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/fa/ - Fashion

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7473526 No.7473526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ I'm an ugly girl.

Not going to post pics right now, because it's just kinda fact + I know a lotta people who lurk here.

I had a jaw problem when I was little and I'm supposed to get the surgery to fix it soon, but it'll probably be like 2-3 more years until that happens. Basically, lower jaw sits too far behind upper jaw. It looks god awful. Aside of that - jew nose.

I figured I'll fix the jew nose if the jaw surgery goes well, if not, I'll just deem myself forever ugly lol.

Is there still a point in dressing well?

>> No.7473539

there's always a point in dressing well.

>> No.7473538

unless you're fat there's always a point in dressing well

>> No.7473547

5'8, 115 pounds, brown hair blue eyes, long hair.

Buuut since I lack so much confidence I often slouch.

>> No.7473550

this. honestly an ugly girl looks cute in cute clothes unless shes fat

if you're too self conscious about your jew nose find a good pair of glasses to distract from it. there was a girl in one of my classes this year that i thought was cute AF and then i randomly noticed she was covering her schnoz with glasses

>> No.7473559

not really do what i do and dress to fit into a crowd

i am ugly myself drawing attention to yourself + being ugly is a surefire way to be a cast off

also berry, you're not ugly, tone down the makeup and stop wearing black curtains as clothing

>> No.7473555

Well actually Im probably more near 120 now, trying to put on weight. I do a lot of physical stuff so it can be hard to gain anything.

>> No.7473566
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>> No.7473574
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>> No.7473591

Stop posting

>> No.7473799

Well can anyone suggest me some entry level info?

>> No.7473803
File: 150 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mqqdp6MUuR1szn4sgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lol
who does these eva edits? did that one originate from /cgl/?
I've got this one.

>> No.7473835

go on, post yr face.

but yes, dress well. its not your bad taste that gave you an ugly face, that was just bad luck, may aswell say fuck you to bad luck and show off yr good taste namsayin

>> No.7474804

Post ur face

>> No.7474875

now i'm curious, post face

>> No.7476796

Bleh gimme 1 second..

>> No.7476810

>reply to post 90001 hours later
>"brb 1 sec"

>> No.7476813

im a guy btw

>> No.7476991
File: 410 KB, 1080x1920, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh. Ready for the critique I guess. I really wouldn't be so bad looking if it weren't for the jew nose + need of surgery.

My sister is probably a 9/10, and we're nearly the same, only she has a cute nose and no fucked up jaw, which are 2 huge things.

>> No.7477005

you've got to be kidding with the side shot

post your face so we can actually see it

>> No.7477008

you look fine lol.

>> No.7477022

that's an english nose

and yes there's a point to dressing well, but even more importantly looking well

looking well is not dressing well, taking a picture of yourself means nothing. you have to smile, have good body language, and a variety of other things that stem from confidence. by dressing nicely without exuding confidence it's pointless.
so your question shouldn't be 'is it worth dressing nicely'because if you want respect and want people to care about you, then yet
the question is though, do you have the confidence to wear nice clothes and look the part, given your insecurities about your face?

>> No.7477024

It's profile view thats really bad though.

Like it's mainly the jaw issue. I can't close my lips all the way, and I have a gummy smile.

>> No.7477032

Let me try to take a worse picture LOL. Never thought I'd say that.

>> No.7477036

Your jaw looks fine, no joke.

I wouldn't even worry if it was on a guy

Though your nose is a bit big, nothing to waste money on a nose job for, it doesn't look ugly

>> No.7477061
File: 427 KB, 1080x1920, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this is a much worse picture. More accurate I think.

>> No.7477058

you're the type of girl that I would message, on a dating site and ask to hookup flat out

not worth taking on a date
not worth the "chase"

but hey, at least you're not ugly to the point of not being able to get laid

>> No.7477076


> I can't close my lips all the way


please disregard what i said here

with a little more evidence what i said no longer holds true.

my sincerest apologies
- sieg

merry xmas!

>> No.7477081

Honestly, my boyfriend is super attractive (He's probably 6.5-7/10), and claims I'm "pretty" but I know he's only with me for my personality, LOL. I'm not complaining obviously, but I still want to be pretty.

I'm kind of well off money wise (Rental houses n stuff, horses.. etc.) and I don't have shitty friends (Most are super fashionable and good looking surprisingly) it's just.. Again. -I- want to be pretty.

>> No.7477084

Hey, thanks for the honesty! Merry Christmas to you too ^_^

>> No.7477091

post ur sister

>> No.7477090

you're not awful. your hair seems kinda flat and dry, a boring color and boring cut, but theres tons you can do to liven it up. let your eyebrows grow back, they're thin and shapeless, so you can pluck lightly along its natural shape once theyre back. you're not ad bad as you think you are. you could definitely pull off good clothing.
i'm another grill btw, just trying to help.

>> No.7477093

you will always be alone with your expensive clothes, sieg

rip in peace

>> No.7477100

>boyfriend is super attractive (He's probably 6.5-7/10
>super attractive

hes ugliar then me

>> No.7477108

Oh shit I was completely wrong

Sorry for doubting you?

Redeeming quality is that you're not so ugly that it's a turn off I think you just have to work at it.

>> No.7477109

5/10, pretty average

u could make up for it w/ hair, clothes, body, makeup, etc.

right now ur eyebrows and hair are not in a good place which doesnt help

jaw surgery will prob bump you up to 6/10, maybe 7, makeup and shit easy 7/10, ur nose isnt bad but if u rlly wanted surgery 8/10

>> No.7477104

Well super attractive to be with someone like me (probably like a 2/10 or something)

>> No.7477124
File: 3 KB, 125x114, casblancafeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not attractive. Probably most people aren't though.

That's the reality that we are not prepared for.

Imagine being attractive and seeing someone who you think is cute and knowing that they like how you look straight away.


Merry Christmas /fa/

>> No.7477128

>I'm kind of well off money wise (Rental houses n stuff, horses.. etc.)

well than what's holding you back?

when you go through with the surgeries you get to live the life you want to, dress how you want to, be what you want to be

you have the money.

is it fear?

everybody fears change, but you can do this, i heard these operations aren't even that bad. a couple of women here have already done the nose one (sickly sweet)

>> No.7477133

not everybody finds plastic dolls attractive

>> No.7477139

i love jawshapes like yours

anyways, like others said, you can get away with ugly if you embrace it and dress well (and arent fat). i met this one girl with hella asymmetrical eyes and that short jaw irish girls have but since she had style, it was endearing and distinct and fuckable

>> No.7477143

you have overbite, go to an orthodontist before your teeth won't respond well to adjustment

2-4 yrs of braces/retainer should fix it

>> No.7477144

levi, i know you hate being a dick /the bad guy.
but what good are you doing by lying to the poor woman?

she's going to think oh i look great becuase anon on an image board told me im doing okay!!!

your realistically doing her a disservice by lying to the woman who is actually looking to improve her aesthetic

she does have the money and the support network to go through with the iperations she has in mind

so telling her not to get them is like telling someone here not to wear clothes, becuase everyone hould ~respect their bodies~

>> No.7477147

Mainly, I work year round all the time with the horses. I'll be taking a major loss if I do it now. Spring 2016 is when I'll be done with all my current projects. I guess until then, I can just try to absorb /fa/'s knowledge, heh.

I know a lot of really cute/hot girls/guys who still can't get the person they want because they're just shitty people. So think about that, too!

>> No.7477148

Jaw surgery works too

>> No.7477154

nobody needs operations to be who they want to be. sieg instead of leading people to hate themselves, why not try to help them by telling them what you truly mean to say?
That being, you want people to realize that they're under the spell of modern culture, wanting to change themselves to be happy, when all it takes to be happy is to do what you want (fucking fat girls, fine dining) whatever it might be.

You want people to realize that it doesn't take change to be happy.

>> No.7477159

Yeah, I agree. But.. Also I think Im ugly not matter what (IDK why I even made this thread honestly) so his opinion doesn't change anything. That being said, I still appreciate his kindness..

It's not an overbite. It's a jaw problem (Lower jaw is too far back)

Majority of people do, including me, myself.. So I think I'd rather please myself and look like a "plastic doll" than hate myself forever hah. But thanks

>> No.7477163

no bullshit at all, I think you're hot and I don't have low standards at all.

>in before hurrr yes you do

>> No.7477167

Uh I don't really think the majority of people prefer fake to real noses, especially after a certain point all plastic surgery patients look the same

>> No.7477168

you maybe nice, to your boyfriend but ooner or later he's going to realize that he doesn't really have to deal with your shit becuase he is far more attractive than you are.

so he's going to be cold and distant.
then as you get mad/nag at him for not treating you ~right~ he's going to be even more turned off

then he's going to realize that he can pretty much get any woman he wants and that he is essentially wasting his best years of his life dating the first woman who was nice to him becuase he was pretty

>> No.7477172

sounds like you need to fix your self esteem rather than your jaw

think of it this way: you'll still be ugly even after the surgery so just b happy with urself now

>> No.7477178

OP how old are you?

>> No.7477179


Would you rather be ugly on the outside and inside or just inside?

>> No.7477183

Well I'd rather have tried and failed than have never tried at all.

Hehe. Well considering he asked me to marry him, I'll totally believe this. Thanks though, I think? IDK. I was never "nice" to him because he's pretty, but I'm not going to go into that. I know I come off as a bitch on here but Im really just being short tonight. It's Christmas and Im tired

>> No.7477191

i am kindda ugly on the outside but its okay because my friends love that

such a waste of money though cant you just get a boob job or butt implants instead

>> No.7477203
File: 119 KB, 508x635, 1384810286567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being ugly on the inside is just something ugly people made up to describe how unapologetic attractive people are

curlgurl is a straight up bitch
but she's fucking gorgeous so people let her get away with that shit

i speak the truth on here or what i see as the truth in an apologetic manner, but i am ugly
so i don't get away with it, and people get mad at my posts

or confident ugly people, people hate that. they show sympathy for you because they believe you don't have confidence, which is a lie. being an ugly man myself i know you need quite a bit of confidence to set up a rental and horse care facility empire like yourself.

but prodigy, an unattractive drug addled middle aged woman who used to post here about how beautiful she was. was actually shot down rather quickly. but curlgurl can do it day in and day out for years and people just jack off to her pics

see the double standard?

>> No.7477200

I like small boobs so I want to keep them that way heh. And my butt's decent enough for me.

>> No.7477209

OP you're not that bad. I think the surgery would really help though

>> No.7477212

honestly. You seem like a really reasonable person. Get off /fa/ and enjoy your life.

I'm against cosmetic surgery for natural selection purposes etc. But really, do what makes you happy.

I would say, just as advice, that you should really think about it not only aesthetically but also philosophically. How we look undoubtedly shapes who we are to some extent.

>> No.7477215

imagine if sieg looked like adie.

>> No.7477216

as a man who makes a living in the divorce, litigation and conflict resolution/mediation industry i do have to advise you that marriage does not make a relationship "eternal" like so many young women believe.

Marriages are often more susceptible to the plagues/issues that simple girlfriend/boyfriend issues are due to more time spent together.

on a related note, feel free to get married becuae i will always have a car or mortgage payment i will need to make

>> No.7477227


Yeah not bad at all. Just don't be so self conscious about your looks/dress nicely and you'll be fine I'm sure.

>> No.7477231

Eh. You don't know the circumstances. We've lived together for quiiiiite a while. I dont feel like going into detail but trust me. I'm not expecting "eternal" hehe.

Thanks, that actually means a lot to me. I'll think about it, for sure. Trust me.

Thanks for your opinion!

>> No.7477238

sieg, shes not gunna be ur gf

>> No.7477243

Honestly I think you're pretty attractive to me but you arent conventionally pretty.

I like big noses and horse teeth so you rate pretty high for me personally

>> No.7477246
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You look like Maureen Pondarosa from It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia.

>> No.7477250


then again, i'm like a 6.5 at best

>> No.7477269

>making a living

l o l

>> No.7477273

because ugly on the "inside" is a social construction that appeases the masses into believing that some how, in some way being genetically superior than ones own competition is in itself a downfall and a trait that should not be considered in mate selection.

this is a very poor example of a weak social construction, but it can till be attributed to the principle that Descartes had outlined. But we all know that social constructivism is a downfall of the social contract (locke), people utilize the emotions and the common misnomers in society in order to benefit from a modern day noble lie (Plato-Socrates).

but sieg that is all political and sociological theory, you think that modern day society and it's inner workings exclude politics?
just because you aren't well read on the workings of your particular nation's laws and the thought processes that form them does not mean you "don't know politics"

>> No.7477295

OP you look alright I'd take you out and you shud be flattered I'm a qt modelboi

I have been known to have peculiar taste in women and other things though I am a strange dude

>> No.7477317


Post surgery you'll have potential, a new haircut could bump you up to 5 or 6 though I reckon

>> No.7477434

i sincerely think everything about your face is attractive but that nose, its kinda bad but not terrible, i dont see any problem with your jaw either. i would honestly say a nose surgery and youd be a 8.5/10, just my two cents though

>> No.7477533

not bad.
The over bite isn't that bad.
and no one is just going to stare at you from the side all the time.
post front

>> No.7477567

a nose job would be a huge improvement. jaw i dont really mind. hair cut and well dressed will help for sure if u want something instant

>> No.7477592

Good luck with your surgery, OP, but don't go thinking about a nose job or whatever faggot shit is being recommended.

Dressing well and having a personal style goes a really long way. I know girls that are 100% peacock feathers and they do fine and are lusted after.

Good luck and Merry Xmas.

>> No.7477610

If you really want to change your face that badly then get a nose job. It's less risky too.

>> No.7477623

For the love of yourself, this. Personally, OP, I don't think it's as bad as you think. You actually look pretty attractive to me, if that's any consolation.

Most I would do, as this anon said, is just dress well and have some confidence in yourself.

>> No.7477626

not bad/10

>> No.7477629


>> No.7477639

she physically can't close her lips/mouth you guys....so thirsty you guys want mutant pussy

>> No.7477664

wtf? didn't say "i want dat pussy" i said she's not bad... like if i saw her on the street i wouldn't think she was outside the range of normal. def not a mutant

goddamn you nerds are jumpy. just because you think fashion is cool and think you're an aesthete doesn't mean you're not a spastic autist with shitty taste.

>> No.7477665
File: 45 KB, 400x353, rlHWnr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy this didn't turn out to be those threads where some blonde bimbo post fb status ''Im ugly''

>> No.7477834

you look fine!'

I'd advise against posting pictures on /fa/ because you'll be torn to shreds

>> No.7477849


and you can't see your dick, what is your point you fat fuck

>> No.7477912

This, there's a girl in my class who kinda looks like what you're describing and she has impeccable taste in clothing.
I'd rather have her than the qts wearing uggs, tights and northface.
Fashion shows personality.
Why do the fat girls get excluded then? Fatness shows a different personality; laziness, gluttony and more often than not the inability to self-reflect.

>> No.7477928

sieg heil you can hang out w me anytime

>> No.7477989

you're really not bad and the nose can be covered as said above with glasses make up etc.
your eyebrows are tragic though maybe try putting castor oil for some time (like few months) or learn how to draw them on??
and don't be self conscious - it shows

>> No.7480468

You're not ugly. Just stop comparing yourself to your sister all the time and play with the cards you get. I like your hair too. Your face has personnality imo.

>> No.7480505

dude I've seen pics of you with your girl

she is both fatter and taller than you lel

>> No.7480606

The only problem is the big nose, really. Your face is really cute.

>> No.7480657

just get facial reconstruction surgery.

TIP: if your insurance doesn't cover it, set yourself on fire "on accident" and burn your face so they'll have to replace it.

also be sure to jump out of the burning building and completely crush your nose.

PS im just kidding.
i don't tell girls they're ugly.

>> No.7480694

>dat golden haired arian godess

And now at last it comes. You will give her /fa/ freely! In place of "sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w" you will set up a Queen. And she shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night!
Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain!
Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth.
All shall love her and despair!

>> No.7480699


Your still here? thought you had left /fa/

>> No.7480721

plastic surgery is sometimes covered by insurance if the costs of psychological treatment of depression and other accompanying issues exceed those of surgery and rehab.

I feel kind of flattered and insulted at the same time

>> No.7480731

>i speak the truth on here
for some reason this has me in tears

you fat faggot the only truthful thing you've said in that psost is "but I am ugly"

>> No.7480729
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I had that jaw thing, spent thousands on an orthodontost and braces when younger cause my parents new id be ugly as fuck

So happy they did

>> No.7480758

lets see the back

>> No.7480766

you're wrong homie.
you're partially right, as usual, but overall you fail.

people don't hate on you because you're disgusting, fat and ugly, they hate on you because you're retarded as fuck AND they hate on you because you're disgusting, fat and ugly.

take me for example.
people hate on me all the time, and i'm easily the best looking trip to ever have posted here.
they hate on me because (in their gay opinion) i am misogynistic.

you're right that hot girls have life on easy mode, but that is the fault of men, not women.

also /fa/ is just an overly judgmental community, which makes sense because hate comes from insecurity and fear.

i have a lot more to say, but we all know how it goes.

>> No.7480774

>lets see the back

women have a lot more to offer than just being a pretty face.