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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 671 KB, 480x485, 1364209746478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7523653 No.7523653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ body thread?

>Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

>> No.7523669
File: 444 KB, 418x839, perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting bodies that look nice in clothes.

>> No.7523842

>implying rick also didn't say in that interview that he dislikes jewelry despite wearing it constantly
>implying rick doesn't use underweight models for his runway and lookbooks
>implying that entire interview wasn't rick trolling you softly

sorry you fell for the /fat/ troll. educate yourself before you quote out of context.

>> No.7523857

>implying he has been saying it for years, not just in 1 interview.
>implying Ricks opinion matters
>implying being fit isn't superior to any other lifestyle

>> No.7523858
File: 153 KB, 640x480, 1385495970973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7523875

>sorry you fell for the /fat/ troll
Daym, if you really think that oppic is fat, then you're just brainwashed retard.

>> No.7523893

nice gyno op

>> No.7523901

op pic is certainly high fat % he should concentrate a lot more to cardio & drugs
but rick is himself pretty fit fit (he used roids), doesn't use jewellery except those outrageous bracelets
he already did the muscular/fat/dwarf women collection, I guess he will be doing same thing on men soon

>> No.7523904

lmao fat fuck the dude has tits

>> No.7523911
File: 339 KB, 1392x1392, 20131124_170148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7523923
File: 73 KB, 524x585, ottermode2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but he is not fat. Anyone who thinks, that skeletons are fa are retards. Here is perfect body, any clothing will look great on him.

>> No.7523931

It's like no one knows what gyno is

>> No.7523935
File: 682 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fatty

>> No.7523937

nice tits

>> No.7523941

Even fatty looks better than you.

>> No.7523939

ey let me play with ur tits

>> No.7523978
File: 154 KB, 1162x850, 1354035133378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw took a pic of my back to see muh progress
>tfw stretch marks on lower back
>tfw stretch marks look like an imprint of "Unknown Pleasures"

>> No.7523982

>no muscle
fucking lol

>> No.7523992


work out your chest and arms
no traps, no arms, no chest, pencil neck

>> No.7524007

>stretch marks look like an imprint of "Unknown Pleasures"
pics or it didnt happen

>> No.7524015

tfw not enough fat to lose to get a stretch mark imprint of the american football house

>> No.7524056

I have that shirt

>> No.7524068
File: 131 KB, 600x600, 1387882799874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was clinically obese two years ago
>manned up and took control of my life
>lost 50 pounds
>still have a gut at skeleton mode
>bulk up for 6 months
>gut is still there
>just started my cut four days ago
>praying for a flat stomach for the first time in my life

>> No.7524076

ITT: fattys

>> No.7524097

^^ butthurt he's a skinnyfat sour grapes loser lmao

>> No.7524108
File: 55 KB, 391x985, 1388600271091~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the perfect /fa/ body

>> No.7524111

If you are like me, skin is too stretched out and wont return to normal without surgery :(

>> No.7524115

>outtie belly button
>ribs showing but no abdominal definiton

you have the white equivalent of the typical african male body

>> No.7524120

gotta rep dat african steeze with my bro

>> No.7524149


>> No.7524167

shut up with the autism you fucking faggot

>> No.7524164
File: 18 KB, 517x686, 1374732267776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much weight did you lose? That's what scares me, that I'll have a shitty looking body no matter how much effort I put into improvement.

>> No.7524173

you have potential

work out

>> No.7524182

Your skin will tighten up if you cut to an even lower bf. The reason being skin can adapt very quickly but when it's still attached to fat it cannot. Cut down to lean and you skin will shrink much faster.

>> No.7524187

really good

>> No.7524189

How can you tell if it's loose skin? Does it shrink?

>> No.7524201


what can I do to look skinnier? I mean cardio or lift

>> No.7524204

can I >>7524108 become like that >>7523923 ?
I went to the gym once in my life but all my friends are /fit/ guys who go to the gym errday trying to get as big as possible

>> No.7524205

The skin and flesh underneath will move very freely, it's tough to explain but it should be relatively obvious.

Captcha: mussulmans uespee

>> No.7524226

Yes you can. ±1.5 year of bulking, lifting, then just cut all fat.

>> No.7524234
File: 384 KB, 1668x2187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible pic. Small size. Looking thin. Flabby. Weak. Keep us all posted on your stalled progress with any new unmotivating pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' small, flabby and weak you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.7524267

it's your posture, stop having lordosis

>> No.7524272

I already made sure it wasn't, my posture is fine. It's a combination of not having enough lean body mass and having excess body fat.

>> No.7524274

>implying the bottom one looks good

>> No.7524278

it's a million times better than the first one

>> No.7524284

So, I'm gonna lose like twenty pounds, what can I do while doing that to tone my body? Just push-ups, crunches, & maybe running?
Gym is out of the question, though.

>> No.7524286

the second guy will just simply look chubby or fat when wearing clothes.
there are fit people who look good wearing clothes, but theyre not massive, theyre still slim and have a v taper

>> No.7524299

Where'd you get your degree in broscience?

>> No.7524308

>the second guy will just simply look chubby or fat when wearing clothes
Are you joking or are you the skinnyfat guy?

His legs are big, but his upper body would look great in a t-shirt. Especially shirts with drape or sheerness.

>> No.7524313


>> No.7524321
File: 117 KB, 800x618, toughguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he owuldnt, hed look like the kid in pic related.
its about the silhouette

>> No.7524382

>its about the silhouette

I hope you know that muscles don't make your clothes fit bigger, and clothing looks way better draped over muscle than it does on a shrimpy little toothpick. Not to mention being naked or on a beach, or being shirtless at festivals.

>> No.7524399

just look at the picture of the two people and compare them, whats so hard to understand here?

>> No.7524415

>all these underclassmen thinking that being buff = being aesthetic

>> No.7524420

I'm convinced you're trolling the shit out of me.

Have a nice day.

>> No.7524431
File: 12 KB, 267x400, 1385513315740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a body like this

>> No.7524436

im not.
the skinnyfat guy has a slim silhouette while the built guy has the silhouette of a chubby guy
only thin people look good in clothes. of course thin, musculat people look better than thin, skinnyfat people, but they both look better than non-thin people when they wear clothes.
post a fit of someone looking good with the silhouette of that second guy

>> No.7524453

Not the one you were arguing with but what should I do (first pic on your infochart) to improve my body I just recently started to do push ups again but dont plan on bulking hard, doing ss or anything similar. I like being skinny, but having a more muscles (defined of course) wouldnt be so bad to be honest

>> No.7524542


nice bod, too bad youre so unappealingly pale

>> No.7524548


you got to be fucking kidding me, that body is disgusting.

>shit square torso
>bad chest genetics
>terrible collarbone
>fat legs

the rest of your body looks so fat it makes the ab look fake

>> No.7524554

i've been doing the intermediate workout plan for a month now, it's showing
i doubt that it really matters what you do if you do the exercises properly though

>> No.7524551
File: 162 KB, 500x750, 1372370136184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the built guy has the silhouette of a chubby guy
Look at his upper body. Do you understand the meaning of the word "silhouette"? He's solid and tight, his muscles are protruding, his collarbones are, and his adonis belt too.

If he put on a sized down t-shirt, it would show. If he wore something with drape, it would drape over his bones and muscles. If he wore sheer, you could see his lean upper body.
>only thin people look good in clothes
That's wrong, man.

I agree that his legs are wide, those would look bad in jeans. A simple solution for you would be to skip training legs.

>> No.7524552

I'm surprised Yung Sport hasn't posted itt yet

>> No.7524573

do you understand the meaning of what he was getting at.

OPs body is sqaure, just like a skinnyfat person.

Its not hard to see or understand.

>> No.7524578

also fuck that guy in your post pic looks like shit and does nothing to help you

>> No.7524617
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i have a /fa/ body ?

>> No.7524618

We aren't talking about the guy in the OP pic, we're talking about >>7524234

The guy in the OP pic clearly lifts, but he's got puffy nipples and excess body fat.

>> No.7524623

> Do you understand the meaning of the word "silhouette"?
youre the one who doesnt. it means outline.
try again

>> No.7524630
File: 56 KB, 600x892, ottermode_by_feavre-d6fhrv4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hate my genetics

>you will never have a 29 inch waist giving you a sick ottermode taper

fuck everything

>> No.7524631

>it means outline.
No shit, sherlock. What detective school did you go to?

>> No.7524653

I was talking about that too, the original poster of that image.

>> No.7524662
File: 52 KB, 757x881, 1388601967461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went ahead and made it really simple for you

>> No.7524664
File: 373 KB, 502x1302, rsz_img_1166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep saying I'll start working out but never do.

>> No.7524679

>thinking any clothes are worn like that
>no regard for three dimensions
>forgetting the side view
top lel

>> No.7524693

im not the guy your arguing with, and i will say that muscle does make a good silhouette but the guy in question does indeed look like shit.

>> No.7524689

>tfw 29-30 waist depending on brand
>tfw getting /fit/
>tfw got mired by a girl I had a massive crush on
>tfw I will get out of friendzone soon

I w-will be t-the hero effay deserves

>> No.7525455

that's higher bodyfat than OP though.

>> No.7525494

start feeding him drinks

>> No.7525715


Do it anon. Do it for me. Live the dream.

>> No.7526589
File: 96 KB, 1117x1200, 3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7528699

>tfw no faust stretch mark
i'll never be truly patrician

>> No.7528749
File: 865 KB, 1929x2448, Photo Dec 26, 8 56 12 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hungry skeleton reporting in

>> No.7528752
File: 312 KB, 567x753, 600full-marcus-schenkenberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny is just a current fad since our society is obsessed with feminity. In the 90's all the top models were fairly muscular.

>> No.7528758
File: 24 KB, 334x466, Kate_Moss_Calvin_Klein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


models that do catalog work are often pretty muscular, but even then, that's not really the case

heroin chic was the thing in the 90s brah

>> No.7528761
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1387220299726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when some pale skinny white kid is probably writing this

>> No.7528781
File: 49 KB, 321x422, tyson beckford.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For men it tends to be that those that actually make the most money are those that are more on the muscular side. Guys like Schenkenberg, Tyson Beckford and David Gandy.

>> No.7528787


there's a lot more money and longevity in catalog, so yeah.

runway modelbois don't stay bois forever.

>> No.7528854
File: 828 KB, 595x578, ss (2014-01-02 at 12.02.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skeleton growin a human here
aight so ive been eating more and exercising more
adding in a good amount of protien, part supplement but mainly proteins from lean meats and eggs/other foods
does anyone have any advice?
pic on the left relaxed and the pic of the right is flexing, i just had a big meal

>> No.7528875

just eat like a horse and train hard so that ur sore as fuck every day. u have to gain some fat as u bulk no 2 ways around it.

>> No.7528888

drink some milk

>> No.7528913

i should man i drink way 2 many diet cokes

>> No.7528914


>those fucking thighs

>> No.7528938

why does everybody seemingly like big muscles?
i'm not gay, but I find skinny guys way better looking than ottermode/ripped
you can pull off way more clothing too

>> No.7528944


>> No.7528961

way too muscular to be skeleton
either that or too much muscle shape expanding fat to be skeleton
you're fine though

>> No.7529066
File: 387 KB, 1536x2048, current body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7529091

>way too muscular to be skeleton


>> No.7529105

Clothes often look good because they're being worn by people who look good, that's why tight simple T's and such look good on guys with a decent physique, not flat chested skeletal muscle faggots who've never done any physical work or fitness routine in their life.

I'll look better in a tight $10 grey V neck than some skinny faggot. most of what does it is them shoulders and them pecs.

>> No.7529148

/fit/ threads r always so shitty and I don't think it's on purpose anymore, they're just genuinely this dumb
y don't u fatfucks go back to ur board lmfao

>> No.7529525

No, it's the shoulders and lats that give the best look with tight shirts. You have no lats and you'll look like shit either way, the chest just adds.

>> No.7529535

>built but with belly
zero fuggs given cause I look like I can punch out a grizzly :^)

>> No.7529560
File: 162 KB, 1080x720, pls help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7529564


>> No.7529567

jesus Christ.. that hairline.. also wheres ur neck bro lmao

>> No.7530210

I do like lifting weights but I've got the big nipples like OP

>> No.7530280
File: 167 KB, 1067x950, 1329479466100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7530301

>/fa/ body
pick one

>> No.7530339

ace ventura?

>> No.7530344
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-04 at 01.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you oh lord and savior hungry skeleton.

>> No.7530354

I find them sexy, I want to suck on them.

>> No.7530367

I don't like them, when I was lifting I could see them in some tees.

>> No.7530398

would fug damn

>> No.7530405



>> No.7530409


girl here

best bod in thread

>> No.7530412

B) boy here
I disagree

>> No.7530417


my opinion has more worth

/fa/ full of virgins that are doing all self improvement to attract me (a female)

>> No.7530425

boy here

I mite be alone but I don't want to attract u
also /fa/ is p/ gay
also any1 who dresses to get wimmins is doing it wrong B)) plz don't get mad

>> No.7530435

typical woman who thinks she's more important than everyone else just by virtue of the fact she has a vagina. just remember, anyone could rape you if they wanted

>> No.7530439


anyone could rape you if they wanted

>> No.7530451

>full of virgins
>implying I do it for you

beta af

>> No.7530450

>anyone could rape you if they wanted
oooohkaay mfa thats enough

>> No.7530454

>beta as fuck
le manly man
mustache testosterone bacon xD epic! simply such wow epic doge manly

get out PUA

>> No.7530483
File: 29 KB, 201x209, 1366225967289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working out
>too lazy to change diet
>still have a little skinnyfat belly

>> No.7530490

neither of these


is this pic implying one of these looks good?

>> No.7530871

furthering the proof that you are a beta

>> No.7532683
File: 183 KB, 460x735, KnnuA8Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hy, not /fa/.

>> No.7532784

I'm mirin brah.

>> No.7532820
File: 44 KB, 634x471, Screenshot 2013-12-16 18.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7532826

come to brazil

>> No.7532828
File: 107 KB, 1080x720, 72913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vs /fa/

>> No.7532839

so what's the difference betwen the two? the /fa/ guy is clearly /fit/ and pretty big

>> No.7532861


sucks being same height as those kids. nice body tho

>> No.7532868


Remember when god tried to kill you? That was so funny, hehe.

>> No.7532874

looks like he's a gymnast, gymnasts are known manlets

>> No.7532881

how did you achieve that body mango?

>> No.7532903

cut 700 cal a day
ec stack 2-3 months

>> No.7532937

did you follow a specific workout routine?

>> No.7532984
File: 932 KB, 2404x2460, IMG_1764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chest gap

>> No.7533012

not a huge one though, might fill in once you gain any muscle

>> No.7533021

I havent been to the gym since july so no
But before that 20+ hours of gymnastics lol

>> No.7533050
File: 1022 KB, 277x193, 1388567443327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're right. Hopefully I'll have regular access to a gym when I got to college.

>> No.7533063

ur a bitchboi conforming to some stupid idea of being an outright douche ;33 I do what I want and ur crying

>> No.7533072

yo mango do you have a really big shoe collection?

>> No.7533084

like 40+
75+ if I count pops shoes which I wear while home (same sz)

>> No.7533087

side question
r u happy?

>> No.7533102

~half of the time

>> No.7533107


hey can u post that pic u took of someoneu thought wason /fa/ in the common project derbys in this thread


>> No.7533145

cuz ur dench and you have shoes
/fa/ boys seem to think this would make them eternally happy but idk
keep cheery mango ur a gr8 poster

>> No.7533159

thanks m8

>> No.7534099

lol its a new year and im still on disability. Ive actually been hibernating pretty much for the past week or so pretty sick.... oh well to a new year of gainz I guess

>> No.7534151

Bro, you are small overall, but your chest and tris are just depressing.

The potential is there after you put on 20lbs

Also, squat.

>> No.7534225

this is all I want

>> No.7534450

w2c delts

>> No.7534481
File: 1004 KB, 1317x848, rh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this body fa?

>> No.7534498
File: 423 KB, 525x486, toplel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw both parents were models
easy mode

>> No.7534518

how did u make sure it wasn't your posture?

>> No.7534515

they have fat models tho

>> No.7534913
File: 2.13 MB, 1800x1363, everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which weight is the most effay? my sports injuries and pectus excavatum are covered up better when i'm more built but my silhouette gets a bit fucky if clothes aren't impeccably fitted to my body

>> No.7534924


>> No.7534998

Ripped without a doubt.
PE here too, I feel you yo. But you're doing a great job masking it, actually in the last two pics.

>> No.7535028

okay what do i need to do to look like this

>> No.7535038

stop eating

>> No.7535061

Do 6 day a week calisthenics routine in Convict Conditioning (look around, very easy to find a pdf)

Eat right, and pick up a cardio sport (sprinting, distance cycling, etc)

>> No.7535102

i'd hardly call myself ripped at 180lbs and 6'3"

i'm 190 now, gotta whip myself back into shape

>> No.7535258

>/fa/ full of virgins that are doing all self improvement to attract me (a female)
>bitches actually believe this
bitch if you think i dropped 1000 on a parka to get u wet u got another thing coming

>> No.7535537
File: 589 KB, 396x680, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7535628
File: 162 KB, 700x392, mommy_am_i_pretty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7535645

my abs are more defined than yours and i still don't have an adonis belt :( tfw will never be a greek god

>> No.7535643
File: 202 KB, 489x316, lyupull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire interview is complete bullshit and full of contradictions.

That said, I have found the pursuit of strength to be possibly the most satisfying thing in my life. Certainly much more fulfilling than fashion.

>> No.7535653

I have low T. Its pretty hard to make big gainz

>> No.7535667

Officially diagnosed? You just look tall to me, it's hard to put on muscle when you're tall.

>> No.7535680

Work it out hard dude. Do leg raises on the stand, high reps high sets

>> No.7535685


i think being secure enough in what you're doing that you can do something without having it be aimed specifically at getting women is probably the pinnacle of being "alpha"

you arent gonna get laid in the first place if youre that thirsty anyway.........

>> No.7535695
File: 276 KB, 1440x1920, 4 year progress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ive been on disablity for 10 years lol. I keep putting off starting TRT beacuse I dont want to do it the rest of my life

>> No.7535716
File: 107 KB, 640x1136, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7535724


>> No.7535748

Shit man that's harsh, good thing you're working out though, that increases testosterone by a bit naturally, right?

Does low T. reduce appetite or is it a symptom of something else?

Either way keep truckin dude.

>> No.7535784

Hard to say for appetite wise... I have thyroid stuff, corhns, and C-diff all pretty much fucked me up metabolism wise. So eating wise hard to say. Im obviously much diff then being able to eat whatever before I was sick...

As for increasing my test, ha not that ive seen. I know I take a shit load of herbs, and vitamins, and my doctors have tried to give me clomid and arimidex to boost my T. But the latter 2 man.. Ive never been able to get on a regimine of those because it generally makes me feel even worse. So I dont even take it. My test has gone up a bit with all of this though. But saying that my free test has always been low no matter what, and my estrogen is always high. So ive never felt better shrug

anywho thanks

>> No.7535795

Nice bewbs.

>> No.7535852
File: 302 KB, 320x447, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx :-)

>> No.7535927

how has low test affected u? u have a huge jaw/chin with a stubble, isn't that all T based

>> No.7536190

Sex was definitely is the most obvious lol. Im pretty pop with girls, but man unless I am super into them I just have no sexual urge what so ever. I have to be really... REALLY into a girl to even give a fuck. Its funny because I actualy have scerloderma and one of the meds for that is viagra. So im suppose to take that everyday. But if your not horny your not horny you know? So sex wise I can say its effected me. I just cant be a man whore cuz I just dont give a fuck.

I also dont get many erections anymore at night. Though I suppose perhaps you cuold think of that as a good thing because now when i wake up I dont have to worry about waiting for my boner to go down so I can pee lol.

Also fatigue wise I get tired really easily. And very hard to concentrate. Like... even trying to read books is hard.

Anyway it sucks like I said girl wise its lame beacuse im pretty pop, but 99% of the time I just dont care. And concentration wise is very frustrating beacuse being on disablity can be very boring, and I havnt been able to really read books now for the past couple years.

>> No.7536205


i think i might have low T, now that you describe it

i've lost so much of my sex drive as of late, and i feel like i've lost a lot of will to go out recently

i got a semen analysis done last week, hopefully that sheds some light on this

>> No.7536225

Well I would get tested. Not getting erections at night is a pretty big sign. Just make sure you get all your levels checked not just test, but your free test, and estrogen levels as well. Beacuse even when ive raised my test to "normal" levels, my estrogen tends to rise with it, thus the balance is off so I dont get any benefit. My body just converts to estrogen very easily apparently. meh And trying to take arimidex to lower your E levels is bitch to dose properly.

And yea the loss of will is pretty high. Im not depressed. But I just have a very big sense of ambivalence and whatever towards everything. Its hard to motivate myself. Not as optimistic I guess? But I think that has a lot to do with the fatigue and its hard to concentrate. And when you have trouble even reading a book sometimes it just feels better not to think at all. And just sorta.. go with the flow.

>> No.7536243


i'll head to the uni clinic when i get back, i suppose. i would think they'd be done with the semen analysis by now (it's been a week and a half, actually).

I couldn't get an erection to porn in that damn room. granted i was uncomfortable but i was in there for 30 minutes desperately trying to get a fappable erection. fuck.

i'm feeling the ambivalence rn tho. i'm a bit depressed when i really shouldn't be too. this is the best my life has ever been and... eeeehg

>> No.7536287

I cant really comment on the semen analysis. So im not sure what that shows test wise myself. I know they made me do some dick test and tried to give me some porn. But it was hella awkward so i was like just give me the shot. Which was kinda "funny" in a way because I "accidentally"(it hurt)moved when they did it. So I bruised pretty bad for a week. I got to joke with my friends that I finally had a black dick, but now that I have it, its not that great.

Anyway besides that other tests they did was a basically boner test at night which is retarded. And then of course like I said blood tests for shit.

I would say again just try to get all your total test, and free test checked, your estrogen levels and get some stuff like your thyroid and cortisol checked.

Anywho im out bed time. Later dude good luck.

>> No.7536294



>> No.7536361

I mean do you jerk it like 17 times a day?

>> No.7536371


Replinish ur nuTz by eating a shitload of nuts
and seeds.
And whale semen, dik it up fuccboi.

>> No.7536375


i almost never get erections during the day and i rarely fap anymore

when i do fap, i'm basically forcing myself to (I don't feel the need, i just am conscious that im limp-dicked as fuck) and I have to watch porn

>> No.7536376
File: 119 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skLELetons in here

>> No.7536384

nice body, dat beard tho

>> No.7536389

Y do u have purple tits? Is this where coloured milk comes from?

>> No.7536412

weird abs

>> No.7536439

they look symmetric to me

>> No.7536453

nigga do you know what a beard is?`

>> No.7536458

oh god forbid, I used a term which can still be applied/is understood by anyone

>> No.7536476

oh lol word, thought maybe you thought I actually had a grizzly adams from the shadows or somethin

>> No.7536566

my body proportions are fucked. i feel like my torso is too long or my legs are too short.

>> No.7536787

Yo bro. PE here as well. Currently trying to figure out a good workout routine to help with my PE. I had surgery but it only helped 80% or so. Any advice?

>> No.7538007

Disgusting arab

>> No.7538289

mirin them pink nipples

>> No.7539644

>it only helped 80% or so
Well, you're off to a good start. The best thing to do is to work out your chest a lot once you're recovered from the surgery. I'm the guy who went from 155 --> 180. I can't bench press due to a shoulder injury and have still had some good success building muscle by doing pushups with a backpack full of weights. I would typically alternate between tricep pushups (hands close together, fingers tilted towards each other) and normal chest-focused ones for every set.

>> No.7540214

Did your PE get worse as you built your chest? That's what Im worried about. Also, any sort of special or uncommon exercises you did? I've been doing a lot of research into what could best benefit people with PE.
For example, isometric pullovers for the chest. And stomach vacuums and planks for transverse abdominis to help with flaired ribs.

>> No.7540269

Will you suck my dick?

>> No.7540305

ben stiller

>> No.7540684
File: 47 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have a better cam or lighting here 120lbs

>> No.7540714

I am a female and I think all of these bodies are disgusting. I just want a fat, smelly looking man.

>> No.7540723

that's because you're a whale yourself and you know you can't get any better. Get out.

>> No.7540737

You are right. I am a whale.

Awooooooooooo awoooooooo awoooooooooo awoooooooooogaaaaaa awooooooooooooo

*blows out water*

>> No.7540742

Do you watch too much hentai or something

>> No.7540748

No, I just watch nature specials on whales. Free Willy is my favorite movie. Awwwoooooooooooo.

>> No.7540746

perfect (personal ideal)

>> No.7540753
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>> No.7540774

Are you trying to make me gay anon?

>> No.7540786
File: 5 KB, 137x167, 1388799895616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free willy is my favorite movie

>> No.7540787


>> No.7540797

w2c big dik

>> No.7540810

why is this disgusting me so much?

>> No.7540812

iktf. what happens when i get /fa/ body? do the stretch marks stay?

>> No.7540823


nigga u ghey? There's nothing gay about mirin (and maybe wanting to nibble on) another man's cock.

>> No.7540836

It makes me feel molested.

>> No.7540858

Shave your stomach

>> No.7540892
File: 35 KB, 500x500, Helmut-Lang cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaving you bodyhair

>> No.7541060
File: 263 KB, 852x1000, 6rbHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7541096

after a brief moment the novelty would wear off and i would be embarrassed to be seen with her in public

>> No.7541410

damn, if you would've smoked weed instead, now you would be solving mysteries with your dog

>> No.7542439
File: 118 KB, 473x960, 00284276612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7542451

mao u cancerous thumb lose some fuckng weight

>> No.7542475

is there a video of that thing moving?

>> No.7542476

jeff pls go

>> No.7542482

Holy shit this made me cry with laughter

>> No.7542525


>> No.7542586
File: 167 KB, 946x1600, 002754772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7542631

Oh sure, an anonymous "female".
The type of women 4chan attracts do not deserve an opinion. Don't get me wrong, the men are often aspies. But come on.

>> No.7543440

auschwitz core 11/10

>> No.7543476

Not very proportional.

>> No.7543479


jeff pls
pls go


>> No.7543518

jeff pls go

>> No.7543521

anon what's your height?

>> No.7543559
File: 397 KB, 657x1689, 7295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out is for plebs. 122 lbs

>> No.7543560

Fuck I have the same problem with my traps

>> No.7543565


>> No.7543566

my body will soon be ideal just need to cut about 15lbs of fat. atm im about 190lbs 5' 11'' w/ gym strength

on a 1500 calorie a day diet after a brief love affair with food

>> No.7543573


>> No.7543574

zach youve needed to cut for like 4 years now shut the fuck up its not going to happen

>> No.7543583

fuck off, at least im trying, unlike your skellington self

>> No.7543585


init the dude use to post on /fit/ like 3 years ago

>> No.7543587

yeh zach attack

and this is a different tripfag from back then who has been actually working out since lol

>> No.7543623

I don't really care about my height, since my body proportions are nice, legs are skinny and i have a qt gf who is shorter than me. Too bad i lost at skin gene lottery. I like my complexion, but i have terrible acne.

>> No.7543989


>> No.7543991
File: 1.16 MB, 1944x2268, DYEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw small waist

It's a good thing for bodybuilders, but sucks for powerlifting. I used to be really fat, then got really skinny. Now I'm back at a normal weight and still bulking.

problem? what problem?

>> No.7543993

whoops can't read

>> No.7544006

that feel when u could beat the fuck out of most of the twiglet manfags in this bread

>> No.7544007
File: 36 KB, 650x685, dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544043
File: 138 KB, 1080x720, tryhard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filename related.

Im happy with my build.

>> No.7544048


165 lbs looks best

>> No.7544104

and thats whats important in life right guiz?
I always get into fights and lift super heavy things in my lowpaid manual labour job

>> No.7544133

the ability to fight is p important

you can get through life without needing to do so, but it's liberating to know that, should you have to, you can comfortably beat the chops off most people if they give you reason to

>> No.7544141

amen. also clothes look cool once u been in a few fights wearig them

>> No.7544153


i don't think fighting is cool, but to not have to avoid situations like that is a good thing imo

I remember being scared a lot when I was a kid
being scared is limiting, being competent at fighting takes that away

even if you're not big, learn to box
it's fun and it's a p good skill to have

>> No.7544490

lost my virginity 3 days ago get rekt

>> No.7544505

14 girls here hehehe. Lots of uglies, one on new years was dire but i get very drunk...and well

>> No.7544517

zach you old in the face with a shit hairline and look like pete doherty when he's having weight issues, stop trying to be cute

>> No.7544529

not what ppl irl think ;)

>> No.7544539

This is afashionboard.
That means, starve yourself.

>> No.7544536


/fit/ rejected you so now you post here with the /fa/ style of typing and the emoticons

you are butt as fuck

>> No.7544552
File: 69 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mabp1sGnRM1rwjq9so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7544582

widehips top kek

>> No.7544602

lol no way i follow u on tumblr

>> No.7544627


>> No.7544677

Your left arm is way biggger than your right. Do you fap with your left hand?

>> No.7544781

fatty :))))

>> No.7544799

shit those abs are as straight as my dick right now

>> No.7544851

how do you even be that skinny? I dont workout at all but at least I have some sort of pectoral definition you look like a slab of plywood

>> No.7544970

I'm a girl by the way.

>> No.7545750 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7545763


>> No.7545768
File: 128 KB, 480x640, CIMG0969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.7545802

i have fat guy abs
if i suck my stomach in you can see abs covered with fat

>> No.7545815
File: 163 KB, 496x391, 1385588744932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ full of virgins that are doing all self improvement to attract me (a female)

why do fat/ugly girls always think this? like they think they're perfect becuase they have a vagina too many white knights

ibet she looks like this

>> No.7545833

>why do fat/ugly girls always think this?
Just because you're fat/ugly doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.7545835

i enjoy all of these
gib pls

>> No.7545841

>also any1 who dresses to get wimmins
thank god we're in a thread about dressing
oh wait lol

>> No.7545846
File: 506 KB, 605x487, 1375940769809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most women that have posted here are ugly as fuck

most of the women even in /fa/ snapchat are ugly

>> No.7545857

because the pretty ones don't want attention becasue they're comfy with theyselbes
i don't know actulaly i'm drunk and 5pm

>> No.7545859

>dem deflated pecs
It's like you tried to >>7530280 and failed.

>most women that have posted here are ugly as fuck
Most women that have posted here don't post pictures of themselves. However if that's your example of one such "ugly" posters then you're not doing a good job of convincing me.

>> No.7545868

>known hambeast calling that chick ug

no words

>> No.7545873
File: 155 KB, 1080x720, 1377661937003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or they don't visit here at all becuase they don't want advice from a bunch thirst fuccbois dressing like they spend their friday nights playing magic the gathering with children competitively

>> No.7545885

i know 2 pretty girls irl that use this shithole
but don't post pictures because it's fucking weird to post pics of yourself onlines

>> No.7545896

PROTIP: pretty girls get much less pretty once they take a picture and put it online. Pretty =/= photogenic and definitely =/= able to compete with the best photos of the most attractive people.

>> No.7545891
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1373257322508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty ugly bro

>> No.7545908

Nope. Not sure why you of all people are trying to tell me this when you've lusted after purseforum moms who looked that good..and worse.

>> No.7545912

she has a normal face, not ugly
neesd to fix dem eyebrows though i've seen a lot of eyebrows today

that's true too. im sure good looking people use 4chan, it's actually a very samll minority that posts pics though. i dont see wahts so ofdd about that

>> No.7545921

I'm a little intrigued by the fact that someone actually saved a picture I once posted of myself but damn all this positive feedback feels good.

>> No.7545934
File: 276 KB, 960x1280, berry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true curlgurl is beaitiful even with low res web cams

arguing that everywoman ever on /fa/ is attractive, just proves that you would have sex with anything that moves. but once you get out of your teens..you realize these ugly, crazy women have all sorts of baggage

daddy issues, jealousy issues , entitlement issues etc

>> No.7545953

wow you sure have life figured out when can i become as enlightened as you, you should go live in the mountains with monks and teach them your ways. this is reallyt important. whne can i expcet your novel?

>> No.7545971
File: 34 KB, 640x480, 1369243880738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 25 year old man can't be attracted to 25-32 year old women?

i find women more attractive than teen girls

but the difference between you and i is that i don't find ALL WOMEN EVER TO BE 10/10 FUCKABLE

probably becuase i've lost my virginity as a young teen, and you have yet to lose yours

if all women are beautiful to you, then being classified as beautiful by you means nothing, your significant other (one day) will know it means nothing

>> No.7545973

shes not attractive, she looks like a washed up new jersey prostitute. the new jersey part is important.

>> No.7545984

>gyno remains on front page for days

Does /fa/ even have mods?

>> No.7546006

>even with low res web cams
why are you saying this like it isnt easier to look good in those

>> No.7546031

>a 25 year old man can't be attracted to 25-32 year old women?
You can. I'm just saying it's funny you'd turn around and call this chick ugly when you're chasing the same and worse.

>but the difference between you and i is that i don't find ALL WOMEN EVER TO BE 10/10 FUCKABLE
The first difference between you and I is that I don't accuse you of calling all women ever to be 0/10 would not bang just because you're calling this one ugly.
We both know me saying the chick you post isn't ugly doesn't mean I think all women ever are 10/10s.
The second difference between you and I is I don't insist that normal looking chicks are ugly in hopes of making any female who might be reading feel bad.
The last difference between you and I is I'm not a fat fuck who has to stalk and bully people who are more attractive than me to distract myself from my miserable life.

>> No.7546039

feedback hasn't been updated since october of last year
what do you think

once you look in the mirror, you realize you have more baggage as all of them combined

>> No.7546144


Just followed you on tumblr. Servus.

>> No.7547901

she looks like Mary McDonald