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File: 134 KB, 768x768, Blackheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7486134 No.7486134 [Reply] [Original]

help /fa/. how to get rid of blackheads?

>> No.7486141



>> No.7486155

pore strips

>> No.7486162


exfoliate i think

altho i still have a few after a deep scrub

>> No.7486185

DO NOT TAKE ACCUTANE. It'll stunt your growth. Not to mention all the putrid side effects it causes.

OP: Deal with it. Wait until you're out of puberty.

>> No.7486198

gross :c

>> No.7486213


>> No.7486223

>this nigga

If you're in your 20's you're done growing anyways. Take accutane, I did, all that happens is you need to moisturize your skin because it's really fucking dry but 6 months and you'll never have blackheads again

I took it when I was 16 and never had a problem with growth

>> No.7486246

Accutane accelerated my hair recession so I lost maybe 3 months worth of having hair (when I'm older before I have to buzz it) as I'm slowly going bald due to master race high hairline genetics. Worth it to only get zits on my temples and forhead or chin sometimes when I grow scruff compared to the cystic zits I used to get all over myface.

Summary: slight recession worth not looking like Edward James Olmos.

>> No.7486261

IIRC these aren't blackheads, they're sebaceous filaments or some shit

Basically everyone gets them, you can't do shit about them, and they go away after like 22 or so

>> No.7486297

>tfw having blackheads and snow-white skin......

>> No.7486322

Too bad it also ruined your eyesight.

>> No.7486327

>and they go away after like 22 or so
No they don't. Or, if they do, you're left with giant pores.

>> No.7486388

did it? no glasses, I'm not any different than I was before

how's the sensationalist media taste? you're wallowing in it

>> No.7486885


>> No.7487241

Nigga i scrubed my face with an exfoliator every day of the week nigga

>> No.7487259

blackheads are open, oxidated pimples.
what you've got there are sebaceous filaments.

>> No.7487303

2 tablespoon milk + 1 tablespoon gelatin

microwave it for 15 seconds and rub it on your face, let it dry, when you think its dry wait another half hour because its hard to tell. peel it off, it is the same as getting those expensive pore strips and its cheap as hell.

do these peels regularly twice a week

once a week do some exfoliating salt scrubs or something in the shower

use astringent every morning/night (you can use witch hazel for cheap)

you can also manually remove them, push your thumb on the inside of your nose and brace the back of your nose while you push down and scrape the skin with a flat object, it uproots those nasty things. don't use much force they should come out easily.

do this manual extraction stuff at night, once they are out wash your face and use astringent.

clean towel/shirt over pillow while you sleep

basically you can manually remove them and not have your face fucked up but you should be all of this stuff anyways

>> No.7487339

Get Accutane it has zero side effects after treatment. I regret waiting until I was 19 and not getting it sooner in high school.

Anyone that disagrees is prolly a shill for over the counter acne products that never work.

>> No.7487789

>how to produce sarin gas with basic houeshold ingredients

>> No.7487867

you cannot scrub those away. Abrasive scrubs will only exacerbate the problem.

derm-administered glycolic peels should minimize them.

>> No.7487872

I have this problem too, I'm already on antibiotics though so my derm won't prescribe accutane.

>> No.7487875

How can I get rid of them

>> No.7488170

You can't get rid of them permanently.

>> No.7488180
File: 173 KB, 1576x1578, Odilon_Redon_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear foundation

>> No.7488190

Op do not do this, this makes mustard gas. These idiots are trying to kill you.

>> No.7488370
File: 267 KB, 614x336, 1388117203958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7488372
File: 122 KB, 422x563, DU14S7262F09_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear foundation that isn't awful

>> No.7488385

>ever good

Enjoy destroying your skin twerk

>> No.7488396

take accutane

>> No.7488409

if i smoke lights will they fuck my skin
i drink heaps of water and have perf model skin rn so yeah will it tell me u lil shits

>> No.7488414

oh fuck I took accutane and my eyesight has been bad since
I always thought it was because I spent about a year doing nothing but sitting around in the dark talking on IRC

>> No.7489686
File: 70 KB, 237x396, 1388134106690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have $9?

>> No.7489795

Heilerde. thank me later

>> No.7489818

How tall are you now?

>> No.7489836

>all these retards not knowing the difference between sebaceous filaments and blackheads
>all this shit advice

>> No.7489842

>wearing makeup
>wanting to ruin your skin

look at this fucking pleb. enjoy never having model skin

>> No.7489847

>implying models don't wear makeup

>> No.7489851

>implying models have good skin

They even smoke, I don't.

>> No.7489886

they only wear makeup when theyre working which is like once a month

>thinking models dont have good skin
>being this delusional
go stare in the mirror asking "am i good looking??" for another hour

>> No.7489904

Yes I am. I also have good skin. But models will destroy their skin once they hit their 30s. There will be wrinkles all over
>being this obsessed with models
>having delusions that they are perfect all over