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/fa/ - Fashion

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7522577 No.7522577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, if you were a designer what clothes would you make and what would you name your shop

>> No.7522583

rick simons
stuff a$ap rocky would wear

>> No.7522591

Smegma Crazy

This store would specialize in basics, but in modern iterations.

>> No.7522598

i would name my line butthole and make clothes that look like what dr. seuss characters would wear

>> No.7522601

Lukewarm Goat Milk
Lots of furs, oversized tops, performance trainers, heavily tapered denim, lots of wool stuff, too.

>> No.7522604
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In all honesty? I'd like to start a fast fashion mall franchise in the same vein as H&M, Topman, Pac Sun, Zara, F21, etc, but just for guys.

Because sadly, there aren't any. It would have many of the types of stuff you see in those kinds of stores, and every season or so there would be a new theme like twee or military inspired stuff. And there would be a few male models who would act out characters in advertisements cuz, you know, everyone has a story that they tell through their clothes.

It would be called "StarGuyz". Because at least the younger guys could get to be the star in at least ONE store, and also because if you try to make fun of it by calling it "StarGayz", you actually get a cool word.

So yeah. I know that probably sounds silly, but I think it's something that could do well.

>> No.7522607

Anal Carnage

I would sell designer buttplugs

>> No.7522613

>allowing size M

>> No.7522610

Concentration Camp

I would make clothes for skinny people only. No fatties allowed. No XL. Not even an L.

>> No.7522611

tell me more

>> No.7522614

starguyz is a fucking gay name man, even if they had good clothing i wouldnt touch it because of the stigma that would be held towards it
it probably wouldnt succeed aswell since the average male doesnt want to shop at a store called "StarGuyz"

>> No.7522620


win the lottery and make this a reality before i'm old. "StarGuyz" tho...

>> No.7522623

i would call it fuck and it would be very difficult to tell what I sell, only that it is very good and you want it

>> No.7522625

i dont know what kind of store i'd have but if i had skinny jeans in stock i wouldnt make them over waist size 32
i also wouldnt make things in xl
imagine all the lardass rage

>> No.7522629

id make clothes for fuccbois and call it FVCCBHI

clothes including, but not limited to:
long tees, wide neck openings
slim black jeans
black plain toe oxfords with creeper sole
print fishtail parkas
jersey tees similar to the PERVERT 00 or HENTAI 00 shirts but with fuccboicore memes
slim black plain MA-1
hidden placket shirts
dip dye/gradient
w+h x dayton service boot clone
knits with peudo-edgy iconography and text like skulls, knives and guns, pills, sad faces and so on

>> No.7522634


I dunno. I didn't wanna give it something too vague. I always find it annoying when things like perfume or magazines pick super generic names.

And we all know it wouldn't be the dumbest name in most malls, like "Pac Sun" and "Cotton On".

>> No.7522639

I like it.

Can you make a line of denim jackets with knit sleeves? It would be very popular with the fuccboi crowd.

>> No.7522676
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Name of the store would be my last name. sounds unique enough for people to assosiate it with other luxury brands.

Make tech/lunar wear but also make formal wear. dior homme x acronym

>> No.7522695

Dat blazer

>> No.7522704

Japanese theme, but with a western style, you dig?

I'd name the line, we.

When I think of the word we, I think of an anonymous group of people, no discrimination, just a giant cluster fuck of people.

>> No.7522714

damn, that's a nice concept for the name.

>> No.7522715

"wee? what, like piss?"

>> No.7522726
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So a Japanese interpretation of American clothing (been done to death by everyone from Battenwear to Kapital to Number (N)ine) or an American interpretation of Japanese clothing?
The latter sounds interesting, may come off as quite hamfisted, but definitely has more potential than the former.

>> No.7522742

i would sel sheer pants so bitches could mire nmy dick .

>> No.7522780
File: 110 KB, 628x458, Old_Fisherman_by_pfmavb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saith the Lord. Named after Jeremiah 16:16.

It's a heritage boutique focused on vintage hunting/fishing clothes. I'm not really a fan of military wear, which dominates a lot of what work/heritage wear is influenced by.

>> No.7522799

Heroin chic sort of stuff so similar to SLP and Dior Hedi era. It'd all be very slim fitting as well no fatties allowed.

>> No.7522838

I like those weaboo hip-hop designs. So probably I would just print interesting anime things on t-shirts and sell for a small profit

>> No.7522844

Hmmm more I think about it, the more I'd have to say the latter, but when I think of the latter.. I think of some bullshit like Trukfit.

>> No.7522863

Would you play this kind of music in your store? I'd shop there if you did...

>> No.7522872

Fuccboi and a half

Fuccboi and fuccboi accesories
Discount for Tumblr users

>> No.7522897

great name, would shop
maybe buy one or two things
i would shop here, do you home deliver in discrete packaging?
defiantly shop here
do i have to follow you for the discount?

>> No.7523290


>not on
>exclamation mark makes it stay at the top of A-Z brand lists

simple basics but with some pieces with exotic materials

>> No.7523313

(any given word) apparel
graphic t shirts

>> No.7523322

Probably some fast fashion shop that does a lot of knockoffs like Zara.

>> No.7523336
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Can't think of a good name
but I'd steal ideas from that Biocore-anon and sale all of his designs

pic related

>> No.7523340

Cool Dubs in a Box

Dubs Jersey, Pyrex dubs, and special edition Pervert Dubs x Givenchy

>> No.7523345

Man this is like reading Naruto fanfiction with original self-insert characters

>> No.7523346

Catholic Charity Store

Used flannels and regular multi-dark coloured pants.

>> No.7523355

we? Like "wee" as in small or a little. Manlet clothing shop fo sho'

>> No.7523362

Rick Simmons

>> No.7523366


Fuck, legitimately didn't see that. Hivemind.

>> No.7523367

Rick Owens 2.0
basically everything Rick Owens but two times the price

>> No.7523372
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The store would take inspiration from various scooby doo monsters & villians.

pic related a sick fit.

>> No.7523376
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>> No.7523378

Street Wear
anything I can find in thrift stores, donation center, recycle center, stolen from hobos etc..

>> No.7523385

trap out bandos

>> No.7523388


>relevant in 2014

>> No.7523390


>> No.7523392

I'd make gothninja clothes, but, less on the modern sleek side, more on the grungy black metal side; more military-based pieces, more leather, some draping as usual.
But basically nothing that can be rightfully worn by chicks and metrosexual snobs.

>> No.7523413

some noble-sounding european name like Le Brun or Von Zehlendorf

I would sell high-quality, slim-fitting suits, vibrant button-downs, minimalist footwear and jackets and try and keep it as unisex as possible. Most things would be monochrome save for the aforementioned shirts, ties and maybe a few highlights on select pieces. everything would be vegan as well (I would consider 'naturally-deceased' hides and furs though)

basically just SLP but cheaper and more minimalist.

I would play vintage 70s and 80s punk records and garage-punk revival in store

>> No.7523414

Triple 6 Hotline

>> No.7523418

good concept until you mentioned vegan
fuck you

>> No.7523421

Also I'd name it something really edgy I guess.

>> No.7523440

10/10 would buy.

>> No.7523447

can't compromise on my beliefs hey

it'll eventually become a non-issue when we start printing leather

>> No.7523479


I call my shop TryPrice and it's target group will be /fa/

I will sell products that are in the range of high quality imitation products, they are still not cheap, but less expensive than the real deal.

inhouse labels will produce its own unique style of clothes that will fit the some of the expensive imitation products.

many of you /fa/ will buy here because most of you can't afford the real deal, but you still want to dress a way to fit in.

>> No.7523513

You read Naruto fanfiction?