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File: 74 KB, 456x424, kanye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492206 No.7492206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to get a new group of friends? Does working at a bar help?

>> No.7492220

I'll be ur m8, pls b in london;.

>> No.7492226

You currently at school and what's your age? I need to know your situation first.

>> No.7492266

I'm at uni and 19. i just don't really speak or see much of friends, and need a group of people i can see all the time and do stuff with like at uni, but not all go separate ways when the holidays kick in.

>> No.7492278

join a club nigga.. not only is it something that interests you but its a bunch of people with similar interests who can turn into your friends

this club can be anything from spray painting, rockclimbing, rugby, disney movie watching, martial arts, nigga the list goes on

>> No.7492321

yeah could do. i thought about just getting a job at a bar because it's a fairly social job and you tend to do stuff with the other staff, and my brother made all of his friends from working at this one bar 10 years ago and they're still his main friends today

>> No.7492322

>i just don't really speak

please tell me this isn't weird

when i was 19-24 i went through a period of time where i didn't speak at all.
when i'd buy something in person i'd just play angry birds while handing the cashier my item and card then ignore them as they bagged everything for me and threw the receipt in the bag(s).

now, at 25
i can't speak for an extended length of time without getting a sore throat or strained voice

if i start speaking i have all sorts of vocal variations until my muscles warm up then i can only keep a "convo" going for a maximum of 5-10 mins until my throat hurts

i also talk too slowly, and too softly with a super deep resonance so anything with too much background chatter i am unheard

>> No.7492333

wow, this is me

>> No.7492349

I can't speak about anything I'm passionate about because otherwise I dry up really quickly and start to stammer. When I'm explaining my work to someone I can never use as much detail as I'd want to because I'll fuck up and it'll just but nonsensical :(

>when i'd buy something in person i'd just play angry birds ....

this seems kinda rude bc I know cashiers like to be acknowledged but if it was genuinely a problem for you then I guess there was nothing that you could've done.

I feel like my voice doesn't really cut through my friends when in conversation. I have a friend who talks so loudly and pronounced you can hear him from the other side of a room full of conversation.

>> No.7492351

sieg is this a copy pasta?
its funny as fuck

>> No.7492358

ok sweet, you're in a similar position as me and I feel like I'm doing fine. I'll tell you what I did and some other tips.

I'm an engineer at McGill so I started volunteering at events to meet people, meet the students that organize the events and just kinda just get my name out there. When I was there, I was just friendly and sociable. I eventually talked more and more to the organizers. Traded numbers and through that I had hookups to the upcoming events. I also asked if i could help them organize or just help around (they take charge of our student pub). So I went to many other events and met more people.

Another good alternative is like the other poster said and join a club you have an interest in or the association that your program or faculty has. You'll meet many people there, whether just the people in the association/club or the events they'll hold. Moreover, you'll be spending a lot of time with them so you'll get to know them and bond. Connections are great but trust and strong bonds are much better.

Although the ones above are better, there's one last option. Scope out some cool people in your class and go talk to them. Those that talk confidently and seem funny and don't look like shit are the ones you're looking for since, in my experience, they're the ones with cooler personalities. It's a hit or miss but w/e. Just start chatting with them, something innocent like some assignment or your class. Talk to them whenever you see them and it'll grow into a friendship.

Always smile, act friendly and look nice and you'll be fine.

>> No.7492375

I need help with this too, especially breaking the ice with people at bars or gigs.

Saying hi to them feels awkward.

>> No.7492378

no, sadly im not actually trolling here
think it's a known fact i don't really have friends or family to talk to

> I know cashiers like to be acknowledged

i don't think so
they do they're job day in and day out im sure they don't care about someone saying hi or not

also they never really acknowledged me so...

but honestly if amazon opened a store with nothing but vending machines, and i could pay with google wallet they would have a customer for life

i bet the prices would be cheaper too
becuase you wouldn't have to pay some young female $20+

plus i know more about the products im buying than they do
and i know where they're located, please drop my prices by 25%

>> No.7492402

no but they're sitting there with people going past them all day, a little bit of acknowledgment goes a long way when you're doing a v. repetitive job like that. Not small talk, just a greeting and a thanks is enough. I don't know why I care so much, I don't even work in retail.

>> No.7492423

then back the fuck off?!?

>> No.7492427

I honestly do doubt it, i've never worked retail but i think they want people in and out quickly

maybe they want to talk to the attractive guy behind you in line and want to flirt with him or w/e

i never had a problem with ignoring retail slaves though. i do have a problem with paying for their wage for an essentially useless position but w/e i guess older people don't trust "dem terminator machine thingys"

>> No.7492437

>when i'd buy something in person i'd just play angry birds while handing the cashier my item and card then ignore them as they bagged everything for me and threw the receipt in the bag(s).
that's what everybody does over here, apart from the occasional hello-thanks thing

then again i live in a nordic country so yeah

>> No.7492438

You're just a rad dude.

They don't acknowledge you because you probably look like a creepy fat fuck. If you want to treated nicely do so to others. Instead of doing this goose chase with your ego.

>> No.7492446


justified : )


Fair enough, those machines are popping up more often now. Went to the cinema yesterday and they replaced the whole kiosk area with 8 of those machines. Feels so empty but it's so much quicker

>> No.7492705

eh, i don't really know about being a cashier, but i work a food service job and it's a little annoying when people just walk up and take the food without even looking at me. Probably a lot different tho b/c i'm making them food as compared to just scanning their shit

>> No.7492718
File: 172 KB, 460x690, 1387637462823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be ur m8 and im in london

>> No.7492737

where do you work at? why do you want someone to look at you when you hand them food? why dont you just be a waiter.

>> No.7492748

panera bread. it's not really as much wanting them to look at me but when people purposefully avoid eye contact it just feels weird and kinda rude

>> No.7492765
File: 400 KB, 500x446, 1366330177743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, awkward and clumsy as fuck individual.
How is being a barista? I just got laid off of working grocery in Walmart, and probably won't be able to get my old job back until March. So I as looking elsewhere, and saw my Barnes and Noble is hiring as a part time barista.
Is it bad? Is it easy to fuck up, or would I be okay? Never been a cashier before. Figure it might help with my stutter if I do.
Gonna try getting a retail job where I can get some nice basics (even Journeys would work) but at this point I'll take what I can get.

>> No.7492775

Wot zone

>> No.7492776

god, you must be a gril right?

>> No.7492783


>> No.7492807

idk about drinks but it shouldn't be that hard after you get used to what you're doing. it's most likely easier than you think it is

>> No.7492835

whts ur email

>> No.7492869

Greenwich represent

>> No.7492892


>> No.7492911

pls tell me you commute to Waterloo East.

>> No.7492916

Lewisham boi here, i often go to central to shop

>> No.7492917

Oh shit dude, Abbey Wood represent

>> No.7492923

Aight, I work 5 mins away from the station, come see me!

>> No.7492926

>Abbey Wood
>live in caravan to save cash for Rick

>> No.7492943

Are you rich?

>> No.7492982

Yes it's a shithole. But it's the cheapest place I could find.

So no>>7492943
I'm not rich yet

>> No.7492997

Woolwich up in here but I am too introverted and schizoid to meet you guys, maybe one day though, who knows...

>> No.7493005

Arsenal or Dockyard?

>> No.7493020


>> No.7493037

i need some friends

im nto feeling so great right now

>> No.7493044

I'd rather be m8s with the pikey and mali than you.

>> No.7493051

Central London represent. 5 mins walk from Oxford Street bruh.

>> No.7493052


who are they

>> No.7493062

we could all go see a band or something, i-i could drive

>> No.7493072
File: 212 KB, 347x312, 3i4qAKc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw /fa/nons from LDN wouldnt like me anyway cuz I wear foamposites

>> No.7493069

make this happen anon

>> No.7493080

Sounds like a plan!

>> No.7493081


>> No.7493089

>tfw im a fat useless fuck and not effay
I just want some pals

Next time something cool is on in Corsica Studios we should go.

>> No.7493091


Deep down all of you know that it will be an awkward as fuck meetup with everyone using their smartphones to check out /fa/ rather than talking to each other.

>> No.7493100

I like my friends ad all but having friends more friends w similar taste in music and shit would be cool

>also tfw no gf

>> No.7493105


Everything should be fine after a few pints

>> No.7493107

Post weight

>> No.7493111

Move to an effay city like London m8.

>> No.7493108

>tfw no one from birmingham

>> No.7493109

im lonely id like to meet someone from /fa/ just some body who thinks im cool from seeing me on here and thinks theyd get along with me just to hang out with and smoke weed with or whatever

>> No.7493119

s-some bits of birmingham are kind of effay...
nice shops and bars, just shit clubs nowadays

>> No.7493128

mym mum told me theres a cos there wch is cool

manchester needs one

>> No.7493135

Alright fuck this, anon from Woolwich here, the schizoid one but what the heck, I would possibly be down.
If y'all gonna go out one day or something here's this email I just made: ldnweindis@gmail.com you may send me some info and I'll either ignore and act like I have not seen it or respond.

>> No.7493133

shut up uk nerds where my toronto niggaz at

>> No.7493139

>being a snownigger

>> No.7493154

Sent you an E-mail m8

>> No.7493159


<) )╯
/ \
( •_•)
\( (>
/ \

>> No.7493165


>> No.7493170

i feel like shit

>> No.7493185



>> No.7493181


>> No.7493203

hmm? no

>> No.7493206

fuck off m8 we hardly get any snow (meanwhile every fucking other town, city and village around us gets loads of it im jelly as fuck)

>> No.7493213

got a biig g&t, 2 glasses of wine and two cans of cider and a gram of weed im gonna get though

>> No.7493207

i feel bad to, my life got shell shocked over christmas, everything feels diffrent, even this room feels like a diffrent place from last week, its weird

>> No.7493223


>> No.7493240

nah alcohol/drugs do nothing but exacerbate the shit
trying to find something i can work towards to in life right now,feel stuck and thats whats gonna kill me
oh yeah and the emotional distance between people
gl lads

>> No.7493251

Go to a place with stuff you like. If you really into techno or deephouse go to a party ALONE. If you are alone you will be more likely to meet new people because you wont be talking with other people and you can more freely walk around.
Just look around and look for someone who is also alone and try to make a conversation. You dont have to be afraid because he doesnt know you and prob noone else knows you there.

For example I went to a animecon because I was really into anime and didnt know any people around me who liked that. So I met 2 girls there who were the same as me and im friends for 2 years now with them.

>> No.7493266

i just want to leave my brain a little

what do fa think of alochol plus weed

never really got proper drunk and proper stoned

>> No.7493275

drink then bun
i think its a proper nice buzz but half the people i know get the spins and whitey
no idea y

>> No.7493276

try LSD

>> No.7493295

Wts ur real mail

>> No.7493306

tryi t and some hallucegenics then
i just dont enjoy getiing "so fucked up xD" for no reason without the right atmosphere and/or people
feel like crap either way,have a high tolerance which doesnt help

>> No.7493310

alcohol and weed just gets me too fucked, not really in a pleasant way. I would try shrooms but I've never had them myself, they seem p pleasant

>> No.7493322

what that yoou wont leave your body, Weed and alcohol are both drugs that infect your body and not your mind. Try xtc , mdma , paddo's , 2cb or speed.
But alcohol and drugs is a chill combo tho. I can only handle weed when im drunk. When I just smoke I have to throw up. but the alcohol combo makes me way more chiller.

>> No.7493344

add me on skype if u want

>> No.7493374

il proabbly be fine

i dont have any holloucinogens and im not just getting fucked up for no reason xD i jus treally dont feel like being sober rn

yeah look i dont have those available right now, all i have is weed and alcohol, i dont want a psychedelic experience or some shit i just want to feel really mellowed out

>> No.7493383

do u still pick up off silkroad ?
swear it got shut down or something

>> No.7493389

Would anyone happen to have the runner version of OPs? Thanks in advance

>> No.7493397

This sounds really basic, but it worked for me.

1. Go through all the clubs and societies your uni has to offer.
2. Think about which ones you would be successful in, and which would lead to best social advancement.
3. Join the top three, try to persistent even if it takes a while to get to know people.

>> No.7493394


went noodletime last week

>> No.7493395

LSD is a p soft and unaddictive drug and does not cause dependency generally. Try it once before you die.

There are other sites. Black Market Reloaded, SilkRoad 2.0, TorMarket, and many others.

>> No.7493403

yeah it did, infact i was online at the exact moment it got taken down

but theres silkroad 2 now

rn ive drunk a big g & t

ive done dmt 15 times i think you misunderstood what i said originally

i was just asking if alchol and weed is a good combo

>> No.7493405
File: 130 KB, 720x540, 1356803630038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u misunderstood me
cheer up buddy

>> No.7493409

What are Silk Roads prices like? Just curios

>> No.7493416

pretty good

>> No.7493411
File: 19 KB, 350x249, 2coiofm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7493423

oh aight
just wondering
used it once or twice b4 and got some bennys and stuff but now im wondering if i can get some nice speed online
it'll probs b a lot more expensive right?>>7493403
yeh get a nice buzz from the drink then bun a zoot and watch a film , its so nice

>> No.7493417
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>> No.7493428
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>> No.7493432
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>> No.7493433

ha you sound like an aspie that mom put out on the street?

>> No.7493437

is it worth it to cop or is it still better just to hav a dealer

>> No.7493457

woah america is lies! ! ! ! ! !
pinocio story !

>> No.7493459

>tfw you'll never be sieg heil's friend
>tfw all your friends are un/fa/ plebs

>> No.7493454

dpends how good your dealer is/how picky you are

if youre after something specific than silroad is obviously better, but not then dealer is better

>> No.7493463


what do the parcels look like when they are delivered 2 u

thinking of buying from silk road but im going to send it to my uni accommodation address dont wnna get fucked

>> No.7493465

I was talkin in terms of prices but cool good to know
It seems risky though with giving ur address or am I just a big fuccboi?

>> No.7493478

dont u have a po box?

>> No.7493485

Why would anyone want to be friends with a fattie, that's just very uneffay.

>> No.7493497

why would you want a box for poo we use bogs m8

>> No.7493500

im pretty fucked upi rn my answers mifght be off

just normal plain brown envelope/jiffy usually,although, i got a dmt order with a Twinings tea envelope, and then the DMT was in a little Twinings tea bag wrapper

depends how cheap yoiur dealer is

>> No.7493515


>> No.7493634
File: 145 KB, 426x640, 1384300848817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 27
>Move country for gf
>Leave all my friends behind
>Be antisocial dick at the best of times
>All my new friends are related student friends of the gf
>They're all six years younger than me
>They're all too poor student too be /fa/
>They all dress like shit
>Some of them ask me for fashion advice but don't have the commitment to follow through
>Have nothing in common really
>My work mates all think I'm a dick

None of you can know these lonely feels.

I spent years carefully sculpting my old friendship circle into people that appreciated my ways.

>> No.7493664

opinions on joining a university christian group as an effort to come into contact with humanoidal beings?

>> No.7493681

what NB are those?

>> No.7493702

I've worked in the service industry for awhile.

The thing is, the people you work with become your best friends, but only inside work. Once you leave the job you'll pretty much never see them again.
It's sad, but if you're looking to develop better interpersonal skills to THEN go out and meet new people, it's definitely the best way to do it.

>> No.7493721

one of the guys who i used to board with, who was a really well adjusted guy with a hot gf, was in one of those uni christian groups. he said the only other person in there he could talk to was the girl who became his gf.

i think most of the people that are in these kind of things are pretty weird. he told me most of them didn't know how to have conversations unless they were talking about god. but hey, you'll probably get free food sometimes and you might meet a qt celibate chick so go for it

>> No.7493727

you obviously aren't as /fa/ as you think if you decided to post that 6/10 fit.

>> No.7493724

clearly just 574

>> No.7493761
File: 177 KB, 1080x720, gotthisfromfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like posting with images m8.

>> No.7493777

it blows my mind people take the frailest kids photos and post them up over and over again, how much do u hate yourself to even bother

>> No.7493794
File: 1.61 MB, 300x241, 1337684969621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, unlike u m8.

>> No.7493905
File: 751 KB, 1000x667, tfwfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bartender. It's a lot of fun but I don't think you make any more friends than at any other workplace.

I can't help but to feel a little proud of our little circle of friends. We've been really tight for ten years and as time goes on, I feel like our bond just gets stronger. I haven't made these kinds of friends after childhood and I feel like I'll never will.

Maybe you loners really are unpleasant human beings. What I've gathered on my 22 years in this planet, the people who have the least friends are also the people who are a little autistic, you know?

>> No.7494058
File: 787 KB, 1000x667, summerolympics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one without the (rather frequently changing) girls.

>> No.7494090

why are most of you wearing the same jackets?

>> No.7494111

>a little autistic

are you the guy posing w/ the clarks desert boots?

>> No.7494152

>white people

>> No.7494167
File: 459 KB, 1000x796, 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the nightclub where some of us ended up working in.

Yeah, that's me. They're neither Clarks or desert boots tho.

Here's one from 2009!

>> No.7494186


>> No.7494217
File: 403 KB, 1000x667, beforearmy2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope but close. 6 - 1 never forget.

Here's one before most of us left for army.

>> No.7494222

damn I wish I could have been with my friends for 10 years

we all moved away and did our own thing

>> No.7494337

these pics make me feel feels
tfw never had any friends

>> No.7494424
File: 715 KB, 667x1000, gang2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I bet it's different in the big world. We all, except two guys who are studying in the US, leave relatively close to each other. 3 hour drive max.

Here's the last one, from 2010

>> No.7494431

leave = live

I'm too drunk to type, g'night folks.

>> No.7494718


>I'm a bartender. It's a lot of fun but I don't think you make any more friends than at any other workplace.


i think thats all hospo is good for

the ppl arnt normally v fash tho