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7455687 No.7455687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make my voice sound more attractive?
I have always thought it was just genes but recently discovered that you can actually alter your voice a lot with practice.
Idk how to do this though. Have you gayes come across with guides how to train your voice?
For me I've experienced changes in my voice when speaking in other languages like English (which is btw. not my native language as you might notice) and Japanese. My voice sounds retarded in my own language though.
tfw no sexy voice or gf
ps. I'm pretty young, 18 yo

>> No.7455695

just begin to speak whenever possible in the way that you want to speak i guess?
i never really wanted to change my voice, but i realise that my voice changes when im talking to different people, i have a girl-that-ive-never-talked-to-before voice, a casual friend voice, and a retard voice in which i use on my lecturers and teachers and sometimes people i just want to fuck with

>> No.7455703

sauce on pic

>> No.7455714

More attractive how? Do you want to change the timbre of your voice? Make it deeper? Enunciate more clearly?

Honestly and truly, the best (and most fun) way to do this would be going to singing lessons or watching singing tutorials. By learning what makes your voice sound the way it does, you can alter it.

>> No.7455720

get a lot of practice singing clearly, loudly, lowly and with a lot of pitch change
Clutch's later material is a good example of something to sing

talk and record yourself to perfection

>> No.7455733

>tfw deep manly voice

one of my few traits

>> No.7455731


>> No.7455740

no, this is stupid

It will make you sound raspy and phlegmy and gross and has a whole bunch of health problems associated with it

>> No.7455747

If u like bobby brown then i'll give u singing lessons OP

>> No.7455761

you don't want to sound like the devil like Tom Waits does?

>> No.7455765

>tfw 23 year old male with soft angel voice

>> No.7455773

>soft angel voice
I'm having a hard time imagining what you mean by this.

>> No.7455782

>tfw qt boi with low raspy voice

people always have to ask me to repeat what i say in disbelief

>> No.7455787
File: 21 KB, 403x403, 1360061731850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super self conscious about voice for years
how is it /fa/? i was always worried that i sounded too gay for straight guy


>tfw forlovers wasn't the one that followed you

>> No.7455789

haha i wanna see a video

i think this is a hell of a lot better than >>7455765

>> No.7455790

you sound like a typical 20 something year old

>> No.7455792

it's not gay but it's kinda effeminate

like unless you came across as gay i'd just think you were wimpy

>> No.7455796

i've got no mic

it is annoying since i constantly have to talk one octave higher since my normal voice is a bit too low to properly understand

>> No.7455800

i'm kinda screwed because my voice is deep but there's no like 'treble' so it sounds like i mumble a lot
my friends are used to it but strangers aren't so good at understanding

>> No.7455806

I was asking myself the same thing.

I've downloaded "The Perfect Voice" by Roger Love a couple years ago but never went through with it. Maybe you'd like to give it a try. there should be a torrent around for it somewhere.

>> No.7455816

i guess thats good, im going to be 22 in a couple weeks.

Hmm, well i'm pretty skinny and not very intimidating so i guess thats fair

thanks guys

>> No.7455812


Help, how do I make my voice sound better

>> No.7455942

I bet you smoke alot of weed.

>> No.7455974


u are me dude this sucks so hard

and my voice an octave higher sounds so fucking wimpy it's fucking terrible

>> No.7455990


>tfw when no Daniel Day-Lewis in There will be blood-voice.


I have a pretty deep voice myself, so I'm happy. I recommend a steady diet of whiskey, coffee, bacon and talking too much.

>> No.7456017

> this thread

Ok /fa/, it's time to leave and never come back.

>> No.7456027

idk i always thought i sounded slightly lispy when i hear myself but i dont have 1 promise

>> No.7456039


>> No.7456080

pls b in newcastle

>> No.7457927

Thats the stupidest fucking definition of culture I've ever heard.

And even animals have culture as well. What the fuck man?

>> No.7458034


that site

>> No.7458039

>tfw black and sound so white
I can't get rid of it, and it sucks.

>> No.7458073

At least you sound not guilty.

>> No.7458077


>> No.7458084

>pa specialist and soon to be broadcaster

Over articulate all the time, but tone it down when necessary. So that you speak clearly during conversation.

If your voice is soft, scream. No shit. It will harden your voice.

>> No.7458096

Does little good when I still look it.

>> No.7458141

rate my voice


>> No.7458151

you sound fat lmao

>> No.7458155

i'm not i swear

>> No.7458164

so how much? 180?

>> No.7458158

give me somethin to say and ill read it

>> No.7458170


it's bulkin season

>> No.7458172

kinda homo-y dude :v

>> No.7458178

this was me
ill say anythign

>> No.7458185

sound like an old school bro science 70s bodybuilder 6 meals a day type guy

>> No.7458187

Talk like you're attractive
Someone told me I have a radio voice that he didn't expect to come out of me
>tfw 5'8'' pretty boy can't pull off a deep voice

>> No.7458192

This time, the purple pony leaned the front of her body down towards the ground while pushing her rump higher into the air and presented herself to Applejack with a flick of her tail. Twilight shuddered and bit her lip as she felt the orange mare's tongue lap up and down the lips of her pussy before pushing its way inside of her.

>> No.7458195

matt u must

>> No.7458198


As Applejack had promised, however, Big Mac started off with slow and gentle, but very deep, thrusts. The stud licked Twilight's long neck tenderly, and soon she began to loosen up as the inexperienced mare found herself quite surprised at how good Big Mac's cock felt sliding in and out of her. Before she knew, she found herself yearning for him to go faster.

"Oh, that feels... really good!" Twilight grunted. "You can, ahhh... you can go faster if you want!"

Big Mac obliged, and his pace began to quicken. Twilight felt the weight of his sturdy body press her against the trunk of the tree and his front legs dig into her sides as he fucked her roughly. Warm juices, a mix of her own lubrication and Big Mac's thick pony cum, ran down her hind legs. Finally, she gave in completely.

"Please fuck me, Big Mac! Harder!" she begged.

>> No.7458201


rumpel dumpling is the cutest girl ever i like the way she speaks ever so softly, i love her fat titties and how dull she is. I want to stick my cock inside her pulsing cunt then cum all inside her and watch the cum drip out of her gaping cunt hole and suck the cum and pussy juice together then stab her in the stomach and fuck that wound then cum into her intestines

>> No.7458219


>> No.7458234


>> No.7458238
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>> No.7458247

listening to this it feels like my voice doesnt fluctuate as much as i thought it did
probably because im not actually in that situation but i do notice im all over the place at times with my pitch

>> No.7458252


>> No.7458262

you shouldn't say retard its offensive

>> No.7458263


>> No.7458274


>> No.7458273


tinfoil is a lanky stupid faggot with an ugly girlfriend who has a meathead, If I saw him on the streets of london i would kick him into her pencil legs and watch them snap then I would pull down my trousers and shit on his stupid fucking head and his girlfriends meat head, i would then take his geos and leave him in a concussion. tinfoil looks like a stupid skinny faggot retard and i hate him

>> No.7458282


hi mike

>> No.7458284

lel expected this but had to smirk

>> No.7458296


i love my sister ana, i want to sneak into her room in the middle of the night and get into bed with her without her knowing, then slowly pull down her pyjama bottoms and stick my throbbing nob into her fanny, she will then wake up and moan in awl and beg for me to fuck her tight little virgin pussy, using her natural lube, i would fuck her hard but also silently because I do not want my mum to hear, i will fuck her with my mouth over her mouth so she cannot scream. I will then cum into her juicy tight wet pussy and leave my throbbing nob in her snatch for a minute as we both climax together. I will then slide my nob out of her cunt and pull my pants up then go back to bed leaving her to clean my cum out of her throbbing pussy

>> No.7458337

too scared someone will ehar

>> No.7458359

Actor faggot here.
I never realised how important your voice is until drama school, read some books by Patsy Rodenburg, literally everyone in our class sounded 10x sexier by the end of the year, we were played back clips of our voice at the start of the year and we all sounded like faggots.

>> No.7458400
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>tfw a grill with a deep voice

i'll never be cute

>> No.7458395



>> No.7458409


good, just stfu and suck my dick ya stupid broad

>> No.7458421

post vocaroo gurl

>> No.7458425

english isn't my first language and i have a hangover
pls rate

>> No.7458471



>> No.7458475

this is what i imagine casemods sounds like

>> No.7458473



>> No.7458484

which ones did you read?

>> No.7458488
File: 13 KB, 407x482, 1371263112202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.7458535


i couldn't tell that you werent a native english speaker for most of it, so good job

>> No.7458543


>> No.7458554
File: 323 KB, 633x874, 1381107419336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw boring monotone voice
>tfw dont want to speak

>> No.7458584

/fit/ here, everyone over there loves this dude, he makes really good videos for workouts and stuff, won strongman a while back or something too, anyway he knows his shit and apparently this works. gl op. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P41ER1Wmkj0

>> No.7458630
File: 3.00 MB, 400x311, 1369305818712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he's a cool guy brah but he spits so much bro science i swear to christ m8 i'ma wreck you i swear on me mum's life.
He doesn't even have a deep voice himself so why would anybody take advice from him?
Elliot straight garbage outside his lifting tutorials.

>> No.7458634

nigger i am so sorry i needed something to read

>> No.7458654

>that guy doesn't have a deep voice
Ok m80

>> No.7458684

u sound cute would be friends with /10

grill btw

>> No.7458904

Reading first stanza of ode to a nightingale.

>> No.7458913

American accents are so fucking un /fa/ and pig disgusting unattractive.

Americans...how do you feel about having the WORST accent in the world, it's fucking vulgar.

>> No.7458946

Don't know. Ask your women.


>> No.7458953

How can I see who sees my Tumblr likes?

>> No.7458982

>/fit/ here, everyone over there loves this dude


hes a pseudo intellectual hack and he doesnt know shit

h8 to say it
he just appeals to SOME of fit because they think hes alpha

>> No.7459042

People cant.

Woah, nobody thinks hes alpha, he gives pretty good advice though. He's pretty well received over there, maybe not to scrawny white British boys.

>> No.7459047

he gives more shitty advice that he does good advice

>> No.7459064

Like what? You are like 1/8th his size anyway so your kinda critiquing from a position under him.

>> No.7459078

typical brotard logic

>> No.7459125
File: 1.24 MB, 1772x1181, tigran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate pls

>> No.7459134


sorry tinfoil

>> No.7459150

ty i'm sure ur a qt ;]

>> No.7459179


This is a segment of a short story that is being written between a friend and I.

>> No.7459213




>> No.7459253

Would "the right to speak" be a good start?

>> No.7459286

S/o shelley m

>> No.7459360

rate my voice

>> No.7459366

just letting you know, when you hear yourself talk it sounds deeper than it actually is.

>> No.7459400

I'd just like to point out that I used to be a singer, and this is pretty much exactly like one of our vocal drills to hit those low notes

>> No.7459433

It's the other way around for me, I always thought I didn't have a deep voice until I listened to some recordings of myself.

>> No.7459482

post fit

>> No.7459573

rate my voice


>> No.7459591

sick beatbox niggah

>> No.7461112

just got home from work, how hasnt this 404'd?

i'll post one tomorrow if for some reason this is still up anon

>> No.7461333


This is /fa/ nigg

>> No.7461424

>tfw my voice can't be heard over other people in a conversation.

I have a pretty deep voice and I enunciate well but it just doesn't seem to carry past my own nose in a social environment. I feel like I have to shout to get myself heard. Although people have told me I have a good presentation voice 'cause I can fill the room with my voice as long as everyone is quiet.

>> No.7461879

>diagnosed with cancer mid-teens
>halfway through braces at the time, had to have them removed
>stuck a metal wire behind my bottom teeth and given a retainer
>Never use retainer because 14 and other things to worry about
>6 years later
>awkward asymmetrical smile with too many dimples
>slight trouble speaking, slur a tiny bit and have mild troubles with enunciating some sounds, mouth doesn't move much when talking
>don't want braces for another 2 years when I'm 20

Fuck this shit, seriously

>> No.7461887

>stuck a metal wire behind my bottom teeth

wow i have that too, but on one of the teeth it like got broken off and now one of teeth is slightly pushed out

it's hardly noticeable though so the dentist really dont give a shit yet.

>> No.7461949

Similar experience here. Go get braces, I got mine at ...17 or 18, four years after my previous treatment was cancelled, had to get two teeth pulled to make room for my overbite to move back. I had them for another three or four years until I was 21. Yes, braces with 20 are shitty, but it's worth it in the long run.

>> No.7461971

Yawning like a motherfucker, according to Morgan Freeman. Relaxes the vocal chords.

>> No.7461999

i-it's okay you can still be my gf, a-are u in london??

>> No.7462001



>> No.7462004

>deep monotone voice

I just want some personality in my voice, how do I get out of robot mode

>> No.7462028

>you will never have that naturally hoarse voice that makes girls throw yourself over you

>> No.7462029

Are you guys serious?

>> No.7462032

how do I english

>> No.7462051



>> No.7462055
File: 181 KB, 363x321, 1378619396336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never talk like Ryan Gosling in Drive

>> No.7462066
File: 66 KB, 180x160, dab6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's a hoarse voice?

>> No.7462068


>> No.7462104

>you'll never get that batman swag

>> No.7462295

requesting pics of tinfoil and gf pls

>> No.7462704

so slavic
bun duddy

>> No.7462812

I am also a 5'8 pretty boy and my voice is deep as fuck.

>> No.7462855

your voice sounds like a friend of mine, but the way you talk definitely has that gay ... accent (?) to it. idk what else to call it. you should post another one with you trying to do an accent, like a southern accent or a boston accent or something like that.

>> No.7462983


>> No.7463001
File: 282 KB, 800x609, 1379049069202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a great feeling, singing along with Tom Waits songs after a night of drinking and smoking.
Such a shame that that voice goes away as the day goes on.

>> No.7464104
File: 1.67 MB, 2448x3264, 20131222_152854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the shitty fit guys, i'm actually just a poorfag from /a/, but i think i do ok.


>> No.7464132

So.... Did you just remove a cock out of your mouth? You fucking homo.

>> No.7464140

8/10 pretty sexy, would listen to a book reading.

>> No.7464150

I want to punch your face because of face/10.

>> No.7464683


>> No.7464750

I came here for pics.

Where are the pics?

>> No.7464963

>some books by Patsy Rodenburg
Any specific names?

>> No.7466037
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>> No.7466137



I'm not a fan of my voice really.
Ratings much obliged :]

>> No.7466158

i feel like u were trying too hard, and it would sound better if you were not trying so hard.

>> No.7466759

It's the sss

>> No.7466792

Your voice proper is fine.
You just need to speak with more inflection. The monotone is off putting.

>> No.7467027

hard to tell when you're reading.

you sound like you have a lot of facial hair

>> No.7467051

tfw fucked up accent

>> No.7467053


r8 my voice

>> No.7467081

what exactly is going on here

>> No.7467098

I liek you're poorfag fit
better than my expensive fit

>> No.7467108
File: 4 KB, 312x161, win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have the wincott voice

seriously /fa/, find me a voice better than this mans.


>> No.7467118

tfw I live in sweden but apparently she only hangs out with models ;_;

>> No.7467437

>tfw not a model

>> No.7467444

I thought they were all gay as fuck. But they are models?

>> No.7467593

That voice is sexy as hell. What the fuck?

>> No.7467602

post vocaroo link

>> No.7467636

agreed, it is deeper but holy fuck its seductive

>> No.7467647

Well, I have a thing for deep voices anyway.
It just confuses me when girls think their voices suck because they're deeper.

>> No.7467685

concurring with these statements.
Pls be in the netherlands
have love
will travel

>> No.7468766

tfw women only compliment me on my voice

>> No.7468778

dunno brah
they are fucking handsome though, wouldn't be surprised at all if they did runway shows in paris

>> No.7468780

probably only because it's deeper than they expect it to be

>> No.7468783

oh wait i did not read the 'only' part
nvm then

>> No.7468799


Only is exaggerating. I've complimented for being nice and sweet before.

Compliments about my physical appearance are scarce.

I understand why I get most of my compliments about my voice it's because I have an "English" accent

>> No.7468809


>> No.7468826

>tfw white and sound like a black guy with language skills
Sucks worse, nigger.

>> No.7468852

what about mine

>> No.7470606

hi kyle

>> No.7470614 [DELETED] 


>> No.7470897


>> No.7471120

listened to the first two seconds, loud as fuck, so closed it.
lol'd when i realized what you were singing

>> No.7471288

I get told I have a beautiful voice frequently and I've got a good mic, requests? <33

>> No.7471382

you sound like you look like jay baruchel and are an alright dude

>> No.7471450


mikey is the best and is very cute

thanks <33

>> No.7471460



>> No.7472856

Go and become a model, isn't that hard.

>> No.7472939

it's not that deep. plus it's got some smoothness so it's pretty nice imo

>> No.7472946


>> No.7472985

actually lold

>> No.7475485


oh gosh, thanks. now I'm a little confident over it. I just figured it wasn't any good because I get mistaken for a boy pretending to be a girl pretty often over mic. And I can sing some pretty low notes for a girl, being able to hit all of Ryan Lewis' notes in "Can't Hold Us" straight up disgusts me.

but thanks, im gonna embrace my voice from here on out.

>> No.7475751

post pics bb

>> No.7478197

ya pics pls

>> No.7478236

pics !

>> No.7479705

thread reported for not being /fa/