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/fa/ - Fashion

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7503289 No.7503289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do i look like a nice person

>> No.7503292

>drinking crownies

>> No.7503293

You look like a bogan cunt

>> No.7503295

slurms do you also go on /mu/ and do you play in an australian punk band

>> No.7503297

theyre nice

>> No.7503303

you go alright,
btw you look a bit like eric banner

>> No.7503331

crownies are for cashed up bogans who work in the mines

such scum

>> No.7503351

>drinking crown lager
what are you....a fucken jock or something.

Post on /fa/ when you are drinking long necks of Melbourne bitter out of a papper bag at a radical house parti in fitzroy

>> No.7503355

can we turn this into an aus thread
i wont be mean to u stance

my ol pops used to drink crownies on christmas, idk why, pretty shit beer imo
victoria/melbourne are the best standard aus beers
squires if you've got a bit more moeny and you're not drinking just to get pissed
tooheys old if it's really cold or you're ending a night

>> No.7503358

w2c hair

>> No.7503360

>tooheys old


>> No.7503364

Fat yak is worth the additional few bucks here and there, had it all day on boxing day at the cricket, delicious.

>> No.7503366

bogan cunt

>> No.7503367

can confirm

had it friday at The Vic if u guys know it

>> No.7503369

tooheys old is the only tooheys worth drinking
the others are all shit tradie tier crap

>> No.7503374

>victoria/melbourne are the best standard aus beers

>thinks they arent shit tradie tier crap

christ above

>> No.7503378

>sat in the MCC balcony bar overlooking the city all day, only watched 15 mins of cricket

cricket pls

>> No.7503382


4x is the true plebian beer though

>> No.7503383

crickets for losers

>> No.7503384

u must be english

>> No.7503385


fat yak on tap is unreal, bottled not so much imo

vb is shit tier but iconic so I still enjoy it

kosciusko pale ale is nice, lc bright ale is still goat tho

>> No.7503390

white rabbit pale/dark ales are also delicious

>> No.7503391

i saw your post on /pol/

didnt know you lurked there as well.

>> No.7503387

Fat yak is fuckin tops mate

>> No.7503388

fat yak goes hard

>> No.7503393

i usually drink tooheys new long if i drink beer, but thats the thing big boys dont drink beer, big boys drink goon sacks, and im the biggest boi of them all, peace

>> No.7503397

what do you guys reckon of aldi beers
you can get the occasional good one for pretty cheap, i've seen coopers green there for $35 a case but i haven't tried many of the other ones

>> No.7503398

tbh ill drink any beer

>> No.7503401

Its their version of it though.

Mate of mine got a slab of 'Rivet lager' which they sell, absolutelydistgusting.jpg

>> No.7503402

coolabah dry white is goat goon
fuck red goon

>> No.7503414

nah, you look like a shoobie and a real sucker.

>> No.7503415
File: 32 KB, 304x259, 1388311433245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red goon

who the fuck actually drinks red goon

also -- holy shit

>> No.7503419

crownies and blondies are the only beers i'll drink when i do decide to drink beer,
other than that usually just cider's (strongbows) lmao

>> No.7503422

>cider's (strongbows) lmao


>> No.7503427


>> No.7503431

i drink to get drunk and if i gotta drink a bitch drink to do it then im gonna do it,
besides beer gives me a shit hangover

>> No.7503434

rekorderligs are goat cider
the pear ones are the best

cunts that dont care about their white t shirts

>> No.7503437


When I visited aus we would buy rekorderlig and mix it with lime and some really expensive tequila we brought from the US.

>tastes like God's own precum

>> No.7503438

i legitimately know who you are

>> No.7503442

name and address so that i can go kick the fuck out of this shitposting cunt

>> No.7503459

rip in piece aboriginal thug

>> No.7503479

>goat cider
>Not Otway farmhouse apple cider
asokone pls

>> No.7503483

lol whats the first letter of my name then

>> No.7503494


fuccboi mcfaggot

>> No.7503548

tell us his name fucker

>> No.7503552

i thought it was john

>> No.7503557
File: 73 KB, 175x224, oink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that's this guy's name
the elaborate hypebeast trolle by abothug

>> No.7503562

its micheal

>> No.7503580

who cares about who abothug really is anyway
let's keep the aus love going

what's everyone doing for nye?

>> No.7503594

scary canary BRAH

on the real though probably just bar crawling, if you try and plan anything on NYE it always fails

>> No.7503598

>first nye with a gf
>still haven't made any plans
will probably end up going to see fireworks along the beach or some shit and hopefully some cunt throws a party that i can go to

>> No.7503602

it's true
almost all nye parties are flops, everyone gets high hopes but is inevitably let down
i'll probs just do a bar crawl and get drunken ups at 4 in the morning or something

>> No.7503612

sounds good m8

i hope my boxing day cops come in the mail before nye

>> No.7503609

post gf

>> No.7503615

what city you in?

dw im not gonna ask to meetup

>> No.7503622

whats his surname??

>> No.7503634

mfw didnt make any boxing day cops because too lazy to go to the shops,
and i cant order online because i lost my card

>> No.7503659
File: 43 KB, 527x612, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink alone in my room fapping to tranny porn. might walk into the city and feel up a slag in an alley

>> No.7503669

>the vic
>on a fashion board

sweet jesus fuck

>> No.7503670

Why is your forehead so small?

>> No.7503675

>tfw 6'2 is average in Australia

>> No.7503681

hmu w nye party invite my dweeb friends are going to the fkn valley

>> No.7503692

late to the party but hahn superdry is the GOAT beer
not even a contest

>> No.7503703
File: 317 KB, 924x1280, 0553633466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and ya gf should pop over to west end for a 3some qt

>> No.7503710

canberra but atm im in some shitty nsw coastal town

>> No.7503711

i like asahi beer lots

>> No.7503713

I like ashai pentax lots

>> No.7503719

Have I got a great little story about Red Goon.

>Live on Res.
>First day back, meeting all the Jaffy's.
>There is this one kid, CompSci major.
>Overweight, neckbeard, graphic tees and camo pants, only thing missing is his fedora.
>He's making an effort to be social so I don't fault him, everyone else seems to like him well enough.
>First bottleshop run of the year.
>Most people buy slabs of beer, energy drink premix stuff or goon.
>Euphoric Gentlemen buys a box of Red Goon.
>Everyone askes him if he knows what he is doing.
>"I like red wine. I've had it before. etc"
>I can see through his bullshit but don't call him on it. Don't wanna ruin some poor kids chance of making new friends.
>That night.
>Has like 3 cups.
>Completely gone, passes out and falls out of his chair, hitting his head really hard against a wall.
>Can't stand, barely coherent. RA has to look after him all night.
>The next day he's so embarrassed he just sits in his room all day.
>He barely left his room all year. Even for class. Just played LoL and avoided all of us.

Funny as fuck.

>> No.7503721

It was probably you

>> No.7503723

Ashai's alright. The best thing about it is that you can get it in those two litre tins. Cheapest thing if you are looking to play Edward Fortyhands and actually want 40oz bottles (They're more than 40oz, but who gives a fuck).

>> No.7503730

im on the coast for nye faggots

>> No.7503731

lol, people who think drinking red wine is sophisticated are the worst
which uni do you go to

>> No.7503732

another riot

>> No.7503737

Naw, I actually managed to kick most of my social insecurities in my first year and become a functioning human being. I felt bad for him at the start, then I found out he plays nothing but LoL and Diablo 3, wants to make video games and failed most of his classes.

Ballarat, now Federation Uni. It's pretty shit unless you want to do anything mining related. Or become a PE teacher.

>> No.7503739

lived on goon during schoolies last year,
one night i had red goon during what was suppose to be a rest night,
spewed red all over my mates bathroom lmao

>> No.7503742

sunny or goldy m8

>> No.7503747

How many of you actually lived at college / on campus?

>> No.7503749

just received news i'll most likely head up near ipswich to some guys property for an allegedly "loose" party

>> No.7503757

i do
i know of one other guy on this board who is at the same res at me

>> No.7503758

'loose' you say? gonna slay many slutz?

>> No.7503759

who didnt would get fewer responses

>> No.7503764

>near ipswich

i honestly couldnt think of a worse place for nye

>> No.7503771


>first year of uni
>still living with parents (10 min car ride away+too expensive)
>make friends with someone living on campus
>about a week later he invites me round to his place to smoke weed
>only smoked about 4 times before that, complete lightweight
>had about half a ordinary sized joint and was fucked
>get the munchies
>raid the fridge
>turns out it wasnt his food
>apparently next day other housemates complain to the office
>office person comes to give him a warning, just as he's been smoking in his room
>walks in on him stoned
>security comes in
>find his weed stash, also find mdma and coke
>gets kicked off campus and expelled from uni

i now live in fear that he will find and kill me

>> No.7503773

i live in a sharehouse with randoms 1km from campus, it's $170/week cheaper

>> No.7503775

fuck no
i know...

>> No.7503789

with m8s @ house: vodka + pomegranate and tui's
out on the piss: kirin first choice, tiger if it's a shit place and otherwise what ever i haven't heard of that's on tap

>> No.7503791

tfw i left it to my drop kick mate to buy a few cases for schoolies and he bought us four X and pure blonde

>> No.7503826

I bet you're victorian.

>> No.7503834

I'm moving to Vic

does everyone hate vics

>> No.7503844

Used to go on /mu/ but they're like a more condescending /fa/ and I try to stay a little positive.

>> No.7503845

>not aboriginal

>> No.7503853

There's a place about 8km away from me called the Wheatsheaf and they've got fat yak on tap along with like 100 other craft beers. Delicious.

>> No.7503861

Bet he's one of those 1/16th cunts whom still claim tax benefits and centrelink allowances. Probably got let into an arts degree with his 45.5 atar because of the boong bonus.

>> No.7503870

Not ur fault bud

>> No.7503867
File: 218 KB, 1279x1600, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but do you play in a melbourne punk band

>> No.7503873

/fa/ - Where plebs go amply

>> No.7503882

Nah. Adelaide here, I'll see myself to the door :(

>> No.7503888

oh i wasnt insulting you or anything
it's a long story but i know there's a member of the melbourne band Clowns that browses /mu/ and one of the guys in the band is nicknamed Slurms, thought you might of been him

>> No.7503887

Where can I cop good quality tee's/shirts in melbourne? Need something for new years eve so I can't ship it.

>> No.7503893

Taking shitloads of pills and going clubbing in Geelong.

>> No.7503897

I wish I could have been the punk :)

>> No.7503914

where you live chub

>> No.7503935

Please respond 2 me guys i've only got tomorrow to shop.

>> No.7503956

is trunks one of the most polarizing internet personas?

>> No.7504008

ahaha fucin phaggot
all your bullshit about fighting & being hard
just lol
your face says you ara a fictim
you are soft as fuck nigga, your babyface and your fuccboihairstyle say it all 4 you
doubled with your constant fishing or attention it makes you a fucking ugly pathetic shadow of a person
trunks is a god compared to you
just get this board rid of you fucking loser ugly attentionwhoring mentality
get lost

>> No.7504023

holy fucking shit I now know why /fa/ has become so awful.

aus pls fucking go.

>> No.7504026

U look like ukranian or slovenian or some other eastern european untermench, your face says u are retarded to a certain extent. How do you even afford a house and a sofa? Ur moms must have worked hard to get u all this

>> No.7504031

europe pls go

>> No.7504032


funny u say that coz trunks won't stop sucking his dick lately, pretty sad

>> No.7504078
File: 239 KB, 1000x1500, mkitee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you cunts stop shitting up this board and tell me where to cop a nice tee/shirt in melb for $150

>> No.7504080


>> No.7504089

No you remind me of this guy and that's why when I saw your face I instantly assumed you're a dick.


>> No.7504098

Not sure if just model, but everything looks bad.

>> No.7504106

it's the model

>> No.7504122


it looks bad

>> No.7504131

Do you know any good stores in chadstone?
Or any other Melbourne stores?

>> No.7504138

go into the store and try it on then
those brands are /fa/ approved

not really, i'm not even from melbourne

>> No.7504251

House party bruv

>> No.7504257

Canberra? That's a fuckin hole, when are you gonna move to Sydney?

>> No.7504262

I know a cunt like that, he's such a fedorafag as well, fuck

>> No.7504838

there's this longhaired guy I know who is 1/16 and he is the goofiest cunt i've ever seen
He has over 400 hours played on tf2