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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 500x454, 1388352032243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7506070 No.7506070 [Reply] [Original]

awesome album, pretty chill shirt

other examples of images like this, album covers, movie posters, etc. that adapt well as shirts?

>> No.7506105

Spirit of Eden is so much better. And the shirt is shit.

>> No.7506119

the rainbow is my jimmy jams i'll concur, and i get a shit ton of compliments for this, it's the same without the laughing stock text at the bottom

>> No.7506160
File: 24 KB, 400x400, prodigy-albert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how it would look on a shirt, but this album is genius.

Albert Einstein - Prodigy & The Alchemist

>> No.7506195

>being this pleeeb

you have to be braindead to seriously think that SoE is better that LS

>> No.7506259

lmao get out faggot

>> No.7506342

I'm sorry your taste is so shit m8

>> No.7506377

lol that's terrile album art

>> No.7506407

I'm not m8s with plens like you, m8.

>> No.7506429


I don't want this board to become as awful as /mu/ ;_;

>> No.7506550

it was an ironic "m8". Why the fuck would I associate with people who publicly express favour for inferior albums?

I bet you think that Yanqui UXO is "pretty neat" too, am I right? You fucking disgust me

>> No.7506784
File: 367 KB, 1024x1024, 1386709189386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7506806
File: 46 KB, 600x800, 900x900px-LL-1a71f135_sfasf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7506835

mans got the parka of this bug mans need the tee

>> No.7506843

mans prefer Amon Duul

>> No.7506849


None of you halfwits deserve to listen to such great music.

>> No.7506859

amon duul or amon duul 2?

>> No.7506862

Wow you're a full on fuccboi. Just kill yourself man.

>> No.7506879

>tryin a trick a nig

>> No.7506897


yeti is really good but i don't think they done anything better than either future days or ege bamyasi. can are so "funky" and "groovy" something which i think ad2 lack. just my personal opinion though, innit.

>> No.7506904

>this asshole

Go2bed CLT

>> No.7506914


>> No.7506946

You express yourself like an idiot. Why would I believe you to be anything but an idiot?

>> No.7506966


>> No.7506967


I don't.

You express yourself like somebody still suckin on der mama's titties

>> No.7506984

Your insults are imbecilic, your opinions are pathetically uninformed, your maturity is practically non-existent. Never listen to Talk Talk again.

>> No.7506996

CLT... Taking a couple of singing lessons by blowjob payment does not make you 'classically trained'. Just accept it.

>> No.7507000

T shirts with just a square graphic awkwardly plonked on are unanimously horrible. Like, walking advert-tier horrible. If you're gonna advertise something you like on a tee, at least make sure that you're getting something aesthetic out of it.

This is far better.

>> No.7507060

I don't know who CLT is. All I know is, this board consists of a pack of uneducated slobs. Mark Hollis deserves better.

>> No.7507071


i've seen a couple on yahoo.jp auction place

>> No.7507089
File: 87 KB, 600x600, XXX_White_Front_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like

>> No.7507109

that's one of my favourite albums of all time but I wouldn't wear it on a shirt like that

>> No.7507105
File: 80 KB, 650x650, dgclassicb_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen better adaptations of that cover but that's the first one that came up on google

>> No.7507133
File: 19 KB, 311x342, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. How can you be this far up your own arse?
You have no idea of who I am yet you still manage to call me an uneducated slob based on a couple of 4chan posts?
I would wager anything on being better educated than you considering I'm at oxford.

If mark hollis met you he would probably hate you.

>> No.7507139

it actually looks a little better without the laughing stock text at the bottom and talk talk blown up a bit the way mine is, i feel like it comes off as just some wonky ass t-shirt and not a band t-shirt seeing as most people aren't elucidated to the works of Mark Hollis, i might be trippin but i rock it all the time

>> No.7507144

ITT: Pretentious faggots.

>> No.7507161

ITT: dubs

>> No.7507165

more people are familiar with talk talk than you think

>> No.7507180

not many young people are. And if they are they only really know early 'it's my life talk talk'. But yeah they're pretty well known

I wear a shirt I printed with daydream nation album cover on it and nobody has ever commented on it or indicated they recognised the graphic. And sonic youth are huge so....

The real world is nothing like the internet lyl

>> No.7507191

I guess it depends on who you know/talk to

>> No.7507205

certain circles i suppose, however i attend liberal arts uni and still only one person has picked up on it

>> No.7507233

What is good about that shirt? It's terrible aesthetically. It's not original, it's just a picture of the album. And you can't wear it even baggy because it'll fold and look stupid. Shirts aren't meant to have graphics that complex on them.
talk talk suck btw

>> No.7507332

I'm not being serious, mate.

I really do hate 4chan, though.

>> No.7507352

I didn't think you were to start with... But people like that are all over /mu/

>> No.7507399

How can an Oxford man like yourself stand a place of such consummate evil such as 4chan?

>> No.7507433

i started in high school. It's habitual really.

If it weren't for 4chan my lit and music taste would not be as informed. The world really is full of plebs. No one gives two stuffs about art anymore in our generation.

Even in an oxford lit undergrad course you're hard pressed to find someone who has read Goethe or Yeats or whoeverthefuck because people just don't fucking care.

>> No.7507448

And you see a million bloody dissertations on Joyce and you wonder silently "am I really no different to them?"

>> No.7507512

One really does feel like the young people of today and their interest in art and culture mostly give off the impression of a highly flammable potemkin village. 4chan is dominated by minors, however, so it could be partly excused. I'm sure there are genuine people out there, if few.

>> No.7507577

How's the Oxford workload?
I went down for an interview and kinda three-quarter-arsed it because I wanted to be living somewhere with a better music/art scene.

Just out of interest, how many essays did you have to submit in your first term?

>> No.7507618

it would be ill informed to suggest that art has not been used as a fashion accessory In the past. But these days the mass consumption of pulp amongst the less educated classes has really put high art and literature out of business so to speak.

>> No.7507716

Yes, and that's the bad part, when someone does claim an interest in high art it's _still_ far too often used as a fashion accessory to be consumed and frittered away.