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/fa/ - Fashion

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7497509 No.7497509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know some of you guys were in here

>> No.7497529

wow, the chick at 1:20 is such a bitch

>> No.7497557

post the one w/ the asian du waving money then getting kicked out

>> No.7497561

hes from sufu, right? dont know which one that was though

>> No.7497560

lol i love br so much.

>> No.7497571

the amazon chick on the left is pretty hot but I don't know what she's doing

>> No.7497584

yeah he's "spaces" on sufu

>> No.7497586


lol?post this plese

>> No.7497596


the dude is funny though look at him

>> No.7497604
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>not posting the eternal goat

the magic begins at 15:30


>> No.7497605

>boiler room
>not dance music

>> No.7497610

found it

>> No.7497612

for not wanting to be harassed by some loser? tbh i'd rather be told straight up to fuck off if i was bothering a girl

>> No.7497618

>Tfw Rick opens his xmas present and it's a pair of dreamboxes

>> No.7497624

/fa/ should have sent a pair of dreamboxes to him, along with some fingernails

>> No.7497622
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yo u hittin that dank pussy

>> No.7497629
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i'm hittin that dank pussy

>> No.7497630

he obviously just asked her if she wanted to dance, but she was pushing him away like he was trying to rape her or something

>> No.7497633

>that asian du in the SSUR hat on the left
i've never seen anyone cook so weirdly
prob has 60000 posts on sufu too lol

>> No.7497637

the black chick in the front can get it

>> No.7497641

get what? a boot to the back of the head while she has her teeth on the curb?

>> No.7497644


>> No.7497652

It's all about the chick in all white doe.

beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.7497647

lol the guy @ 22:21 is like "can you play some A$AP, please", "no? okay"

>> No.7497654


>> No.7497665

tfw you haven't gone to any shows in a while

tfw can't find molly for nye show
tfw i'll need drugs for it
i like real edm but like 18/20 of the acts are dnb or house

>> No.7497669

What is real edm exactly?

I'm already preemptively calling you a pleb in my head, I'm sorry.

>> No.7497670

>What is real edm exactly?
the edm you don't listen to, pleb

>> No.7497680

love how that silverhaired gal denies him at 17:37

>> No.7497681

i worded my post poorly
by real edm i meant house, dnb, dubstep
i haven't been to any bassy or trappy shows in a while

>> No.7497689

>boiler room
>play drake

>> No.7497684


fag at 22.43 with yung lean tshirt

>> No.7497699

Didn't even see that. Nice.

>> No.7497700

someone post that funny compilation video, I can't find it

>> No.7497707

I don't think many people in Montreal browse /fa/, I know some people there and they surely don't come here. Kaytranada on the other hand might browse other boards, since he's pretty autistic irl

>> No.7497733

Weak set, worse people.

>> No.7497738

>tommy kruise and kaytranada at same show

why don't i live in canada

>> No.7497737

Wow she's a cunt.

>> No.7497743


its 40 minutes long........

>> No.7497746

>0 social skills
>awful taste in music

>> No.7497754

who else went to see hardwell in DC last night

>> No.7497749


its going down soon

>> No.7497750

go to 23 minutes in

>> No.7497752

>kaytranada is autistic irl

>> No.7497756

>its going down soon
how do i join?

>> No.7497767

that seems really awkward

>> No.7497770

you should leave your room more often

>> No.7497792
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are you going to laser disco?

>> No.7497798

after she pretty much uses him at 17:00
what a dumb miley cyrus bitch

>> No.7497806
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>> No.7497809

Women do that shit all the time. One minute they're practically fucking you, and the next you just get rejected when you try to make your own move.

>> No.7497812

Boiler room sets often do, tend to be full of posers.

>> No.7497813

why the fuck is he counting money

>> No.7497815

stfu ur fat

>> No.7497818

w2c kaytranada's snapchat

>> No.7497826

check out the 2 creeps at the front

>> No.7497836


the fuck are you talking about? He is right. BR is nothing but poseurs and tumblr socialites who think they're big shit because they were able to get into one of BR's shitty shows.

>> No.7497838


>> No.7497844

best boiler room


>> No.7497852
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>> No.7497858

but this is literally the most active you'll ever see these people
>that reload

>> No.7497859


>white people

and your vid is the exception(s)

>> No.7497874


yeah tbh danny brown was amazing too

wish he done 30 tho

>> No.7497888

fucking dreadful lol uk grime scene is a hundred times better and even now its a bit crap

>> No.7497890

>people thinking trap is fashionable
>people thinking the US electronic scene isn't terrible
>people thinking boiler room is good

Fucking hell.

>> No.7497907

dont b mad grandpa ) )

>> No.7497902

Best Electro/UK Garage/Grime Boiler rooms

w2c london BR Tickets

>> No.7497903

>punk music 4 life hxxc

>> No.7497911


>being a loser faggot know it all

just shut the fuck up and chill for once

>> No.7497913

go to bed dad

>> No.7497918

>producing anything worthwhile besides the handful of talented dubstep producers
lop tel

>> No.7497926



>> No.7497924

>no DJ EZ

>> No.7497930

I can't tell if the awkwardness is b/c everyone is dinging or everyone is sober

>> No.7497933

source: American

>> No.7497941

I've never been to a small DJ set like this but I'd like to go to one. How does one find one of these locally?

>> No.7497942

James Blake

>> No.7497954

blake's 1st album was cool, last one sucked
you must love shitty edm glass swords was shit

>> No.7497965


this seems like a dream

brilliant music and mdma

i dont think ill ever go to it though its dream

>> No.7497975


is there somewhere to download these sets

>> No.7497980


>implying he isn't right

Besides a few "IDM" acts (BoC and RDJ), and a few house and dubstep producers, the UK scene is 95% shit, 5% decent

>gabber/happy hardcore
>shitty jungle
>hard trance
>[insert favourite babby's "rave" music]

In terms of quality/quantity ration, the Krauts is where is at

>> No.7497979

pretty sure it's invite only

>> No.7497987

>'zomby - boiler room'
>no results

>> No.7498001

Don't know what to greentext, too much in that video.

>> No.7498010


take a deep breathe

>> No.7498034

is this what cool people do?

>> No.7498037

its cause he didnt fucking dance with her. that faggot is swagless

>> No.7498038


what are equipment you need for entry level djing

like i want to remix some songs what will i need??

>> No.7498049
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I guess my dream of cool underground club scene died today

>tfw new mexico

oh well

>> No.7498046


she posted in the comments that her boyfriend was next to her and that he was annoying

>> No.7498047


>> No.7498056

>not mentioning James Blake CMYK EP

Hudmo is dope, fuck what you heard.
Rustie is transcendent, if you don't understand Glass Swords, you are literally far fucking behind. Also Slasherr is the greatest tune to hit an underground club scene in the longest.

Disclosure is just prime since they released the greatest remix of 2012.

>> No.7498065

Holy shit stop sounding like you know what you're talking about when you just sound like a total clueless mong you fuckboy. Cherry picking and name dropping some chav genres doesn't mean anything.

>> No.7498071

she couldn't have been more obnoxious and self absorbed.

>> No.7498077

Don't worry, boilerroom is not that.

>> No.7498073

Too bad grime's dead

>> No.7498074

Where is this UK hate coming from?

Have you not heard Ninjatune? R&S Records? Hessle Audio?

/fa/ is literally retarded equipped with buzzwords for days.

>> No.7498075


how is living under a fucking rock going for you

>go to forever 21 to get a giftcard for a friend
>latch is playing

>> No.7498080

Disclosure is pleb house anyway
A lot better shit going on in the UK at the moment

>> No.7498098

so she was literally using the poor guy to make her boyfriend jealous or something? the nerve.

>> No.7498106

America actually has lots of good house DJs like Lee Foss, Seth Troxler, Maceo Plex, Danny Daze and The Martinez Brothers

It's just that the scene in america is dog turd and they're booked mostly abroad in Europe

>> No.7498129

Short haired bitch thought there would be a drop, haha she looks silly.

>> No.7498137

If you call it "EDM" you probably shouldn't be calling anyone else a pleb.

>> No.7498139

have you ever been to one? pussy after the shows is pretty much free if you're not an aspie.

>> No.7498147

go to bed Zomby

>> No.7498145


>muh buzzwords

talk shit post real argument

>> No.7498153

>please simplify your argument for my feeble mind

>> No.7498154

Well you just made some huge generalised and exaggerated opinion and posted it as fact, so don't talk about buzzwords

>> No.7498158

I don't call that shit anything. I don't listen to EDM at all. I'm just surprised there's an intellectual divide in what already is the single greatest disillusioned genre ever.

This is what I listen to >>7498074

>> No.7498169


>America actually has lots of good house

Because it was the place where it was born

And a lot of Yuropoors Dj's are mixing American house music, and their own productions are hugely inspired by American music in general

But yes, if it wasn't for the europeans it wouldn't exist probably so t-thank you

>> No.7498165

stop arguing

>> No.7498172

ninatune is good
machinedrum is gr8

>> No.7498181


Doesn't mean isn't true. UK exceeds at making shitty, party, meme genres that have a short shelf-life and sound outdated as fuck within 5 years

Meanwhile, the stuff that comes out of Germany is timeless. For every "classic" UK "electronic music" album or EP there's 10 German ones

>> No.7498186

only gay and black people listened to dance music in america

>> No.7498219

The UK in general is great. This is coming from a Canadian here.
Machinedrum, Lone, Untold, Actress, Pearson Sound, Blawan etc. Just forward thinking music. I'm really not into the whole house scene at all. 4 on the floor is incessant after like an hour of threshold.

>> No.7498263

That's one way of looking at it if you're an idiot. Short life spans for music movements is a bad thing? Maybe it's a sign of people pushing things forward to stop scenes getting stale.

Have you been to Germany? It's pretty much solely techno and minimal - there is no real variety, it's been the same for fucking years, and going in the clubs it feels they're full of posers, you see people drinking cups of coffee in clubs

In the UK there is so much more variety and freshness

And people like Sasha and Digweed alone pretty much dwarf most other DJs legacies

>Meanwhile, the stuff that comes out of Germany is timeless. For every "classic" UK "electronic music" album or EP there's 10 German ones

Go on give some examples and explain this, won't hold my breath though since you're full of shit

>> No.7498256

>britbongs fucking up the thread as usual
good job m8s

>> No.7498266
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>> No.7498275

>good job m8s

Do people actually realise that no british person says 'mates' in this context? Because it doesn't make sense

>> No.7498299

Machinedrum is American. (but based in Berlin for a while)

>> No.7498297


>> No.7498311
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>> No.7498345

lmao 99% of the people are just awkward as fuck trying to copy each other.

Do they really think they look cool?

>> No.7498356


>> No.7498376

>one of the worse, uninspired trends to come out of the electronic wave of music
>see above for everything U.S. electronica
>a bunch of autistic nerds cramped together sweating like pigs awkwardly penguin dancing to pass the hour that they're stuck there with a camera to their face

And if you don't love it you're dadcore nigger or some shit.
Topkek, these fuccbois are unbearable today.

>> No.7498378

Here's some tracks im feeling atm, best thing to do is download DJ mixes


>> No.7498380


>> No.7498405


>That's one way of looking at it if you're an idiot. Short life spans for music movements is a bad thing? Maybe it's a sign of people pushing things forward to stop scenes getting stale.

Finally we are having a discussion

I agree with you on that, however the problem is that more often than not, short lived genres relies on gimmicks and the hype factor more than anything else. Like the (now dying) trap scene in the US: white people ironically listening shitty music for the novelty factor. It came and it went in what? 2 years?

>Have you been to Germany? It's pretty much solely techno and minimal - there is no real variety, it's been the same for fucking years, and going in the clubs it feels they're full of posers, you see people drinking cups of coffee in clubs

I don't live in Germany but I have been to a lot of shows with German producers. Yes the "mnml" is the mainstream. But its dying. And calling it just "techno" is not accurate, as what qualifies as techno varies wildly. The Berghain sound isn't as popular as it used to be AFAIK. And the "poseur" comment? That's almost every club, everywhere

>And people like Sasha and Digweed alone pretty much dwarf most other DJs legacies

They're both past their prime. However, fact: Northern Exposure (Eastcoast Ed.) its on my top 5 mixes of all time. Dat Blue->Little Bullet transition

>Go on give some examples and explain this, won't hold my breath though since you're full of shit

90% of the stuff that came out of Chain Reaction is classic. Kompakt. Modern Love. Dial. All of them have classics

UK is that "cool", reckless kid that has a lot of ideas but fails at properly executing them, and once in a while something truly great comes out. Germany is that aspie kid who spends years perfecting his technique, releases an album that becomes a classic then vanishes into obscurity

>> No.7498407
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>yfw you walk in on your mum palm deep moaning about big dave cameron/harry styles

>> No.7498433
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>being this mad

>> No.7498439

ty anon

>> No.7498442
File: 28 KB, 580x386, B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey britcunts maybe if u behave well Pappa Gubamint will allow you browse online porn again


>> No.7498445

Download some mixes: (these cover a pretty wide spectrum of current house music, I'd say)

Disclosure: http://www.xlr8r.com/podcast/2012/12/disclosure
Bicep: http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2013/11/download-biceps-hot-tub-slamz-mi
South London Ordnance: http://www.xlr8r.com/podcast/2013/01/south-london-ordnance
Azari & III: http://www.xlr8r.com/podcast/2012/10/azari-iii
Art Department: https://soundcloud.com/no19music/art-department-bbc-radio-1
Falty DL: http://www.residentadvisor.net/forum-read.aspx?id=239239
Maya Jane Coles: http://www.xlr8r.com/podcast/2013/06/maya-jane-coles
Fort Romeau: http://www.xlr8r.com/news/2013/10/download-all-vinyl-mix-fort-rome
John Digweed: https://soundcloud.com/everybodywantstobethedj/transitions-350-john-digweed

>> No.7498459


what a ridiculous picutre jahahhaha

>> No.7498462

epic dubs
>just like ur credit rating tee hee

>> No.7498469


>> No.7498466


thanks man u the best

>> No.7498467

:^0 wow

>> No.7498468

Inaccurate picture. Should be Turkey, Romania, Poland and Iran partying inside.

>> No.7498484
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>> No.7498487


>> No.7498497
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LOL is this what rosbifs call "good" house music?


>> No.7498498 [DELETED] 

>Finally we are having a discussion
Yeah and I think you'll find I had to start it

>short lived genres relies on gimmicks and the hype factor more than anything else.
Comparing the flash in the pan atrocity that is trap music to actual proper styles of dance music is stupid. There have always been multiple scenes in the UK - the 'short lived' genres are all part of just one scene and follow on from each other - these are more urban styles of dance music as well - basically the equivalent of America's hip hop except people didn't want to listen to the same fucking music for 20 years and had bigger ideas than that.

Only a few you can really call gimmicks and they never amounted to much outside the areas where they grew from anyway.

On top of this, there has always been your house and techno. If UK was anything like Germany, progressive house would still be the main style of dance music played at clubs - how boring would that be

>90% of the stuff that came out of Chain Reaction is classic. Kompakt. Modern Love. Dial. All of them have classics

But this is simply opinion, anyone could name drop a bunch of well known labels for any type of music and say it's a classic.

>> No.7498536


>Finally we are having a discussion
Yeah and I think you'll find I had to start it

>short lived genres relies on gimmicks and the hype factor more than anything else.

Comparing the flash in the pan atrocity that is trap music to actual proper styles of dance music is stupid. There have always been multiple scenes in the UK - the 'short lived' genres are all part of just one scene and follow on from each other - these are more urban styles of dance music as well - basically the equivalent of America's hip hop except people didn't want to listen to the same fucking music for 20 years and had bigger ideas than that.

Only a few you can really call gimmicks and they never amounted to much outside the areas where they grew from anyway. On top of this, there has always been your house and techno.

If UK was anything like Germany, progressive house would still be the main style of dance music played at clubs - how boring would that be
>90% of the stuff that came out of Chain Reaction is classic. Kompakt. Modern Love. Dial. All of them have classics

But this is simply opinion, anyone could name drop a bunch of well known labels for any type of music and say it's a classic. Obviously labels like Kompakt are legendary, but it's not like no other labels are up there with it.

>> No.7498545

its not house though...

>> No.7498551
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Now it's completely accurate.

>> No.7498549

>talking about shit house music when all French house is basically as cheesy as Disclosure

>> No.7498560
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>> No.7498564

Haha, get it, by "house" it means country, and all the dirty immigrants are inside taking advantage of beta United Kingdom.

>> No.7498576

can you cacs get this meme bullshit the fuck out of here? smh.

>> No.7498627

ktt please leave

>> No.7498654

any fellow djs?

>> No.7498662

define "dj"

>> No.7498671

bedroom dj

>> No.7498672

do you own a macbook?

>> No.7498693

Like Virtual Dj?

I ask because these days everyone and their mom is a fucking "dj"

>> No.7498699

if you don't even have a macbook I don't think you qualify

>> No.7498706


i got a track comin on the next fabriclive mix mate
big ups pangaea / hessle audio

>> No.7498719

I dont qualify for what? I'm not a dj but I sure as fuck know what one is

>> No.7498713

anything. i've got a pair of technics

>> No.7498715

I have, not recent ones though. boiler room stopped being cool ages ago, even more so now its turned into a circlejerk of uncool wanabes.

Also why is RL Grime getting so much sets, nerd boy playing pop.

>> No.7498734


haha i dont even have a laptop m80

i have a desktop mac but i use it to produce on, not DJ lol

>> No.7498724

will tech house ever die out?

>> No.7498746


depends on the company you keep i guess
douchey clubby club people love it, think vip tables and table service or ibiza bigclub or something

it stopped being fashionable like 5 years ago tho

house, yes, techno yes, techno and house yes

tech house no lol

>> No.7498772

>douchey clubby club people love it, think vip tables and table service or ibiza bigclub
Are you sure you're thinking of tech house? tech house is like the stuff marco carola, loco dice etc. play
I'm not saying i don't like it, i think it's good for the dancefloor because the tracks flow together nicely and it's not over the top. Just can get boring, it basically took over from prog house

>> No.7498795

>what did you take
>.... crystal meth
my sides

>> No.7498800


yes im thinking of tech house
yeah id throw marco and loco in there, though both have produced varying stuff (scratch that, loco uses ghost producers... marco was making some good techno back in the day, check out his stuff on Primate late 90s)

yeah, good music is good music and i like techno and house and the middle space between... i use the phrase 'tech house' to describe generic Beatport sounding stuff , boring stuff... kinda like many of us use the term 'EDM' specifically to refer to shitty corporate (or wannabe corporate) music stuff druggy teens listen to

>> No.7498796

lame nigger deejaaayyy

>> No.7498815



>> No.7498831

Yeah I think stuff like beatport has paved the way for loads of generic and really bland music to be released

If it was all still vinyl I doubt tech house would be the stage it's at now

>> No.7498856


but just like the EDM fests keep the douchey kids out of our shows, vinyl market keeps the signal to noise / quality control higher... this wasnt the case 10 years ago but nowadays i feel a really distinct sound/style difference between digital and vinyl techno (and to some degree house as well, though it depends on who u ask... alot of long time house heads swear by stompy and dont go near techno stuff at all)

>> No.7498892

It's because if its being pushed on vinyl it will be mastered properly at a mastering house with analog equipment

Digital releases dont bother with this and sounds more bland.

I only buy vinyl but the fact that it's so expensive and very few pressings all the time its hard to keep up

>> No.7498922


wont dispute what ya say but im talking about literally a style difference thats apparent with alot of folks

think distortion, lofi, less high treble and sharp sounds, less clean/sharp/'ticky' sound design, less sheen... thicker, murkier, etc...

i agree there are alot of bad mastering jobs on beatport, but beatport makes me think of overproduced 'minimal' 'tech house' with overly busy composition, fancy sound design, clicks and poppy sounds trying to sound like early microhouse or early minus-era 'minimal' but just taking it over the top

alot of the guys pressing records are doing more hardware, noisier signal chains, simpler compositions, less so ableton sound design etc.

>> No.7498990

I think i know what you mean stuff like this?

I'm not sure if it's strictly a case of it being released on vinyl, i know that there's been quite a few throwback old skool sounding releases, it's just an aesthetic difference

>> No.7499021


someone just snapchatted me this song, now I know where its from.

>> No.7499037

basically, they're using actual old skool drum machines for the drum samples as opposed to sample packs or whatever.

>> No.7499049

Rene uses hardware, his entire thing is throwback

>> No.7499055


But they make funny snapchats.

>> No.7499051

tell them they're a fucking poseur and that you heard that shit a week ago

>> No.7499067

they should drink some water

>> No.7499339

yo how do i get there
visitting london, tryna buy a ticket
>its not invite only