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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 179 KB, 640x1136, uno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7530745 No.7530745 [Reply] [Original]

is there anywhere I can cop some Qasas? Found maybe 2 high tops on eBay, but not my size.

>> No.7530756

wow those are hyped. 500+ on ebay. I would never pay that much, even though I really like those shoes

>> No.7530760

will y-3 ever re release you think? All they have on their site are the neon green version.

>> No.7530770

this is hilarious

>> No.7530773
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>> No.7530782
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>> No.7530799

>meme shoes
>meme arrows

>> No.7530800
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>> No.7530803

confirmed for tasteless pleb

>> No.7530816
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>> No.7530811

are those creepers? if so dis bitch got no taste

>> No.7530813

Madison knows no fashion

>> No.7530817

>they're jordan's swaggtastic
holy shit kill yourself

>> No.7530821

they're both ugly

>> No.7530822

>2013+54-80+26>not calling them maymay peckers

>> No.7530823
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>> No.7530828
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>> No.7530836
File: 117 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send her a pic of the givenchy gladiator wedges

Bitches love golden gladiator wedges

>> No.7530837

>does not understand sarcasm

>> No.7530838

prada creepers are unff


>paying $500 for an obnoxiously branded wallet that without the logos on would cost $70 max

>> No.7530844

you're a huge pleb OP

>durr i go on /fa/ so im better than those PLEBS ill send this girl i want to bang some sick pics from /fa/ the place where PATRICIANS hang out and she'll be so impressed by how edgy i am

>> No.7530848

that's a good wallet tho...

>> No.7530845


There's no salvation for her

>> No.7530852

lmao this

>> No.7530859

Are there really people who just ask their girlfriend to buy them expensive shoes? That's terrible

>> No.7530863

why are you so upset

>> No.7530938

Yeah nigga, just cuz you're a pussy boy an think you gotta save a hoe and treat that bitch like a princess while she suckin dudes like me off an buyin me Jordan's which cost her a week of working retail at Nordstrom

>> No.7530953

some of us are able to pull of girls who come from more privileged families than ourselves and they buy us expensive shit w/ their daddys money.
Someone let the 15 y/o's know chivalry isnt dead we still got this guy lmao.

>> No.7530958

Wait your mom sucks you off? Sick.

>> No.7530965

I'm not being "chivalrous", it's the fact that you're begging your girlfriend, let alone anyone, to buy you an article of clothing. Try getting a job instead.

>> No.7530989

lmao I wouldn't say OP was beggin that girl to buy him shoes, Shit she probably isnt even his gf. she has shit taste anyways.
>tfw youll never have an effay qt3.14 gf to talk about fashion w/ and buy you clothing for giving her sex

>> No.7530990


fuck off Alex

>> No.7530992
File: 119 KB, 842x457, Adidas Y-3 Qasa 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck finding them

my pair has been getting the most comments out of all my footwear and that includes rick, dbss, visvim, cp, mmm, etc

>> No.7531005

post a fit w them? All the pics I can find are obviously modeled, want something more realistic everyday looking you feel me.

>> No.7531037

I don't post fits.

There have been some qasa fits on sufu fairly recently.

>> No.7531058

where and when did you snag yours?

>> No.7531091

sneakerboy months ago when they released

>> No.7531110

what are the odds on a re release? how comfy are they? Could you work out in them? Are they worth 300+ dolllars?

>> No.7531134

extremely comfy, about the same as flyknit/lunar sole
imagine they aren't great for lifting but it could work
subjective but easily yes for me

>> No.7531165
File: 769 KB, 813x483, 1388693097254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of my fits with them, sorry for the crappy lighting

>> No.7531173

They are really comfy, but wouldn't really say that they would be good for working out in.

>> No.7531196

what pants?

>> No.7531218

I searched, a lot, i have 600USD ready for this shit, but i will never find my US8/8.5 size. I know where to buy US9, but you will pay +20% to proxy.

>> No.7531256

Adidas SLVR '11 iirc

>> No.7531262

Use postal services like Shipito. First you ship item to your address at their warehouse, then send them to your address with low price set in invoice. I do this for shipping pricey stuff to my Eastern Europe 3 world country (max 120 euro/month, otherwise 30% tax).

>> No.7531271

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Adidas-Y-3-Qasa-Leather-Low-Black-Run-White-New-Yohji-Yamamoto-Trainers-sneakers-/141115010452?pt=US_Men_s_Shoes&var=&hash=item20db1c2d94 found some lows in 8.5

>> No.7531329

The problem is, that seller selling them on taobao and to register there, i must have chinese number, so i can't contact him directly. Sites like yoybuy.com take 20% from price, maybe that would be okay, but they can't change item price on parcel, so likely i would pay 30% custom fees, which is insane. I don't need sneakers that will be 1 size too big for 1000USD.

Nah i don't like lows. I would cop 9.5, but they run 0.5/1 big, so they will be way to big for my US8 leg.


>> No.7531452

Dunno about yoybuy, but Shipito don't take any additional payments other than, I believe, 8 dollars for each parcel.
Usually chinese sellers could set lower price in invoice, so try to contact him, if you can.

>> No.7531463

And again, in Shipito you actually can change price in invoice, so think about it.

>> No.7531501

Man, you still don't get it? I need to buy from taobao, there is NO WAY to contact seller, because i need chinese phone number. Why do i need shippito if seller is not in US?

>> No.7531637
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>> No.7531699

Oh, I thought that you can send to warehouse address from anywhere. My bad tho.
Dunno, maybe this information on web-site is kinda obsolete, coz they had another warehouse in Austria, which, I believe, not part of USA.

>> No.7531733


I know you hate cgl but we have threads for years about taobao, get a shopping service (Pruany or TaobaoSpree) and order from them you just copy and paste the URL and the shopping service takes it from there.

>> No.7531775
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Yeah. I just need to find website, where you can change price and name on the parcel. When i'm buying stuff from japan, i always change the price and name via proxy website, so i get clothing without insane custom fees.

>> No.7531786


They do that for you, that's a shopping service, you ask them to do it.

I've had thousands of dollars worth of items marked down to $10 and a gift.

>> No.7531836
File: 21 KB, 185x185, 1388545582517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using reaction images in a text message to a girl
actual autism

>> No.7531854

>They do that for you, that's a shopping service, you ask them to do it.
I already asked yoyboy, they said that they can't do that. So i need to find proxy, where this is possible. I will try pruany or taobaospree.

>> No.7531939

Did you ever watch this Natalie?

>> No.7531976
File: 103 KB, 466x600, 1384763952122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me sad

it makes me want to drink more
i am going to drink later tonight

>> No.7531989


>> No.7531992


pruany does this automatically, that's who I use it for, they mark it as a gift and put the value below $100

I've never used yoybuy

>> No.7532029

She's right, Y-3 is fucking shit. Yohji must get hopped up on acid when he designs Y-3 stuff... However, she's wrong about everything else. What a tard.

This is why women don't know anything, anything with expensive brands plastered all over = GOOD, anything that actually looks attractive and well made minus branding = BAD.

You want to dress for female attention? Wear huge Gucci/LV belts, tops, swag jeans and LV plastered shoes. They don't know shit. Men are 100x better with fashion despite the stereotype.

The funny thing is, women always WhatsApp me their outfits for approval and suggestions before they go out. Kind of annoying after a while but whatever.

>> No.7532042

You're truly a faggot, OP. You think that because you browse /fa/ that you have immediate gratification of good taste and fashion sense. Go fuck yourself. Whenever anyone admires whatever I wear I never tell them where I bought it from or flaunt it. I simply told them I found it somewhere. I own pieces from Acne, A.P.C., Comme des Garcons, etc. (which the majority don't really know about) and I never lecture anyone about how much more awesome it is. Check yoself before you wreck yourself

>> No.7532091

>pruany does this automatically, that's who I use it for, they mark it as a gift and put the value below $100
I need to do this by myself or at least to know what price and what item name wrote on parcel. Because in my country customs require screenshots from ebay/paypal/shops and i always change name/price with web inspector and then do screenshots. Always works. But anyway, i will contact support and ask.

>> No.7532100
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>> No.7532316

If they specifically ask where I got it I tell them.

>> No.7532381
File: 77 KB, 585x254, reaction fucking incredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a friend bought a LV wallet online that looks fake as fuck for $200 and he was proud of it

>> No.7532591

why are you not agreeing with her and fucking her

>> No.7532960
File: 574 KB, 1280x775, 1388624315879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're missing the point. At least 2 of the shoes OP sent to this chick are regularly discussed and somewhat highly sought after. Pretty much most of /fa/ will agree that the Y-3's and Creepers are effay af. Refer to picture.
>whenever someone admires what i wear I never tell them etc etc....
This chick never "admired" or asked where OP got these shoes from, he doesnt even own them, he had to ask the bitch to buy them for him. You adding your wardrobe brands is irrelevant to what was originally posted. I'm still trying to figure out why you even bothered posting in the first place because you made no point.

>> No.7533018

ew that green