dont match up too well.
they are a tad long but other than that they fit very well levis 514 actually.

>> No.7591912

will work on posture, but the weight thing im 5'9 at 170 its that military food honestly.

>> No.7591922

theyre fuckin nice, 1 of the better cops ive made

>> No.7591928
File: 88 KB, 600x800, 1389511332255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good, /fa/.
First time posting

>> No.7591934

get rid of under shirt and button the button down. its a start.

>> No.7591941

Button ups are a little overdone, get a mirror so we can see your fit.

>> No.7591943

get rid of those godawful shoes

>> No.7591945


>> No.7591948

Nothing horribly off here, maybe a bit tighter jeans?

>> No.7591950

>Button ups are a little overdone

>> No.7591982
File: 2.32 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-01-11 23.31.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything you want, bb.

No full-body mirror at the moment. My brother slammed my door and broke mine. QQ.

Never. Sperry's are love, sperry's are life.

>> No.7591986


you should see if u can fit in 511s, 514s are p big

>> No.7592001

>going out in public like that

>> No.7592015

too skinnyfat to wear singlet

>> No.7592018

Okay will do, im trying to cut but its hard with th shit food they give us in the army.

>> No.7592040

i dig the print on your shirt. isnt it the great wave off kanagawa?

the rest... not so much

>> No.7592064

wtc shirts with that arm button thing

>> No.7592081

wc buttun up

>> No.7592088

wc jeanz

>> No.7592092

Yeah, it's the great wave. And thank you and everyone else on this board for being so brutally honest. Criticism leads to improvement.~~

What's 'wtc' mean. Sorry for newfaggin' so hard.
I google'd it and saw multiple meanings?

>> No.7592093

nah it all loook sgreat

>> No.7592100
File: 283 KB, 408x670, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7592102

where to cop

>> No.7592110

Okay, thanks.
Don't know if these 2 posts are the same dude so I'll just reply to both.
The shirt is Michael Kors, got it at a Nordstrom.
Places where I find those type of shirts are usually Armani Exchange, Kenneth Cole, MK. The likes.

>> No.7592135


>> No.7592138
File: 1.00 MB, 637x980, Sweg32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A monumental effort went in to this one, not that I need to point that out.

>> No.7592140


>> No.7592143

looks like ur ready to get fucked in the ass bro. and i mean that literally

>> No.7592146

Is that something you're used to seeing in the company you keep?

>> No.7592147

whatever's in your ear is ruining the photo

that, and your weak jaw

and your boring fit, and boring hair

better luck next time

>> No.7592149

you're a dumb fuck then. Just eat fewer calories you slave

>> No.7592154

I really like this

>> No.7592156

Of course it's boring, I worked today

None of the rest of your comment was relevant though, I'm glad your bone structure instills some feeling of importance upon you though.

>> No.7592155

those boots look awful and cheap, get an upgrade

>> No.7592160

>Of course it's boring, I worked today
Why did you post it then?

>> No.7592166

I'm carefully inspecting the thread title, and though I may be wrong, I'm FAIRLY certain it says "What Did You Wear Today"

>> No.7592170


Or I guess, "What Are You Wearing Today"

I should have inspected closer before making assumptions. I will do better in the future senpai.

>> No.7592177

apc new cures, just wish they tapered more :(

>> No.7592176

>Of course it's boring, I worked today
If you can wear geos at work why does it matter?

>> No.7592185

Balmains dude

And I can get away with sneakers since I spent a lot of time behind the counter today but being in my position makes it a lot more difficult to try to enforce company policies if I'm blatantly breaking uniform standards by wearing some asym. rick top.

>> No.7592197

not trying to make you feel bad, I'm trying to give you feedback so you know how people feel about your fit

why post it if you don't even want to hear what people have to say? as you go about your day to day life people will silently judge you and you'll have no idea what they're thinking. posting in a WAYWT gives you insight into what, exactly, people are thinking when they see you. if you choose to get angry and defensive, you'll be choosing to extract no value from the experience.

it's disappointing when the only responses you get are negative, I understand that, but you need to accept that what other people think about how you dress is valuable knowledge for you to have.

as for the relevance which you think is lacking, you couldn't be more wrong. the problem with your fit is that it, by being so basic, draws attention to your body, your face, and your shoes. the shoes are alright, no problem there. but your face and hair are doing you no favours. your fit is accentuating them, and you don't want to be doing that, I assure you.

I don't know why you think that my comment about the bullshit in your earlobe is irrelevant. You'll have to explain that to me.

You'll also have to explain why my comment on your hair isn't relevant. You could style it differently or get it cut differently.

>> No.7592199

you need to lose weight

>> No.7592204

>your shitty ass comment


anyways man, your bottom half is good, sleeves of your tee dont rlly fit that well tho, flare out. also id shave and maybe get a haircut but thats up to you

>> No.7592216

I'm just going to cut to the chase

This thread is about what we wore/are wearing

It's not about what's going through my ear or how it makes my face look

It's not about my unstyled, slightly damp still hair

and it's definitely not about the shape of my jaw

None of that relates to my outfit

The purpose of these threads is to discuss outfits and the clothes, not the people inside them, because where do you draw the line? "You should consider contacts because your eyes don't match well with the color of your tshirt" or some shit like that is the level of relevance that this is approaching.

It's pointless. Regardless of what anyone thinks of my head, it's the head I was born with and I can't do anything about it so taking it in to account when dressing myself is needlessly pedantic.

We aren't models here, we don't have specific outfits tailored to accentuate our facial features and vice versa, and I don't get my hair cut to match my clothes because that's just overly try hard. This is half the reason most people make the effort of completely blocking out their heads from their fit photos, to avoid pointless discussion on unrelated details.

Tldr: my face is irrelevant to my outfit

>> No.7592218

bruh what kind of jeans, they fit super well

>> No.7592221

just dress normal.

don't try to be "fashionable" until you learn how to wear jeans, boots (or socks) and a solid color tee.

and you need to grow your hair out.

>> No.7592223
File: 620 KB, 712x950, 1350264760532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a hair cut last night, it's drastically different than before but my hair is flat and damp from the rain so the picture doesn't really do it justice. If I had to compare it to something it would be this when i actually have product in it.

>> No.7592227

it kind of is though, some faces suit certain styles better, haircuts the same. people dont have to be dicks about it though,and youre free to ignore advice. and lol at the dude talking about your jaw, oh yeah bro my jawline totally isnt workign with this fit, ill just break it real quick and pop it out a little

>> No.7592249

Undeniably you are correct, a slimmer face will suit a slimmer silhouette and such, but the way the guy is going with this is that people should literally use their clothes as a way of trying to distract and hide their faces or physical features (aside from slimming weight or profile).

That's an incredibly sad way of looking at clothing and wanting to dress well and feel proud of yourself. I put on clothes I love because I enjoy feeling confident going out the door, the idea of thinking "I hope this shit makes up for my face" as I walk out the door is ridiculous.

Of course again, certain haircuts will always suit certain styles and I work within that to a large degree, but my overall point still stands.

>> No.7592261

These are just Naked and Famous skinny guy black power stretch

I would recommend the super skinny guys over these though, the smaller leg opening offers a better look overall in my opinion, which is basically the only change between the two.

>> No.7592276


you're literally not saying anything

>> No.7592281

yeah i dont think you should dress like a retard to draw attention away from your ugly face like that dude does. i was just saying that one fit would look goofy on one dude and great on another, depending on their faces.

>> No.7592288

I'm saying "While facial structure and features can contribute to an outfit, dressing specifically in order to accommodate them is both pointless and reeking of lack of confidence"

Dress to be yourself rather than dress to hide yourself I guess?

>> No.7592298
File: 1.96 MB, 3712x3264, asaasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting yesterdays fit

>> No.7592301

i don't see how that's a bad thing -- some people should dress to "hide themselves" if that means downplaying shit attributes and highlighting good ones, or accept that they look worse because of their failure to do so

>> No.7592303
File: 110 KB, 560x888, 2014-01-12 19.52.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm new

>> No.7592306

w2c pants? or any slim fit black chino? im having a hard time finding any

>> No.7592311

get some more clothes, you've basically posted the same fit like 4 times now but with a different bottom layer
lurk more

>> No.7592316

Dressing to hide yourself doesn't make you look good, it just disguises you, makes you look artificially "good" and creates a facade much like short people wearing heel lifts.

The moment anyone gets close or you drop your guard it falls to pieces. Then it's lose-lose because you wouldn't even feel good about yourself while you have it kept up knowing that if it weren't for your outfit hiding you, x feature would make you noticeably less attractive.

Encouraging that sort of thing is poor no matter how you look at it.

>> No.7592317

If you can pull it off that is a really cool fit >>7592303
Your tank top is to long, and your pants are to short also jorts

>> No.7592318

So I read this >>7592177 and was going to rec the super skinny guy then read >>7592261

I'm a big fan of my super skinny guys.

>> No.7592324

actually ive posted this same fit twice now, and one other completely different fit but with the same jacket. but yes indeed i do need more clothes

>> No.7592329

the new cures are super slim throughout,

>> No.7592334

its just the bottom doesnt have an extreme taper like id prefer, but i usually cuff // pinroll so it looks perfectly fine, at least for my incredibly skinny body, they fit real nice, minus the lack of "super tapering"

>> No.7592336

oh god no they aren't jorts, that's just the photo

>> No.7592340

If you've got the money to drop, you could go in the direction of SLP 15cm or something similar, or if you're a bit more eccentric, Julius. The Julius denim I have incoming have a 5.25 inch leg opening, most extreme taper I've ever had on a pair of jeans.

>> No.7592353

I agree, it would be nice if /fa/ would focus more on the clothes and basically be more mature. And even ugly people are better off trying to come to terms with it and not hate themselves. If clothes were like sunglasses and could be used to accentuate good facial features and vice versa I would disagree, but they aren't. Fatties etc are a different story.
In relation to your fit, I just think a more relaxed tee would make a big difference.

>> No.7592361

5.25 inches holy fuck, haha thats nuts, even for me, and i thought they didnt make jeans skinny enough for me. I was looking at april 77 becuause those were the skinniest raws i could find. and had the most extreme taper

for the time being, until i find a new job, figure out school, im gonna stick with my apcs til they unwearable :/ but when i finally have an abundance of spending money, i will take saint laurent into consideration bc i been mirin for a long time.

>> No.7592379

you can just tailor your jeans for like 10$ dude

if youre looking at saint laurent check for old hedi era dior denim first

>> No.7592386

I have a few tailors around her, i actually got my n&f skinny guys tapered and hemmed but one dude tried to charge me $50 for each pair, i found a lady to do it for $25 but she didnt double stitch them when she took them in and its now tearing

i wanna get my new cures tapered just past the knee, but im afraid they will ruin the already super sturdy stitching because of past experience

i will check those out too, thanks, when i re do my whole wardrobe later this year and get rid of all this high school days binge buying bullshit i never wear.

>> No.7592438


bad fit, see it all the time too. get more fitting stuff, and wear socks.

>> No.7592586

yeh cop sum based dior jeans

>> No.7592600


Thanks. The clothes are all home sewn. Very thin cotton fabrics used throughout. Trying to keep it loose for the heat. Might put a bit more taper below the knee on the pants.

>> No.7592726

The vans ruin it. Particularly with the white laces and sole. You need something all-black

>> No.7592745

Your facial unaesthetics ruin the fit, and the shirt sleeves fit oddly

>> No.7593545

how tall are you teddy bby jw?

>> No.7593619

the fact that a person as ugly as you owns those shoes is actually making me mad

>> No.7593816


>> No.7593826
File: 69 KB, 282x964, edit20140111_203744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tear me apart

>> No.7593901
File: 796 KB, 900x1200, CAM00178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant see shit

>> No.7593910

those shoes hahah

>> No.7593918

better shoes
printed shirt
skinnier + shorter trousers
would b sick
wheres the jacket from?

>> No.7593982

its ann D