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/fa/ - Fashion

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7566487 No.7566487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey so I notice this board has a lot of avant garde stuff. Can we get like a college type thread going. Right now all I got is basic plain T's, few henleys, some jeans, white chucks and clarks. Im not looking for that experimental stuff that you see literally no one on the streets or at school wearing. Just want some help with clean, simple fits. Preferably fits that wont break my wallet.

So I ask. What are some good looking, simple fits, that don't cost and arm and a leg. And where to cop?

>> No.7566523

wearing mfa garbage wont make you look like some faggot from lookbook

if you just want to look plain and average and blend into your shitty midwestern community college wear whatever garbage youre already wearing

>> No.7566577

Hey thanks for the help. Now maybe you can get back to your Rick Owens circle jerk.

>> No.7566608
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you can wear rick owens in college

>> No.7566617

maybe he doesn't want to

>> No.7566641

>Right now all I got is basic plain T's, few henleys, some jeans, white chucks and clarks
but that's all you need

>> No.7566660

yeah but he's saying it like you can't

>> No.7566686
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pretty much this.

I dunno. Was looking for some casual collared shirts. Some decent jackets.

Just post shit yea?

>> No.7566691

There are just as many faggots wearing sweatpants and flip-flops as docker alphas and dbs. College is about discovering yourself, not re-assimilating into a bigger high school.

>> No.7566707

go to a thrift store and look for some leather and denim jackets. shirts i dunno there's so many variables and different styles it's hard to give you any real guidance

>> No.7566730

yo bro. I don't care. I'm asking for help. As in advice. As in just post shit so I can get ideas. Everything you faggots post I don't go out and buy. Thats me discovering myself. Just post shit and help or go back to your goth ninja threads.

>> No.7566830

You can stop calling everyone a faggot. This isn't /b/, grow up a little you're in college now.

>> No.7566897

Sorry, I should have put faggots in quotes - "Faggots". As In mocking whoever I quoted using that word.

>> No.7567159
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>> No.7567220

seriously man mfa would actually help you much more than /fa/ if you're looking for stuff like this

>> No.7567262

This. They've got plenty of guides that will really help you out. Especially with the style you're aiming for.

>> No.7567286

What the hell is the point of this board then?

>> No.7567293
File: 78 KB, 612x612, rwinsta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I know what you mean, I'm not a fan of the avant garde stuff either. However, you also want to avoid looking like from faggot in Zumiez and shit, and you need to make sure you don't dress full on "dadcore" (which is distinct from menswear). You should work on mastering the art of the mountain man

>selvedged denim obviously
>sweet boots (and we're not talking about just Clarks DB's)
>flannels, gingham, plaid shirts, henleys, etc
>grow a beard
>get a watch (leather strap, and preferably not a weekender)
>start smoking (Lucky's, Camel unfiltered, pipe?)
Oh, and you should probably get a dog.

If you're looking for cheaper stuff...
>L.L. Bean
>Uniqlo (OCBD's, some plaid/gingham shirts, etc)
>Levi's for cheaper demin, unbranded for a little nicer)
>Redwings for boots
If you don't want to spend that much (though I don't think they're particularly expensive), you can also check out the Johnston & Murphy Chukka's for a little "beefier" version of a boot similar to DB's (I think the only difference between desert boots and chukka's are the eyelets, but I could be wrong).

These may interest you for looks too

www.theartofmanliness.com (I'm pretty sure /fa/ hates this one, too much reddit for them)

I know I'm going to get a bunch of shit from /fa/ for all this "cancerous shit" that I just posted, but I hope it helps OP.

>> No.7567298

for when you decide to stop dressing like a boring piece of shit

aka actual discussion not picking out a wardrobe for some dadcore retard

>> No.7567329

Why do you "hate" dadcore/menswear/mfa/prep so much?

It's such a contradiction that /fa HATES looking like everyone else... yet there is a monolithic narrative - fucking black skinny clothing. I love the looks /fa is geared towards, but I don't understand why we can't appreciate fashion as not being a black/white binary (this joke is 2deep), and being a diverse form of expression?

Trunks, you fucking post on mfa too.

>> No.7567344

Rather be "boring" and able to socialize than be some forever alone fashion nerd that looks like something straight out of shinobi III.

>> No.7567360

For fashion, fashions is always changing my dear friend, the look you are describing is simple and not really new. The point of this board is to discuss high fashion. It's not really changing because there is not a single designer/brand out there that is bringing anything new to this style.

Also disregard this tripster >>7567298

I respect that you choose to follow that style OP, and like I said, it's best to go to mfa and just follow their guides. That's my advice to you

>> No.7567362
File: 203 KB, 900x675, Casual-Office-Rainy-Day-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just obsessed with being trendy and cool. There isn't anything wrong with menswear, and it's not going to go out of style because it is literally the basic style to dress.

>not to mention the qt's dig it

>> No.7567371

not a fan of those boots though

>> No.7567380

oh look someone being helpful.
Thank bud. The advice and sensible response is much appreciated.

How can this be cancerous? This a fashion board, there are no rules. Let alone an image board in general that has no rules. I can post and talk about whatever the fuck I, or we, want to.

>> No.7567384

nah nigga i got banned

if he wants to discuss dadcore shit idc, go for it, these "lul /fa/ buy me a boring ass wardrobe pls" threads are awful tho

>> No.7567393

Point me in the direction of the rules for posting on this board. I didn't see a "high fashion" sign anywhere.

Regardless, thanks for the advice.

>> No.7567400

Post a fit fuccboi

>> No.7567414

>Oh look someone being helpful
Yea, I'm trying because I had the same problem when I first started really going on /fa/ and it was at like the dying end of everyone wearing Clarks DB's and then now everyone's "blah blah dadcore, faggot, are you 50? lel" and shit. It's fashion, and I agree it belongs here, but there are too many obnoxious kids who need to be edgy and dress in 3deep5you clothes.

Also, www.huckberry.com is pretty good too

>> No.7567437

Not OP, but thanks man. This was actually pretty helpful.

>> No.7567459

I didn't say there are any rules, but if you know the board culture most of the fashion discussed here is definitely high fashion.

>> No.7567455

the only designer pice i have here is my ann d belt, whole wardrobe is at my other house/. but if u want u can have one of my nudes + ann belt or just an old fit

>> No.7567482

>shoes look homeless
>pants look like a middle schooler
>top looks like what your mom wore to art school in the early 90s

>> No.7567489
File: 172 KB, 1352x554, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITB: "High fashion"

>flat bills
>don't mix black and brown
>graphic tee's in the mail

such fashion
many high

>> No.7567517

there isn't anything wrong with it, but i find it horribly boring

i used to get boners all over everything in the esquire black books and gq style guides or whatever and now i look at em and it's like oh another brown brogue, another guy wearing a suit...yawn

>> No.7567535

I can see finding it boring, however (at least at my age) most people dress like shit and all you have to do to stand out and look good is put together a coherent outfit. I do find it a little ironic how (maybe not you, I don't know what style you prefer) gothninja foobers call menswear boring when they lack color, different textures, etc. I find the whole goof ninja/avant garde stuff to be excruciatingly boring honestly, sure it's newer, but it's a hell of a lot less interesting.


>> No.7567547

you belong on reddit

>> No.7567557

stfu newfag

>not knowing that doge/shiba started on 4chan then spread to Reddit
Are you seriously going to let them win by dropping it because they touched it? Fucking pathetic, m8.

>> No.7567566

Find a nice thrift store, it makes it easier if it isn't an open donation place like goodwill but an exchange. There is this store near me that only carries shit that people try to exchange for store credit, and if its a shit looking piece of clothing or a bad brand its turned down. Of course what would be 2$ at goodwill becomes 15$, but even then its not bad when list could be over 100.

>> No.7567580

ragefaces started on 4chan
r u really gonna drop it bc funnyjunk touched it?
are you really this fucking stupid m8?

>> No.7567577


how do i wash stuff from thrift stores? feel like they always smell like trash.

>> No.7567597

>r u really gonna dro pit bc funnyjunk touched it?
What? I didn't say anything about "dropping" anything (That was you, little buddy). And "ragefaces" still get posted on /b/...a lot. And I've seen em on /fa/, jesus kid, what are you even rambling on about?

>> No.7567605

To be honest I always do a smell test the one I go to always washes and has a distinct detergent smell, I think its tide, but I always give it a wash at home and a double wash if I think it might have been worn skin to skin.

>> No.7567607

so you don't think there are other people who dress like this? Then why is there a board? I see plenty of people in my city dressing in techwear, moderate goth ninja, japanese street and even workwear (confused with dadcore/mfa-style). You're trying to fit in rather than finding yourself/niche.

>> No.7567614

and really there isn't too much a stigma its just like getting a shirt from your brother you aren't sure what happened in that shirt but at the same time its clean now.

>> No.7567648

I was asking if you really thought that things stay constant and don't pick up new connotations you actual retard. Maybe rhetoric is
much hard
such complex
for you.

>> No.7567739

i don't confine myself to one style, but i don't mix and match rly

if i have to go to a family event or wedding or something then i dress #menswear

if i'm goin out to a party or bar or w/e then it's mostly basic shit/streetwear

if goin shopping or hanging out w/ friends then i tend to pull out the goof and moon because they appreciate that kinda stuff

btw gothninja actually has a lot of variation, even within just rick. ppl just tend to post the same shit over and over again tho because it's hte most common and affordable pieces

>> No.7567736

>pick up new connotations
>somehow negates origins
I'll bet you're one of those people who thinks it's ok to call shit "gay" when you mean dumb, because "they know we aren't actually referring to the sexual orientation, it means something different." Grow up, fuccboi.

>> No.7567764

>not understanding that everything is a constant dialogue
I guess Chuck Taylors are for basketball, boat shoes are for boating, chinos are for the military, etc etc, right? lol

>> No.7567772

>implying it isn't ok to call something gay when i mean dumb
back to reddit with you

>> No.7567806

says the guy who probably dropped out of college and is a busboy so that he can pay for his shitty apartment.

>> No.7567838

Really right now? Of course boat shoes are for boating, dumbass. I can't tell if you're just trolling at this point, or if you're genuinely retarded.

I never said the don't also have their current connotation, what I'm referring to is that the original meaning still applies. How do you get up in the morning and dress yourself?

Back to >>>/b/ man, you clearly don't belong here.

>> No.7567901

>I never said the don't also have their current connotation, what I'm referring to is that the original meaning still applies.
I give up. You can even look to linguistics and see that meanings change, the archaic doesn't matter in the current. Ok you win m8, I'll go back to /b/ b/c you think everything is in a vacuum and that current circumstances shouldn't change attitudes (ie; chinos ok to wear outside of military, things becoming outdated and coming to represent a new culture (think docs shifting away from skinheads, converse shifting away from basketball, memes becoming representative of a board different from the original)). Your "muh board pride" is much more /b/ though
>are you seriously going to let them win
have a gr8 day, no use arguing when you won't change your mind, though you were the one to pick the fight.

>> No.7568134

not op either, but this was pretty much genuinely the most helpful post ive ever seen on 4chan. op stated what he wanted, stated what he wasnt interested, didnt call anyone a shithead or anything, just stated preferences. and one dude helped, in a thread of shit heads.

i applaud you, 4chan.

thank you based anon

>> No.7568324

Depending where you live thrift/second shops can be nice. Maybe not like a goodwill but second hand shops, clothing boutiques, can be really good. Target, sale areas of Macys Dillards, Cotton is cheap as shit, Gap (do cool stuff with GQ in fall) and be creative where you go. A certain store might be crap but look through their stuff and you might be able to cop a nice basic tee that can be dressed up. Wear stuff that you may question wearing. Button ups always look good and can be mixed well with layers, even get some with crazy patterns and have the balls to wear them no matter other people. I have some nice slim jeans, dark (blue, black,khaki, subtle colors), also look for well fitted pants and chinos, shorts are a must as well not long. Shoes, I dont tend to settle, would buy my stuff at Macys, though just copped some nice hush puppies and Dr. Martins at TJ Max and those places for 20$. I dont have pictures but ger inspired by the pricey stuff and find things that look similar for cheaper. it takes time but get creative, explore stores you may not want to for those gems, and slowly build it.