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/fa/ - Fashion

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7448718 No.7448718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> inb4 use Google, you doofus
I used Google and saw some stuff, but also want some /fa opinions.

Anybody willing to point me in the direction of nice shiny skinny pants? Leather, latex, coated denim, whatevs. Something below $100, but ideally below $80, even (poorfag).

I dunno, I've noticed lots of chicks wearing shiny leggings these days, and I kind of want my own dude equivalent.

>Inb4 "but why do you want to look queer doe?"
Because it is my destiny.

>> No.7448721

you can really just wax your own denim

>> No.7448725

why do you want to look like a raging queer though
also with this kind of thing you have to delve into the designer shit and you have to be ready to cough up big money
also can you post your weight and height for information

>> No.7448729

Can't do shit with $80.

>> No.7448967

I'll look into that. Although I'd prefer something shinier than waxed denim, I'll settle for it if it's my best option, given the cost and whatnot.

>why do you want to look like a raging queer though
I can't explain why I like what I do.
>also can you post your weight and height for information
140 pounds, 5'6"

I have clothes and pants I like under $80.

>> No.7449014

>140 pounds, 5'6"
You're not skinny enough to wear jeans like that, dude.

>> No.7449023


coated skinny jeans on zara don't listen to this idiots

and ive seen a pair in real life and they look fine

>> No.7449032

try fabrixquare.com they have heaps of skinny fit coated jeans

>> No.7449035

you cant do shit with $80 with waxed denim he meant
140lbs 5'6'' is way to fat man, thats a bmi of 22.6, you shouldnt even be wearing skinnies

>> No.7449132

I'll check those out.

That's what you say. But I'll show you. I'll show you my glistening ass, and you will like it.

I'll look at that, too.

>> No.7449152


dont get rused into buying fabrixquare pls

>> No.7449187

Yeah, I haven't heard anything good about the site. I just wanted to be polite to the person who suggested it.

>> No.7449644

way better quality than zara, which was suggested. at $80 budget its one of the few decent options

>> No.7449663

u can cop waxed drkshdws for less than that

source: i coppd waxed drkshdws for less than that

why do u adhd idiots waste ur money on shitty knockoffs when u can cop the real thing for the same price if u lurk ebay for 2 weeks

>> No.7449686

second hand jeans.. no thanks. enjoy ur ball fungus

>> No.7449688
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>wanting diabolic drkydoos

>> No.7449708

id rather have my balls rot and fall off than be seen in public wearing fabrixquare

>> No.7449735

u probably have never even handled or worn fabrixquare and are too dumb to spot them even in fit pics

>> No.7449744

>u probably have never even handled or worn fabrixquare

ya n im planning 2 keep it that way lmfao

>> No.7449757

whats it like? is it as good as they say? ive been saving for awhile now so i can 'cop' my first fabrixsquare 'piece' fucking love the gothninja aesthetic so sick

>> No.7449760

umm dude street goth is waaaaaaay better ;)

where can i buy fake pyrex?

>> No.7449762

yeah he did buy a pair of gray fabrixquare sweats and posted a fit with them

>> No.7449767

i guess u can comment on the aesthetic, but not the fabric or construction. u seem like a retard otherwise... oh wait

>> No.7449776
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>> No.7449778


>> No.7449784
File: 1.06 MB, 1500x800, 1368312169442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u dont need to eat shit to know that itll taste like shit

fcking lol if u think i need to cop these to know theyre garbage, look at that cut lmao

>> No.7449790

rofl fat little manlet...

>> No.7449799

Looks shit and cheap.

>> No.7449805

it is shit and cheap. u get what u pay for. where else u gonna get that look for $25?

>> No.7449807

that doesnt even look slightly like me

>> No.7449823

they look like the stock picture tho

>> No.7449830

lol.... they look as close to the pic as the shit on tye yesstyle infograph

>> No.7449835

yea its not like its yesstyle shit. regardless trunks would llook like a fat little manlet in any brand lel

>> No.7449844
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_2555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude how fucking new are u lmao, that pic the retard posted is some random anon not me, go back to mfa or whatever shithole u came from

>> No.7449856


>> No.7449859

post more of ur pig skin complexion and plebecore fits baldilocks. dont look like u could even afford fabrixquare on ur allowance

>> No.7449863

xcuz me he actually makes $12/hr

>> No.7449865

lmao@clarks desert boots. way to mfa faggot

>> No.7449868

where do you work m8

>> No.7449876

probablly garbage man, they have to wear high vis shit like that to work

>> No.7449878
File: 71 KB, 955x697, xcxxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight blud

i wont even hit u with the cloak leather and ace cash ;)

>> No.7449897

woah copped all that from ebay?

>> No.7449890

copping more used shit with grandma's xmas money? cute. bet that cloak leather looks baller with them clarks

>> No.7449891
File: 53 KB, 199x183, 1387104988058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying sufu's old closet on ebay
bro what are you doing

>> No.7449902


fuccbois talk shit no matter what

ill reply when u post fits till then bye enjoy ur asos lmao :)

>> No.7449901

>thinking those are cdb's

>> No.7449904

top lel 32" waist/32" inseam jeans.. fat manlet much?

>> No.7449915
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yes i am obese and 5'3

>> No.7449923

you're a pussy


>> No.7449934

getting mad baldy? thought u werent gonna reply anymore? by all means post more second hand ebay fits to show how insecure u are

>> No.7449938

say it to my face bitch

meet me at mcdonalds lets end this

>> No.7449944

seigy would reck ur shit u fat shrimp

>> No.7449950
File: 166 KB, 1280x773, gg no re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill destroy seig in hand to hand combat like i destroyed him at mtg

>> No.7449969

lol, i didn't know what i was doing on that program, there were no directions

and you got all huffy at me for playing half way through your turn

>> No.7449974


learn it and 1v1 me again

im ready 4 u anytime

>> No.7449977

trunks got mad at:

>me not rolling a dice
>me not knowing how to draw
>the ghetto program he told me to pirate, not loading the cards he had
>my deck only having 45 cards (it wouldn't let me add any more)
>me not knowing waht he was doing since all he did was play different colored boxes on my screen so i just kinda ignored his moves

>> No.7449984
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>> No.7450005


>> No.7451598

why are you guys so fucking arrogant holy shit whats the point?
>inb4 welcome to le 4chan Xdd