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7471240 No.7471240 [Reply] [Original]

show me some hipster inspo

>> No.7471249
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or are we talking about budget hipsters

>> No.7471252
File: 69 KB, 747x960, macklemore nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally have no hipster/indie inspo so im bumping with shitty pictures of macklemore being a tard

>> No.7471257
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>> No.7471258

budget, yes. woodlands prices are hilariously ridiculous.

>> No.7471266
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you're just a hater

>> No.7471274
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>> No.7471277

i would think a part of that "indie" philosophy is not spending a crapload on items that you can easily find equivalents of in department stores. it doesnt really seem to work if you have to run your wallet dry to be "you".

>> No.7471293

This thread lol. Kill yourselves. Seriously.

>> No.7471294

define "hipster"

>> No.7471301


>> No.7471303
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realistically, buying locally-sourced clothing is expensive. buying cheap clothes from a major retailer supports business models that are sooo not indie

also don't forget that independent designers who do their own thing can't offer up that clothing on the cheap, they gotta eat

I am totally in favour of buying second hand clothes though, that's cool

anyway devendra banhart's band of outsiders thing was cool and reasonably 'indie'

posting moccasins because moccasins are indie IMO

>> No.7471313

>independent designers who do their own thing can't offer up that clothing on the cheap, they gotta eat
>thinking someone can actually make a living out of fashion and expect someone to buy their ugly ass printed tee for 150 bucks

>> No.7471325

that's not what I mean

you clearly know nothing about clothing

just go buy some fucking woolrich and go back to /mu/

>> No.7471341
File: 163 KB, 581x853, 1368164924392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The word hipster is empty and thus can be anything:

90s revivalist/neo-grunge
urban middle class male
eccentric sweaters and prints
purposely aiming for irony

>> No.7471355

It's an insult for the people you know you will never be like

>> No.7471413
File: 315 KB, 588x366, 1387863746659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay let me get this straight

you want some inspiration for how to dress "hipster"

you post a picture of macklemore and some generic plaid shirts

you don't believe in spending money on anything other than the cheapest things you can find at a department store

and you have nothing but disdain for the idea of someone wanting to run an independent clothing business to make unique and/or quality clothing

you're an obnoxious cunt. and you're not "indie", if it means anything. you're just another young person trying to get in on something 'cool'. Plaid shirts and saving money by shopping at Wal-Mart. Super indie, dude! Go fucking die somewhere

russell moccasin is sick

I kind of wish I'd ordered this pair back when I intended to

somehow I just never got around to doing the foot measurements

>that feel when 20 week wait time

I feel like it didn't have to be pointless but it sure turned out that way

>> No.7471431
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>urban middle class male
>eccentric sweaters and prints

>> No.7471439

lmao its 2013 tru hipsters have moved on and are now draped in rick owens and ann demuelemeester, all black everything

the only ppl who still think floral print five panels, thrifted oversized jumpers and doc martens are the height of hipsterdom are 13 year old white girls from suburban tumblr

>> No.7471463


>> No.7471546

Rick is so played out, what is this 2009

>> No.7471583

>middle class
wählen eins

>> No.7472342

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>> No.7472389

man did you have to bump this with copypasta

here's how discussions about hipsters goes: a bunch of dudes will dismantle the concept and then one guy will completely ignore all of that to share his own inane definition

when will the next buzzword come so that this stupid term gets retired

>> No.7472394


>> No.7473967

I don't think buying in on paris fashion is ever going to be a hipster thing

hipsters tend to be more rooted in the north american scene

>> No.7474181

bet ur north american huh
hipsters aren't real
the hipsters you see where you live dress like eccentric people from your area
>because thats all they are

>> No.7474206


>> No.7474213
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>> No.7474430

I don't think there's anything left of the 'indie' subculture left in most people call hipsters nowadays.

Just like how there were still people with long hair and moustaches by the end of the 70's, but none of them were really hippies.

I don't want to be that guy. I'm *tired* of being the guy to comment on the ashes of this subculture all the time, but it's over man. It's finished. We can't go back.

Thrift shops picked clean.

CPO shirt jackets sold at J.Crew

Castrated derivatives of indie folk on Adult Contemporary radio.

Suburban starbucks and iphone moms with stag-head tats.

>> No.7474564


>being this far ahead of the scene

actually, you are just about right. but you are clearly from the future. the indie subculture has just taken off and become the mainstream, this is its run. give it about an other 5 years and something will replace it.

curious, what do you think is the next "scene" if you will?

>> No.7474585

the fact that it has hit the mainstream is the sign that it's dead

once something cool hits the mainstream it's no longer anything like it once was

>> No.7474582


>> No.7474633


sort of. "cool" means something everyone likes. something everyone likes IS mainstream.

indie used to be "weird."

also, if you stop liking something because someone else does you are the worst kind of faggot and need to develop a proper personality.