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/fa/ - Fashion

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7514253 No.7514253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me, 22
>be 6'1 160lbs, 8/10 looks
>recently move to a different state for school
>don't know anybody in state besides my sister who is a year younger
>someone down the street from her is having a block party, she invites me
>I get p nice, basic button up, tailored khakis, MMM Gats
>go to party see hot as fuck model tier girl who I know I've seen my sister tagged with in many many pictures
>plz plz plz get introduced to her
>sister begins introducing me to randoms
>fuck this plz introduce me to the ultimate qt
>party goes on, make eye contact from afar with her throughout the night, sister keeps me talking to anyone BUT her
>the entire night sister basically intentionally keeps me from having any sort of action with this girl
>qt girl leaves and I wasted an entire fucking night talking to annoying plebs
>sister asks if I had fun

what the fuck /fa/ my sister cockblocked my shit, I seriously feel that us /fa/ guys spend so much time buying dope fits and spend zero time getting laid it's like we're so fashionable we're either intimidating or embarrassing and nothing inbetween

>> No.7514265

post face bb

>> No.7514272

You could have asked her to introduce you

>> No.7514274

you could have bailed on your sister dude

>> No.7514282

See, if you were in goof/streetgoof this wouldn't've been a problem

>> No.7514294

well from your post you sound like a bit of a faggot op so here's my speculation:
your sister sounds kind of smart, you don't. why the fuck would she want to embarrass herself in front of what's probably the queen bee of this group of people by having to introduce your lame ass?
if you want something go fucking take it, don't be a little bitch and expect someone to pave the way for you.

>> No.7514284

Get some balls

>> No.7514298
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Stop being an insecure pussy. You could've either gone over yourself, or directly asked your sister to introduce you.

You are aware that being interested in someone is okay at the age of 22 is normal, no?

This is your own fault, OP. Quit shitposting on my board.

>> No.7514313
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OP if she wuz making eye contact you gotta slide next to her during the party and break the ice.

>tfw 6'2'' blonde super babe at a bar was making eye contact with me one night (Im 6'3'')
>tfw i go to bar to buy a beer to have something in my hand when talking to her
>tfw I was the tallest guy at the bar until getting my beer and guy 1 inch taller than me appears out of thin air starts talking to her.

Never again
Will never let that happen again
Talking to qts is a matter of speed

>> No.7514329

she was so adamant on having me meet all these other people, I was busy talking with them, every chance I got to end a conversation with one of them, shed show up and start introducing me to somebody else

By the time I had time to ask my sister who the hot girl even was, the girl had left. She was only there about 30 minutes, my sister and I were only there for about an hour because we showed up p late due to her work schedule

>> No.7514332

wow super interesting thread

>> No.7514356

i agree, do it and post pics

>> No.7514354

sounds like your sister wants your d m8e

>> No.7514363

"Hey, sis. You mind introducing me to qt?"

Simple as that, fuccboi.

>> No.7514415

On the subject of approaching women my favorite author says it best in his book Call of the Wild:

"Now give me my dub back and go get your friend. Stupid bitch standing there while I'm drinking my Hen, steady looking at me still asking questions. Time's up - nigga, pass me another contestant." - F. Scott Fitzgerlald

to break it down in modern English:
>see girl
>give her twenty dollars
>promptly ask for twenty dollars back
>tell her to bring her female friend over to you
>if she stands there while you drink your Hennesey, she has failed the test
>if she looks at you and asks questions while you drink your Hennesey, she has failed the test
>repeat until you get laid

>> No.7514459

so basically you never get laid

>> No.7514494

>so basically you never get laid
hmm lets do the math.
there are THOUSANDS of girls in the world.
MOST of them will stand, speak or look while I drink Hennessy but EVENTUALLY SOME will not.

Consider another quote from the same book:
"Now bring it back up, clap your ass like hands"

it's pretty self explanatory and elementary level mathematics.

>> No.7514506

Thousands of girls in the world huh?

What is 51% of 1.8 billion

>> No.7514510

i dont get it lol

>> No.7514514

what would you want her to do?

>> No.7514517

>excuse me Sister I will be back in a minute
>walk over and start talking to the QT
>dont come back in a minute

Seriously OP, did you ask your sister to ask the nice shop keeper lady to get your size for you too? Fuck.

>> No.7514530

are... are you a... are you a fucking idiot?
>by the time I had time to ask my sister
>"should have asked you sister, fuccboi"
lrn2read fuccboi

Didn't bring it up after the bitch left because I'm not about to hype it up. Next time I go to one of my sisters events I'm dive head first into that qt

>> No.7514526

Most are too old or young to date you
Most are taken
Most are geographically impossible to reach
Most are not interested in you personally
Some are taken
Some are married
Some are infected with std's

Leaves roughly 50~100 women in your 100 mile radius willing to give you the time of day if you're a 10/10

If you're like a 4 /10 probably less than 20 women that can be potentially interested in you max if you do a lot of the work getting to know them

>> No.7514529

Entice me with her mind, body and soul and be a 10/10 qt asian virgin with no mom, dad, brothers or sisters. She must love video games and anime and she must have good ethical values and like nice guys.

>> No.7514539

by head first, I mean my dick head of course

>> No.7514545

>dresses like a dad to a black party
>blames own sister for "cockblocking"
>didnt even try talkin to the qt
OP are you some sort of fucking pussy with a undersized dick? dont blame your sister blame your faggot ass self

>> No.7514543

what if she stands, speaks or looks?

>> No.7514552

BLOCK party

>> No.7514554
File: 1.17 MB, 3264x2448, 1387623389558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.7514557

this guy gets it

>> No.7514560

>wearing MMM
>dressing like a dad

you must be a pretty stupid nigger to say that because even Kanye West is smarter than you

>> No.7514566

That is almost exactly what I wore, except top was a button down, dark denim color and the MMMs were not paint
v similar body type too

>> No.7514567


>> No.7514570

Then she is an unpure slut.

>> No.7514576

>button down and khakis
youre probably a stupid faggot who wears this shit daily

>> No.7514581

I wear mom and I dress like a dad core nerd loser

>> No.7514604

Not OP but you're clearly a 16yo faggot fuccboi if you think a shirt with buttons on it is inherently dadcore lmfao child

>> No.7514609

>/fa/ - fashion

>> No.7514616

Mario had me lulzin' this entire thread.

OP, you're a fucking idiot.

Me? First thing I'd have done is walk straight up to the qt, ignoring everyone else, and asked her, "how big of a crush on me do you have right now".

He who dares, wins.

>> No.7514617

Aye maybe but not to wear to a bloody block party.

>> No.7514622

This. Stupid shits making me wonder if I went to /r9k/ by accident.

>> No.7514628

its a fucking block party you fuckin nerd lmao go jerk off over your slim light black OCBD you dork

>> No.7514644

light blue* jesus christ i suck

>> No.7514645

did you fuck your sister that night?

>> No.7514674

if you're not confident enough to approach someone, you're not confident enough to get your dick wet.

>> No.7514679


>> No.7514689


go back to /fa/

>> No.7514687

>implying you would do that
>implying you would have the balls to do anything but lurk in a corner sipping your non-alcoholic beer staring at girls

>> No.7514701

>"how big of a crush on me do you have right now"
wow this is so super smooth and not at all the douchiest thing i've ever heard

i mean yea, talking to her yourself is the right move, or at least asking your sister to introduce you, but this is a troll thread so what do you expect

>> No.7514717


>implying women don't like overconfident douchebag approaches

Jesus christ, how do you faggots ever get laid. Oh, you probably don't.

>> No.7514723

they like confidence, they don't like skeevy douchebags

>> No.7514726

you really are a child aren't you?
Everyone there was wearing a button down shirt you fucking 16yo, go jerk off on your sk8 his and enjoy your last days of winter break before having to go back to school so you can finish junior year.
Come back in two years when you're actually in college.

>> No.7514736

>implying you've had female contact apart from your mom
>inb4 "ive slept with more girls this week than you will in your life"
>inb4 basing your personal worth on how many times you have sex
oh wait
too late

>> No.7514745

not him but khakis (the color aswell) in themselves are dadcore as fuck

>> No.7514740

>everyone there was wearing a button down shit
congrats you went to a dadcore mfa meetup lmfao there probably wasnt even any alcohol or weed or drugs you faggots

>> No.7514742

it's true, a line like that can work really good.
or something like "please stop. my eyes are up here."

and anyone who doubts cocky confident lines work doesn't understand the first thing about getting girls.

you can say "well it won't work on good girls" but that's irrelevant, and also straight up wrong.

you may not have the personality to try it, and that's fine. it isn't a requirement.
it won't work on all girls, but it does work.

>> No.7514747


>implying I do it like a Jersey Shore idiot.
>implying it isn't done with a smirk and a "half kidding" demeanor

Nevermind, Jesus fuck you nerds are hilarious. 98% of you would be the guy sitting alone, or with his circle of nerd friends as I literally go over to the hottest chick in the bar with this...

You'd watch her smile and start talking to me. You'd watch her start playing with her hair. You'd watch me get her number or even take her home that night...

And you'd probably come post on /fa/ about how pleb bitches are "intimidated" by your goofy fucking fits.

Stay you, /fa/. Stay you.

>> No.7514755
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, picture144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoutout to my nigga dont flame my sk8 his

>> No.7514763

>"please stop. my eyes are up here."
now this is kind of funny and might work

other thing just sounds awful to me
maybe it's just because i'm reading it on the internet, i don't know...

>> No.7514774

>You'd watch her start playing with her hair. You'd watch me get her number or even take her home that night...

'tis quite true.
my friends have gotten pissed/confused/worked up after i've gotten with girls like this.

and yes, IN REAL LIFE i've heard a guy CRY to another girl "why do girls always go for guys like that? he's such an asshole"
not word for word, and obviously it was like a 30 minute crybaby rant, no different than a wall of greentext on /adv/

>> No.7514782


dear god you are going to look horrific naked

>> No.7514781

or maybe it's because i'm hearing all the things this idiot >>7514747 says and he sounds like a huge douchebag and so i'm picturing him saying other things like a huge douchebag

you definitely sound like a Jersey Shore idiot
i'm sure you're banging all kinds of broads, bruh

>> No.7514787

one reason why it sounds awful is your preconceived notions and idealizations.
another reason is because girls SAY it's awful but that doesn't mean shit.

if a girl is attracted to you and you walk up and say that her brain is thinking "damn nigga. this dude fiya"

confidence is the single most attractive thing to the lesser sex.
i mean fairer sex lol.

>> No.7514788

just about every line is stupid, what matters really is how you say it
but some girls are too smart for lines rehearsed in advance so you have to be funny and have a nice personality instead

>> No.7514796

at least i aint pussy

>> No.7514798

The fuck's a fiya

>> No.7514799

you sound fine
funny, confident, nice guy

other guy is a fucking ape

>> No.7514818

>just about every line is stupid, what matters really is how you say it
i've talked about Chris Chan the first night i've met a girl and got laid the same night.

> lines rehearsed in advance
right. that's why "lines" won't work.
guys who want to learn magic lines are being stupid. you can say the smoothest line in the world and not get a girl, but walk up to the same girl and confidently say "my dick is small and useless and i'm ashamed of it. i'm only talking to you because i want to fuck you." and get laid.

and yes, i mean you can literally say that and if she's attracted enough she'll laugh it off as a joke. that's the beauty of it.

>> No.7514823

as always i have to agree with my bwaa, confidence is what matters, even to the point of arrogance if you can make it work
most guys don't seem to realize

>> No.7514827


>not understanding anything about tone or context
>thinking words on an internet forum can give you an idea of "jersey shore" behavior or demeanor

You're either autistic, or butthurt because I called you names.

Either way, it's obvious you never get laid.

>> No.7514835

ah you're calming down
'roid rage over? did your zookeeper give you your tranq?

>> No.7514890


Your comeback to my "u mad" is basically "aww, were you mad?"

Aww, babbys first troll.


Not only killing me with the funny this thread but you're on point about the confidence too.

Took me till I was about 22 to realize it since I'm pretty introverted and was never cocky with girls. There were multiple occasions where I would, totally joking, say something like "can't take your eyes of me, eh?" thing to a girl who was looking at me.

Expecting them to obviously know I was kidding and come back with a joke or something... and they'd get all shy and start playing with their hair and say something like, "well, you are very handsome".

Inside I'd be screaming "NO NO, I was kidding, I'm not a douchebag, no!!!"

But I'd play it off with saying something like, "it's ok, I think you're cute". or some shit and just act like it was obvious she would say that.

Guys really don't understand how it works. Especially if you're attractive. You can say some pretty absurd shit as long as you're light-hearted about it and girls will be insta-flirty.

>> No.7514902

yea i'm not real worried about responding to a "u mad"

>> No.7514963

Probably the weirdest/best experiences i had this year was when i met a girl on the street, walking back to her dorm or something. she was with 2 other girls.
i was drunk and in a bad mood, but also a funny and cool mood as usual.

I see the girl i want and i don't remember what i or my friend said, but it was something dumb.
either way, i ask her name "weird, the librarian at my school in second grade was named {her name}. you kind of look like her."
i could tell the girl was in love right away, it was written all over her face.

but i wasn't going to stop being a dick to her, due to my obnoxious mood. her friends were calling her back "come oooon we have to go. stop talking to that guy" blah blah trying to cock block her or something.

I tell them "you need to be quiet, i'm talking to your friend"

later on, she's telling me what i douchebag i am, but also saying i'm "special"
she says im the biggest douchebag she's ever met, and this is when she's walking me into her apartment.

yes, the "over confident douchebag" card does work, and it works well if you know what you're doing. i still see her at least three times a month.

i usually play the confidence card, and have luck with it, but that experience was just crazy to me. that's when i fully accepted the "rules" of game.

becuase ur too mad to think of a response. it's ok mad guy.

>> No.7515015

w2c confidence

>> No.7515054

learn to know yourself and love yourself. not egotism, but actual self-love
it's different for everybody so only you can figure out what makes you feel at your prime and gets you in that mindset. then you stay there

(dangerously cheesy but it's true)

>> No.7515072



Yeah, my biggest moment was around the same time I'd notice that girls would get flirty and shit when I would jokingly say something conceited, but nothing over the top...

Around that time, 22ish, I went back to visit where I went to high school in cali, I had moved to the midwest after high school. All of my friends from high school had gone to college and went full fratboy mode. A couple played football in college.

We were going to parties and, literally, as a social experiment (introverted dork with lucky genetics in looks) I decided to go full asshole for the week I was there. Just act like them.

One of the first parties we went to I was getting drunk and just frat boying it up. This supercutie there kept calling me an asshole as I was talking about how big my dick was and being a general douche. At one point I literally told her to shut the fuck up.

Obviously all of this had a light tone to it... you know what I mean, it's hard to explain.

Anyhow, party was kind of dying down and this chick was the cousin of the dude who's party it was and she was staying at the house. I legit thought she didn't like me as a human being because I was such a douche the whole time.

But she comes up, STRADDLES ME, and starts kissing me. I'm thinking... wtf. We're kissing and I'm looking past her head and a couple of my boys were giving me a thumbs up and shit.

I'm like... "damn, what's up?" She whispers, "you know what I want" and grabs my crotch.

Not being an actual asshole I'm like, "are you like, super drunk right now? I'm not trying to take advantage of a girl." Almost ruining it because I'm 10% aspie. She get's mad and says "I've been into you all night".

And she leads me upstairs. I probably went to 5 parties that week and had similar experiences at them all. Only god laid from 3 of them, but there were opportunities at the others.

I don't go as far as I did, I just can't be *that* conceited/aggressive even as an act.

>> No.7515091

fake it till you become it.

yea that's a shitty expression in a lot of situations but in this situation it actually WORKS.
ACT confident. read up on how to project confidence via body language, your voice, movements etc. then just walk around acting confident.
the reason why the "fake it" thing works is because when you project confidence, people act differently towards you, and you end up feeling actually confident as a result.

the next post is going to be another example like:

but how just projecting confidence can change how people you've known forever perceive you.

>> No.7515101

Keep telling yourself that faggot, If you don't have the confidence to talk to girls yourself then just stay home.

>> No.7515110

drunk slutty girl tried to bang the guy with the supposedly big dick

>> No.7515130


Unsurprisingly, a lot of girls are as big a whore as a lot of guys.

>> No.7515213

I was at work, hella tired ready for bed. A girl i've been friends (never any sexual interest) with texts me "come to my house i'm having a party since i'm back in town"
"whose gonna be there?"
i find out the ONE girl i had a crush on in high school is going to be there, and she's the last girl i've had a crush on but never fucked.

i was tired, ready for bed, but fuck it. it's game time.
i show up to the party without shoes, and i basically just went full on "alpha" mode.
talking loud, authoritative,funny, being conversational, etc.
I was especially paying attention to my body language and using the dreaded "tactics"

it's just a small group of people who i've known forever. some of my best friends.
the girls immediately start acting different towards me that night, i can tell by their body language they are "attracted" to me.

As usual, i guide the conversation towards male VS female topics and every time the word "man" comes up, both girls look at me.

my friend even asked "why is dr. mario somehow the example of masculinity all the sudden?"
and i laughed, because it was a damn good question.
the answer, which I didn't bother explaining, because "muh misogyny," is that i was projecting positive masculine qualities.

Everything went down EXACTLY how I expected the second i decided i'd go to the "party." A perfect example of "playing the game."

"let's go swimming" - she whispers in my ear at 1:30 in the morning, as she sits next to me holding my thigh, her other arm wrapped around my waist like the prize i am.

we didn't end up doing much besides making out, due to some unfortunate circumstances, but had i wouldve pushed an had a little bit more wiggle room with time, it would have happened no question.

it probably would've been a three way.

basically, i ended up being cock blocked by the white knight i described here:
but i'm out of room to explain that.

>> No.7515237

no one cares, write it in your diary

>> No.7515249

i just did.
and you just read it.

plus i'm looking back on all the cool things i did in 2013, and everyone is benefiting from it.

go write it in your diary.

>> No.7515262

you're a fucking pussy and all you're doing is making up excuses.
next time, man the fuck up and talk to her or get your sister to introduce you. It is not difficult to excuse yourself from a conversation to ask someone to introduce you.

>> No.7515284


The cognitive dissonance of guys is funny to me too. For example, there are times when I'm just in no fucking mood to be outgoing or to put on any act of "alpha" nonsense.

And even *I* occasionally think to myself, after some aggressive outgoing 6/10 dude get's with a cute girl that's around me that, "meh, I wouldn't want to fuck a broad who falls for that shit anyway".

Even though that is patently untrue. Because I have many times fucked "that" girl. And it's "most girls". But if I wasn't into putting on that persona that night, my brain does that trick that brains do and says "I didn't want it anyway".

That's why it's so funny to me when guys who *never* are outgoing, and expect women to approach them and flirt with them and fall in lust/love with them because of how special they are on the "inside", because of their "fit", because they are so "muh deepness"... when they get uber cynical about it all.

The funniest thing is how they can go from on one hand saying, "pleb bitches always get with those stupid cocky assholes.... women are such whores", to saying "that cocky shit doesn't work in real life". Dissonance.

>> No.7515286

seems so sickeningly inauthentic.

"lol but it GETS pussy bro!"


>> No.7515315

it is
may as well join a frat

i mean if you're in high school or college and want to be a shithead to get laid, by all means, go for it
may as well while you still have access to young pussy

this guy's got it figured out. you can be cool and confident and still get laid without putting down women and acting like a fratbro

you can tell some of the guys in this thread are overcompensating/lying because they have to get on the internet to tell everyone how great they are and how much they get laid

>> No.7515316
File: 42 KB, 250x250, 1358273666116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not revenge raping sister

>> No.7515314


But... it does.

Not girls I want as a gf. Not girls I'd marry. But good looking girls that scratch an itch that fucking nearly everyone has. Sex.

Sure, I wouldn't mind finding a beautiful, blisteringly intelligent and funny, loyal, reasonable, self-reliant, honest girl who shares my interests to get into a relationship with.

But, uh, lolgoodluck. Like being struck by lightning to find one, and being struck twice in a row to find one who happens to be single and also you happen to be *her* type.

So, in the meantime, what would you have us do? Be sexless perma-masturbators who refuse to defile themselves with "pleb bitches"?

No thanks, I'll leave that to the guys who pretend that's their choice, when in reality it's that they are so painfully socially inept/afraid that they can't approach women confidently and convince them to mash genitals with them.

>> No.7515335

>Sure, I wouldn't mind finding a beautiful, blisteringly intelligent and funny, loyal, reasonable, self-reliant, honest girl who shares my interests to get into a relationship with.
>But, uh, lolgoodluck. Like being struck by lightning to find one, and being struck twice in a row to find one who happens to be single and also you happen to be *her* type.

>> No.7515366


Naw, because "good" wasn't the only qualifier. I explicitly also adjectives such as beautiful and blisteringly intelligent.

I know there are a lot of girls I wouldn't personally find attractive that have a number of the other qualities.

I have absurdly high standards when it comes to an actual relationship. I understand this, and I'm ok with not being in a relationship because of it.

Provided I still get laid from time to time. Hence the whole confidence shtick.

>> No.7515376

Authenticity and a sprinkling of self-deprecating humor goes further than a hyper-inflated, inauthentic attitude with a sprinkling of flippant douchebaggery.

You're the guy that chicks tell themselves never happened.

>> No.7515398


confidence isn't acting like a shitbag
that makes you look almost as insecure as the quiet shy beta in the corner
....alright, it's not that bad. but you'll never find a girl worth being in a relationship with. just ones that match your same vapid attitude. might get a batshit crazy gold digger who's going to sleep around on you

>> No.7515408

you should've introduced yourself.
>"hi im ____'s brother"
everyone else could have waited but theres a good chance you'll see her again if you hang out with your sister more.

>> No.7515415

I like how this kid wears mall dad core and mmm gats

Cheapest thing they sell

Then when called dad core he says
> wearing mmm
> dad core

As if he were wearing 0+ 10 margiela years

>> No.7515432

Wtf are you even responding to man? Nothing in your reply has anything to do with my post that you replied to. And none of it makes sense

>> No.7515442

self-deprecating humor works when it makes the girl realize you don't really mean it and are instead really confident in yourself
if you send some black depressed vibes and just go around saying "yeah that must be because i'm an idiot" nobody's interested

anyway, everybody has their way of playing the game. it depends on who you are and how well you're able to work with that.

>> No.7515486

have you been following the conversation? obviously not
i'm agreeing with the guy i replied to, then continuing to talk about the other guys ITT who have been responding for a while

>> No.7515533

So, what exactly is a block party?

>> No.7515552

>seems so sickeningly inauthentic.

That's the point of the story. That's why I even bothered to type it out.
Like this story:
It's something I would've doubted actually working.
Like, "yea it works for him but he's ____"
Until i experienced it for myself.

In some ways it is sick, but that's how it is.
The point of the story was that my best and closest guy friends even noticed it, and couldn't explain it, and also wouldn't believe it if I explained it to them.

That's the point of the other story too.
The girl saying the most cliche line ever, yet everything pans out exactly the same too.

It all comes down to another F. Scott Fitzgerald quote:
"don't hate the player, hate the game"
and that's what it is.

Now of course you, or someone is going to say some cliche argument, but the fact is, until you've lived it you have no clue just how SUCCESSFUL it truly is.
It isn't always one night stands, it isn't insta-regret. it isn't only "low quality" women.
once you understand YOUR personality and how to use it in the best way you'll start realizing how much power you have, and how simple things are.

>> No.7515561


>Authenticity and a sprinkling of self-deprecating humor goes further than a hyper-inflated

No. It really doesn't. It really doesn't. Not with *most* attractive girls that hook up without expecting a relationship.

You're idealizing women by thinking so. Most people, not just women are stupid. It is really pitiful how much more successful the slightly over the line personality is compared to a genuinely funny personality.

If you don't do it you really have no idea.

>> No.7515562

>meet qt3.14 at a my friend's play
>ask her out
>fast forward 2 weeks
>it's our first date
>go to a french restaurant
>thought we were only going to see a movie so I wore a t-shirt and 511s and a black hoodie
>she wears an expensive dress
>feel extremely under dressed
>after a few minutes of talking the waiter comes asking for our drink order
>realized that I left my wallet in my m65 jacket
>had to buy something cheap since I only had a few notes and coins in my pocket
>she gets a glass of white wine
>I ask for a chocolate thickshake (cheapest thing on the menu)
>She orders lobster mornay
>I get hamburger with fries (cheapest food on the menu)
>after 30 minutes of awkward chat we pay for our meals
>I say "let's split the check"
>she gives me the dirtiest look ever
>say "70/30 since you got the lobster and wine"
>was still $15 short so had to borrow some money from her
>waiter gets no tip and looked really pissed off
>leave quickly
>awkward 20 minute drive to her house
>not a single word was muttered
>when we arrive at her house she didn't even say goodnight she just opens the door and walks away
Fuck her, looks like she won't be getting the $15 back

>> No.7515587

lol its not really her fault you werent prepared

sux tho bro that soundslike an awful ex[pierience

>> No.7515588

you're a dumbass m8, nothing you could do here

>> No.7515599


introduce yourself, where are your balls.

>> No.7515603

you didn't write this

>> No.7515606


What he's arguing is exactly what I was talking about upthread. There are some guys who notice how the "asshole" is getting women. Some of these *same guys* will then rationalize to themselves later that "no, that stuff wouldn't work. Women want a genuine, funny, nice guy."

I know a lot of guys who truly aren't aware of how absurd it is. They aren't around it enough and the certainly never try it. They might see it from across the bar, but they assume the guy is just being really clever and charming the girl. They don't realize that the guy is actually talking about how awesome he is in bed and then ignoring the girl.

Another factor is attractiveness. The more attractive you are the easier this stuff is. Me light-heartedly asking a girl how big a crush on me she has is going to go over better than 5/10 neckbeard.

But that isn't ruling out it working for the 5/10... because he's at least ENGAGING, which brings the probability of success up from 0% to something greater than 0%.

The open mouth gets fed.

>> No.7515608

Last night 2 different girls hit on me. I just froze and got awkward. ;_;

>> No.7515611

Thickshake and Burger and Fries at a French restaurant? Top lel

>> No.7515617

this thread is for you, read bud
it might sound like pua bs but the discussion itself is worthwhile

>> No.7515622

allu need is the ALPHA then the chix will be all over u if u no what i meen

i like 2 take my qt 2 the GUN SHOW then its STR8 2 BONE ZONE in my crib its like so easy if ur not a beta chump looser lol

>> No.7515633

What's up with all the new name and tripfags. Fuck off already. Go to reddit if you love being recognised.

>> No.7515636


I'm not talking about PUA stuff. Though some of it coincides, probably. I don't "neg" women or go through "levels" or whatever shit.

What I'm talking about is *mainly* just being yourself with 2 main differences, if they are not part of your normal personality:

1. Actually approaching and engaging a woman.
2. Adding half-joking statements of conceit.

Doing both at once is absurdly effective. Of course, depending on your personality/looks otherwise your mileage may vary.

>> No.7515648

i know man i know
but some people have become wary that advice like this is on the same level as pua stuff, i was saying it isn't

>> No.7515657


Fair enough.

>> No.7515658

>I know a lot of guys who truly aren't aware of how absurd it is.
absurd is the right word.
it absolutely is absurd, for so many reasons, but i'm also an absurdist so i'm used to it.

You're right, most guys aren't around it enough.
They have too many idealizations, and not enough expereince.
If you read shit i post, you know i talk about how our society has been overly feminized and catered towards the feminine imperative, which explains most of the problems guys have.

>Women want a genuine, funny, nice guy.
well, the thing is, the do.
but the problem is the "nice guy" doesn't offer the positives that the "asshole" does, so women will take the "bad" to get the good.
Read this: http://www.adarkheart.com/2013/06/21/masculinity-positive-negative-none/

>Positive masculinity is a difficult concept to grasp for most men because they’ve never experienced or seen it.

>> No.7515675

The thing is, you're romanticizing all these qualities into cliches. I said authenticity not "nice guy".

>> No.7515696

oldaf fagopasta

>> No.7515704

Had to be fake / friendly in college I died a little every second

Sticking my dick in some used party pussy isn't worth the act or effort

If I want sex I just go on fetlife or backpage

> those women are whores/ sluts

Roughly the same amount of used pussy as a girl who attends house parties goes to clubs and fucks a guy they met that night

Most younger women do this

>> No.7515713
File: 127 KB, 250x265, 1368915977840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for your sister to introduce you

never fails to amaze me how beta /fa/ is

>> No.7515733

that's a nice website brother

>> No.7515747

Where would you place Government Plates in your DG power ranking?

is it above or below exmilitary?

>> No.7515754

>what the fuck /fa/ my sister cockblocked my shit, I seriously feel that us /fa/ guys spend so much time buying dope fits and spend zero time getting laid it's like we're so fashionable we're either intimidating or embarrassing and nothing inbetween

its funny cause u think ur /fa/ let alone /fa/ enough to be intiminating, u think ur fit was dope, and u think it takes any amount of time or money to buy some german army shoes and some shitty dadcore fit

not even going to start on u thinking ur 8/10 or u being too beta to talk to some ugly bitch

>> No.7515763

hmm not sure i'm not the biggest DG fan.
i actually havent even listened to it since it came out but I like it a lot more than No Web i think.
i like all their albums but Ex Military is my favorite, for a lot of reasons. it's the only one i love.

>> No.7515780

>that's a nice website brother
it really, really is.

once you start to realize this stuff, websites like that become very useful and important.
if you're interested check out my personal favorite:

>> No.7515785

You're the worst tripfag on this board. You're beyond fedora level of autism.
Also if you actually drink cognac while out you're a fucking moron, I bet you sit in a corner with your cognac and a cigar tipping your fedora to all the ladies that walk by.

>> No.7515800

can someone explain this blue/red pill thing to me?

I've seen it pop up in other things as well. P sure it's from the matrix but that movie is over 3 years old I forgot what goes on, can someone give me a quick greentext synopsis?

>> No.7515805

>I bet you sit in a corner with your cognac and a cigar tipping your fedora to all the ladies that walk by.
yea and?
not my fault they are all undesirable sluts.
i know some day my 10/10 asian virgin will approach me (for i am far too shy) and accept my hand in marriage.
she also needs to be fine with me being a stay at home dad.

>> No.7515807

Generally people who have to read this far into how to act around girls are socially retarded or have mental illness.

Here's a tip, go to a club and have fun and girls will approach you if they find you attractive, or at least give of signals that they want to talk.
I know autism makes it hard to read social cues so I can't really help you all too much, but if you see her staring maybe talk to her.

>> No.7515816

red: understand that truth and reality can be disappointing and not up to your expectations
blue: bask in your ignorance so you can stay comfortable

>> No.7515819

fuck you /fa/ I wear button ups most of the time I go to parties.
If it's not one of those nights where I get belligerently drunk I'll at least make out with a girl.
OP you're just a faggot. Sometimes you have to introduce yourself to someone. Quit being a pussy.

>> No.7515826

You infuriate me, reading your posts I know the exact type of person you are.
You think you're gods gift to the human race, but really you're just an arrogant insufferable fuckhead, at least you're man enough to admit you're a shy bitch, I bet in real life you don't say anything and just sit there thinking up how you're going to tell /fa/ a 10/10 wanted to get with you.

>> No.7515830

It's sort of like Plato's cave allegory.
Basically, some guys way back were born in a cave and were too scared to leave.
They saw shadows on the walls of the cave, and that's all they knew about the world. They could believe the shadows to be whatever they wanted, and made them into things very far from reality.
That is the blue pill.
"Ignorance is bliss"

Eventually, one of the guys built up the courage to leave the cave and discovered the reality of the shadows. It was a lot different that the perceptions he had based on just the shadows.
That is the red pill.

He goes back into the cave and tells the other guy about all the crazy stuff he saw (SoSuave), but nobody believes him. They have their perceptions, and in their mind they want to believe they are right (male feminists, white knights).

The red pill is the truth about women. The blue pill is what we are TAUGHT about women, by society and media.

>> No.7515838

to me he's just a dude who knows how the world works, and although you may not agree with his approach to life, it isn't inherently wrong or bad.

He knows what he wants and works for it, and doesn't want to settle.

>> No.7515846

oh by the way /fa/ i really want to share this with you, i finished it yesterday:

it deals with the same themes we're talking about here: seduction, love, manliness, success, blue/red pill, culture even (can i find the girl who shares all of my interests... The One?)
but in a really pragmatic and lovable way. and it's pretty hot
for real, give it a shot!

>> No.7515847

*tips fedora*
it's social/sexual dynamics homie.
it's nothing new.

and just to be clear, like Kanye said: "i got 900 problems but a bitch isn't either"

for real though, i won't try to convince you but i give advice based on experience that i live daily.

>> No.7515844

i wonder what you look like
can you post a pic

>> No.7515857


>> No.7515859

Knowing how the world works is a lot different to reading self-help blogs on the internet written by other social outcasts.
His advice is horrible and you're just easily lead. You don't stand at a bar with a glass of cognac trying to get 10/10's. All the girls I know would instantly label you a loser for standing alone at a bar in the first place and the cognac stinks of arrogance/trying to act "dapper" (just like a fedora).

>> No.7515865

taking things literally and at face value is an accepted symptom of autism

>> No.7515867

>tfw you finally realize it's a line from Ying Yang Twinz

>tfw you still get pissed about something and cry like a bitch

>> No.7515873

oh yeah, and it's the Might Have Been stories, haven't looked into the others

>> No.7515875


I think you might actually be autistic. You're inability to differentiate satire from reality is... deficient.

>> No.7515883

>His advice is horrible and you're just easily lead.
I don't follow his advice

There are multiple approaches for the same goal, he's going about it differently than I would.

>You don't stand at a bar with a glass of cognac trying to get 10/10's
honestly I've had luck just standing around at parties like that feel guy in your favorite comics.

then like 5min of standing there I get some qt chatting me up, but I am cute and cool so that's why it works for me.

>All the girls I know would instantly label you a loser for standing alone at a bar in the first place
you don't know any girls stop lying

I don't really like liquor either but I am always down for jagermeister. I smoke too much weed for my own goo ddoe

>> No.7515881

So after you use your guide on 101how2getgurls, and the girl actually starts talking to you, do you then proceed to let her know that you spend the large majority of your time watching anime and posting on a anime board about clothes?

>> No.7515888

>sis didn't introduce me to girl
hahhaahahaha nigga you're a joke.

>> No.7515894


Guys... guys... it's song lyrics.

Did... did you not realize this when he said he was quoting F. Scott Fitzgerald, writer of The Great Gatsby, and talking about niggas and cognac...

wtf is wrong with people.

>> No.7515909

wow you're completely fucking oblivious

>> No.7515903

dude I haven't read the great gatsby since my 9th grade teacher made me do it.

Why would I try to remember a quote from a shitty book?

>> No.7515913

we text /fit and cgl

>> No.7515912

You must hang around really pleb girls if they don't see through obvious faggotry, the girl i'm currently seeing pointed out a guy wearing a fedora at a club and laughed with me. She's also /fa/ as fuck, stay jelly tho :)

>> No.7515921
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and there we go. always this question.

but you see, my good friend, once you ACTUALLY pay attention to the "101how2getgurls" you'll realize it's about SELF improvement before getting girls.

and also

also, you'd be surprised. that's all i'm saying. i've had lots of relationships this year with girls, lasting months at a time and i've grown and learned from each one. they have too.

and i do a lot more besides post on 4chan.
but also, when it comes down to it, i'm literally pro status and can do things most guys never could.

i talk to girls about these same ideas, and help people IRL with their relationshit too.
you can doubt, but that's your insecurity and, i'm sure, your lack of experience.

>> No.7515926

sorry I'm not combing through this thread trying to pick up every detail

I'm having a bad day today I wasn't able to play any ranked games in league of legends

>my friend laughed at a guy wearing a fedora
>stay jelly XD
girl i'm seeing pointed out a guy wearing black 511s a black tee and white nikes and she said "lmao what a faggot"

stay jelly tho :)

>> No.7515927


I know *exactly* why you in particular don't get laid.

Random Girl Anywhere: "Till the sweat drips down my balls!"

Autistic Poster: "You have balls? I did not know you were a man. Incredible!"

Girl: No... it's.. it's a song, I...

Autist: My LORD, I was attracted to you! I wonder if this means I am partially homosexual. She has testicles! DEAR GOD. I must head off to my parents basement, which I have turned into my internet laboratory, and study this issue!

>> No.7515928

nice now you guys can feel superior with each other

>> No.7515934


you type like you browse /r9k/

>> No.7515931

I actually said F. Scott Fitzgerald writer of Call of the Wild adding ANOTHER layer of comedy to an already hilarious post.

>> No.7515937

>I'm so good but too aspie to talk to girls without being introduced
m8 reel that ego back in and stop acting like a pussy

>> No.7515949

>this nigga 3/10
>dresses like dad
>cries that his slut sister cockblocked him

dis nigga

>> No.7515951

some guys are just clueless
i think it's the same guys who like infographics

>> No.7515954
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how do you fuck up so bad? I'm dying,

>> No.7516031

lmao you suck bro, dr. mario is easily the best trip to ever grace this shithole of a board

>> No.7516129

one of the worst thread on this board so far
>inb4 newfag

>> No.7516347

pussy excuses. she was probably introducing you to everyone because she knows you are autistic and she is trying to keep you from killing yourself

>> No.7517942
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>tfw im gay
>tfw im only into older men (no i dont have a daddy issue)
>tfw its so easy to get laid
>tfw i spend christmas together with this guy pic related
>tfw being gay is the greatest thing on earth

>> No.7517976

>i dont have a daddy issue

>> No.7517981


that where you find older gay guys

>> No.7517985

You don't need to be a passenger to ride the train

>> No.7517986


what do you mean by that?

>> No.7517991

that doesn't make any sense
you'll get chucked the fuck out or fined up your ass

>> No.7518000
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>> No.7519002

This is actually really good, I wasn't expecting much because of Literotica but it's a good read.