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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 405x578, laughingsluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7530904 No.7530904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


This is the thread where we post outfits that could be described as "uni-core" or "dadcore as fuck dress you're age :)" or "like prep except for shitty poor people"

What I'm trying to say is post pictures of fits that look like what a cheap 20-something would wear to class. Also talk about university general. Some questions to start you guys off with:

>What university do you attend

>Are you effay
(you're not)
>Are your friends effay
(they're not)
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?

>> No.7530916

Nice too-short sleeves there, Andy Samberg's brother

>> No.7530928


>> No.7530941

I go to a oxford

i wear hoodies. I only buy expensive shoes. CPs, MMM, SL

and I tihnk /fa/ is full of mfa faggots now so fuck this board

>mfw mfa faggots think clarks and ll bean look good

>> No.7530946

People here dress exactly like other people aged 18-22 minus the tracksuits/sports direct type gear. If I saw someone dressed up in a suit for a lecture I'd laugh and take a photo.

>> No.7530951

the appropriate answer is always Brooks Brothers, just always abstain from dressing loudly (ie bright pastels, "Great Gatsby")

>> No.7530964

home bouy would have to grow a few more wrinkles on his face and sprout a nice scruffy beard or at least a goatee. I'm sorry but I could not take this guy seriously if I saw him or we were to have a conversation. The fit is really nice though.

>> No.7530967
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>post pictures of fits that look like what a cheap 20-something would wear to class


>> No.7531015

i have no friends
am i /fa/? i dont know, but i do know that i can afford to go to a $60,000/year school

>> No.7531021

This core doesn't exist at any Uni's i've visited/studied at.

>> No.7531140


First, if you're implying anybody goes to class wearing something anyhow similar to pic related you live another reality.

>What university do you attend
Spanish Public University
>Are you effay
No. I think I dress better (way better) than most of the guys at my uni. But that's not a big deal 'cause i'm at an engineering school.
>Are your friends effay
No, and I don't mind.
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Mostly vans/chukkas, skinny jeans (getting a pair of carhartt chinos tailored so they look a bit like zespys to expand my horizons), shirts/jumpers. My lifestyle... meh... whatever...
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
I'm letting my hair grow to cut it somehow similar to the guy in the /fa/ comics.
Get a bit more into streetwear/techwear and develop a personal style.
Get a bit more in shape by swimming.

>> No.7531157


a hitler youth?

guys how do i get a hitler youth

obviously shampooing cause not shampooing is for fags

>> No.7531164
File: 351 KB, 984x628, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ALRIGHT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH fuck off idiot it's called no poo do you even know what the fuck you're talking about. this has been surveyed by hundreds if not thousands of trained doctors and experts in their field of science. SHAMPOO IS BAD FOR YOU MORON. its been scientifically confirmed if not proven that no poo is healthier for your hair, not only is it healthier but it makes you look more attractive. this guy just wants to know how to get rid of dandruff and grease without tainting the purity of his hair with those dirt filthy chemicals. im a trained hair stylist i work in a fucking salon and whenever people come iin with fucking disgusting abnormal chemically treated hair with shampoo i want to scream at them. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE DOING IN THE WORLD OF FASHION GO BACK TO YOUR BASEMENT AND WEARING BAD NEW BALANCES YOU FUCKING SPERG. i fucking swear i want to take all the idiot shampooers and fucking euthanize them you fucking morons seriously picking on the no pooers when they're smarter than you in EVERY WAY, no pooers are confirmed to look better, smell better, and get better girls so fuck off you fucking moron, shampooing is dated and bad for, there's a reason we still don't use type writer and tube tv's, STOP USING SHAMPOO

>> No.7531189


Might be, I'll see.

I just know that I want it way longer in the front and I love it when it gets wavy.

>> No.7531197

Literally no one dresses like this.

>> No.7531208

I seriously hope no fuccboi here actually thinks OP's pic is a good looking fit

>> No.7531219

>What university do you attend
Architecture at the National University of La Plata
>Are you effay
More than my friends but not really
>Are your friends effay
A bit, some of them. One of them started lurking /fa/ a couple of months ago
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
I wear what i like and dont give a fuck about tumblr trends, about my lifestyle i just go out with my friends and have fun, also no gf sadly ;_;
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
To keep developing a personal sense of style without caring what the current internet trends are

>> No.7533036

What is
>Brooks Brothers
>Vineyard Vines
>Polo Ralph Lauren
>J Crew

>> No.7533057

i'll take

what is made in china crap for lower middle class folk dressing up for an interview at jcpenny for $500 alex

>> No.7533067


>> No.7533091

>What university do you attend
Dartmouth College

>Are you effay
Still figuring out my style. At a crossroad between going full japanese heritage or techninja/comfygoof. Really glad it's cold where I go to school doe.

>Are your friends effay
try /mfa/...

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
STEP UP MY LAYER GAME. Find an /fa/ friend to take HQ fit pics with and be someone else's inspo.

>> No.7533128

whoops, left one out

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
becoming more introverted. getting more /fit/, learning to sew, wanna get better grades this term etc. I like to be casual. Can't stand that one guy who walks into the room and thinks he's superior because he's wearing blazer from jcrew or some shit.

>> No.7533129

not a big city, so not much fashion

>> No.7533133

going to uni is for bitches. have fun with ur 200k in student loans

I dropped out after a semester (luckily my 4000k per year scholarship covered my 4000k a year state school tuition for a state school).

i left college, moved back in with my parents started my own small business in a niche specialty food market, and then started making enough money to move out.

livin da lyfw. self-emoployed at 24 with my own business and 5 employees under me

suk muh dik u student fags

>> No.7533148

That's because you're a retard who couldn't get merit scholarships from a reputable private school.

>> No.7533163
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>What university do you attend
univesity of canberra
>Are you effay
not really but i know more about clothes and fits than the regular person so i still feel superior
>Are your friends effay
yeah some of them dress really well and i take a bit of inspo from them
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
basic streetwear i guess, leaning to the sadder side of things
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
i need a better wardrobe

>> No.7533171

will u hag out with me when i start tjhere

>> No.7533183

i have lots of friends who go to places like yale, uc berkeley, uchicago, nyu, etc. they are all tied up in student loans and have no choice but to continue burying themselves with more loans for graduate school to make them more (less) employable.

mean while i dont live at the whim of a professors recomendation

>> No.7533209
File: 160 KB, 500x750, 1385369462602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone please post the fat guy trying to emulate francisco's fit

>> No.7533220

i'm not poor though

>> No.7533234

Everyone at my university thinks Vineyard Vines is the height of fashion

>> No.7533229

If they were half decent students who weren't autistic and could network properly, they should have had a job out of graduation (yale and UofC, UCB way too crowded and NYU depends heavily on which school you're in).

You're also the missing point with an undergraduate education; it's not 100% about making money after graduation, but rather growing as a person. That's the key difference between a top tier school and a regular state school: the experience of being surrounded by brilliant people from all sorts of places. Arguably, you learn more outside of a classroom when you go to college.

>> No.7533245


i'm reasonably effay, some friends are some aren't it's not important to me

personal style is just trying to be well-dressed but a bit beyond mfa basically

lifestyle: studying hard, reading, music, going out occasionally but not often as drinking hard isn't really my thing. trying to exercise more as well

personal goals: spend year of uni in foreign country, probably in europe and get fluent in that country's language. so probably somewhere important like france or germany
get a first class degree (highest honours possible) so i can go to a really good postgraduate uni, either oxbridge or in london

which i guess all leads to making money so i can be effay

>> No.7533252

Rutgers U in nj

im effay

friends aren't

uni isn't

i dres monochrome miniamlistic

personal goals is to stay the same

>> No.7533267

>What university do you attend

>Are you effay
eh id say so

>Are your friends effay
lmao fuck no. fucking plebs

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
i like to blend it. i hate loud shit and standing out. my lifestyle is to just chill and have a easy simple life with my qt gf and smoke weed everynight

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
i think have a personal goal on how you look is kind of dorky. although i do want a pair of common projects tho

>> No.7533271

/fa/ at rutgers
i swear that place is the ultimate shitter
(not the academics though)

>> No.7533285

> 4000k per year state school
> 4,000,000 a year
> state school
> i dropped out and what is math

>> No.7533303

+1, the college environment is impossible to replicate and makes you a much more well-rounded person. Also you're more prepared to create a startup with an education than without.

>> No.7533299

yea it's basically a shit load of a bums who give no fucks
im /fa/ thouugh :))))
u've been?

>> No.7533311

Bruh im from Monmouth County
Mom went to rut
Half of my highschool is there currently :|
Currently @ home in NJ

>> No.7533318


you do none of those things and you probably look like shit

post a fit cakeboi

>> No.7533342

what college do u go to
just wondering

>> No.7533353

It's funny how uneducated people have an intense, jealousy-fueled rage towards academics who were intelligent enough to graduate college and move on to graduate school.

>> No.7533387

blah blah blah growing as a person blah blah blah

current way undergraduate college purpose is to stunt a young adults growth, to keep them perpetually an adolescent and dependent on others (no wonder they all vote of o-bummer)

i've hung out with plenty of the kids from some of the best school, and some of them i've found to be incredibly intelligent ,a lot smarter then me, but theyre not adults. and them may not ever experience true adulthood til they finally get their phd at age 35 and are faced with the reality of having to get a REAL job

>> No.7533394

>>What university do you attend
UC Berk
>>Are you effay
>>Are your friends effay
>>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Basic Bitch x Streetwear
>>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Unfortunately have to regain like 15 pounds or so for sport so no more /fa/ for prob a year or two

>> No.7533428

>What university do you attend
University of Rzeszów

>Are you effay
Nope, although thanks to /fa/ I realised that many people around me actually look and dress like shit, and that really boosted my confidence a lot.

>Are your friends effay
Nope, although my best friend who always dressed somewhat like a white nigger, developed a nice habit of having clothes of well-known brands with good quality stuff (big air maxes maniac, can spot fake from kilometre). While he's not effay at all, he don't wear cheap shit that looks cool until first washing.

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Still developing one, poorfag here, so I'm completing my wardrobe. for 20 years I've been /v/core, but I'm gradually getting some nice stuff that fits me, instead of oversized black t-shirts with dragons and cargo pants.

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Getting some versatile clothing, that I can use in different situations. Will never wear any hard-to-pull styles like goofninja, or lunarcore, simply because you can get solid beating for "looking like faggot" in this 3rd world part of Europe.

>> No.7533445
File: 458 KB, 1280x960, photo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill chill w u anon im an hour from nyc lets hit up some bars

>> No.7533461

there's a decent amount of streetwear azn qts, at least I see them on Cook... what year are you guys?

>> No.7533488

i'm in mercer county :)

>> No.7533495


I'd kick it too but I'm crazy hungover

>> No.7533500

im a freshman on busch bruh bruh

>> No.7533517

can we hang out mango

>> No.7533512

soph but only in NJ till next fri
Will be here all summer tho

>> No.7533547

well there's your prob
pic related, common goth ninja garb on c.a.
>ever dressing well
post a pic tho maybe ive met you

>> No.7533557
File: 897 KB, 1632x1224, RutgersHomelessPerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot >>7533547

>> No.7533591


>What university do you attend
University of New South Wales (in Australia)
>Are you effay
kind of, im getting there
>Are your friends effay
I don't have any. But im doing physics/math (not to mention in Australia) so everyone is dressed like shit
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
lifestyle: hikikomori. Personal style: Some sort of mix of minimalism and GN
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
To dress interestingly without looking bad

>> No.7533620

Holy fuck you Americans pay a lot in tuition. I thought I payed a lot, $10,000 a year, for an engineering degree.

>> No.7533652

lmao i go to a state school and i pay 16,000 just to attend i live at home

>> No.7533662

my gf goes to an ivy league school and its like 45,000 a year not including housing

>> No.7533675

post gf

>> No.7533693
File: 115 KB, 500x750, 1386321297332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7533701


>> No.7533736

>What university do you attend
U of Pittsburgh
>Are you effay
probably not
>Are your friends effay
probably not
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
basic bitch i guess. i work a lot at a food service job while going to school and just do stupid internet things when i do have time off
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
idk, i want to develop a more androgynous style i think, aside from just skinny jeans. also copping higher quality stuff (hard as a student)

>> No.7533739

Well the thing is that a college education actually empowers you to become independent. I'm not sure why you believe it's a tool to turn young adults into employees- it's more of an investment that can open many more doors for you or expose you to new things. It doesn't hurt to have more skills/knowledge. For example, you'd be a better entrepreneur if you study economics or business.

Furthermore, your dependency argument is just a matter of perspective. Isn't everyone dependent for income? Currently you're relying on customers to make a living and you depended on your family to start your own career. Which is fine, but not everyone has that opportunity.

For the record I graduated a gov major from Yale and am currently working as an analyst at Morgan Stanley. I make 6-figures at age 23, and graduated debt-free (based financial aid + scholarships). Regardless of my current job, I would still never regret attending college. I could write paragraphs of the things I learned that I otherwise wouldn't have. I feel sorry for you, because you'll never know what you're missing.

>> No.7533751

lemons i'll fight you if i see you at tu.

>> No.7533750

Now is the part where you tell us how you nailed that job.

>> No.7533771

oh shit we can wrestle and afterwards we can talk about clothes we can never afford

>> No.7533778
File: 298 KB, 300x199, 1381510896907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7533811

i go to uchicago

god damn it is not an effay place

at least i havent had to interact with many idiots since i got here

>> No.7533827

And before someone calls me out on it, gov is not a major at Yale. I don't want to be identified lol. But I majored in something very related.

>> No.7533835

university of michigan

already made friends who go on /fa/

fraternity alumni modeled for versace / damir doma

yall should come to michigan

>> No.7533852

I got in EA, worth going to?

>> No.7533849

sure brah

>> No.7533857

>What university do you attend
University of Melbourne (Down Under)
>Are you effay
>Are your friends effay
Fuck, no
>And I don't have any anyway
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like
Personal style: Currently, street goof. Ideally, street goof w/ techninja
Lifestyle: Complete hikikomori feat. dilettantism
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Get fitter now that I'm no longer sick
Finish my techninja wardrobe
Start to experiment more with day-to-day outfits

>Y-you sound pretty cool, anon

>> No.7533876

ucb is not a grail school
state/goverment run schools are for us poorfolk

non religious priv is where all the old money and heritage branding comes in

>> No.7533888

cant wait. belltower @ noon the day classes start. i'll let u know im deadly w/ the 'bows in the clinch.

>> No.7533902

i am paying 52k/yr to go to a state school (out of state)

i should've applied to nyu

>> No.7533911

wear a cup my mans

>> No.7533939


i dunno how you OOS people do it

especially at state schools that aren't even that great

>> No.7533958

ive wanted to go to u of m for a few years but if it wasnt for all of the friends ive made in ann arbor i prob would've transferred

>> No.7533965


>> No.7533978

Wait sieg, you go to UCSB? What year?

>> No.7533988

Which one nigguh

>> No.7533993

university of penn

>> No.7534003

no, ucsb is notorious for being a worthless party school

i have not been an under graduate since the mid 2000's

>> No.7534028

>What university do you attend?
Allegheny College
>Are you effay?
A little.
>Are your friends effay?
Yes, but not in the goobninja dick ovens geomuskets kind of way.
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Functional but moderately put together. Active.
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Become as dadcore as possible without looking like a preppy/twee little shit.

>> No.7534057

University of Amsterdam
Occasionally effay
no effay friends
ranging from nu-goth to impoverished dadcore

>> No.7534108

Is she in CAS? Met a girl at a party who was pretty qt and we talked a lot about clothes, eventually said that she has a long distance bf who dresses really nice as well and likes to go on /fa/.

>> No.7534139

naw she isnt in a sorority and i live like 5 minutes away from her lol

>> No.7534144

should have banged her tho m8

>> No.7534161

that pent up anger

>> No.7534162

Represent man I have family who went there and was just there two days ago

>> No.7534213

It was a longshot lol. CAS = college of arts and sciences, but yeah she was p qt.

>> No.7534223

Follow a couple sorority girls on twitter, scope a few selfies with friends and I promise their gay frat friends look just like this at every party.

>> No.7534293

Haha, awesome man- on a plane ride back there tomorrow! How bad is the snow?
Are your family members /fa/? I'm finna build a clique B)

>> No.7534300

It's funny some people honestly think lack of intelligence is the reason people don't make it through school. It's because being smart is synonymous with state education that people who don't like being some teachers little bitch for a significant fraction of their life usually wind up less educated. The more educated are very rarely in fact more intelligent, they just like to kiss ass and take orders.

It's just a shame the way (most) schools works, it turns dropouts off to learning anything once their on their own, likely because learning has a connotation of, once again, being some teachers bitch.

>> No.7534301

Guise I really want to go to Brown
How is it?

>> No.7534320

There was a shit ton of it when I left and I think there's a storm up there right now so probably pretty bad... and they are pretty effay but both of them graduated over 30 years ago :(

>> No.7534390

It's funny because your argument sucks shit and I can tell you had a hard time in school and try to justify it by telling yourself that you're just as good as everyone else who didn't. Get real, school is easy as shit and you don't need to kiss anyone's ass to get passing grades.

>> No.7534436

Pls respond

>> No.7534464


I sleep a lot and go out sometimes
I like to wear fake Gucci and my Lanvin captoes everywhere

>> No.7534474

Senior year teachers started prepping us to "prepare for college" and that meant learning to please our higher ups and had nothing to do with learning. AP literature and we actually read 3 books.

Schoolwork is easy, I never said it wasn't. Doing an assignment I could give a fuck about when some teacher tells me an imaginary letter is the reward I get isn't easy. That teacher is only doing what the state tells her and the state just wants you to be able to follow orders and be obedient to the higher ups among the corporations. Which you seem pretty good at all that.

>telling yourself that you're just as good as everyone else who didn't
Nice lack of confidence. I've never in my life based my worth off of school, and I find it pathetic that you do.

>> No.7534486

since when can the lower middle class afford J Crew?

>> No.7534552


i do ok (positive comments in real life, meh to bad comments on /fa/)

mostly no but two of the most /fa/ motherfuckers i've ever met go here

i try mostly for a like OG prep / 90s shoegaze look but also ride A$AP's dick pretty hard

i'm studying liberal arts so i guess my personal goal is to manage to get a fucking job so i can afford more stupid ass clothes

>> No.7534555

I more or less agree with that guy, after going to a college. The point of my post was to explain why some people dropout, that has nothing to do with intelligence. The college environment is great for a career. I found college way different than highschool, which is when I had this >>7534474
mindset. With that being said, anyone who thinks good grades in classes means you're smarter or more intelligent is wrong.

>> No.7534568

also I dropped out of high-school not college. I loved the college I went to and do not think it just produces employees, but it wasn't a university so I dunno about those.

>> No.7534609
File: 20 KB, 300x300, tcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What university do you attend
Texas Christian
>Are you effay
>Are your friends effay
Dress straight out of J.Crew or Polo magazine
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Better dressed than a lot of people, doesn't really fly with some of the conservative Texas types though
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Hit my peak physically. Understanding quality >> quantity; saving up for a pair of KVAs.

>> No.7534742

J Crew is generally pretty poor quality. The catalogues look great, but the fabrics and actual clothing are shit.

Brooks Brothers is the great equalizer. Any lower/middle class man who wants to dress up can do it with Brooks Brothers.

>> No.7534810

>What university do you attend
Admission to UVA/W&M, transferring to Georgetown if I can in the fall

>Are you effay
to some
>Are your friends effay
no friends in community college
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
gym 4 times a week, a little chubby, still growing

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?

working towards a good body fat percentage

Idk what my style is. I wear a lot of Diesel, Zanerobe, Psycho Bunny, Scotch & Soda, Andy Morato, Superdry, G-star and whatever.

>> No.7534865

i'm planning on transferring to American U because my current school depresses the shyt out of me and I want to live in DC

/fa/ have any opinions on AU?

>> No.7534876

>i like to blend it. i hate loud shit and standing out. my lifestyle is to just chill and have a easy simple life with my qt gf and smoke weed everynight
my nigga 8)
I always hated baseball caps as a kid but I put one on a couple months ago and I felt like such an average guy. I loved it. Feels connected man.

>> No.7534880


weird crowd, i've gone to a few frat parties. Kids are pretty weird, girls are all right. It's a shit school. I'm a snob tho. Any questions about the campus? Where are you transferring from?

>> No.7534889



>> No.7534890

>What university do you attend

Muhlenberg College (small liberal arts in PA)

>Are you effay


>Are your friends effay


>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?

Loner but laid back, I like it.

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?

I wanna look decent.

>> No.7534895

I have absolutely zero loans and I'm doing a double major in math/physics. Stay bitter, fuckhead who couldn't get into college.

>> No.7534912


I try

no comment

i try to keep it genuine

keep it genuine

>> No.7534943

transferring from wvu, i went because i am getting paid to go to school here. basically the #1 party school title has destroyed everything here and the students love to promote this shitty/embarrassing title. morgantown is grimy and depressing.

im double majoring in econ/poli sci so I felt american would be a good choice. want to do law and so the environment there and internships available would be really promising. also have some family in DC.

>> No.7534957

huh that doesn't seem like a fratty thing to do.

>> No.7534979


Weirdest mothafucka I ever met in high school goes to AU and loves it.

Sniffed every piece of paper a teacher put on his desk. Wore a fedora every day. Inside. Confided to us that he 'bates by humping the space between the carpet and the rug.

I recommend against AU.

>> No.7534980

>The more educated are very rarely in fact more intelligent, they just like to kiss ass and take orders.
wut. This all stops in college/grad school. Since you need a high school diploma anyways, you don't have to be much of an ass-kisser to want to go to college.

>> No.7534993


how true is "triton eye"?

>> No.7534990


oh yea wvu is absolute shit, radford any west Virginia school sucks.

America is really well know for their international relations school, so if you're looking at that it's a great choice. I don't really know many people at AU, or at least I don't know anyone good so I've only been to shit frat parties. The campus is nice. I don't like it, but it's clean, safe and it so close to the metro you'll have no trouble bar hopping. House parties are nonexistent unless you don't mind shit frat houses that you have to be shuttle to. Most of the people there aren't very ambitious in my opinion. It's an easy school so if you're motivated you'll get the grades and be set for grad school if you can afford. I'd look into UVA. It's amazing down there. I love visiting and if I'm not transferring to Georgetown in the fall, i'm not gonna complain with UVA. Take a look at VCU, I've heard its pretty ratchet but a lot of people are happy there. Richmond isn't that safe but it has the historic feel of some bad parts of DC

>> No.7534999
File: 250 KB, 1000x750, 1388723288390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! If you end up going to UVA, apply to live in Brown Residential College. Most /fa/ people on Grounds (no disgusting pastel polo and boatshoes frat nonsense at least). Also we are nice to transfers :D .

>> No.7535009

>Schoolwork is easy, I never said it wasn't. Doing an assignment I could give a fuck about when some teacher tells me an imaginary letter is the reward I get isn't easy.
Just making excuses. You clearly have no idea what actually happens in college. It's quite different from high school.

>> No.7535007


the white girls are very lacking

45% asian though so there's some qts around

>> No.7535017


what year? '12 here. i probably know you

>> No.7535018

>The catalogues look great, but the fabrics and actual clothing are shit.
OK. I always wondered how their $200 cardigans could be worth it when they were so thin.

>> No.7535020


good to hear, cheers

>> No.7535029


giving you my UVA bump too, this is my dorm:


>> No.7535048

>basically the #1 party school title has destroyed everything here and the students love to promote this shitty/embarrassing title
I go to UW-Madison and I have this problem.

>> No.7535043

campus is awesome, I was there over halloween weekend, it was awesome

>> No.7535149

Ezra Stiles, '11. Where ur grandma stay huh my nigga

>> No.7535223

Anyone here go to St. Louis University or Valpo University? Been accepted to both with half tuition scholarships. Are they /fa/

>> No.7535261


stiles '12 hahaha. sorry that you didn't get to live in the renovated building. it was awesome

>> No.7535286

are you dartmouth anon from the college app thread a few days ago?
if i get in let's take fit pics for each other lol

>> No.7535359


>> No.7535405

awwwh. just checked the weather forecast for hanover.
> tfw low is -15 and high is 3

Haha I just post on all /fa/ college threads. Is that you crew girl? dude yesss. Fingers crossed! How's the whole application process going so far?

>> No.7535417


>spittin game on /fa/
smh lil nigga

>> No.7535424


lmbo ucsb is a top 5 physics school in the world

i mean ya its shit if u go there 2 major in comm and get drunk 5 nights a week but its p good in engineering and balls out in physics

also no no lazy and im tryna get some tite sils goin on na mean

>> No.7535525

As much as I love my school, there isn't enough /fa/ness so yeah this makes me pretty excited haha

>> No.7535614

turned in my last app yesterday (and faced common app servers being pieces of shit) so it's just playing the waiting game now!

>> No.7535763

Lol my sis was freaking out about that.

Cool though. Let me know how it goes regardless of the decision!

>> No.7535793
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>all those exclamation points

>> No.7535812


>> No.7535830

B-but that's how I always type :(((

>> No.7535833

>what uni
>are you effay
fuck it i'll say i am/on my way to being effay clothing/lifestyle wise
>are your friends effay
some of my friends are very effay, some aren't; at the minimum, all dress decently
>what are your personal goals, as is relevant to your personal aesthetics
continue to build a strong wardrobe that is consistent with my tastes/style. continue to get paid well as an intern and eventually become a full time fashion buyer. get a nice apartment and move out of this city (it's a decent city but not for my industry/effay wise).

>> No.7535960

I go to American U. Campus is pretty when it's not winter and despite what >>7534990 said there are some good house parties. You just have to get to know some upper classmen. Definitely go if you wanna major in IR. They have a really good program and the building's one of the nicest on campus imo. Most of the ambitious people are in IR/Polysci. Frat parties are shit though.

>> No.7535984

my chinese mom was going batshit hah, told me to screenshot every error message and try "turning my computer off and on again"

>> No.7536025

i picked uchicago over brown cause i didn't like providence very much, kinda struck me as a shithole

i hate it here though so i wish i had gone there instead

go to brown

>> No.7536159

You hate Chicago?

>> No.7536176


iirc everyone at UC hates their lives

>> No.7536280

University of Pittsburgh fag here! Good to meet a fellow /fa/ggot.

>> No.7536281

> Chinese

I know them Asian/Tiger mom feels. Mine is still hung up on my not applying to Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Stanford. I don't regret it though. The Big Green really feels more like home u feel me. Why are you applying?

>> No.7536394

my mom's obsessed with stanford, she kept nagging me to add it to my list which i never did lol

rejected ED columbia
then applied to brown, cornell, dartmouth, NYU, tufts, UC berkeley/LA/SD/SB, upenn, USC, yale

>> No.7536402

>What university do you attend
California State University Northridge(CSUN)

>Are you effay

>Are your friends effay

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle
One step above aeropostale plebs. I'm a socially anxious shut in that browses the internet a lot and play some video games.

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Get /fit/, then become effay enough to score me a < 6/10 that I at least get along with.

>> No.7536425

I have a friend going there for physics. Smartest guy I've ever met.

>> No.7536477

>What university do you attend
Simon Fraser University, Film Production

>Are you effay
meh I think I have the heart but not the cheddar, ya feel?

>>Are your friends effay
hah not as a collective. I have some individually interesting and quasi-/fa/ friends, including a designer wannabe fucoboi. I'm in fine art school, it's what you'd expect.

>>What is your personal style and your lifestyle
minimal fuccboi hoser tech.
bringin in the synthetics for 2014, I wish I was a cyberpunk nomadic J.U.N.K.E.R.

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
yea I want to make sxe movies. also I'd love to shoot fashion video stuff one day.

>> No.7536488
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it's ur destiny to come here and make the place effay-er

>> No.7536528


what year mayb i kno him

>> No.7536543

>What university do you attend
>Are you effay
I have effay days, I have pleb days. I get by.
>Are your friends effay
They're alright. We match.
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Ginghams, black jeans, usually what I'm dressed iiiin.

>> No.7536578


If you score above average on your standardized tests (SAT or ACT) and had good grades you can go to college for free.

>> No.7536641

Some backwater community college sure

But if you're a white male you're paying

>> No.7536646



>> No.7536664


This isn't remotely true. You know nothing about financial aid policies.

>> No.7536682

> 2014
> not realizing that all top schools basically guarantee a debt free graduation

>> No.7536683

>What university do you attend
The University of Melbourne. Soon to be Oxford.
>Are you effay
I suppose I have a pretty decent collection of Dick Ovens, CCP, PH, Julius etc etc at this point.
>Are your friends effay
Not at all.
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
Downplayed goff-ninja, perhaps. I just pick out pieces that I happen to like and wear them. I tend to stay away from more outrageous shit (and drop-crotch pants in general). My lifestyle involves sitting in the library researching, playing sport during the winter and otherwise getting drunk a hell of a lot.
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
To finish my dissertation, leave this awful country and hopefully end up making just enough disposable income to continue funding my clothes purchases (among other hobbies).

>> No.7536697

>What university do you attend

A uni in Paris

>Are you effay

Somewhat, I pay attention to my fits and buy nice clothes when I can

>Are your friends effay

Some of them are, most of them are okay and some are fuckin plebs

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?

My personal goal is to go through uni with minimum effort while doing what I like. I'd say my lifestyle is cool, I go to museums, the cinemas but don't like to be around people much even though I'm sociable.

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?

We techninja now

>> No.7536719

You're joking right?

>> No.7536736

Damn son, I ain't seen you round
Maybe it's 'cause - you're a grad student, right?
What's your field?

>Good luck at Oxford! Hope you meet lots of nice qt3.14s there that are smitten w/ your rakish Aussie accent

>> No.7536741


its trunks b that homie dumb

>> No.7536769


Yeah, I'm an MA student in history. Not the most lucrative field, but hey, it's my primary area of interest.

>> No.7536823

Man, that's awesome
That's what you gotta do, you don't have a good life by choosing a field you're not interested in/don't like just 'cause of money
Still enough money for grailz

Just organising a transfer from sci to arts w/ a major in history myself, so good luck mate!

>> No.7537045
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>have fun with ur 200k in student loans
jokes on you, i'm from Yuropoor

everything free + get money from multiple scholarships
>mfw I'm getting paid to go to school

>> No.7537178

couldn't get into ANU brudda?

>> No.7537305

university of melbourne, commerce

second generation aussie-born chink that only has an exclusively abc social circle. i'm awful

no one here dresses well, it's either people try too hard or try too little. it's uni anyway so who gives af anyway :^)

>> No.7537309

University of Toronto
Where's everyone?

>> No.7537314

fucked around in high school
so yeah lol

but i like UC, it's got a nice vibe to it. a good atmosphere. all the teachers and shit are nice too.

not many effay people though

>> No.7537326

why not aim for something more meaningful than commerce bro

>> No.7537338

>What university do you attend
La Trobe University (Bundoora Campus)
>Are you effay
not "effay" but I still hold my own I guess
>Are your friends effay
not my uni friends, but other friends are
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
idk, somewhat like a less adventurous lovely
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
to get a job in environmental science and live a happy and fulfilling life, and no its not

>> No.7537400

Ill be ur friend m8.

Ausfag here too.

>> No.7537407

university of calgary

probably not
definitely not
lazy, lazy


>> No.7537472
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>drop out of highschool at 16
>go to community college at 16
>go for two years, transfer to state university
>mfw full 4 year degree 19 years old

Fuck you guys, take risks with your life and get shit done fast

>> No.7537478

read the sticky

>> No.7537499

my friend goes there, what year are you?

>> No.7537508

>What university do you attend
London School of Economics

>Are you effay

>Are your friends effay
even less so

>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
entry level /fa/-core

my life is incredibly grey

>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
idk lol
but srs ill probably end up as yet another LSE finance/banking/consultancy grad, tho i dont really feel that into doing that


>> No.7539082

or just cruise through and enjoy the prime of yoru life

>> No.7539473

>What university do you attend
Warwick University
>Are you effay
Learning every day
>Are your friends effay
Probably not
>What is your personal style and your lifestyle like?
A lot of basics, working on my layering game.
>What are your personal goals, as is relevant to visual aesthetic?
Work on balancing things I would wear outside of an office environment vs. inside the office which will inevitably be the case in eight months.

>> No.7539497 [DELETED] 

doing my masters there so i'll be gone by the time you arrive

>> No.7539941

>no mention of employment

why in the fuck would I rush some shitty degree when I can enjoy partying every week and getting paid on top of it while still scoring a >3.5 GPA

>> No.7542193

all uni courses are jokes anyway, may as well be safe and settle for decent accounting gig straight out of uni then climb the ladder

>> No.7542202

What year are you in?

>> No.7542257
File: 124 KB, 736x490, 1388814487452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasadena City College... Yeah, it's a community college but it's the #1 CC in California, heh...

Only chinks wear CDG here and some gay white boy wears CDG play.

Used to go to CSULA before downgrading because I Hated it there and it was full of beaners who dressed in plaid shorts high knee socks - very lil' joker-esque.

To contribute a look for college though let me refer you to the Graduate.

Brown wool knit blazer
Olive trousers
brown loafers

Classic casual look that shows you mean business.

>> No.7542557

>all uni courses are jokes
maybe commerce is, but my degree has helped me gain a lot of relevant knowledge, skills and found me a great job with dozens of connections if I wish to change jobs at any point.

Sorry you chose a bad field but theres no need to knock all tertiary study

>> No.7542598

I also go there, we should chill and talk about fashion!

>> No.7544367


h, is that you?

If you're not h ignore the above message.

I'm probably going to go to Warwick, what course are you studying and are you a QT?

>> No.7544378

bruv you're still at 6th form/college, that person is 3rd year
why does it matter if he/she is qt, you're a little kid

>> No.7544390

>tfw deferred

>> No.7544387

I am not H, on a masters course. The university is great I really enjoy myself.

>> No.7545851 [DELETED] 

what do you think about h&m sports line?
i think its pretty tech