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7558008 No.7558008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here planning on getting a rhinoplasty?

I've saved up 6k to get one and I'd like to know a few things if any of you ever got one or know about the process.

How old do you have to be? Can you do a nosejob even if your facial structure hasn't stopped maturing, since I'm eighteen?
Also, can the surgeons only modify the shape of my nose, or can they "redo" it altogether so that I don't get as much sebaceous filaments, and my skin on the nose becomes smooth again?

Pic related I want my nose to be normal shaped and the skin to be devoid of impurities

>> No.7558075

have to be 18 but i really really would hold out as long as you can, 20 or so because the nose really does keep growing/you can waste a shit-ton of money

and no they cannot change sebaceous filaments, invest in a decent chemical exfoliator, get some samples from paula's choice of 2% BHA or preferably 10% AHA

>> No.7558126

Im planning on getting rhinoplasty but I gotta wait til Im not poor as fuck

Im just not looking forward to people seeing me afterwards and being like "holy shit, she got a nose job"

>> No.7558223

Waste money? What do you mean?
Why would the nose grow if I got it surgically modified?

Also about sebaceous filaments, why can't they change them? Exfoliators are temporary solutions, I want my pores to become smaller once and for all.

>> No.7558253

Typically, the nose is estimated to cease growth at the 16-18 age range or when puberty ceases, but its worth waiting dependant on the maturity of your cartilage, often your more susceptible to funny regrowth the younger you are.

They can't change them because that's not how dermatology functions, often many people find rhinoplasty makes your skin overcompensate with oil due to the reaction to trauma. Chemical exfoliators are not temporary solutions, they are so far the best help for sebaceous filaments for those not blessed with genetically tiny pores.

>> No.7558279

recommend a chem exfoliator pls

>> No.7558303

Aren't there ways to predict it? Like I know radiology can predict a child's growth in height so can a scan of the skull predict when the nose will stop growing?

Also that means I'll get even more sebaceous filaments after the operation? Those things really bother me, I want them gone, I'm so self conscious about them I don't actually know if people pay attention to them anymore. Are they a real turn off or am I overreacting?

Also what's the best exfoliator you've ever used?
Won't a highly chemical one fuck up my skin?

Is there literally no way whatsoever, even theoretical, to make one's pores smaller permanently

>> No.7558333

you can try a few things, if you cleanse you can try the OCM (oil cleaning method), typically you want a non-comedogenic oil such as jojoba oil, i use avacado oil myself because my skin needs the moisturising benefits and vitamin e. This works by warm water to open the pores, massaging in the oil in circles, and you will FEEL the sebaceous filaments or 'grits' loosen, then wipe face with cloth (microfibre).

Paula's choice AHA at 10% (might irritate your skin if its sensitive but stronger = better) or garden of wisdom AHA pads seem to be the best choice.

>> No.7558332

use natural stuff where possible
putting chemicals on your face daily is bad for your skin, even if it looks better temporarily

>> No.7558343


same here

I'm just going to lie about it, people are so retarded about plastic surgery

>> No.7558349

anyone else get an otoplasty? My ears used to stick out TERRIBLY and they are also big to top it off. I got bullied terribly but after I think they look pretty good. Still pretty self conscious about them though.

>> No.7558359

is that you op??? the fuck you want rhinoplasty for bruv

>> No.7558396

There will be a consultation, and if they're a good ENT surgeon, they will assess as honestly as they can.
As stated previously, sebaceous filaments are normal but aesthetically, a pain. You will not necessarily gain more sebaceous filaments, i am stating that skin that undergoes trauma and then is covered by a cast for a period of time will often be more oily or in worse condition for a short while.
With sustained use of an AHA and microfibre clothes or an extraction device used gently you can achieve some good results.

Also could I recommend something that may be an appropriate quick-fix if you're very self conscious about larger pores? A decent-tier primer such as smashbox photofinish or babyskin could be an interesting option to test in terms of the finish on your skin, but you have to be careful as these are often packed with silicones which can exasperate your long-term efforts at reducing pore size, be sure to cleanse with the OCM method or a microfibre cloth as previously stated.

>> No.7558397

Im getting one for my broken nose only cause it bothers me so much. sometimes i just sit and stare at it and it just makes me feel annoyed. God didnt want it to be this way

>> No.7558402


I have coconut oil, Im gonna try using some of that tonight. But I want to try chem sometime. Ive got crazy sensitive skin though, so I'll wait for a time that I have a week to hide if I end up having a reaction LOL.

Well I definitely can't lie about it sadly. Like I dont even want to tell my parents/siblings/ANYONE. But it'll be super obvious because I look fucking terrible right now LOL. Im also getting double jaw surgery.. But Im doing the jaw surgery beforehand. My nose could look different once I have that done.

>> No.7558405

Aren't sebaceous filaments supposed to go away for the most part or at least become less noticeable after puberty?

>> No.7558415

You use the AHA 10% weekly and it far less abrasive than using 'scrubs' or rubbing your skin for lengthy durations to exfoliate it.
I use no other chemicals, just avacado oil and a rhassoul clay soap occasionally and get skin compliments all the ~time~

>> No.7558431

How much would jaw surgery + rhino cost?
Would the orthognastic surgery make one's nose significantly smaller right away, perhaps supressing the need for the rhinoplasty afterwards?

>> No.7558462

read this list on the comedogenic ratings of oils, coconut oil is a 4 which means its most likely a bad choice for you and will clog the pores, even olive oil is better


jojoba or argan oil is a good starter

>> No.7558459

To be honest Im not sure. I have an appointment with a dentist/orthodontist on the 13th. I'll find out if my insurance will cover jaw surgery. If not, I'll be set back another year.

Ive just heard nose appearance will change. I have a feeling it will be a bit smaller, considering my top jaw will be pulled back into my face more (From what Im hearing.) IDK, I need a lot more info on this, but I just want to get it straight from the Dr's mouth instead of from the internet.

>> No.7558479


are you saying i use that

>> No.7558494

my bad, I use

>> No.7558506

You have the cutest little snub nose please do not ruin your face by getting a nose surgery.
You look like a fucking male model. You could be a fucking model.

>> No.7558532

Guys OP is not in the pic. That pic is off tumblr.

>> No.7558548

To what extent is the shape and length of your jaw supposed to change during puberty?

>> No.7558627

>tfw ugly because genetics, self conscious as fuck
>tfw crush is 8.5/10 model tier girl and I'm attracted by nobody else since two years

Should I kill myself? I feel bad all the time. Be honest.

>> No.7558645

make dat dough and get plastic surgery. then win ur gurl

>> No.7558646

Im the same way. Im

^ this person ^.

I say don't kill yourself. Just wait til you can afford surgery and then be happy. Thats what Im doing. Until then, it's oxy, goose, and cigs to make me feel OK.

>> No.7558649

post pic i want to make you over like a teen girl

>> No.7558658

>Im just not looking forward to people seeing me afterwards and being like "holy shit, she got a nose job"


i think i'm going to "accidentally" get into a really bad car crash that requires facial reconstructive surgery

>> No.7558664

Too much work. Everything's shitty from my ears to my jawline, jaw shape, nose...
Can't deal with it anymore. Is surgery some magical thing that can turn me into a 7/10 if I pay 15 grand or so?

>> No.7558680

good surgeons can, yeah. these days you can practically change your entire appearance

check this out for some inspo - http://kpsurgery.co/

>> No.7558709

If I wanted to change my jaw, nose and possibly ears, how much will it cost?
Can I take out a loan for some of it?

>> No.7558953

Aroumd 30k. Insurance could cover most of it.

>> No.7558966

What's the bare minimum age to get facial surgery, be it nose, jaw or anything else you guys mentioned?

>> No.7558992

prob 20

>> No.7558995

How would it be socially perceived for a male to conceal sebaceous filaments/blackheads with makeup?

>> No.7559005

No it's between 16-18

>> No.7559018


>> No.7559041

do people really have a hard time getting these out, i can squeeze them out very easy, when ive had them before i usually can squeeze out like 5 at a time

>> No.7559046

But don't girls think they're disgusting?

>> No.7559075

Oooh thats a nice idea. I ride horses, so I'll just "have a bad fall"

>> No.7559082

How do I get rid of stubborn dark spots?

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

>> No.7559125

I plan on getting jaw realignment surgery as the one thing that's keeping me from being /fa/ is my underbite.

The position of my jaw exaggerates my cheek fat despite being underweight, and I can never safely smile or eat in public because of this.

What worries me is the aftermath of the procedure, where it will take months to heal and a year or two of wearing braces, which are in and of themselves un/fa/.

>> No.7559150


I was thinking the same thing.

When I was like 16 I also tried to break my nose by hitting it with my hand but that obviously didn't work.

>> No.7559161

the makeup might just irritate them/cause more anyways

>> No.7559228
File: 50 KB, 645x773, 1389055540105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to doctor for acne
>just want some Accutane
>they prescribe me an antibiotic
>tell me to come back in three weeks if acne isn't better
>It's been two weeks and acne hasn't changed

>> No.7559233


>> No.7559279

Maybe you should stop touching your face, Feel.

>> No.7559290

>have shit acne for years
>take Accutane
>washing face with lemons and apple cider to reduce scarring
>recently got scouted by some photographer at a mall, am meeting the guy this week

Even Carebear dealt with this shit guys, he made it too. We're all going to make it guys, just keep trying, don't pick pimples and wear sunscreen

>> No.7559296

>washing face with lemons and apple cider to reduce scarring
>washing your face with irritants

>> No.7559305

>doesn't know the benefits of (diluted) lemons and apple cider vinegar

It's been used for a thousand+ years for skin cleansing, friend

>> No.7559347
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I'm too hot for cosmetic surgery

>> No.7559360

>heavy lower face
>sign of lesser intelligence

>> No.7559382
File: 27 KB, 293x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a nose job?

>> No.7559392

no quit being a faggot

>> No.7559408

No, obviously not

>> No.7559499
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1386874743846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pretty good aesthetically and hair wise
>tfw when wide nose FUCKS it all up
>tfw when acne FUCKS it all up and every good feature is now pointless
>tfw extremely good freakishly hearing without big ears
>tfw overhear crush at her table of 8/10's
>tfw "yeah anon is good looking but he has too much acne to date"
>tfw getting the rope
>tfw on Pro active and getting better
>tfw feeling good
>tfw acne diminishing and notice acne scars
<tfw it ends here

>> No.7559514
File: 781 KB, 819x460, knowse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about me?

>> No.7559557

nose is fine. Good actually. Would be more worried about chin.

>> No.7559563

big noses are manly as fuck, given you have the other manly features to go with it

>> No.7559612

Holy fuck, effay. That's a little desperate.
Just pretend you had a deviated septum or something.

>> No.7559628

Same here, anon. It really fucking hurts and I hate myself because of it. I haven't even worked up the courage to talk to her.

>> No.7559768
File: 176 KB, 808x1296, me3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in need of genioplasty?

>> No.7560876

I'm in the same boat as him. Help pls ;_;

>> No.7561992
File: 67 KB, 960x960, 65024234234rtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't wanna make a new thread so I'll just post here.
alright, so I've been suffering from acne since I was like, 14. I've been on accutane for 6 months about three years ago, it didn't even help much. I'm taking it again for the past four months, and I can't say I can see any noticeable differences. due to me being an idiot as a kid, I picked my face a lot, and have really gross icepick scarring around my nose area, and less noticeable scarring on my forehead and cheeks, as well as red blotches here and there. my face is a trainwreck as it is, and having godawful skin isn't making me feel any better. I've never used makeup before I had acne, and since I've always been told it's bad for the skin, I've only recently tried having a go at it to at least cover up some of the shit on my face, however I feel like I'm only making it worse by not looking into it more and buying whatever comes to hand. every dermatologist I've been to said accutane is the best solution there is to this and there isn't much else I can do, so I'm completely at loss here. I don't eat greasy shit, I wash my face twice a day, try not to touch it too much, and use an oil free moisturizer.
is there nothing else I can do? am I fucked?
if I can't be pretty I want to at least have nice skin ;_;

>> No.7562420

Try taking finasteride or mild spironolactone.
Both block forms of testosterone and if its hormone related, it could help.
Finasteride is the safer, without sterility and etc

>> No.7562443

I had rhinoplasty at 18.
I pulled in my nostrils and straightened out my bridge, and I'm definitely happy with the end result. No one really noticed my nose had changed, but I did get comments in the vein of "Oh, you look really good, what happened!?". Do NOT touch your nose while it's healing, however, the scars can look absolutely awful.