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/fa/ - Fashion

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7454701 No.7454701[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Black/african-american/colored /fa/

>> No.7454707
File: 19 KB, 500x273, digable planets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do other black people find it hard to be /fa/?
do non-blacks find us intimidating

>greentext welcome

>> No.7454705
File: 601 KB, 1280x1869, adonis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid outfit yet looks better than all of the fuccbois that post on here.

remember ladies n gents
genetics > money

>> No.7454711

we just find you smelly
and annoying

>> No.7454709
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>> No.7454722
File: 229 KB, 2000x1335, dsc_7551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thing on my mind is my skin color really. i just "do" me.

>do non blacks find us intimidating
of course SOME maybe even most ppl will find us intimidating especially if they never interacted with a black person before. that or if they only interacted with straight up hood ass niggers.

>> No.7454724
File: 53 KB, 645x773, black feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious? do black people smell

>> No.7454727


>> No.7454728

no. quit being a pussy

>> No.7454745
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 0554313201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loan black housemate t shirt
>get it back smelling like the jungle mixed with lions turd
fkn africans

>> No.7455178
File: 744 KB, 1280x853, 1387134568882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black /fa/s are a rare breed. One thing I try to avoid is a very "white" look.

>> No.7455190

you guys just smell completely different from white people. White people smell like soap and potatos

>> No.7455193

>do other black people find it hard to be /fa/?

in fact I think its way easier for me to be /fa/ because I'm black. I get compliments all the times on my fits that are sometimes thriftshop core

Either we have it ez mode when it comes to fashion or I somehow only run into plebs that don't know any better on a semi daily basis (in NYC of all places)

>> No.7455197

hair of the niger on left looks sick
w2c black genes

>> No.7455200

sometimes its intimidation but usually unless its some teenage upjump kiddo, being black just gives you instant credibility and legitness

like unless youre really doing something wrong and acting way too pretentiously, all white people will think you are genuinely cool

i'm pretty sure this is the hidden emotion behind racism "oh i'm not impressed by this guy his entire race is inferior"

the truth is most black people are way more easy going, confident, and just plain cooler than most white people

>> No.7455201

blood orange on that next level shit

>> No.7455206

was gonna continue to say this translates into black people being able to pull off crazy shit and make it look easy

e.x. >>7455193

>> No.7455204

what are those red shoes on the right called, look siqq

>> No.7455210

palladiums p sure

>tfw no palladium crew
>tfw no palladiums
>or crew at all

>> No.7455216
File: 267 KB, 1024x1027, 1386313749542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly, but what I've found out recently, most whites have secret thoughts on blacks. Just one thing I don't like is the way you can label things on race. Sagging pants doesn't make you black, not sagging pants doesn't make you non black.

I never understood showing a bunch of your friends your ass and having to constantly pick your pants up, shits annoying as shit.

Fuckers don't understand true style anymore.

Is this that "intimidation" you speak of?

>> No.7455223
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>> No.7455227

seriously considering copping those red pally's, been looking for some bright monochrome footwear for awhile now

>> No.7455233

everybodys got secret thoughts on everybody m8

i dont try to label things on race but there's a lot of stereotypes that are stereotypes for a reason (including stereotypes for white people)

nah the intimidation i'm talking about is just like how any dude can be intimidating, if they are a big motherfucker or if they just have that kind of air about them.

sagging pants is pretty dumb, i dont really take anyone seriously that does that, but i rarely see anybody do it anymore.

if i saw a white dude sagging his pants i would probably think of him as a wigger, and while that could be meant to imply 'blackness' it really just makes the nonblackness more obvious. thats the whole thing with wiggers, its like an idiot wearing glasses to try to look smarter. they're still a dumbass, they probably look more like a dumbass now, and no one is going to think they are smart except for other idiots

>> No.7455424

I had a white guy tell me he envys black people for being able to pull off anything without looking like shit.

You can virtually do w/e you want as a black guy

>> No.7455450

Social issues aside, I'd rather have very dark skin. People with very dark skin look incredible in almost anything to me, especially colorful clothing.

>> No.7455461
File: 750 KB, 750x569, 1385847344368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7455481


>dat slavecore

>> No.7455483



>> No.7455493

what shoes?

>> No.7455532


no way

i would rather stay as a tall modelthin emaciated white boy

it just wouldnt be the same

>> No.7455742

wow, now all the white guy mentality black kids are going to try to make this into something.
>hurf durf, look at me embrace my 300 years of black oppression and enslavement through fashion, hurf a durf

>> No.7455756

its the same dude from the other pics
how do people not recognize palladiums yet

>> No.7455770

like the romans

>> No.7455870

Doesn't count, Romans are white.

>> No.7455995

haha reference lost get FUCKED

>> No.7457352
File: 176 KB, 341x392, ha!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see you

>> No.7457360

Top haha get dem turk genetics outa here

>> No.7457373

im not some stormfront racist, but yeah

>> No.7457380
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>> No.7457387
File: 39 KB, 517x511, fw1025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was born black

>> No.7457394
File: 45 KB, 517x511, fw102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black people intimidate me

not because I think they'll hurt me just because I worry that they'll think I'm a dweeb or a racist

whenever I sit next to a black guy on public transit and I'm listening to music on headphones that leak some noise, I start wondering about whether I should put on some rap music or keep listening to what I was listening to

usually I decide against it

god I'm such a loser

>> No.7457804

What about black women?

>> No.7457830

Are there are a lot of black people on /fa/ as of lately or are all the black people threads just b8?

>> No.7457878

Don't let cis-negroes make you feel any less black just because of the skin you were born in.

>> No.7457922

I think there was always a healthy handful like on every board.
Something's happened recently that has made us all start coming out of obscurity recently, tho. Not sure what it is/was though.

>> No.7457943
File: 197 KB, 792x1224, Udyoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how accurate this is? A guide for colored clothing looks good on skintones.

>> No.7457948
File: 55 KB, 600x600, cudisuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a white man could never do this

>> No.7457949
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>> No.7457958

It's a lot more complex than this. You have to consider undertones as well. Super dark skin can pull off pure white better while caramel dark skin can pull off ivory better.

I'm about the same color as Will Smith, but I would say that other shades look better on me than what's presented.

>> No.7457960

>fyi that guy is flashing yy.

>> No.7457964

neither could that guy. that must be a time warp. who let him do that

>> No.7457965

That chart is so stupid

>> No.7457974

That's Kid Cudi.
Most of his listenerbase is comprised of marijuana smoking high schoolers and I don't think they care.

>> No.7457985
File: 233 KB, 1199x1798, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like cudi but red doesnt suit him. he isnt dark enough

>> No.7457995

Black people are funny

>> No.7458006

I am white and can confirm this.

>> No.7458004
File: 895 KB, 900x720, cudblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about blue?

>> No.7458012

i love this post

>> No.7458186

check your first world privilege cis scum manlet

>> No.7460274

probably just a lot of "black guy here" comments in a black hair inspo thread that's gotten people to notice "i'm not the only black person here"

>> No.7460283

>tfw I recall jerking off to tawnee stone and friends every day when I was 12