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File: 646 KB, 1156x899, 1377574538767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7476171 No.7476171 [Reply] [Original]

Fuccboi General
Other one is 3hunna plus
Merry Christmas btw

>> No.7476202

the vans website only has sk8 hi's in 10.5>
i wear 10.5 in roshes, will these be okay too?

>> No.7476208

why is Cara the macro for fuccboi?

Is she a fuccboi?

>> No.7476216

dude they sell vans like everywhere can't you just try some on in store and then order online if that place didn't have sk8 his in teh color you wanted?

because the guy who made that pic keeps using it as the fuccboi general and as long as nobody makes a new one and that anon doesn't stop making threads then it probably won't ever change

>> No.7476217


shes gon teach you, fool

>> No.7476234

what does cara's ass taste like?

>> No.7476240


sour milk and salty coins

>> No.7476244
File: 415 KB, 1416x1061, I just dont want to be banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that would be my dream

>> No.7476246


more importantly do you think she has a bleached asshole

>> No.7476251
File: 95 KB, 651x375, 1387936256498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she probably has thick hair surrounding it and little bits of toilet paper stuck to the hair

she strikes me as someone who barely gives a shit, even for a model

>> No.7476265

unshopped version pls??

>> No.7476298
File: 759 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good fit?

>> No.7476306
File: 799 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one less fuccboish?

>> No.7476304

its a work safe board

>> No.7476319

w2c oversized goof black hoodie for ~100 or less?

>> No.7476327
File: 277 KB, 1600x1046, cara d ruined my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be cara's fuccboi

>> No.7476332

change shoes

>> No.7476342

I hate you

Shit like that really gets to me

Like I'm honestly cringing from disgust everytime I see a pic of her now god damnit

>> No.7476348

I don't even mind

I like girls that are slobs

Just as long as she wouldn't expect me to eat her asshole out I wouldn't really care if it meant giving her the D every night

>> No.7476349

can anyone tell me the name of a streetwear brand that makes sweaters with an Arabic word printed on the front??

>> No.7476362



thats supreme and u wont find them anymore

>> No.7476370
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>> No.7476379
File: 882 KB, 1552x2592, IMAG0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are brogue boots
I like the way they look.

>> No.7476383
File: 23 KB, 300x400, cnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this okay to buy

>> No.7476396

also want this

>> No.7476404
File: 1.03 MB, 204x195, Black_Man_Shaking_head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7476406

is ssense's sale going to end tomorrow or last a few weeks past Christmas?

>> No.7477289
File: 112 KB, 600x900, 1387951788102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on the colour of this sweater

>> No.7477494

If it's not black, then I don't like it

>> No.7477519

i love it

>> No.7477536


Remember I copped that navy raglan APC sweater

the payment didn't go through for some reason and it's sold out in my size :'(

>> No.7477539

don't even bother if your skin colour doesn't go well with it

>> No.7477569

Opinions on corduroy go

>> No.7477625

what's the sizing on saint laurent footwear like? ssense has their combat boots on sale for 6hunna

>> No.7477651

Can you watch anime and still be /fa/?
I'm not talking weaboo status, but I love watching anime as a mindless break from experimental/cerebral live action film.

>> No.7477694

Watching what you like and not giving a fuck what others think is effay.

Merry Christmas

>> No.7477724

Fuck, you're absolutely right.
I realize KLK is the most fuccboi anime right now, but it entertains me. that should be enough

Merry Christmas to you too, anon.

>> No.7477777

Geos or dunks? Which colorway?

I can't decide.

>> No.7477782

Yeah you can't really find dunks anymore that aren't heavily beaten

>> No.7477785

Originally I would go for the black/white geos, but all black with white sole looks fine too.

>> No.7477812

yeah that's cool kinda boring though

if you got the dosh maybe even the calf hair ones

definitely not the all black, maybe the other b/w where the stripe thing is black and it's like reversed. All white is cool too

>> No.7477825

Calf hair doesn't strike my fancy.

I'd love to get the reversed black/white but I'm in dire need of black shoes right now.

>> No.7477826



>> No.7478032
File: 176 KB, 397x467, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop this or not?

>> No.7478082


>> No.7478084



>> No.7478205

what sheos should i cop effay
i only wear two pairs of black chinos and green cargo's, they need to be versatile

>> No.7478214


buy black jeans

>> No.7478336
File: 228 KB, 500x333, 1363294578485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour tie should I be wearing with a bronze colured blazer, navy chinos and a white shirt? I can pick between forest green, dark red/burgundy, Navy, Grey and beige.

>> No.7478376

Personally I'd go with Burgundy

>> No.7478390

huh? why?

>> No.7478392

I'd want to go with that as well, however I've been told that you shouldn't be mixing brown with red.. Then again, it is sort of a rare hue so I'm not sure if this rule counts for the blazer. Also, are navy chinos and black leather shoes viable?

>> No.7478398

they go with most shoes

>> No.7478397

More casual and versatile I guess

Post a pic of the blazer?

I'd probably go with brown shoes with this outfit but I don't think it matters too much.

>> No.7478414

yeah trust me guys, i want too.
but my focus right now is shoes? what shoes should i cop, that arent boots or cps, velcros, geos that are pretty versatile? i might jsut get grey newbalance

>> No.7478415
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only brown leather shoes are brown boots, so they will probably be a bit unformal

>> No.7478430

Let's see the boots

With that jacket I reckon navy, green or burgundy would work just as well as eachother

>> No.7478506
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478508

Yeah fair enough, black shoes it is

>> No.7478524

Yup, thank you for your help though.

>> No.7478528

No prob

Bear in mind I'm no expert, this has all just been my opinion on what looks good.

>> No.7478539
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do good sales usually start ??

>> No.7478640
File: 114 KB, 1200x1500, 7632767-cr-1200x1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mum bought me these for christmas

I would never have bought them myself

are they wearable?

>> No.7478700
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, RC_3207_HGRY_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a nice, plain grey sweatshirt. I'd like it to be kinda chunky/boxy/baggy but not too much

>pic related, reigning champ seems nice but I'm looking for cheaper

>> No.7478704

the shorts? they're fine

who buys shorts for xmas though?

>> No.7478708

prolly an ausfag

>> No.7478710

What does ss14 mean

>> No.7478712

spring summer 2014

>> No.7478717

Schutzstaffel 14

>> No.7478740
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-25 at 09.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the fit on this jacket /fa/?
Feeling kinda like I should send it back and size up one.

>> No.7478769

nah looks good, maybe even too long in the arms

that shirt underneath is too long for that jacket.

bombers are supposed to fit shorter than most jackets

>> No.7478778
File: 77 KB, 639x440, 1387985016692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really bother changing my shirt when I woke up.
Here's another pic to judge it on.

>> No.7478801

looks good
sleeves look pretty long already, so you shouldn't size up i think

>> No.7478821

What stores are about to have January sales?

>> No.7478863

That's how I'd wear it too but like the other guy said, t shirt is quite long

>> No.7478873
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-25 at 10.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the input. I think I'm going to keep it, wasn't too expensive anyways. And I'll definitely wear a different shirt next time haha.

>> No.7478880

i think it looks good with the long shirt, do what you like better though

>> No.7478886

ur qt

>> No.7478890

Can't really decide about what I like in regards to the shirt length. Few people saying it looks weird but I kinda like it I don't know.
You can't even see my face tho.

>> No.7478911

the longer shirt works on you, doesnt work for everyone.
i'm as slim as you are and i personally like the way it looks.
maybe it's a twig boi thing ;3

>> No.7478914

u seem qt

>> No.7478925
File: 190 KB, 328x327, screenshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this fuccboi?

>> No.7478930

How well do cheap monday sweaters fit on someone that 5'8 in small?

>> No.7478942

Yeah maybe it is, I'll keep thinking on it.
Well thank you!!
Holy shit that belt and scarf hahaha.

>> No.7478968
File: 255 KB, 2872x736, 1387989302982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to pull the trigger on cdg x converse chuck his...just need to know if I should size up or down I'm size 43

>> No.7478974

Yes. Everything about this. If you're going for flamboyantly gay then keep it, but change hair, lose scarf, different belt. I'm honestly indifferent about everything else but that doesn't mean it looks good.

>> No.7478984
File: 46 KB, 592x754, 1372695944705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478981

Anyone pls?

>> No.7478995

Jacket source?
It's not warm really, right?

>> No.7479030

nice quints

>> No.7479037

could someone... advise me here please

>> No.7479043

i wear 9.5 in vans. what size roshes should i order?

>> No.7479044

my forehead is huge should i kill myself? how to check if its because of balding or it always was like this? i have no idea because i always had long hair and just recently cut it short

>> No.7479056

converse run .5 - 1 size big, so size down

>> No.7479073

Look at an old picture and compare it with your hair, if it hasn't changed you're not balding. Also you probably look fine, faggot

>> No.7479137
File: 126 KB, 361x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tall were knock and poet

>> No.7479143

180 cm

>> No.7479144


>> No.7479150

thanks. i looked at picture when i was 10 and my forehead was already huge so i guess im not balding. thanks

>> No.7479162

That's his tumblr?

>> No.7479168

No. this is


>> No.7479199

This is the biggest faggot I've seen today, and I had to walk past a faggot bar.

>> No.7479208

Edwin EC Sweat or Norse Projecgts Vorm Sweat?

Norse is 80, Edwin is 65...

Is Norse worth it? Does anybody have either of these?

>> No.7479217
File: 17 KB, 560x459, 6109205040_2_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not?

>> No.7479293

COS basic t shirts or Uniqlo basic t shirts? How well do they fit?

>> No.7479331

which is why she appeals to me

>> No.7479356
File: 121 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a little more and bought Calvin Klein. I also considered Cheap Monday. Hasn't arrived yet but in my opinion a lot of basic t shirts from high street tier shops don't fit very well or don't last.

>> No.7479364

I don't think COS tees are worth the price unless they're out of some special garment.
I'd say H&M or uniqlo are your best bets for solid colored ones in terms of price/quality.

Are they as good as the underwear?
Meh tbh, I've gone to H&M/Beckham for underwear too and don't look back.

>> No.7479373

Uniqlo sure but never buy basics from h&m

>> No.7479386

thoughts on wang t's?
another good pair of black jeans in a sim fit to completement acne ace?

>> No.7479397

T by w makes pretty mediocre t shirts for how much they charge I wouldn't advise buying any unless they're on sale

Check out Rag & Bone and Acne, they both make tees in the same price range but nicer

>> No.7479547

Elbow pads on grey tweed blazers: yay or nay?

>> No.7479656
File: 48 KB, 296x444, 1388000594157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get this one

>> No.7479663
File: 40 KB, 296x444, 1388000661619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one

(it's a weathered hilton jacket)

>> No.7479673

red if you can pull it off

>> No.7479690

Going to Manhattan tomorrow. Any thrift stores worth checking out?

>> No.7480106
File: 111 KB, 570x860, 342408508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the exact definition of a fuccboi?

>> No.7480128

i like it w2c?

>> No.7480140


this one

>> No.7480208

you are

>> No.7480235

I have Rick Owens detroit cut black jeans. They're dirty as shit and need to be washed. Can I put them in the washing machine on hand wash and cold water setting with no/minimal soap without risking possible shrinking?

>> No.7480256


get them dry cleaned
clean them yourself (sponge, cold water, soap)
or you could just try that

>> No.7480292
File: 433 KB, 480x640, SLP 15.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c wash like SLP low slim

pic related.

>> No.7480296
File: 715 KB, 1230x650, 2013-12-25_21.58.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. which colour guys?

>> No.7480305

neither, get a longer coat or no coat at all

>> No.7480302

id go with left

>> No.7480314

Go with left, get it tailored.

>> No.7480319

no lol im a manlet. i prefer waist length coats.

>> No.7480325


>> No.7480326



if you're talking about the colour check topman

>> No.7480383

uniqlo, american giant, j. crew

thats beyond fuccboi to just flagrantly homosexual

cop if its cheap

uniqlo t shirts fit ok i guess, but they are definitely not slim

>> No.7480439
File: 97 KB, 612x612, 1383844005249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was my sexy voice thread which got like 200 replies not fashion related

>> No.7480547

how to wear infinity scarf without looking like a complete faggot

>> No.7480562

>how to ____ without looking like a _____
if you have to ask this you're clearly not ready for it yet

stick to basic t shirts and common projects basic bitch until you are more comfortable with yourself

>> No.7480572
File: 255 KB, 593x578, 2013-12-25_22.40.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this one?

>> No.7480610

Asos-like site in terms of prices, shipping and stuff but more /fa/? I feel like 80% of what's there is shit right now.

>> No.7480612

Should I cop the beef and brocs for 110?

>> No.7480687

this dudes hair lol
cop blue unless you feel like you can pull off red

>> No.7480700

lol dude I get beef and brocolli for 10 bux at my local supermarket :^)

>> No.7480704

dude that's a ripoff

as the other anon said I get brocolli for less than $1 a pount

>> No.7480718

roshes still effay?

>> No.7480738

ty jesus

>> No.7480757

10-10.5 US shoe size, what am I in european sizing?

Every sizing chart says something different so I thought I'd be a nice fuccboi and ask. I was thinking 43-44

>> No.7481144

Which is best tee?
Uniqlo, Calvin Klein, COS or Everlane?

>> No.7481206


im 10.5 us and the best i can gather is 44 is somewhere like 10.7 and 43 is like a 10

mileage varies of course

>> No.7481228

If a company doesn't specify it how do you tell if you're getting raw jeans?

The price seems right on the border so I can't use that as reference

>> No.7481241


there's no real way to tell, tbh

there's plenty of deep-indigo denim treated not to fade, like Levi's and Acne. I would email them

What jeans are they?

>> No.7481259
File: 115 KB, 450x450, itcCmYvc2fQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this hat good? it's a bit gaudy, but I like it, I just want a second opinion on it.

I've been also eying this
but the big ZOMB logo is offputting.

>> No.7481256

I was just browsing the maharishi website and noticed that they didn't specify raw or not. The question was more of a future reference thing, I wasn't even planning on purchasing these jeans since their sizing doesn't work.

>> No.7481264


if they are "unsanforized", then you can almost guarantee.

if "raw", "untreated", or "rigid" are in the titles, they will fade to varying degrees.

If the product has labels to be aware of indigo loss, they'll definitely fade.

selvedge is never a guarantee, so be careful with that.

>> No.7481267

adyn maybe
can't be bothered to look up how much they actually cost

>> No.7481269

this is on the acne site, if it says "raw wash" it's still raw, correct?

>> No.7481271


pls respong

>> No.7481275

If you like it then get it. Wait for sale though. And the other is $10, you really have nothing to lose so why not?

>> No.7481292

cos silk blend > uniqlo premium cotton 2pk >>>> cos cotton > other uniqlo ones

no experience w/ CK or everlane

>> No.7481295


Acne is a bit weird with how they describe fading and such

A "raw wash" is technically a complete contradiction, since once denim is washed, it is no longer raw. It's probably just referring to the colorway, I guess.

email them and ask.

>> No.7481300

That's what threw me off, the term "raw wash"

Thanks man, I'll be doing some more research before I buy anything

>> No.7481304

this is super stupid, but how do you buy anything off COS if you're in the U.S. or do you not..

>> No.7481306


it's ten gbp plus about 7 pounds shipping, which adds up to around 30 murrican shekles.
I only wanna buy one because I'm a bit strapped for cash and have a nasty habit of buying hats I never wear.

>> No.7481310

proxy or don't

>> No.7481348

o. Idk how much Preme shipping is in Europe, but I'd say wait for the sale and get that one, only because like supreme. Plus you could flip later when you get stop wearing it (if you take care of it)

>> No.7481354

w2c bomber

>> No.7481371


is there a sale coming up? or do you mean just any random sale that pops up?

>> No.7481383

w2c comfy, somewhat slim grey zip hoodie?

Currently looking at American Giant, Reigning Champ--don't know which is better between the two, or what other options are

>> No.7481399

Ordered something from SSENSE on the 23rd, item was shipped out on the 24th, the delivery date that is guaranteed / expected with XpressPost USA says the 26th which is tomorrow.... is that shit even possible?

>> No.7481418

End of the season they put all the clothes on sale, 30% iirc

>> No.7481450
File: 60 KB, 853x527, boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c these

>> No.7481579

I took a risk and bought it from ASOS since most other slimmer fitting bombers are extremely expensive and I didn't feel like putting down a ton of money on one right now. Surprisingly though it's really comfy, quality is pretty average, good in terms of ASOS though.

>> No.7481650

No post on boxing day m8.

But yea, I don't see it possible. You'll have it before NY which is all that counts though.

>> No.7481669


Hey, just a passerby, but I too bought this jacket and was pleasantly surprised. It's very soft, and the comfy-ness was surprising.

I wear it almost everyday, but that's because I'm a fuccboi

[reference-- 6'2, 145lbs. Chest 36", bought size MEDIUM]

>> No.7481712

Yeah it's pretty nice, would recommend for someone on a budget or something.
I'm 5'10, 115lbs and bought an XS.

>> No.7481716

w2c those long black goofninja layering shirts for fuckin cheap

>> No.7481729

ya don't

>> No.7481774

w2c a quality black leather belt?

>> No.7481865
File: 51 KB, 600x800, A6JWRjPCIAI_85G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this backpack???

>> No.7481880

meth dealer backpack

>> No.7481911

any decent, cheap slim cargos?
wanna try out, but not sure if the aesthetic will suit me

>> No.7482370

what are the best black jeans to cop with 54 dollars including shipping? I was looking @ these maybe?

>> No.7482400


Hilariously overpriced

>> No.7482410
File: 181 KB, 700x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Carhartt WIP knits fit? I'm considering http://shop.carhartt-wip.com/us/men/knits/I010977/s/anglistic-sweater/39 but looks like it billows out near the waist in the photographs. Thanks /fa/ggots

Also are captchas getting harder or am I going blind?

>> No.7482606
File: 709 KB, 824x592, Weirdguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best model of n&f weirdguys? These are the ones i like on tate&yoko ( free shipping to me). Thoughts on which are the best?

This is my first pair of jeans better than gap so pretty pumped and want to make the right decision.

>> No.7482614

Depends how slim you want. I have Levi Commuters and I like them, look p nice cuffed high or buttoned at the bottom

>> No.7482621

was for

>> No.7482642

w2c asymmetrical white v neck tees? i want to wear them under another t-shirt

>> No.7482688


you're prolly not gonna get anything in v-necks

>> No.7482690

Indigo selvedge will give you the sik fadez.
So if it is your first pair, I'd try those.

>> No.7482788
File: 68 KB, 500x214, deco_headpiece__4_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while back (1-2 months ago) on /fa/ i saw a website that had these really cool sweaters. they were all black and the designs on them were cool, reminiscent of occult/demonic. i think it might have been a spread shirt, not too sure. anyone have any idea what im talking about? pic related, designs had the same style

>> No.7482811

Shit, what about crew necks or anything else?

>> No.7483076


>> No.7483134


damir doma

void the brand (careful, quality issues)


>> No.7483244
File: 28 KB, 290x370, image3xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a proppa fuccboi beanie I could get? Looking at this Carhartt one, but not sure if I like the look or not.

>> No.7483263

also one of the more weird things was that along with the clothes the site also sold plastic practice ritual knives. any of this ring a bell any1?

>> No.7483454

actual pain?

>> No.7483468

325 doesn't seem awful for a techy backpack. is the quality not there or something?

>> No.7484288
File: 27 KB, 290x370, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or Not? For those cold walks to the gym :)

>> No.7484473
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, 20131216_160219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the zara goofninja hoodie?

>> No.7484480

quality is shit, it will warp after one wash and you'll look autistic trying to pull it off.

>> No.7484481
File: 741 KB, 990x700, APC-x-Carhartt-part-1-11_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apc x carhartt

>> No.7484979
File: 8 KB, 283x178, clown shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what are some good casual shoes for disproportionately big feet? I got some DMs a while back and that was a mistake

>> No.7485070


>> No.7485108

Which jacket does /fa/ wear during spring? In other words: what do you we change cm parka with?

>> No.7485198

are the boots carhartt?

>> No.7485225

I like, w2c?

>> No.7485263

How are Dockers, /fa/? I am basic as fuck and only own jeans, but since I fucked up and bought a denim jacket I need something different.

Since they are made by Levi are can I safely order the same size as I would for jeans?

This is what I want.


>> No.7485315
File: 30 KB, 391x600, 1388078041524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what material fades the least?

I want black trousers that won't look grey after a few months

>> No.7485322

Get a different color fuccboi

>> No.7485333

Like what? What's wrong with that colour?

>> No.7485340

too brash

>> No.7485359

just wash them. pants fade more when you don't wash them

>> No.7485357

OK, mate. How about these?


>> No.7485372

I would get either of these





depends what the rest of your wardrobe is like

>> No.7485382
File: 129 KB, 870x1110, jackett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My blazer fits my shoulders perfectly but is tight across the chest and does the bowing thing if I button it. It looks just like the picture when I wear it, with maybe a little bit more distance between the top buttons.

Size up or just wear it unbuttoned?

>> No.7485399


I did look at those but wasn't sure how obvious the pattern is. They are also the only ones they have in my size (34 34).

>> No.7485495

get a tailor to let it out a bit and you're golden.

>> No.7485514

They can do that? How does that work?

>> No.7485551
File: 79 KB, 576x500, 1388081932643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C fake rottweiler tee? Just finding idiotic ones on ebay.

>> No.7485566

usually, yes. when the jacket is originally made, assuming it's decent quality, the seams aren't sewn at the very edge of the fabric. they leave enough for it to be let out slightly so that the person buying it can have it tailored.

if you're in doubt when buying, get it a little larger rather than smaller, as you can always remove excess fabric, but can't add fabric where none exists.

>> No.7485579
File: 33 KB, 377x499, $_12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what's the current /fa/ approved Korean fake webshop at the moment?

>> No.7485607

This is why I'm conflicted. around the chest, this blazer is definitely too small. I can barely button it and crossing my arms is a bitch. But the shoulders fit and I know that if I go bigger, they will be too big but overall, it may be more comfortable.

I wear a 36 everything so I got a 36 in this. Being a slim fit must have something to do with it, which is weird because I'm already pretty slim at 5'11" and 140lbs. Maybe I have a bigger chest.

I'd really like to try on another but it would be a bitch to return this to get another, then return that if I don't like it. Plus, asos has a weird return policy that would lose me the 20 percent discount I originally got if I return the first one.

>> No.7485621

get the fuck out, bitch

>> No.7485630

is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.7485949

Can anyone tell me if cheap monday is a skate brand or a regular brand?

>> No.7485953

its H&M

>> No.7485956


>> No.7486781
File: 286 KB, 1200x1800, isaoracargo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

places to crop cheaper cuffed cargos like these? trying to find more trousers to match my blue y-3 sprints

>> No.7487209
File: 42 KB, 720x960, 1388102603216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought these shorts today, are they /fa/?

>> No.7487231

You actually look like a pretty chill guy. Would hang with/10

>> No.7487233

james perse although there are no pockets on the side, very military looking but there is no elastic at the hem you have to pinroll

>> No.7487248

>finally decide to buy some expensive(relative) clothes
>new jeans come in the mail
>love the texture, the fit, everything about them
>breaking them in by shitfarting all over myself playing shitty video games
>go to get some water
>caught on keyboard tray
>rips a small hole
>small enough to where nobody would notice it unless they looked for it
>i know its there
>i see it everytime i look down

fuck my ass

>> No.7487260

another question, can I wear both brown or dark brown boots and black pants at the same time?

I've read stuff that one shouldn't wear both brown pants and black tees and vice-versa so I'd like to know if that extends to pants and boots as well. That is, in a casual wear.

>> No.7487297

So... all is fine?

>> No.7487302

so today i was sitting in the outside part of a bar drinking corona with one of my friends, because we were incredibly bored. my friend was telling a story and i noticed someone walking past us and i looked at his shoes.
they were geodudes, alltho they might've been dreamboxes. i wanted to yell fuccboi but then i realised that wouldve been autistc as shit.

so who are u?
i'm just confused cause it's the first time i've seen geos ever.
this was in antwerp.

>> No.7487344
File: 282 KB, 750x668, 756578746_074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7487351

it's casual wear. of course u can

>> No.7487357

fuck wrong thread

>> No.7487361


>> No.7487368
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 131226-163558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what face shape do you think i am i can never tell....
i always though heart or round but i dunno

>> No.7487381

definitly oval

>> No.7487446
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new boots
Pretty good Christmas gift. Just sucks having to apply mink oil to them.

>> No.7487460
File: 20 KB, 428x550, rafcopornot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not

>> No.7487500

Do people use insoles to prolong the life of shoes like CP's?

>> No.7487515
File: 79 KB, 900x900, 7020571911_2_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cop or not

>> No.7487538

hm so i guess that means i can do anything

>> No.7487552

yeah, you'll never know unless you try.
for glasses you shouldn't wear any too smaller than your face width nor too larger and that's about it. At least that's what I read when researching for mine.

>> No.7487631

What are go-to jeans that are dark (unwashed or whatever) but will fit someone with normal, maybe slightly large legs? 32-30 Straight Levis are too baggy and kinda long, will 30-30 in another fit be better? Levi 514s are the go to correct?

>> No.7487638

I like this quite a bit

>> No.7487752
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just got laid off at Walmart (my first job)
Well fuck me /fa/, kind of sucks, but we left on extremely good terms. Still, hurts to lose a job.
Where do I go from here? They said around March they might be interested in rehiring me, and they'd call me if anything opened up. Do I wait it out, focus on my classes, or try something else? /fa/ mall jobs?

>> No.7487773

someone help please

>> No.7487790


i thought you had sex there.

find a job were you can actually be /fa/ and dress how you want, wearing that stupid unifform is pretty much retarded.

>> No.7487794


>> No.7487795

Please help

>> No.7487805


hospo before fashion

>> No.7487817

so Levi's 508? What fit? Is the 508 the unwashed kind or is a certain kind of fit? I'm clueless

>> No.7487841
File: 202 KB, 348x536, guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

508 is a cut and you have to know your measurements for the sizes.

I'm thinking about coping this on sale for $70 but it's topman. their quality isn't BAD right? just not top tier? I think it's like normal $150 or something so I figure it's probably not too bad of a price to quality ratio

>> No.7487840

I'm sure you can find dark wash 508, yes

unwashed = raw which is something else entirely

>> No.7487861

What's a /fa/ shoes I can wear to dance class?

>> No.7487891

The Grenson Allens I am looking at are an F width. How do they compare to vans, etc? Size down .5 or 1?

I'm wear a 12US btw if it matters.

>> No.7487916

dude go to orvis and get one of their zip cardigans, MUCH better quality and comparable prices

>> No.7488145

w2c decent 5 panel. Any certain brands with good quality?

>> No.7488175
File: 139 KB, 480x640, PHOTO_20131226_234133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some haircut advice, Gonna cut my hair tomorrow and I don't really know what to get. (Hitler's Youth is waaay too played already so I'm not getting that)

>> No.7488184

But Orvis fits are tent-like.

>> No.7488185

lmao you're mad ugly it wouldn't matter if your haircut was "played out" anyways

>> No.7488208

yeah also I couldn't find anything like the pic on the site.

it is a wool blend too. not just some cotton/jersey thing. that's why it's priced like it is. maybe I'll get the cotton on for like $25 as well and just send one or both of them back

>> No.7488252
File: 1.52 MB, 2105x2452, 2013-12-26 18.27.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /fa/ think of my sweater?

>> No.7488261

just trim what you already have and slick it back a little bit

>> No.7488265
File: 900 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While people get killed for the yeez ima wear these vans ...random

>> No.7488273

You might as well ask what we think of your fedora, faggot.

>> No.7488277

Aight thanks anon, I'mma do sth like that

>> No.7488279

dude no, take that shit off.

>> No.7488291

no problem friendo

>> No.7488289
File: 64 KB, 600x696, MJ039D-5-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i typically dress similarly to pic related. what kind of shoes should i be wearing?

>> No.7488295
File: 143 KB, 600x600, 1387736319370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who makes this coat

where can I find it

>> No.7488307

lose some weight fatass and clean up your fucking skin you slob

>> No.7488337
File: 57 KB, 600x450, img56656625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black suede desert boots/chukkas

>> No.7488336


Reasons why?

>> No.7488338
File: 123 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkucuhAT5j1s1iu1zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11 & 160

Will a small Bart still be too big?

>> No.7488341
File: 26 KB, 428x494, warm up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this or the northwoods parka?

i was also thinking the alpha industries fishtail parka, but i don't know. http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=28180685&color=001&parentid=MORE%20IDEAS

>> No.7488346

where are you finding barts?

>> No.7488367

Someone posted a link in a different thread to frontlineshop.com saying they copped the last XL one. Turns out the guy was 6'2 and thought he'd need a massive. Can't wait for fit pics pf him drowning.

But I think I copped the last Bart on the store as they have now been removed from the listings. a lot of websites have them in different combinations but I couldn't find anywhere with black in S or XS.

>> No.7488406

I live with my grandparents and they bought me Nike Air shoes for christmas
will I be pleb if I wear them? I can't just take them back and get a new pair since they bought them as a gift

>> No.7488436

Just wear them. If I was bought something by my grandparents I would wear it. Even if you don't like it It's showing respect.

Doesn't matter what /fa/ says.

>> No.7488445

>I can't just take them back and get a new pair since they bought them as a gift

Are you retarded? People do this all the time. Just ask them for the receipt

>> No.7488569

Got a pair of Clark's desert boots after seeing them on r/malefashionadvice (don't go there anymore) and my dog chewed them up after not many uses. I really need a good boot and I liked it, but wanted to know if /fa/ approves. Also, what color, I had dark brown last time

>> No.7488577

You sure you can't return them? Just get the reciept. If you can't or don't want to, then what I would do, is just wear them around the house in front of them every once in a while

>> No.7489303

wtf you look exactly as me, the shorts are ok

>> No.7489876

Fuccboi General is once a soldier like you. He swims across the river of pleb and now he achieved the highest honor in all fuccboi history. The General. Salute.

>> No.7490412
File: 89 KB, 980x398, 1388148226001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting these skytops and throwing some long ass white laces on em then tying them like geos. want a similar style to them but dont want to spend money, buy fakes, or make fakes. sound good?

>> No.7490416

CDB are fine. Probably better, but I can't name any.

>> No.7490422

They're just going to be shitty shoes with long laces...

>> No.7490446

Do not cop those Supras

Too bulky

>> No.7490466

what boots are those?

>> No.7490461

>implying geos arent bulky

>> No.7490485

> First time buying Clarks Desert Boot
> What style/color should I choose?
> My pants: Dark Denim, Khaki and Dark Grey Chinos.

>> No.7490498

What's the difference between Rick Owens and Rick Owens DRKSHDW?

>> No.7490502

I think the latter is his diffusion line

>> No.7490511

get some cheap monday !

>> No.7490597



>> No.7490833

Does anyone have any RL pictures/fits of the Bayani parka in green?

>> No.7490849
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to tie these laces? The strap throws me off

>> No.7490852

Does cropping and tapering your pants in accordance with your hi tops mean that they will always be too short with the low tops?

I have black jeans that look ok when I am sitting around wearing low-tops but when I'm wearing high tops they look bad and need cropping, will tapering them help them stack better?

>> No.7491070

There's this tee I've been eyeing for a while, but my size sold out. Is it a good idea to buy one size up and later tailor it?

>> No.7491111

Crop and taper them in accordance with your low tops. Once the leg opening is narrow enough (make sure it's very narrow) they will look great with the low tops and you can tuck them in the high tops.

>> No.7491229


thank you friend.

>> No.7491554

this, any advice? Also, are there any other cheap (80 or under) boots I could get? I live in a snowy area but I don't want tims (I'm short and they are too bulky)

>> No.7491698

>dont lace the straps

It lets the laces droop a little

>> No.7493025

w2c effay marble knits?