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File: 202 KB, 668x906, sunscreen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493552 No.7493552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Skincare thread

Are there any good moisturizer + sunscreen combos?

I'm using Cerave hydrating cleanser if that matterse. I was going to buy the cerave moisturizer+suncreen combo but I would prefer if there was like a larger container. Most moisturizer-sunscreen combos only come in 3-fl oz containers

>> No.7493574
File: 156 KB, 450x701, qtqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use cerave moisturizer and walgreens generic sunblock. it's better to have them as separate things anyway.

>> No.7493582

is this moisturizer good for the face? or should it only be used for your body?


>> No.7493593
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i use it for my face.

>> No.7493608

Ok, I used a whole thing of that but I wasn't sure.

also do you put sunscreen before moisturizing or after

>> No.7493616

how come a 3oz cerave moisturizer bottle is the same price as a 12oz cerave moisturizing lotion

>> No.7493629
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i apply moisturizer and let it dry, then i apply a small amount of sunblock and let it dry, then i do my makeup.

packaging and shipping is the primary cost of selling moisturizer to you, the stuff itself is dirt cheap to produce.

>> No.7493654

yeah but it's the same brand and everything

what's the difference between the two products that warrants similar cost but same amounts

why not charge a higher premium for the larger container

>> No.7493661
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they spend four times as much buying bottles from their supplier to sell it to you in 3oz packages.

>> No.7493666

I'm pretty new to the whole face care thing. I used to just wash it with warm water and soap and apply some E45 cream. I want to step up my facial care game.

Which order is it best to do:
1) Cleanse / Tone
2) Exfoliate
3/ Moisturise

1) Exfoliate
2) Cleanse / Tone
3) Moisturise

Do I need to exfoliate everyday or just some days? Also should I be doing these things every morning and night or just in the morning and then cleanse at night.

Help pls

>> No.7493677

What's the best BB cream for a guy? More on the hiding imperfections than the lightening side

>> No.7493683

I read a lot about how you shouldn't exfoliate often

like 2 times a week at most

>> No.7493684


I hate tatts, but dayum gurl, those tattz r sickk as fugg bb

>> No.7493694
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you only exfoliate some days. it doesn't really matter if you clean or exfoliate first tbh.
moisturize and sunblock before you leave the house, moisturize and, if you want, apply a retinol cream at night.

bb cream is new wave skin bleach, skip that dumb shit. hiding imperfections is accomplished with make up.

>> No.7493707

Yeah I thought so, doesn't it cause abrasions in the skin which can make spots worse if you do it too often?

Should I still be cleansing and moisturising daily though? Do I need to do it both morning and night? Also is toning necessary? At the moment I just use witch hazel which is sort of both a cleanser and toner.

>> No.7493712

really depends on the person.
i don't exfoliate at all because my skin doesn't see any real benefit much from it. i don't bother with it.

similar to no-poo, some people will see results, others will be a flake fest for weeks.

>> No.7493728

I exfoliate twice a week, before I cleanse. Then I apply moisturiser.

I wash/cleanse/moisturiser in the morning and then before I go to bed. I drink lots of water and take vitamin supplements.

Am I doing things right? What could be doing better?

>> No.7493723

Are there any good images that give you all the information about skincare at once?

Haven't really found anything useful at the sticky. :(

Guy btw.

>> No.7493735
File: 35 KB, 848x570, _dsc0018-4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add sun block.

>> No.7493737

I got a free sample of this, not sure whether to get a full bottle. Do expensive face cleansers really have any benefits to the £5 ones I can pick up in boots?


>> No.7493749

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.7493748
File: 34 KB, 307x257, 1388193269461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I live in the UK (Manchester) where we have about 6 days of sunlight a year?

Also my captcha was my name (Jacob).

>> No.7493755
File: 331 KB, 493x740, 1388193342514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, because uv rays penetrate clouds and windows.

none at all.

>> No.7493756
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1387798811792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic 4chan culture reference bro!!!!

>> No.7493771

Lol you don't have to wear sun block unless it's sunny you dumb fuck. Unless you're an albino you shouldn't have any problems. You can't sun burnt on an overcast day.

>> No.7493775
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>> No.7493779

What's a good sunscreen that's frugal

>> No.7493790
File: 147 KB, 500x750, 1377856849977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing any and all skin care routines, infographics, and products.

maybe even a link to a reputable site.

there are thousands of articles but all sound like bullshit and dont give any real advise other than "le sugar and grass scrub"

>> No.7493798
File: 93 KB, 800x607, charles_execution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you accumulate uv damage even when it's cloudy, unless you submerge yourself in an underground concrete bunker. even your neckbeard cave isn't safe!!!!!

any generic is fine.

i've already told you all that you need to know, read the thread.

>> No.7493803

Face care is simple.

Cleanse and moisturise. Twice a day, morning and night. That's it.

No need for fancy exfoliating gels, toners or acid peels. Just wash your face with warm water, apply cleanser for about a minute, rinse off, pat dry and apply moisturiser.

Drink water, eat healthily and don't smoke. Clean skin guaranteed!

>> No.7493806

Listen to this man (or woman). The only thing I'd add is try and get a moisturiser with UV protection, if not apply sun block as others have already said.

>> No.7493810

When you say cleanser, what exactly do you mean? Soap? Special facial cleansers?

>> No.7493805

I do that and have shit skin

>> No.7493811

what cleanser what moisturizer?
surely there must me a fucking reputable graph or site where you can read up on this shit.

>> No.7493815

Bad genetics then. Are you using clean towels?

Try sleeping on a clean towel every night. Maybe don't moisturise before you go to bed as sometimes this can cause spots.

>> No.7493860
File: 120 KB, 652x637, 1375568943157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the thread.
leave it to twerk to tell you to read the thread when he literally dropped 0 wisdom on us.

>> No.7493880
File: 230 KB, 683x1024, _PAR1931.683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cerave or neutrogena is fine.

it's not like i told you to moisturize and use sunblock every day, to use retinol at night if desired, that sunblock is necessary even when it's cloudy....
like, how can you reply to my posts when you are clearly illiterate? are you just hurling your forehead directly into the keyboard and getting legible horseshit out of it?

>> No.7493891

Is it fine to just use witch hazel as my cleanser? It's cheap and my ex-gf used it all the time.

>> No.7494308

I'm a Manchester guy myself, sun cream should always be worn since UV rays are still emitted through the clouds.

My routine:
>Coconut oil on face every night
>Wake up, wash face with water and soap
>Apply lite coating of coconut oil to face and neck, making sure it is all absorbed so no shine

I don't feel the need to use all these chemical ridden moisturizers since the natural ways leave me with God tier skin.

>> No.7494330

Its a good toner to use after your wash
>any year
nah bro, nah

>> No.7494331


Uh no, this is wrong, wrong wrong.

FAMMM syndrome here, I have to see a dermatologist every 3 months, and am told to cover up/wear sunscreen on cloudy days

the incidence of melanoma has risen 200% or so in the last decade. some people point to increased survival rates among those affected by the disease (leading to relapses and reproduction of people with said genes), however the incidence of people with melanoma WITHOUT a family history of skin cancer is still on the rise.

>> No.7494335


The single best thing you can do for your skin is to wear sunblock since sun damage is one of the few things you can't really control via lifestyle/products. Also, you can't repair sun damage beyond a certain point, with lots of it not showing until it's too late.

>> No.7494344

do cigs ruin ur skin or is it fearful suburban soccer mom science

models smoke but they still have perf skin

>> No.7494428

they also have professional make-up artists,
with an emphasis on the word artist.

but yes smoking does damage your skin over the decades. but nothing considerate if you've just picked up smoking 3-4 ciggs a day for the past years.

>> No.7496373

What are some decent moisturisers with sun protection? What SPF should I be using?

>> No.7496439

>Try sleeping on a clean towel every night
holy shit please stop re-posting this that's the worse thing you can do for your skin just change your pillow cases weekly

>> No.7496589

Wash face with soap and apply the cheapest face cream you can get. I use E45. Easy and no spots.

>> No.7496664

Can anyone recommend a not so expensive cleanser / moisturiser combo available to buy in the UK?

>> No.7497655

I have thick facial hair and light skin and shaving never seems to leave me with a good shave, am I better off waxing/using facial hair removal cream or just getting an electric shaver? it's really fucking with my confidence right now

>> No.7497934

Just use a beard trimmer and trim it down to stubble. Unless you want to be clean shaven?

I can't wet shave it always gives me spots and electric shavers don't work well for me so I just use a trimmer.

>> No.7497974

I want 0 facial hair

>> No.7498298

Hair removal cream or laser surgery then.