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/fa/ - Fashion

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7487561 No.7487561 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Greek parents
>tfw not even 20 yet

What's preventing you from ever being /fa/?

>> No.7487567


>> No.7487574

i'm poor and lazy
and overweight

>> No.7487577
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>> No.7487580
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no dosh 2 cop things w/

>> No.7487588

i spend on vidya instead

>> No.7487583

You're also fat.

>> No.7487598

That's crazy, is that really your arm?

I'm socially awkward.

>> No.7487611

even hairier than me bro

and that's saying something?

let me guess: hairy back as well?

>> No.7487625

20 years old. Look 16.

>also manlet

>> No.7487621
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Iranian here. I know that feel bro. Pretty sure my mom cheated on my dad with a wolf.

>> No.7487628

barrel chest

>> No.7487641


concave chest

>> No.7487650

auschwitz syndrome
"king of the manlets" at 5'10"
shit hair and nose
overall preference for clothes that are practical

>> No.7487653


lmao i'm persian white mixed and p much hairless

sux to be u

i have dem long af sand nigger eyelashes and brown nipps tho

>> No.7487680
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>> No.7487683



>> No.7487693

So is that like a mutation or something

>> No.7487703

niggas i'd rather have wolf arms then be the fucking moon faced fucker i really am, i mean my acne scarring makes me look like i stick my head in a frier twice a day for fun and i can't currently afford to remove em with laser surgery

>> No.7487696

nothing, I guess
got the money
fairly good looking

I guess my skin is pretty shitty though. also my hands and feet are kinda small (not sure if that matters though)

>> No.7487697

mine isn't even that bad, i just look like a bit 'pumped up' when i stand straight.

>> No.7487710

it totally does you should never leave the house

>> No.7487715



f-fight me bitch

my superior scando sand nigga genes are far superior to urs

>> No.7487717

i know this feel

hard to find shirts that fit nice

at least we look better naked

>> No.7487721

because of the skin or the small hands/feet?

just want to be sure i'm insecure about the correct things

>> No.7487723

pig nose ;_;

>> No.7487719

slightly overweight

>> No.7487725

the small hands/feet

who the fuck is retarded enough to think anybody cares

>> No.7487735


Finally, admitting your inferiority.


>> No.7487739

> skinnyfat gurl

i want to magically drop 10kg

>> No.7487741

10.5 is the perfect shoe size for a guy. Quit whining dude

>> No.7487737

It's just something I've noticed

all my 6'+ bros got at least size 11 shoes

I wear 10.5. also their hands are bigger than mine despite having a smaller skeletal frame.

>> No.7487749

Dont drink anything aside from water
Dont use any dipping sauces

>> No.7487753

Just be more selective with your diet, it's really easy. There's lots of low fat healthy foods that taste good.

>> No.7487755

i judge hands/feets
a lot of other ppl do aswell u know that right

no homo or any ting but on on a dude it dictates dick size
so if i see a du w/ mdiget ass hands ill be laughing inside coz it means the nigga got a small dick

>> No.7487759

there are actually people on /fa/ who will read this and feel like shit

>> No.7487768

>low fat
>not advocating a minor calorie deficit

>> No.7487774



>wow anon ur so tall
>gosh anon ur hands are so big ;)
>u kno what they say abt boiz w/ big feet dont u anon ;)


>> No.7487775

>no homo or any ting but on on a dude it dictates dick size

You are so fucking stupid

>> No.7487778

>wow anon ur so tall
dude says he's 6'1" that's fine

>> No.7487783

ya im 6'2
good feels all around

stfu lil bitch

>> No.7487781
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hair is incredibly sexy. scruffy guys look better in everything. everyone prefers masculine men to sissies.

>> No.7487782

By eating low fat foods you will naturally consume less calories, but yeah I guess I meant low calorie foods.

Also don't snack.

>> No.7487785

dicks pretty average though

not actually insecure as much about that, surprisingly

>> No.7487788

>tfw hair on neck

>> No.7487791
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>> No.7487792

You're too tainted with Turk blood. My parents are both full-fledged greek and both are light skinned. I'm 2 shades lighter and 1/3 as hairy as you are and I'm in my mid 20s

>> No.7487798

money problems

thats about it. otherwise i am tall with distinguishing features and havent had any acne in like 3 yrs

i have a closet full of damir doma and givenchy but am going to be selling it asap to make january rent and student loans. looking for a 2nd job too. life sucks as of yesterday

>> No.7487799
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>everyone prefers masculine men to sissies.
Yeah definitely

>> No.7487793

>tfw hairy body, but can't grow a bead.

>> No.7487808

same bro
makes no sense
biggest insecurity is fucking balding, and the way I understand it that's caused by an excess of loose testosterone but shouldn't that promote facial hair growth too?

>> No.7487804

I have a uni brown and I have to get the brows done often.

>> No.7487813

stop trying to fuck 13 year old girls

>> No.7487815


>> No.7487834

But that's wrong in every way.

>> No.7487845

do u even momscience
its a general indication

>what are basic body proportions

also lips on girls are the equiv

>> No.7487855

lol you're from northern greece? every greek i know has little hair

>> No.7487892

I've got good skin, worked out for years so good body, good face, 6"3, hairy as fuck but I shave EVERYTHING which takes so much time only problems are I am so poor, have such a shit accent (trying my best to change), my dick is massive but it is quite bent =(

>> No.7487907
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>my dick is massive
h...how massive anon?

>> No.7487909

Good to know bruv, really.

>> No.7487918

A tiny bit bigger than 10 inches, it gets all veiny and horrible as well, it is not a pretty dick Tbh =(

>> No.7488008


...also transgender

>> No.7488025

>barrel chest
Nigga it's your greatest strength

>> No.7488028

that sounds pretty unfortunate tbh like how bent is it? less than a 15degree angle or more?

but w/e i'm sure some girls are into that

>> No.7488039

I'm only 5'10" with shoes on.
Also, I'm a brown person.

>> No.7488085

It curves so that the head of it is more than 45 degrees to the right, it's really weird, like a meat claw. With a bit of effort it straightens and gets normal but it hurts =( also, I have hair along and under the length of my dick, which I also shave

>tfw my dick is not effay

>> No.7488099

>...also transgender
I don't see how that is a stopping point.

>> No.7488114

He/she probably still has a lot of physical characteristics of their original sex. That shit takes a lot of time/money before you start fooling everyone

>> No.7488117

Wide hips

Like Super child bearing hips
>Start getting /fit/ because overweight
>Become Otterfat
>Notice I'll never be fa/ because 6'3, manly jaw and wide hips

>> No.7488120

Post pics of hips pls

>> No.7488124

I know this feel OP.

Considering getting laser hair removal.

>> No.7488127

that arm is gross, shave, or trim with a buzzer

>> No.7488129

>Wear size 12 or 13
>5'6 12 year old brother wears size 13

>TFW his dick must be fucking massive compared to mine

7" with 4.7 girth

>> No.7488148

I'm a guy and I have really weird wide hips, I don't know why.
It's not even fat, I'm as skinny as I can possibly get at this point without looking like I just crawled out of Auschwitz, and yet, my hip bones come up higher than a lot of people's so I have this strange, disproportionate waist line

>> No.7488161

My accent is both my curse and blessing. Everyone wants to socialize/drink with a guy with russian accent, but, oh boy, no one takes you seriously when you talk about anything /fa/ related seriously. They always think I am just trying to be hillarious

>> No.7488202

Then stop telling them to wear Asic Tracksuits and flight boots.

>> No.7488220

What use is being a broad shouldered aryan when I'm 5' 6".

>> No.7488221

I have wide hips too. I think it might be because I drank more than average amount of soya milk growing up. Why did no one stop me?

>> No.7488222

I have huge feet (cant into amerikunt sizes) and really long fingers but my dick isn't all that great... It's prolly around the 14-15 cm mark

>> No.7488231

Might be that for me too, I drank, and still drink a lot of that too.
I get asked if I'm a trap fairly frequently as well.

>> No.7488236

>nobody balding

fuck my life

>> No.7488248
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how bad breh? my hairline has receded quite a bit but i'm rocking that morrissey look for as long as i possibly can.

>> No.7488258

You just described all fat people.
I Fucking hate you lazy, good for nothing cunts.
How hard is it not to eat so much?

>> No.7488294

i mean jesus
at least bike to work or something

>> No.7488299

Social anxiety

>> No.7488309

Can you grow a beard? If so consider yourself lucky

>> No.7488331

moles :(
fuck the sun

>> No.7488388

nothing, i just don't bother trying to look fashionable

i think fashion is interesting on the same level as music, nice to appreciate but don't even bother trying to do it for yourself..

>> No.7488389
File: 428 KB, 640x1095, xbakemono_zukushi_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one word: "manscape"


'cause the girl (or little boy for all you /fa/ggots) of your dreams doesn't find the idea of a mouthfull of bodyhair any more appealing than you do.

pic related: Mi-no-kedachi (身の毛立) the "body hair monster" of the 24 traditional monsters, from the Edo period Bakemono Zukushi handscroll.

>> No.7488394


high-class trolling!

>> No.7488955
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Back acne, also hairy and my face is too long.
Worst part is that I'm a grill.

>> No.7489713
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laughed heartily

>> No.7489722

Must be a pirate from Turkey that got lost there.

>> No.7489724

Being Asian
No strong jaw
No lean muscle
Being XS
Being 5'8
Can't hold a quality conversation

>> No.7489732
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being /fa/ is not fitting into a preset role (aka being a 6'2" white hedi-tier modelboi)

being /fa/ is being the best you can be and conveying a style

>> No.7489733

>tfw Asian
>tfw strong jaw
>tfw lean
>tfw hooded eyes

Aww yisss

>> No.7489745

post your nose >:)

>> No.7489743

But physical appearance matter a lot if you want to be /fa/. Even to look good in clothes, you need to be tall.

>> No.7489750


you don't need to be tall, that's defeatist bullshit

you need to cater to your body and its proportions properly.

>> No.7489758


are you vietnamese?

>> No.7489771

I have a nosebridge. Don't worry

>> No.7489780

But confidence

>> No.7489784

Yep. Vietnamese and Chinese.

>> No.7489791

i actually want to be that hairy
>tfw cant even grow beard
might as well kill myself

>> No.7489793

>brown skin
manlet (but still above national average for adult males and av of where I live)
>broad shoulders
good for bodybuilding, but I can never achieve the stick skinny /fa/ look
>size 12 shoes
can't find any good looking shoes

not listing weight because I'm working on it

>> No.7489798


get confidence by being who you are, not trying to fit into a contrived/fake /fa/ persona

>> No.7489801

sometimes i like to dream how i am tall and girls actually notice me and say stuff like "omg you are so tall can i suck your dick"

>> No.7489962

>blonde hair
I like it but if you wanna be /fa/ it's a pain.
>bad posture, forward neck.
>australian accent
>undefined cheekbones

>> No.7489974

>Too small
>Hair never looks good
>I'm average 5-6/10 in the looks department

>> No.7489991

As long as you are reasonably masculine you'll be fine, really it's only your own insecurity that makes it an issue.

Captcha: been Pusefu

>> No.7489997

>pick up lil bro from middle school
>tfw 12 y/o girls are taller than you

>> No.7490007
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>australian accent
>not effay

>> No.7490017

I am 6.2
Nothing similar has ever happened.
So have no worries. Life sucks even when you're tall.

>> No.7490026


>> No.7490032

Jesus fucking christ, shave, shave every day of your life until you die.

>> No.7490045

this sounds like my boss and his mate talking on the phone

>> No.7490062
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I know that feel bro

>> No.7490064

im 6'3, have large hands and my dick isn't above average as much as my height and hands are. but still above average. so fuck you guys

>> No.7490066

just trim it you downy, acting like hairs a unremovable fixture

>> No.7490079

i honestly can't stand australian accents. they just get me angry for some reason. That's not how english is spoken. England says things right (except fucking Aloe-minium) and America spells things right (why the fuck is there a U in colour? color is clearly better). But Australia with it's England-esque spelling and fucked up accent is just hell.

>> No.7490858

Trying to go auschwits mode and face still looks like that of a fat autist.

I still have to suck in my cheek fat every time I walk out the door.

>> No.7490883

>195 lbs
>Can grow beard

>dark hair
>dark eyes
Kill me

>> No.7490892
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my ears are asymmetric, one is deformed :(

>> No.7490897




Assuming you are an adult and not still doing spelling tests at school it shouldn't have any detrimental effect in your daily life.

How does the english pronunciation of aluminium sound wrong to you? It couldn't be more accurate.

>> No.7490903

>Can't hold a quality conversation

>> No.7490908


>> No.7490909

asymmetric chin.
Actually I'm not sure if its only chin asymmetric or my whole fucking head is aligned a bit right.
Also I have cleft chin.
And I'm too lanky (65kg/188cm)

fix it then.
I fixed mine few years ago and they turned up great.

>> No.7491379

>weak jaw
>fat (230 lbs)
>avg to small pen0r
>under eye bags


>6'2 (188 cm)
>powerful beard

still sucks

>> No.7491404

>22 and still have bad acne


I wear a size 9.5 and we have similar sized dicks.

>> No.7491493

irish genes - the calf game is ridiculous
dropped from 140 to 120 and still no difference, just face fat :(

>> No.7491510

if u can grow a beard and be fit u could actually be pretty fa

>> No.7491585

Yeah, maybe if you're into the gay bear lifestyle

>> No.7491633

>shit hairline
>slightly chubby
>thin ass facail hair growth
>back acne scars
>bags under eyes


>clear face
>okay sized dick

>> No.7491642

look at it this way. most of the cons are things you can do something about. if you want to, you can fix all of those problems

>> No.7491657
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Funny, I have a greek friend who has no hair on his arms at all.

I think certain areas of Greece are more ethnically Italian/European, while others are middle-eastern looking

>> No.7491736

I lol'd

>> No.7491749

same here bro

>> No.7491766

I'm 6'7"


>> No.7491810
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need to get rid of acne...
and need to fill out. with this im like 6.5/10
without id be like 8.5-9/10 good genes

>> No.7491813


>> No.7491814
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go coxcore

>> No.7491846

>chubbyish cheeks but skinny
>tfw big hands but 5 inch weenie
why even :( i hope girls don't ever enter a relationship with me under any impression of me having anything bigger than average...

Other than that, I'm pretty okay with everything.

>> No.7491850

22yo 5'10'' Asian guy
acne from doing too much speed
acne scars
skinny wrists (!)

Also I make 90k a year, so I can afford expensive clothes and a chemical peel and whatever.

>> No.7491892

mexican/indigenous genes in my mustache, euro genes in cheeks, chin, and neck

I'd trade in the rest of my beard just for a decent mustache.

>> No.7491928

This time last year was 226lb
Lost 3 stone, now 160lb
Being fat from my childhood until now has given me wide hips
Also some slightly loose skin

>> No.7491934

woops 4.7 stone

>> No.7491937

how you make 90k? I am 22 - is it because asian?

>> No.7491956

It's because I went to a good school and got a good degree.

>> No.7491988

Damn. Yeah, too poor for that.

>> No.7492245

pics or it didn't happen breh

>> No.7492253

I don't like my accent at all, I hate having to repeat myself and having people joke about it, like fuck u m8!

What to do? Can /fa/ help me?

>> No.7492262

I wish I was hairier. :(

>> No.7492306

we're not all as privileged as you anon

>> No.7492340

>5'6 squire of manlets

its all over - i dont even have to post anything else

>> No.7492388


>Go to high school.
>Study and don't do drugs.
>Get 4.0 GPA.
>Get high SAT scores.
>Get free ride to a good college.
>Pick a good STEM major.
>Get a good paying job after graduating.
>Save up for a few years.
>Undergo surgery to remove all physical flaws and be 10/10.
>Buy effay clothes.
>Travel around the world and live the effay lifestyle.

Are you even trying, /fa/?

>> No.7492485

only 5'11
slightly overweight
no muney

>> No.7492498

My nose is too big and my facial hair could be thicker.

>> No.7492554

being a slave to the material world is not /fa/

>> No.7492572

#1 /fa/ hypocrite

>> No.7492608

Hair loss ;_;

>> No.7492636

im a faggot.

>> No.7492732

Don't worry. I am too. Things get better :^)

>> No.7492746

tbh i dont really know if im a faggot or a bi
sometimes when i browse /b/ and end up on trap threads i have got my dick hard
but i have been together with several girls, which i have really enjoyed
but i dont really know bruh...

>> No.7492780

Do you ever get aroused by masculine men? E.g. bears

Being gay or bi isn't something to be ashamed of anon.

And if you're bi consider yourself lucky that you can make babies and act straight.

>> No.7492787

no, im not really into that
i couldnt imagine getting rammed by some pumped up dude
but i mean, at the same time, sissy, good, bitch or girly looking faggots (like traps) sometimes get my dick hard
thats why i dont really know
and because i like women too

>> No.7492800

We'll never be /fa/ but at least some people enjoy the whole bear look. Well, that's what i tell myself.

>> No.7492845

You're probably a straight dude confused by futanari dicks.

When you look at traps do you imagine fucking them in the ass?

Do you imagine yourself caressing and cuddling them?

Do you want to fuck manly men in the ass too?

Do you feel like digging your head deep down into a man's chest while he hugs you like you're all they have?

Do you want to spoon a man and enjoy his body's warmth, kissing and sucking his nape, while he moans sensually, responding to you moves and your hard dick against his thighs and firm buttocks?

>> No.7492876

>When you look at traps do you imagine fucking them in the ass?
only this, nothing else really i think...

>> No.7492887


Sexuality is not a rigid label. Follow what you desire.


>> No.7492984

thanks, i guess :)