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/fa/ - Fashion

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7561895 No.7561895 [Reply] [Original]

Lol so you guys like designer brands?
Why? Materialism, just things?

Like really, why? Clothes.

>> No.7561899

I like well made clothes.

>> No.7561900

I bet you eat cheap food too

>> No.7561907

Having pride in something you own gives you confidence. Having confidence gets things done and drives people to make beneficial decisions they wouldn't otherwise. It's hard to be confident when you wear walmart.

>> No.7561908

health is important, i'll splurg for good eats numnuts its vital to life. clothes are just clothes, a luxury for humans?

>> No.7561909

As an artist I can appreciate many types of art. Designer clothing usually bring something unique. For instance Margiela and his painted footwear or Raf and his bold use of color. I don't expect you to understand. It's not all about how much you can spend.

>> No.7561910
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true, i totally agree. okay theres a good reason.but i doubt all you /fa/ users gain confidence from looking good. i know there are a lot of you who are still a wreck even when dressly sharped. i still cant fully wrap my head around as to why there is a whole board dedicated to grown men argueing about thousand dollar jeans and being fat or not.

i mean how superficial?

>> No.7561911

one thing though is i think men back in 40s 50s spent equivalent amounts on clothes

>> No.7561914

i love art, and i know what you mean, thats a good answer too.

>> No.7561913

I like my clothes not made in a shithole factory by poor third worlders.

>> No.7561916


superficial in the same way there's a whole board dedicated to grown men wasting their lives arguing about video games made for children.

it's all perspective - I don't hold stake in this claim.

>> No.7561917

Is expressing yourself superficial? I work out so that my appearance matches my drive and personality. I wear nice clothes for similar reasons.

>> No.7561918

I try to avoid designer brands as much as I can. more because I want to stand out and look unique than any non comformist/anti materialism shit though. I buy jeans and shoes from big brands because the build quality needs to be good.
unless you're a voluntarily moneyless hippie who makes their own clothes and lives in the wilderness, don't go on a materialism rant.

>> No.7561919

but the fact that you drop so much money on articles of clothes just shows how different you seperate yourselves from the rest of the world. not everyone has money and dropping 1.2 grand on ricks just kinda slaps poverty in the face?

idk. even if you dont necessarily spend 1.2 grand, you can still easily spend a massive amount of money, where if instead you can for example, buy cheap shit at a goodwill and tailor to fit perfectly for a fraction of the cost? its what i do, and im stylin' you guys.

>> No.7561931

its superficial because its one thing looking good for your own sake, but its another thing when board users sit on high horses fucking with eachother about fashion, in such a dickish manner. i mean fuck even you sound like you have an overly cocky manner yourself.

>> No.7561933

0/10 lame troll

>> No.7561942

not at all im being dead serious do you not have anything to say?

>> No.7561956

>buy designer
>think everyone makes fun of me for spending 400 on shoes or hundred on shirts
>think people think my fits are shit
>think i wasted my money and could have saved for something better or not clothing
>second guess buying more clothing

>> No.7561953

why do you get haircuts
why do you dress nice to parties
why do you shave
why do you go to the gym

Does it matter how people see you?
Have you considered the idea that what you wear reflects a part of your personality?
Intentionally or not.

>> No.7561954

since half of your sentences are comprised of meaningless filler, nobody has anything to say because the only thing you want us to say is yes you are right anon

>> No.7561961

just because you're a fuccboi who can't buy clothes without your mother's help doesn't mean buying designer clothing is bad

>> No.7561963

yeah but why drop money when you can do it all cheap, is what im getting at. why are your tastes expensive?

im just trying to spark your mind with some of my viewpoints to try to invoke some sort of discussion with someone. i wanna hear viewpoints and justifications. some anons gave me valid reasons, why cant you?

>> No.7561966

well u like video games,

>> No.7561971

im not a volutarily moneyless hippie, but i really dont spend money that isnt vital. im for living a lavish lifestyle, but i do it in a way that doest involve unnecessary human luxry

>> No.7561975

Dressing well has social connotations you see, and after a little browsing it's not hard to see why you will never be able to do it cheaply.

Clothes in general have strong social connotations, for example someone part of a 'punk rock' sub-culture or social group might dress to reflect that, and others will immediately associate what he wears to his interests.

Expensive or not, it's difficult to find ones own style without throwing around some decent money, that is if you care at all about how you look. (most people dont)

>> No.7561984

valid arguement my dude, fiiting into cliques is huge for people, im pretty guilty of that

>> No.7561987


Exactly this

You didn't make this thread to gain an understanding of why people buy designer brands, you made it because you're insecure and want to whine

Worry about yourself fuckass

>> No.7562002


>why are your tastes expensive

Lol wtf kind of question is this

And no there are looks you can't get for "cheap"

A part of buying designer clothing is about buying into the designer's universe they've created. You appreciate it, and wouldn't settle for a mere imitation.

Please tell me where I can find Comme des Garcons pieces from FW13 for "less", please.

Protip: you can't

>> No.7562010


Different people have different interests and priorities. Some people like spending hundreds on fine dining all the time, others invest hundreds in personal collections or hobbies, others spend money on nice clothes. Shouldn't be too hard to understand.

>> No.7562014

You can get it cheap, but more often than not, not at high quality.

I'd rather spend a lot for a good gym than a shit one.

I'd rather spend a lot on a straight razor and a nice brush than lots of cheap disposable ones.

>> No.7562028

we all die

>> No.7562042

tailored to fit perfectly? exactly what is that?

Having an ideal fit only puts you so much above other basic bitches.
There are plenty of ideal fits btw, doubt yours is "perfect".

Who the fuck gets rick tailored?
You aren't styling on anyone, you just live in a shit place where the only clothing options are one size fits all, which makes you feel like the shit simply because you had some pants tapered.

another dumb ass statement.
You live in a way that doesn't "involve unnecessary human luxury"? Why?
I'll tell you why! To make yourself seem more self sufficient and more manly, when in reality you are here on the internet (an unnecessary luxury), the comp your using is one as well btw.

It's pretty obvious you are the type of guy that will try anything to compensate for his lack of manliness and success, you do a good job at convincing yourself of it too and finding ways around it.

Like telling yourself you are far smarter and more successful by shopping at goodwill rather then barney's

>> No.7562070

you use the term basic bitches. .

i never said to get ricks tailored, i mean clothes from a goodwill. i have found so many dope jeans and pants from the goodwill that sorta fit, but after some tinkering feel better than anything else. imagine that. fraction of the cost

there are some things people need. a computer, internet, all to keep up with in this fast paced world. but you cant possibly say that designer isnt luxury? i mean cmon.

manliness and success have no finite definition, you cant also possibly tell me that higher fashion equates to manliness and success? jeeez

>> No.7562089

i'm not greedy either, i like to live pretty humbly and get my happiness from people and inexpensive activities
I don't feel good about calling people out on overspending on clothes though because some of it is just envy

>> No.7562093

why do gamers get really nice PCs? its just a fucking computer.
and why do people even bother with nice cars. its just a damn car seriously.
so materialistic

>> No.7562112

op. people do it for different reasons. admiration for design, construction, aesthetic appeal, feeling of materials, to look a certain way, to flaunt money. just in general buying nice clothes makes most people here feel good and wearing them brings joy to the user. if you haven't owned anything designer i think you should buy an article or two that you really want, that's really the best way to understand

>> No.7562120

Its quite simple OP, what the fuck else are we on earth to do?

Do you think we have some inherent life-goal which must be fulfilled? Materialism is just another thing to do before you shuffle of this mortal coil

At least if you buy designer you are avoiding encouraging sweatshop labour and you are forced to stimulate the economy by working and then paying for things.

>> No.7562180

I simply wish to surround myself with things that I value, and that interest me. Clothes are no exception to this. I see no point in denying myself this for whatever nobility and peace of mind anti-materialism affords.

At the same time I'm not a shopping spree faggot who spends money just to have impressive things. Do you think I shouldn't like and be interested in clothing? Do you feel that I am somehow misguided in my interests in something that can be a commodity, a luxury, or an investment in self?

What are your hobbies? If you feel that we must justify ourselves to you, why don't you show a little solidarity.