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/fa/ - Fashion

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7533729 No.7533729 [Reply] [Original]

Am I really an ugly young man? I want a girl to answer me truthfully

>> No.7533745

>making this thread again

>> No.7533744

You're not ugly. You are just average. Hooray for you, Mr. Average. Delete this thread now.

>> No.7533752
File: 123 KB, 900x722, 1388202496189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533762


>> No.7533758

Why can't I be above average? Why can't I be a7? Why am I only a 5?

>> No.7533759

>eyes too far apart
>giant bulbous nose
>white with brown eyes

yeah youre fucking hideous

>> No.7533768


>> No.7533775

Because the majority of physical attractiveness manifests itself through confidence and hygiene. Not enough to make you a 10/10, but enough as to where you would easily be a 7-8 with better physical and mental health.

tl;dr brandon fuck off the internet and get hobbies you care about

>> No.7533790

>white with brown eyes
>shorter than 6'3" manlet kill yourself
Where do you fucking idiots get this shit? You people are fucking retarded. And I bet not a damned one of you basement-dwelling fucks even meet these standards.

>> No.7533812
File: 107 KB, 496x750, dOhFY7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre not ugly but u gotta watch what you wear. white ppl can be very unfashionable very quickly

>> No.7533824

soulless eyes
bulbous nose

sorry, for your imperfections that can't be fixed

>> No.7533828

>Where do you fucking idiots get this shit?
its 4chan

>> No.7533834


>> No.7533840

lol wow sounds like youre sub 6' with no recessive eye color. get good motherfucker.

>> No.7533845
File: 954 KB, 375x211, 1388217269518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closeup and in hd

>> No.7533870

>lol wow sounds like youre sub 6' with no recessive eye color. get good motherfucker.
Lol. This is the shit I'm talking about. Sane people don't obsess over appearance to the point of detailing every minute feature of facial anatomy. Reminds me of something I saw on PUAhate (no, I don't regularly go there, I just checked it out, god damn what a nuthouse) where some normal made fun of all the hyperautists like you that talk about canthal tilt and midface length, while actual average and even ugly guys were living their happy lives with hot girlfriends.

Hope your autism keeps you warm at night.

>> No.7533878

shave your head

>> No.7533880

funny cause that's what i do when i see a post from you.

>> No.7533891



>> No.7533905
File: 40 KB, 453x576, 1338137474332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hope your autism keeps you warm at night.
>being this bothered

>> No.7533906

it's part of the /fa/ gimmick, people try to fit in and deliberately act like complete morons

>> No.7533975

Good point.

Yes, I realize it's bullshit. But it's gone so far into circulation it's not just seen on 4chan. Stupid ass beliefs like this are becoming more mainstream due to the internet vomiting all over real life.

>> No.7533985

Buddy it ain't just /fa/, it's not even just 4chan.

>> No.7534214

You look like a mongoloid Mike Myers

>> No.7534283
