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7476471 No.7476471 [Reply] [Original]

w2c reasonably priced basics in australia?

pic unrelated

>> No.7476525
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>> No.7476533

is their an as colour in Australia?
theres one here in nz

>> No.7476541

yeah there is, is it good? i think i've checked it out before. do the shirts and stuff fit nice for tall skinny boiz?

>> No.7476579

they're not that good really. that's the only one I can think of that's local, otherwise i buy basics from uniqlo and american apparel

>> No.7476644

If you don't mind the poor quality, Cotton On isn't bad for basic plain shirts. If you spend more than 20 dollars on a single item you're doing it wrong. Avoid everything else in there like the plague, though.

For jeans/shorts, General Pants isn't bad but some of the stuff is obnoxiously priced.

If you want to shop online, Mr Simple and I Love Ugly are pretty ace too.


>> No.7477860

AS Colour is excellent.

Cotton On basics are not bad

If you get AS basics on Culture Kings it's usually cheaper, + free shipping

>> No.7477870


awesome, ill check these out
thanks guys, hope u drank your weight in beer today and had a good christmas

>> No.7477893

Incu sells Our Legacy & Norse Projects.

>> No.7477921
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yeah Incu's alright if you look past the garbage like Saturdays and Carhartt

I tried their socks but theyre shit quality, def not worth 15 bucks

the guy who mentioned cotton on should be shot

>> No.7477922

Cotton on basics are okay ( tees and chinos maybe if you're poor)
Target have some okay basics ( black and white tees) but everything else is shit
AA ofcourse
T-Bar is pretty good they have some nice graphics and ombres if you look hard enough
variety of different fits too

good luck :)

>> No.7478129


>> No.7478136

are you fuccbois seriously reccing cotton on

>> No.7478145

even if it wasn't shit their ugly af logo would destroy the clothes

>> No.7478158

ayyy fellow australians how to wear shorts and t-shirt and be /fa/?

>> No.7478168

lol this. they make nothing nice and that collab with apc is bargain bin material

>> No.7478170

you cant

>> No.7478174

any summer inspo? cmon fellow ausfags

>> No.7478195

accessorise nigga, sunnies 5 panels bracelets/anklets etc and try and keep the shorts and t-shirts solid colours

>> No.7478204

was meant to reply to >>7478158

>> No.7478249


my god things are really are backwards/upsidedown in your country

>> No.7478265
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>> No.7478285

This board has people who recommend Cotton On and people who say Carhartt is garbage

makes you think

for an in between industrie is ok

>> No.7478289

u got no idea du

>> No.7478290

>implying cotton on isn't bad for basics

deal with it nerd.

>Bright, solid colours (blue/red/yellows work well)
>maybe patterned shorts if you're colouring is okay
>white low-top shoes (connies/vans are easy enough to get away with) + invisible socks

there you go mang, classic summer fit.

>> No.7478291

yeah theyre good until u wash it twice and its a size to small

>> No.7478297

cotton on is shit for everything and that fit sounds awful, stop posting

>> No.7478302

>tumble drying anything ever
>2014 -6days

>> No.7478305

cotton on shit will shrink horribly after a couple of machine washes

i'm not hand washing $9 t shirts

>> No.7478307

Cotton On is shit, but if you're looking for some basic plain tees and don't want to spend more than 15/20 dollars per item theres nothing else on the market. If you buy anything else from there then you're eternally plebtier though.

Stay salty.

>> No.7478309

If you don't want to spend more than 15/20 per item you prob won't look very good

hope ur christmas was nice and u got to spend time with the ones u love

>> No.7478313

i didnt even mention tumble drying

its shit
its nothing but a quick fix for housewives, laborers and 16 year olds

>> No.7478315
File: 17 KB, 279x410, Marble_T_Asphalt_Marle_Flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these ascolour t shirts look pretty good

i went to cotton on and tried on some t shirts once and they all seemed really thin and cheap

>> No.7478322

>olive, navy khaki shorts
>white/black tee/ singlet
>boat shoes or ones like u said
>hat or sunglasses

>> No.7478323
File: 39 KB, 279x410, 5020_Turn_LGBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or these ones for $5 more
pre cool texture

>> No.7478325

cotton on is for 14 year olds who can't afford to shop at abercrombie, american eagle or holliester

cotton on is like aero

>> No.7478332

a plain tee from cotton on is fine, itll be shit quality but itll look fine

>> No.7478331

that's ascolour you fat fuck

>> No.7478334


Bought these, fucking amazing.

>> No.7478337

the fuck is ascolour...

cotton on is shit for shit that will be future landfill....shitty future land fill keep driving that prius im sure your mindless consumption of disposable chinese crap really helps the enviorment

>> No.7478355

for what the first wear?
or for donating

>> No.7478373

just geniunely curious why you hate it so much

>> No.7478378

why do you like it so much?
aside from the price

if it were a $125 tee would you buy it?

>> No.7478389

i dont
of course not its worth the 9 dollars it costs what point are you even trying to make

>> No.7478399

buy becuase its cheap and you will never wear it

>> No.7478404

I am with you but it's not worth it bro, he's not going to understand

>> No.7478408

exactly its cheap, im poor
what why would i never wear it

>> No.7478413

lmao at this thread

ou fucks reccing cotton on better not be in melb or ill shoot u

>> No.7478439

or brisbane, fuck alla yall

>> No.7478452

"this is a plain tee" has really nice cotton and different neck styles and lengths for their tees.

cubiccollective.com is an aus store that has some cool drapey shit for summer and lots of tees

>> No.7478450

hey brisbane bitches im in the city tomorrow who wants to hang

>> No.7478457

Honestly the only basics I wear are Norse Project Tees, Our Legacy Perfect Tees & Industrie Off White Tees. Other Basics that are australia based would probably be AA too. If you must buy bulk buy AA/Industrie on sale, otherwise, buy a nice top from Our Legacy, their tees are perfect.

In terms of Pants you only really need one pair of good black jeans, so a pair of Acne Ace Cash. If you're restricted to Mall Fashion, Try a pair of Jack London black 17cm jeans. It's basically gross budget slimane grossness, but their jeans are alright. The fit is decent, but the quality isn't so good and gets loose after a while from the last wash.

All of this you can buy for reasonable prices if you're decent enough at looking in the right places, Especially now of all times.

>> No.7478525

/fa/ meetup in sydney for the boxing day sales tomorrow?

>> No.7478527

u may see me tomorrow (will be wearing raf/adidas) dont say hi.

>> No.7478529

if you're wearing rafidas i don't want to

>> No.7478536

I guess its doing its job then.

>> No.7478550

I got a shit ton of basic t shirts from cotton on for like $10 to $15 each

>> No.7478552

il be in the city shopping 4 sure tommorow morning, youll be able to reckognize my cps and shit skin

>> No.7478557 [DELETED] 

im shopping too many, ive got about 600, anything i can cop?

>> No.7478554

>look at me, im showing this guy
>yeah, i showed him
>man im better than everyone

>> No.7478562

hey op you might be interested in this place called cotton on. they sell basics at a decent price

>> No.7478565

i've never been to the sales before

what time is best?

>> No.7478567





>> No.7478572

hey man you might be interested in this place called cotton on. they sell basics at a decent price

>> No.7478573

sweet man, i have 600 and im trying to find a couple cool pieces, im from sunny coast btw

>> No.7478581

Anyone have any experience with Cotton On basics?

>> No.7478580

i was thinking about going to the sales but it's going to be raining and im on no poo atm and my hair is going through the greasy af stage so i probably wont otherwise it will look kramer tier

>> No.7478586

early as possible

all the stuff worth buying gets sold pretty damn quick

>> No.7478583

I'm going around 9am

Aight that's awesome il probs have something around 600 as well what will you be wearing?

>> No.7478588

basicbitch stuff because its really hot

>> No.7478593

yeah that's what I thought

I have $200 in myer gift cards that I gotta get rid of because they're about to expire so i'll charge that and then see where I'm at

>> No.7478591

i'm going to be at central at 10, will i be too late? im coming from sunny coast

>> No.7478603


you better haul ass to qvb son

department stores get the most crazy ass customers ive ever seen on boxing day
ive been twice now and both times ive seen at least 5 arguments that escalated into physical assault

>> No.7478605


>> No.7478612

queen victoria building - town hall

i just said that because thats where i catch a bus too if im going city

>> No.7478613

for real? do they fight over clothes or like electronics and shit

i just want to get rid of the gift cards, then ill be abandoning the department stores because they will be a shit fest. I have already scoped what I want so it shouldn't take long

>> No.7478616

true, i swear we always try and do fa meetups but we all pussy out, not a big deal really.

>> No.7478618

>for real? do they fight over clothes or like electronics and shit

anything man

i saw two women fight over a fucking pan

>> No.7478620

I'm starting to regret deciding to go now, especially if i go for 9 am

>> No.7478624

it can actually be pretty entertaining just watching these people desperately trying to find the best bargains
though most of the crazies are finished pretty early anyway

>> No.7478625

Well shit, I just kinda wanna hang out with a bunch of people afterwards I buy my jawnz just to watch people unnecessarily get angry at eachother.

>> No.7478633

as long as I get the shit I want without getting into a fight then ill be okay with watching deadshits fighting

ill probably get out as soon as I can

>> No.7478637

where the fuck can i even go to find decent pieces

>> No.7478652

In Sydney? Hit Up Supply/Flipside Pop Up in The Galeries. While you're there, check out Incu there, Maybe also Pieces if you're small/aisan. From there, I'd start the Paddington ascent. Start at P.A.M. store/Supply/Carhartt and work your way up. You'll pass American Apparel and then you'll eventually reach Assin, they'll be having a sale 30%-70% off. Past there, You'll reach Acne then another Incu.

>> No.7478654

Just go to General Pants/Jack London.

>> No.7478653

i live in brisbane man, i want to cop some pants but no idea where anything is

>> No.7478657

would american apparel have a sale on?

exactly where abouts is it?

>> No.7478656

ah okey, isnt general pants pretty plebby? ill check out both though

>> No.7478661

woops, quoted myself

>> No.7478668

You walk east from the museum station in hyde park until you enter oxford street and you can't miss it on the left. There probably will be a sale but theres also an Outlet Attic right next to it.

>> No.7478698


need to cop some of their tri blend pocket tees

>> No.7478702

this thread is a fuckin train wreck

ashamed to be aussie with all these cotton on recommendations

>> No.7478707

IIRC a lot of the plain white T-shirts in the outlet attic are $10