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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 540x800, 1388038226405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7482956 No.7482956 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me not to buy a TOJ lambskin biker jacket...

this is the model I intend to buy.

>> No.7482962

maybe you should buy a bed first op

>> No.7482965



>> No.7482967

You have to be a motorcycle to wear a motorcycle jacket, fuccbike.

>> No.7482972

Leather biker jackets look good if you have shit taste. If you are a sensible person, with good taste, you wouldn't buy a leather jacket. See how it works?

Don't get a leather jacket.

>> No.7482982

Here we go again!

>> No.7482985

kind of looks like the kid from the strokes

>> No.7482977

Is this true

>> No.7482988
File: 121 KB, 573x588, 94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7482987

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

>> No.7482992

What's wrong with TOJ?

>> No.7482997

>tfw Im 100% sure I'd pull off a leather jacket
>tfw every decent one are 6hunna+

>> No.7483000
File: 76 KB, 600x800, 1388038656301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Here's the same jacket in oxblood. Looks kind of stiff though.

>> No.7483011
File: 48 KB, 480x365, 265836_jlb4_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks kind of shitty though. . . I don't understand how someone could have such shit taste. I mean, that sorry sack of shit spent $600+ on something that functions as nerd bait.

>> No.7483023

Can you post some leather jackets that you approve of?

>> No.7483044

It's a load of absolute horseshit because anyone who actually rides is wearing Joe Rocket for maximum functionality anyway.

There is no elitism worse than fake elitism.

>> No.7483057

bullshit man motorcycles can't wear jackets

>> No.7483065
File: 8 KB, 1360x1000, 52bbcbdd78f43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be a comprehensive list of leather jackets that I approve of.

>> No.7483074

Ignore it. That's a neckbeard who got bullied for wearing a shitty leather jacket so now he has a grudge against all leather jackets.

>> No.7483087
File: 158 KB, 744x496, 3116201_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how you guys just drew up an entire backstory for me.

>> No.7483101
File: 237 KB, 443x547, schottmesmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7483109

What's funny is that it's true.

>> No.7483115

if you cant see how fucking disgusting it is then you deserve to buy it.

>> No.7483111

While you draw a back story for people who wear leather jackets??

We get it, you're too poor for a nice one

>> No.7483119

a leather jacket is the first thin a lanky feminine twitchy asian from /fa/ buys in order to appeal more masculine, but it doesn't work

you're still wearing a rick owens skirt and you took all of your advice from /fa/cist faggot a south east homosexual asian migrant living in the bay area california

>> No.7483122

you dont even have to wear it to know its shit
look at that fucking picture
fucking korean made in china garbage over priced hypeshit
charly looks like shit btw

>> No.7483129
File: 147 KB, 590x885, 1384797857184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're overweight and short. what is your 5zip doing for you, exactly?

>> No.7483137
File: 173 KB, 1150x1737, QbFwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trip has opinion
>he must have been raped by a family member

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7483148
File: 136 KB, 500x750, 1384766937508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're going to take things so personally just stop being a trip. this is the first time I've seen you post, and I'm already sick of you.

>plz write a long whiney reply to this

>> No.7483153
File: 37 KB, 600x800, 1377056182236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an incredible profiling of a leather jacket autist. Have you done any investigative work, Sieg?

>> No.7483158

It's actually the ONLY time he posts. It's just some neckbeard who puts up a trip whenever there's a leather jacket thread.

>> No.7483168

Can someone give me a more fair and balanced view on leather jackets?

>> No.7483171

shut up nerd and stop being jealous of how much more popular bandit is than you

>> No.7483176

the only good time this pasta has been posted

>> No.7483179

what a narrow mind, you're attempting to discuss fashion (leather) right after leaving your room since 2000.

please see >2014 leather worth more than justified 1,500

>> No.7483183

nothing trunks is just autistic

toj is very nice especially for the price

>> No.7483190
File: 430 KB, 1000x1332, 1377443680193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, I've been on /fa/ for a few years, but not the last couple months. I figured he was new. he seems to have a pretty awesome anti-leather jacket folder going though.

here's a life tip, since I'm (sadly) probably older than you: don't waste time actively hating anything. focus on what you like; let others do what they will do.

>> No.7483200

Which of the designs do you like most?

I'm leaning towards the one in the OP or the DR 2010.

>> No.7483206

>toj is very nice especially for the price


>> No.7483208
File: 742 KB, 1952x3264, 4dd0cad3_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the first time I've seen you post, and I'm already sick of you.
Hello there, friendo. I usually lurk behind the scenes monitoring leather jacket threads. If there is a leather jacket thread, I will be there. If some dweeby shut-in plans on buying a brand new Julius leather jacket, I will ridicule him. If some dressed-by-the-internet moron shows off his new Schott jacket, I will reprimand him.

I am the hero that /fa/ needs, but not the one it acknowledges right now. . . and so they will beseech me, but I can take it.

>> No.7483216

how do you disagree? theyre about $600 and feel almost as nice as my margiela 5 zip

>> No.7483217


you don't even actually care about clothing or contributing to /fa/ though

the only reason you show up is because some dumb anons actually give credence to your shitposting

>> No.7483234

you can by julius or rick at that price

toj is pretty much a scam

>> No.7483235

I have never and likely will never considering purchasing a leather jacket and i think his pictures are pretty funny so i think he's plenty tolerable. moreso than many other trips.
speaking of, how large is your collection of leather jacket pics, Bandit?

>> No.7483246

Recent rick leathers kind of suck tho.

>> No.7483250

:/ are you serious?
my friend told me he got his toj for $500 brand new...
if they reall cost about the same im sorry for calling you an autist

>> No.7483252
File: 140 KB, 952x1428, undercover skeleton leather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever y'all do, don't let trunks influence your opinion on leather jackets (or anything). this is a guy who wears some geriatric-ass velcros, fire jackets, and skirt-diapers.

leather jackets are extremely polarizing on /fa/ for some reason. I think it's because there are a lot of those post-"fedora-core" kids on 4chan who wore leathers in hopes of looking like Neo from the Matrix or something. and now they've grown out of it and don't think it can work under any circumstances.

it's just like any other piece of clothing. wear it well, and it's fine.

>> No.7483254
File: 117 KB, 1602x430, 1382796326044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I not contributing to /fa/? Are these words of advice not guidance?

Think before posting, son. It will help you out later.

>> No.7483259

post a fit

trunks honestly gets a lot of hate that he doesnt deserve

hes a pretty good dresser

>> No.7483257


i cant even

>> No.7483266
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 380541_threatlvlmidnite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just like any other piece of clothing. wear it well, and it's fine.
>implying that's fine
>implying leather jackets will ever look good

>> No.7483267

oh yeah dont take it from me, take it for one of the 10000 identical anons slobbering over shitty undercover "grails" that theyll never own, this guy is clearly an expert

>> No.7483271

this actually
sure he shitposts sometimes but who doesnt
his fits most of the time are better than anything else in the waywt thread he posts in

>> No.7483273

It looks stupid as fuck

>> No.7483278
File: 108 KB, 1000x1333, 1382382173808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that reads like a high schooler trying to BS an essay response. it's an unfounded opinion being repeated over and over with no substance to back it up. seriously just stop posting. fashion isn't objective.

>> No.7483281
File: 181 KB, 387x700, tumblr_lf4ljmAOeM1qardm0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a smart guy, cheers.

I think I have 90ish leather jacket pics, but I haven't posted the entire collection in one thread . . . yet.

>> No.7483284

Most people on /fa/ simply aren't fashionable. They're into cheap monday parkas and geos and whatever seems acceptable. That's why you have a contingency of users who are literal fans of dreambox sneakers. It's a forum full of trendhoppers.

/fa/ is like a forum full of poor hypebeasts who love goof and stylezeitgeist style clothing, but are too dumb to pull it off or too broke to afford it.

>> No.7483285

he wears diapers....

>> No.7483286

in the end, though, leather jackets are just that: a jacket
if you like em get em
if you don't avoid em
it's an article of clothing. you should wear it, it shouldn't wear you

>> No.7483291


it was a novelty the first time around, but it's gotten far too stale to be funny or interesting at all. you could get these pics googling "leather jacket ugly" or something


stale stale stale

>> No.7483294
File: 2.09 MB, 2592x3872, 11252013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the last fit pic I've taken. I don't take many.

>> No.7483299
File: 51 KB, 500x673, 1377056215870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you something about leather jackets.

A leather jacket isn’t a garment, it’s a mistake. A goofy looking mistake.

>> No.7483300

youre saying this to a guy posting fucking undercover leathers


>> No.7483302

well it was damir doma..
fashion isnt objective as long as he liked it who cares

btw, quit clinging on to that fit to rationalize your hate for trunks his fits for the most part look good

>> No.7483311
File: 78 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mswrpt5xiJ1si5obvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at anon wearing a glossy black-cowhide jacket and you can almost hear the dialogue that goes through his head: “I can’t pull off a leather jacket. Wait a minute. You know what? Screw it. I’m going to be the guy who looks good in one. Wait a minute. Does this fit right?”

>> No.7483312

lazy as fuck
whats fashionable about this? you look like you rolled out of bed to go buy some milk at the shoppes

>> No.7483320
File: 56 KB, 250x313, tumblr_lf4ljmAOeM1qardm0o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can picture him slipping it on, looking in the mirror, and thinking to himself, “Nice”. What he failed to consider is that a leather jacket makes a statement. Despite the jacket’s fit or design, the statement is not a flattering one. Leather jackets are synonymous with the movie icons of the previous century. Images of the bad boys, James Dean and Marlon Brando come to mind. Younger men, trying to sex up their image, try to emulate these movie icons. Leather jackets have, essentially, been relegated to costume wear. No matter what kind of leather jacket you wear, someone will think, “Wow, he’s trying to pull off the Marlon Brando look.” What does this mean? It means that you cannot be taken seriously when wearing a leather jacket.

>> No.7483316

Looks like the guy is the problem moreso than the jacket.

>> No.7483323
File: 61 KB, 580x580, rodman_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're chubby, 16 y/o, buy a jacket that's too big, zip it up, BUCKLE it, and style your hair like a greaser, yeah it's going to look like shit. are you saying I can't find pictures of leather jackets worn well?

>> No.7483328
File: 32 KB, 359x640, 1388041517635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bandito what do you think of this one

>> No.7483329
File: 50 KB, 540x334, 1445366_Picnik_collage_jared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you might think, “Leather jackets are timeless! They can be pulled off! Post a fit, fuccboi!”

>> No.7483333
File: 7 KB, 193x262, l5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bandit youre just posting people who will look stupid in anything they wear, but happen to be wearing a leather jacket

look at hedi :)

>> No.7483339
File: 595 KB, 1840x3264, axWCw93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My answer: No. Leather jackets are costume-ish. Costume-ish is precisely how the cowhide jacket looks on a hapless fool from /fa/. It’s time to get real. Leather jackets don’t exude coolness or sex appeal. They are tacky and are doomed to clichédom. In the collective subconscious of /fa/—despite ample evidence to the contrary—is the idea that leather jackets appeal to girls. On the contrary, walk down the street in a leather jacket and every girl will perceive you as a threat or entirely pathetic. She will avoid you. She will imagine you as a greasy creep that might possibly grope her ass, or even worse, a greasy little nerd that wants to look like a badass. A leather jacket is a mistake in first impressions.

>> No.7483342
File: 504 KB, 2000x3000, IMG_6229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the undercover leathers are hyped but it doesn't change the fact that they look good

>> No.7483344
File: 1.26 MB, 1965x2569, shitty fit pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I sleep in knits, wool trousers, and CPs

how about you post some better fits if you want to challenge anything I say?

>> No.7483355
File: 77 KB, 262x346, jacket1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a leather jacket is thrown over an outfit, it serves as an event horizon; the point of no return. That leather jacket instantly ruins the outfit, and it testifies the poor fashion sense of the wearer. Leather jackets never look good. Never wear a leather jacket.

>> No.7483357

Beautifully said

>> No.7483359

those arent cps bro

>> No.7483361

where is dis nigga walkin 2

>> No.7483360
File: 202 KB, 506x900, 1388041696984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7483366
File: 50 KB, 190x285, l4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see bandit? people CAN look good in leather jackets

>> No.7483375

this is a bandit thread get out

>> No.7483378

This guy looks like an effeminate douchebag, a walking talking oxymoron. I hope this isn't a fit pic of you, because that is just embarrassing.

The only redeeming factor of that pic are the boots, they are rather nice, but they are just being butchered by that terrible hair style and that leather jacket. It's always the leather jacket.

I respect Hedi, but I shit all over that fit.

>> No.7483382


first pic are. the black ones. second are just some white sk8 his.

where are your guys' fit pics btw?

>> No.7483384

>I respect Hedi, but I shit all over that fit.

With what fit?

>> No.7483394

This is the kind of fit that a 17 year old boy who subscribes to GQ would try to pull off.

In other words, I don't think so.

>> No.7483396

people who take fit pics at this angle should kill themselves

>> No.7483399

What's wrong with uc leathers?

>> No.7483403


you respect Hedi?

for cultivating/appropriating the "heroin chic" look and selling it to middle class suburbanites?

for introducing 38" inseams to 5'6" asian teens?

didn't that guy make a lot of leather jackets that look like they should be worn by guys that wear motorcycles!?!!??

shouldn't you hate him, based on your other comments?

>> No.7483413

>Most people on /fa/ simply aren't fashionable. They're into cheap monday parkas and geos and whatever seems acceptable. That's why you have a contingency of users who are literal fans of dreambox sneakers. It's a forum full of trendhoppers.

>/fa/ is like a forum full of poor hypebeasts who love goof and stylezeitgeist style clothing, but are too dumb to pull it off or too broke to afford it.

its funny because uc leathers are the #1 grail of trendhopping fuccbois new to the site

its always the people who have been here for a week that are jacking off to bai pics/he brings the lame jacket

>> No.7483421
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, leather_jacket_burn_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys doing for New Year's Eve?

I'm going burn a leather jacket along with a few Ayn Rand novels and a boxed set of James Bond movies.

>> No.7483423


it's easiest and captures textures better than shots that are taken from farther away. I'll admit the focus is way off in the first. I agree with you for the most part.

but this is coming from a guy whose fits have been posted in "worst of waywt" more than any other person ever. so lol.

>> No.7483432

trunks fits are p good recently

>> No.7483430
File: 54 KB, 900x450, header55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain this bandido?

>> No.7483435
File: 85 KB, 640x480, Photo 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm probably just going to chill and drink with a few friends. your thing sounds cool though. enjoy that.

>> No.7483440

>didn't that guy make a lot of leather jackets that look like they should be worn by guys that wear motorcycles!?!!??
>by guys that wear motorcycles
>wear motorcycles

Your stupidity shows, and it's a good look on you.

>> No.7483444


post one that's good.

>> No.7483455
File: 88 KB, 320x320, 8708619630_7cc34f1189_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7483458

detail shots come second actual fits come first sorry

that angle is for people who are too fat/ugly to take it normally or too retarded to use a timer

>"worst of waywt"

do we even have those?

>> No.7483459

OP here

why did you guys ruin my thread


>> No.7483461

i dont save waywt fits dude

>> No.7483481
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, 20131226_152308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw just woke up in my grail. U jelly fuccboi?

>> No.7483488


no, sufu does. you know, that other place you post? actually, you seem to post a lot of places. so, to clarify: it's the place where a number that is between -10 and -100 and highlighted in red accompanies your outfits.

>> No.7483483

I respect him for being a designer. An artist, essentially. But that doesn't mean I like all of his pieces--especially his godawful leather jackets.

If we ever met in person, and if you seemed like a good person, I would like you as a person. If you spewed out stupid bullshit, I would dislike that, but I would still respect you for who you are. Peace and love, man. No leather jackets allowed, though.

>> No.7483490


Leather jackets. That's why.

Never post anything related to leather jackets.

>> No.7483492

use fuuka warosu then

>> No.7483501
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, 20131226_152817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7483502
File: 463 KB, 332x186, tumblr_lrldn7ef2e1qaq4h7o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's the place where a number that is between -10 and -100 and highlighted in red accompanies your outfits.


>> No.7483509

sorry i havent memorized all the threads of every forum i post on dude

getting upboated sometimes and downboated sometimes is still better than wearing basic ass little cp/norse projects fits that youre too much of a bitch to post anyways
not rlly i dont like it very much

why would u sleep in a leather jacket tho

>> No.7483528

thx man

>> No.7483523


this looks great for example

>> No.7483527

It arrived yesterday from the post office. Ended up passing out in joy

>> No.7483535

well im happy for u :)

my grail is waiting at the post office atm

>> No.7483539

no problem dude

>> No.7483542


that's not good at all.

>> No.7483544

What did u buy bby?

>> No.7483546

Why, he looks like a charming and employable young lad. I'd say that he is real human capital.

>> No.7483560

sekrit :)

will do unboxing on monday, or friday if the post office is still open when i get back
thanks bandit

>> No.7483567

Bandit is trunks. Two shitposters backing each other in the same thread. Case closed.

>> No.7483576
File: 49 KB, 400x404, 1369433734109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice jacket nerd

>> No.7483577

yeah i buy leather jackets while my alter ego shits on them

my ruse has been discovered


also anyone else who has ever "backed" me is just me. i am truly hated by all. gg.

>> No.7483585

pretty much, you canadian hick

god, i thought denim dan was bad, you take it to another level

>> No.7483637

>Implying I'm some nerdy fat white guy
That flare at the back though :(

And it's so cropped

Hit me up with fit ideas other than the lookbook and sufu pic /fa/

>> No.7483642

im mirin them y-3s tho fur sur

>> No.7483643

Lmao at the guy facing away from the camera so you can see the text

>> No.7483672

Can you recommend me a good alternative jacket?

My budget is $780.

>> No.7483674
File: 37 KB, 320x320, sspb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be like this guy OP

>> No.7483680

those are doc martens
used julius or a really nice parka, rick or something

>> No.7483679

christ did you actually fall for his troll

dont listen to that idiot leather jackets are fine
buy a used julius or rick owens

>> No.7483728

I just popped in from /v/ and i've never heard of him, but holy shit he's a fucking faggot.

>inb4 somebody from /v/ saying who's a fag

>> No.7483737

shut up newfaf kissless virgin

>> No.7483745

I've both been kissed and had sex, and since I'm a fag I know a decent amount of fashion. Enough to know /fa/'s general consensus on it is shit, but at least they aren't saying people should wear fedoras, so that's good.

>> No.7483763

>and since I'm a fag I know a decent amount of fashion.

ohhhhhhhhh boy this could not be more wrong

post a fit please

>> No.7483766

That's fucking groovy.

>> No.7483767

Hmm. Maybe I will get a TOJ after all then.

>> No.7483771

Is it bad that I think this old dude looks kind of cool and friendly

>> No.7483778

trunks just shut the fuck up, no one here likes you or respects your opinion. you're just like the lost cause sieg, you just bully (if you can call it that) ignorant newfags into submission making them never want to come here again.
meanwhile the rest of /fa/ treats you like shit for proper reason and hates your guts because you do this, look like a fucking loser and shit post 100%.

kill yourself

>> No.7483776


why would you buy toj

its like buying all saints when u could get ccp for the same price

>> No.7483790

oh anon please teach me to make quality posts like yourself

ps toj is the yesstyle of leather jackets

>> No.7483792

>Implying i'm going to find a camera to take a picture of myself just so you can post one of your pre-written images no matter how good or bad I look, eventually having you criticize my face rather than what I'm wearing just for a cheap laugh since your bait is low quality.

>> No.7483800

Sieg I believe you offended me once but Ilike your posts now. I ccan't believe people insinuate that you're as bad as Trunks.

You should diet though, I lost 100lbs before. Though Christmas has put me upabout 5...

>> No.7483808

excuses as expected

confirmed for dressing like shit


>> No.7483812

>being this mad

>> No.7483813

sieg has far too much time on his grubby, filthy rich hands. trunks?

>> No.7483814
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Chuckling sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trucks confirmed mad

>> No.7483817

lol sorry no one took ur word for u dressing well "because u like dick in the butt" dont take it too hard bro

>> No.7483821
File: 68 KB, 204x190, 1378882274734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down man, we're only talking about fashion.

>> No.7483826

Let's post pics of people wearing Rick badly to show how it never looks good. You're pissing me off and I don't even own a fucking leather jacket.

>> No.7483830
File: 189 KB, 566x800, Animango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down man, we're all friends here

>> No.7483831

He deserves it. And he's not a good dresser.

>> No.7483842

You're a fucking idiot. It looks good and you know it. Downy.

>> No.7483841

You're a fucking idiot. It looks good and you know it. Downy.

>> No.7483844
File: 16 KB, 236x353, double rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you want a minimal double rider or fencing like jacket u could prolly cop ccp or rick or julius. But what about something like this?

>> No.7483845
File: 31 KB, 175x183, Doomguy is angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah man i'm seeing double

>> No.7483854

>can get a ToJ for <$550 USD

are you fucking stupid

>> No.7483864

gross. but schott i guess. or save up for saint laurent or something

>> No.7483870

theyre 800 on the website

and i never said you could get ccp for 500 it was a comparison u dense fuck

>> No.7483881

That's why you get ToJ if you want perfecto alternatives instead of saving up 5k for slp or getting some shitty fitting schott

>QED biyatch

>> No.7483882

cheapest i've seen a TOJ jacket was $225 shipped on styleforum and i wasn't even looking that hard

i et i can get one for shipping +100 if i really wanted one

>> No.7483885

You can't get CCP leather for $800 though.

>> No.7483889

i didnt say you could idiot
the guy in the op said hes paying 700 for his
>shitty fitting

coming from a guy buying fucking toj lmfao

>> No.7483897

Does anyone else feel like tripfags really ruin /fa/?

On other boards they seem a bit more balanced out. Here tripfags don't really do anything but shitpost. :/

>> No.7483902


You are dumb.

>> No.7483905

anons do 90% of the shitposting here at least

ur doing it right now if u didnt notice

meta whining, no real contribution, weak ethers, etc.

>> No.7483908

sorry i didnt like ur mfa shitcore jacket dude

>> No.7483911

lol @ generalizing anonymous posters on 4chan into a singular effective entity.

tripfag trunks, folks. Literally thinks and treats anonymous users as one person.

>> No.7483912

suck it up m8

>> No.7483917


indeed, diaper wearing baby please go, you are ruining /fa/, you spend a lot of money on clothing, but still, you look like shit. please drop your trip and get out of /fa/

>> No.7483926

lol @ generalizing tripcode posters on 4chan into a singular effective entity.

anonymous anon, folks. Literally thinks and treats tripcode users as one person.

>> No.7483928

OP here.

Can someone post a fitpic or two of trunks?

If it's good, I will take his advice and give up the leather jacket.
If it's bad, I will believe he is a loser and buy a leather jacket.

>> No.7483933

The mdr is pretty nice IMHO. I couldn't even begin to pull it off tho

>> No.7483934


ps follow me idiot

>> No.7483940


Do you even know how to take measurements u fuckin pleb

>> No.7483948

"its like buying all saints when u could get ccp for the same price"
"i didnt say you could idiot"

He is very dumb, don't you see?

>> No.7483950

he doesn't do anything worthwhile with those measurements

surely you can't expect a shitty fake mtm leather brand to do the same thing as a fashion house

>> No.7483946
File: 50 KB, 450x600, 1387507476915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7483947

nobody does apparently

scrolling thru th fit pics on their website is like a bandit thread but somehow worse

>> No.7483956


its some fat idiot in his basement scamming fat idiots from mfa into spending 800$ on 100$ jackets

>> No.7483968

they give their entire paycheck to some korean

all he does is rip the khols label off of his leather jackets

justifying their purchase by saying it'se cheaper than a leather at full price

if they wait a season they can afford rick for way they spent on chink scam shit

>> No.7483978

i just dont understand how people are stupid enough to buy into this shit

its named "temple of jawnz"

ever fitpic on their website is awful

the mtm fitpics are even worse

like, its not even one of the faux designer knockoff mid level brands like the other shit at this pricepoint, all saints, whatever

its just some retard failing miserably at diying these shitty cheap leather abominations under the guise of "authentic workwear" and "muh american made blah blah"

but plebs buy into it thinking "its like real designer shit but cheaper!!!"

when will they learn

>> No.7484018

I hate you trunks. You know ToJ is a perfectly good option if you know how to take measurements and give orders well. Why are you being such anautistic asshole

fuk u

>> No.7484022

lmao @ taking someone elses name thinking it will give u more credibility

i bet u bitch about "tripfags ruining muh board" when youre not pretending to be one

at least spell his name right if ur going to fail that miserably at emulating is writing style

>> No.7484138



>> No.7484147

Your fit is awful and more 'costumey' than anyone wearing a leather jacket.

You wouldn't survive a week on a real fashion forum.

>> No.7484161

you buy everything second hand
your opinion is invalid

>> No.7484162

hahaha no fucking way...

>> No.7484170

hahahah what the fuck

>> No.7484169

i think it's just this weird american mindset

everyone knows mcdonalds is crap food, mall clothing is crap

but it's cheaper, and less work to get
so they just kind of buy it

then blow the money on booze

>> No.7484209

100% of your posts are shitposts

and you always get mad with no reason

>> No.7484216

Wtc that jacket

>> No.7484325


DOING THAT, is exactly like arguing bomber jackets are the worst jackets ever, and your only posting argument, is linking us to pictures of rothco bomber jackets with inflated arms.


>> No.7484329

Hey, Bandit! Merry Christmas!

>> No.7484511

Well on the picture it looks good. Soooo. Go for it

>> No.7484535

And Geobaskets are the height of fashion. Srsly. Fuck this hypocritical board

>> No.7484536

Why aren't the tripfags rallying against geobaskets?

>> No.7484541

You do realize that almost all of the pictures/reasons posted are of some chubbyfat 16 year old kid with a shitty pomp. Just because you have many of these pictures doesn't make you right. There is no argument here. Most people who look good in general and are fit will pull that shit off.

>> No.7484547

You understood the content you cunt

>> No.7484562

lost cause

>> No.7485420

It looks nice imo, don't wear it with those shoes tho

>> No.7485467

get this one you look p good man. not trolling im serious i wish i could afford a nice leather jacket :(

>> No.7485485

Please look at >>7483483

Merry Christmas.

>> No.7485488

Merry Christmas to you too!

>> No.7485516

No need to start another thread, so I'll ask here:

How hard is it to tailor a leather jacket? By that, I mean, cut in the sleeves (because almost all leather jackets have oversized sleeves) and maybe add a taper. Also, if possible, how much would it cost, realistically?

>> No.7485521

I would recommend making a sample cut down the length of the sleeve. Don't be afraid of cutting diagonally to either direction over the seam. This is how real tailors taper sleeves.

>> No.7485523

Some tailors won't hedge a leather jacket, if you do find one you're looking at over 100

>> No.7485534
File: 392 KB, 1208x1524, bandat hypocrite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7485537

Looking good, Bandit.

>> No.7485544

Thanks, Bandit.

>> No.7485552

I don't mind leather jackets, but biker jackets like that only look good on overweight bikers


>> No.7485599
File: 87 KB, 523x605, 1384795541990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7486381
File: 79 KB, 450x599, img_2812[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leather jackets are for NERDS and if you wear one EVERYONE on EARTH will think you have AUTISM and LAUGH AT YOU! LoL!



When did he wnader out of his grandma's basement?

fucking loser with a leather jacket. ugh

>> No.7486506


Thats the point petal.

>> No.7486530

i remember the thread for this
you were talking about a monster that had fedora fridays every night while you were sleeping as a kid

and then somebody said that you were actually being fucked by your dad, and it stuck

it must be irritating that you, in a way, started the rumors about/ told us about your molestation

>> No.7486572

there was a thread were you got caught shitting on the same fucking photo, and then fled because somebody called you out on being a fucking dolt

somebody else can look it up in the archive, but ive got to go to work soon and cant be bothered

>> No.7486778

post a fit fuccboi


>> No.7486787

I like his shoes.

>> No.7486809

>i am this insecure

>> No.7486807


w2c t-shirt like that please

>> No.7488046

They're like fedora for your feet

>> No.7490947
File: 32 KB, 400x363, 1388159975735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-Eazy core.
which im totally alright with.
go for it doe

>> No.7492070

Are TOJ jackets worth the price?