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/fa/ - Fashion

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7585540 No.7585540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Off-topic but:

What are you doing right now, /fa/?

>> No.7585546

Listening to some music and shooting the shit with some people on mumu

>> No.7585549

probably browsing 4chan.org/fa/

great thread btw

>> No.7585561

thank you

your lack of multi-tasking ability has been noted

>> No.7585568

listening to ambient

just finished reading for the night

about to go to bed

what about you opie

>> No.7585574

reading confessions of a mask, and occasionally posting here

>> No.7585578

cupping balls

>> No.7585577

Browsing on my photo and watching tmz

>> No.7585580

listening to boards of canada and staring intently at a lava lamp

>> No.7585582
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have a good night everyone in this thread

>> No.7585588


as for me i'm jusy fucking around on my pc before i go to work for a six hour nightshift

>> No.7585598

Meant phone~

>> No.7585596



>> No.7585601

petting my cat and listening to Arquitectura efímera

>> No.7585605

What's the job?

>> No.7585626

Sitting around, browsing /fa/ and tumblr, reading some of Aaron Copeland's incredibly pretentious but still helpful writings on music, and wishing that I was more motivated to go be social like I used to be.

It's like my own little pity party, party of one.

(It's really not that pitiful, just unremarkably average, but average doesn't make for good conversation.)

>> No.7585635

listening to music
lurking on /fa/

>> No.7585660

Reading comics and listening to this weird folk album made by someone from /mu/ I suspect.

I really want to make hot chocolate, but muh cuts.

>> No.7585683

Flirting with a girl, trying to make her my qt gf

>> No.7585702

good luck!

sounds plausible

seems you're in the right track for changing that, good job

>> No.7585715

Thanks man, it's going pretty well. She sent me a picture of her as a panda.

>> No.7585726

Watching Rebel Without A Cause on PBS

>tfw you will never have James Dean's hair

>> No.7585757

netflix all night, same as always

>> No.7585786



Just googled it saw he wrote two, which one are you reading? would you recommend it for a producer?

>> No.7586522

Mention they're an endangered species and offer to help repopulate with her.

>> No.7586525

waiting for pizza, listening to some bm

>> No.7586531


tomorrow gonna work

next day gonna chat up the hot dog stand lady about conspiracy theories

>> No.7586534


>> No.7586537

listening to fushitsusha, and drinking luke warm green tea which i'm about to go and refill in a sec

>> No.7586541

i was going to cycle to the library but it just burst out in rain. ill have to dress myself soon. gonna wear some thermal #techwear. oh god it's so cold i'm hungry

the new album

>> No.7586540

Just woke up and about to smoke. I visit this board often, but I was really headed for /ck/

>> No.7586543
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Quick question, does your browser/background look /fa/? Looking for cool browser aesthetic cleanness.

>> No.7586557

Laying in bed about to go to sleep.

Got kicked out of a gay bar. Got in a fight. Felts really fucking good in a weird way.

Texting my gf that I don't trust her. Prob going to break up. Feel meh about it. I wasn't digging her too much.

All in all a pretty interesting night, school starts Monday...

>> No.7586562

binging and crying

>> No.7586564
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Roadtripping with a tight group of friends.

>> No.7586566

did you try some gay sex? :)

>> No.7586584

Yep. just finished まだ温かいうちのこの今に全ての謎を注ぎ込んでしまおう
I'm about to listen to Pathetique and call it a night.

>> No.7586593

deciding on what to do the ol wankaroo on
suggestions /fa/?

>> No.7586597

that super cute pornstar
i think her name is angelica or angelina and she seems to only do scenes with one dude

>> No.7586601

drunk and sad and listening to frank ocean while tying to find a captcha i can read

>> No.7586604

ilu bro

>> No.7586689
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Watching LotGH.
Rubbing my tummy.

>> No.7587285

That actually worked really, really well.

>> No.7587290

Making a YouTube video, digesting milk and orange juice.
Refreshing /fa/ every so often.

>> No.7587305

watching Only God Forgives, it think it will be pretty /fa/

>> No.7587308

I'm trying to go to sleep but my parents are blasting heat. I hate winter break

>> No.7587310


>> No.7587338

watching old southpark eps (season 1-7 on random shuffle) while browsing net

>> No.7587337

Sitting in the locker room and about to swim.

>> No.7587343

Sitting here waiting for the college bookstore to open.

>> No.7587390
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shotting up some black tar heroin

>> No.7588112

runnign my hands trough my hair, about to go out

>> No.7588421

community service at the local landfill, its the most effay thing I could do