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File: 256 KB, 960x1280, 1388156313926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7490765 No.7490765 [Reply] [Original]

>wide hips and a manlet
what do? try to hide my hips with long ass rick/damir tees? nope, bc would make me look more of a manlet
should I get very very very bulky and ripped top to compensate for hips?
pic related, my hips look worse even though she's a female

>> No.7490777

Whos the chick in the photo? Pls b in NY

>> No.7490787

I know that Asian and dog.

>> No.7490820

there's no need to be so self conscious about it
just don't wear stuff that emphasizes the features you don't like, see what works best for yourself
imo you shouldn't get too ripped but working out your upper body more can help you to balance out proportions a bit

>> No.7490831

I'm not usually attracted to Asians, but daaaaaaaaaaayum.

>> No.7490838


yeah, if you are going to start lifting go ottermode or something

definitely don't get super ripped because you will look ridiculous due to proportions and people will think you are compensating

>> No.7490854

just build your legs so it won't look that weird. plus, people will assume you're a professional cyclist which might be good.

ok maybe not.

>> No.7490881


wide hips fucking suck, but it's just the way it is. I was fat as fuck for most of my life, but I lost 110 lbs (now 5'10" 152) and now I have these wide hips and left over skin that makes it look like I still have jelly rolls. We aren't all perfect. The best option is to try and widen your upper body (shoulders, chest, etc.) in order to make it less noticeable.

>> No.7490889

Ah FUCK. I have wide hips too dude. It sucks sooooooo fucking much. Even worse because I'm /fit/. Do you know what it's like to be aesthetic in every other respect, but to have completely fucked proportions? It's maddening.

>> No.7490893

Why do Asians always have really touchable torsos?

Like I'm not attracted to Asians at all typically but everytime I see one with a bare midriff or really tight clothing it's just...ugh.

>> No.7490894

she has pretty slim hips though

its not like youre comparing yourself to a latin girl or something

maybe build a better core if youre that insecure?

>> No.7490900

Dude, some of the hottest people I know are asians. It's weird how some of them can be so attractive and then the others...

>> No.7490920

Almost like how some white people are attractive and other white people are unattractive.

>> No.7490929

>that dog
top lel

>> No.7490957

tfw narrow hips
nigga i would love to have slightly wider hips. thighs always touch and makes my belly look a lot bigger than it is
lost 20lbs and i still look like a bitch nigga with his feet too close together

captcha - onlyvia sufferings

>> No.7490963

He said they're even worse and those hips are already really wide for a dude.

>> No.7490966

Does everyone nowadays not buy bed frames or what? This looks so trashy. Woodberry grill hard tho.

>> No.7491021

Get broad shoulders and lats for dat v-taper if you want to be proportional. Wear your tops a little looser until you get bigger. Gotta work with what you have bro.

>> No.7491050

>not spending bed frame money on Rick instead

>> No.7491090

I actually think your hips are perfect.

>> No.7491232

god dam i love hotasianmom.tumblr.com

>> No.7491245

that's not him

>> No.7491246

post butt

>> No.7491285

man OP is hawt

>> No.7491290

thanks for bumping you thirsty fags

>> No.7491513

Meh, I had the same problem.

Just for out chest, back and lats.

>> No.7491733
File: 204 KB, 864x1151, 1388170771950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK is wrong with her bellybutton?

>> No.7491740

holy shit her blog needs less diary and more pics...

i was going to fap with my favorite lotion but after reading her blogs/diaries im going to fap dry cause she makes me uncomfortable

>> No.7491777
File: 62 KB, 450x598, 1388144059716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely digusting ho

>> No.7491782

Holy shit. How old is this mom?

>> No.7491799

if she is a mom it probably got deformed from the pregnancy but idk ive never been pregnant so idek

>> No.7491842

Still fuck doe, also it just looks elongated cuz the shorts pulling on it a bit

>> No.7491853

i know right that belly button is gross af 2/10 would not bang

>> No.7491867

pls be in London

>> No.7491878

she really isnt a mom ya fucking idiot

>> No.7491924

how do you know
regards T

>> No.7491938

srsly. I know a slut that had a kid at 17. She is fine as fuck still.

>> No.7492064
File: 52 KB, 466x645, donald duckson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you get really fucking hot asians, like 5-10% of the whole asian population. Then the rest is fucking horrifically ugly. White people you have hot/avg/ugly.

>> No.7492305

It can't just be that you find the average Asian subjectively ugly, right?

>> No.7492336
File: 188 KB, 284x423, thirsty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7492353
File: 139 KB, 625x469, 1388178799365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no hypebeast asian gf

>> No.7492380

>have wide hips like in OP’s picture
>be 6’1”

At least you can become a trap, OP
I’m forever doomed into the “feminine guy” territory

>> No.7492449
File: 11 KB, 251x242, Pepe 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i want