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File: 26 KB, 500x333, yellow-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7443992 No.7443992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey how easy is it to whiten your teeth? are there effective products to do it? is it a weird thing that only a narcissist would do or is it pretty common?

my teeth are kind of yellow, should have brushed more as a kid. it would be nice to fix it

>> No.7444016

brush your teeth with baking soda 3 times a week

>> No.7444039

hahah nice try pal that makes mustard gas

>> No.7444067

Mine are also yellow even though I brush x2 a day but that may have to do with the foods I eat.

But solution: get toothpaste WITH baking soda in it. Be consistent and it should work.
Avoid coffee, tea or yellow-causing food.
Alternatively just buy white strips. Never fails.


yeah no. overtime that will fuck you up.

>> No.7444087

White strips, nigga.

Don't do it all within a week or two. People that see you often will notice.

Spread dem strips out.

>> No.7444090

Soda is a big one, but you can bypass that by just drinking from a straw.

Also the strips do work but be prepared to suffer the worst tasting and mouth feels you ever have.

>> No.7444282

White strips. Fucking believe me, they work.
AND DON'T CHEAP OUT ON THEM YOU NIGGER. Get the strongest ones you can find, otherwise they won't do shit.

>> No.7444291

Also wanted to add that swashing your mouth around with hydrogen peroxide-based mouthwash also helps.

>> No.7444307

have a good diet, no processed foods at all, no dairy, only natural organic shit and as large a range of nutrients as you can get, stop drinking fluoridated water, stop brushing your teeth with fluoride

>> No.7444339


rip life

>> No.7444342

I use the expensive whitening toothpaste and I've noticed a difference. from what I've been able to discern, there is a correlation between the price of whitening toothpaste and its effectiveness

>> No.7444352



>> No.7444354

Anyone use Plax? Since using it I've noticed a slight increase in white color to my teeth.

>> No.7444402

ive used the expensive crest 3d and rembrandt.
both work, rembrandt is noticeably better and probably double the cost. $7 for a small tube is pricey though

>> No.7444442


Cool. I picked up a sensodyne tooth paste cuz one of my gums are fucked but hopefully the crest3d wont irritate me too much

>> No.7444691

My dentist told me to stay away from all toothpastes that say "WHITENING" because they tend to contain abrasives.

>> No.7444784

mah nigga

anyone have experience from hydrogen peroxide? they stopped selling it in sweden bc it can make teeth more sensitive but dentists still use it lol.

>> No.7444809

if you use that blue whitening paste for a week 2 times per day you have white teeth

it worked for me, but my teeth werent THAT yellow

>> No.7447359



>> No.7447388


>mfw white bottom teeth

>> No.7447394

brush your teeth with making soda and peroxide.

>> No.7447412

stained teeth are /fa/

I drink black coffee and red wine and don't give a fuck

>> No.7447433

white teeth is not /fa
yellow teeth is not /fa

off-white is masterrace.

>> No.7447439

5 minute whitening actually works very well.

fucks up your teeth tho, but so does every whitening thing.

>> No.7447438

>making soda
r u kidding w me

>> No.7447450

carbamide peroxide 35% u niggerfaggotcuntwhore

can you even internet?

>> No.7447503

>tfw smoke so no white teeth for me

>> No.7447630

there's this gel by arm and hammer that whitens and thats the best stuff i've found. trays and strips are okay. doctors can whiten the best otherwise you'll need to use a lot of the agent. whitening is pretty normal in this day and age

>> No.7447636

>tfw black coffee on the double daily

>> No.7447679

Do you rinse with peroxide? How long to see noticeable effects?

>> No.7447729

iktf. don't think I'd be able to give it up for white teeth.

>> No.7447743
File: 41 KB, 500x333, lrn2photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7447944

Enjoy destroying your enamel with all these whitening products. Just roll with the yellow teeth you faggots.

>> No.7448079

baking soda is what I meant.

>> No.7448500

thank you

>> No.7448511
File: 11 KB, 239x211, 1387221098312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people don't have white teeth you slimey nigger

>> No.7448525

They actually put fine silica in them
>brushing with sand
>not even once

>> No.7450969

Seemed okay until you got to the fluoride bit. You do realize fluoride cleans your teeth right?

>> No.7451085
File: 52 KB, 500x333, lrn2photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you first

>> No.7451106
File: 1.79 MB, 250x333, 1386057931397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mix lemon juice and baking soda into a paste, then brush 3 times a day. Your teeth will be so white they will blind people.

>> No.7451126
File: 66 KB, 500x448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lemon juice
>brushing your teeth with acid

>> No.7451144

fucking koreans: have to be doctor to photoshop

>> No.7451158

Just swish your piss in your mouth, it will whiten your teeth. Also cures athletes foot if you piss on your feet.

>> No.7451168


i gave you all the information you need, do your own research you entitled brat