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File: 228 KB, 1600x1600, Dior homme Frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7437170 No.7437170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

CP Achilles inspiration thread. Go!

>> No.7437182
File: 146 KB, 682x1024, CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeezy taught him well

>> No.7437191

>white guy looks /fa/ as fuck
>black guy looks like a movie theater concession helper

>> No.7437198

when i see that nigga imma thank him

>> No.7437244
File: 40 KB, 1000x1000, See Pees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7437255

they both do when they're placed next to rack other like that

>> No.7437276

>black guy is talented and produces beautiful music
>white guy is a walking/breathing hanger

>> No.7437290

hurr durr music hurr
i think you forget you're on a fashion board

>> No.7437347
File: 176 KB, 522x700, 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any good mid achilles fits?

>> No.7437369
File: 679 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cps <3

>> No.7437384

Got a full body fit?

>> No.7437413

>Modern day
>Producing beautiful music

I sincerely doubt this.

>> No.7437422

>Almost 2014
>Being this retarded

>> No.7437428

haha oh yes my friend we were truly born in le wrong generation ;) i miss the days of CLASS

>> No.7437433

>1910 music started

>> No.7437459

You're right though he's rubbish

>> No.7437479

>being born in le wrong generation this hard
>falling for bait this hard

>> No.7437480

You actually think mainstream music is good? Are you 14? Just go. I'm not even a music snob.


Such talent beautiful music.

>> No.7437485

tbh i'd say the opposite. black guy looks ballin, white guy is only missing a flashlight to help me find something i lost under the seat.

>> No.7437504

Who do people say that obese ape is beautiful? She waves her hand and jiggles fat everywhere

>> No.7437505

you best b trollin blud

>> No.7437525
File: 35 KB, 416x300, _44091258_beards11416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

pic is me cringing

>> No.7437529

lol as if the bands u like arent mainstream

u probably listen to the beatles/queen

or maybe radiohead if ur a reaaaal indie kid

u know any of those bands have sold more records than anything u hear on the radio today right?

>> No.7437578

a perfectly good thread ruined by 16 year olds

>> No.7437589

If I may make assumptions on this picture. I think there is a very inherent opposition or perhaps distinction held by pieces or objects in these outfits. It is clear on the runway outfit where the shoes seem to contradict the slim and solid color in a disruptive way with their clunky silhouette and furthermore with the red laces. In the left fit the shoes follow the slim aesthetic equally as it follows the solid and beautifully minimalist appearance that the detailing the fit in the right loses with its decorated panels. Where contradiction plays a more beautiful role on the left fit is perhaps subjectively racist, but in my view the contradiction is embodied by the person that wears the clothes themselves. Yes, I found it contradictory that a black man, or perhaps a man within the music industry would have such capability to put together an outfit. Prejudice of course, but that is where the contradiction occurs in a more beautiful way in the left fit than the right.

>> No.7437592

wher is the inspo

>> No.7437605

god dam I hate you sieg

>> No.7437610

I mean modern mainstream music. It's objectively bad. "BEAUTIFUL LIKE DIAMONDS IN THE SKY!" Or Bohemian Rhapsody, I wonder which one took more talent to produce? Hmm tough one.

The point was nobody mainstream now could possibly be making "beautiful" music. Just synth crap.

>> No.7437609
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>> No.7437618
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>> No.7437621
File: 31 KB, 497x374, 1383697406564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the man that wears the clothes that make the fit not the other way around you mean.

>> No.7437623

shut the fuck up

>> No.7437627
File: 31 KB, 398x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7437630

Post some fits then. Since no one else is doing it..

>> No.7437631

>Bohemian Rhapsody
alright this is obviously a troll trying to act as reddit as possible

>> No.7437637

Go to bed kid, you have to be up early for your first day of high school.

>> No.7437639

okay the only reason why diamonds is a bad song is because rihanna is a dumb whore who can't sing

if sia (writer of the song) had sang it too it would have been perfect. the song needs her voice to succeed.

>> No.7437650
File: 18 KB, 319x319, homepage_large.0be77b2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's safe to say in terms of modern day music you've never ventured outside of the confine of what you call mainstream music to try and discover artists. it's stupid to believe that listening to the same thing every year for the past 40 years is acceptable. How can you say you like music when this is the case? You should try pic related. It's amazing.

>> No.7437651
File: 422 KB, 400x300, 1375535109123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga is high lel

>> No.7437664

rihanna is a lot better than queen tbh

queen were hacks

and "beauty" doenst mean "things that in my pleb opinion are good"

>> No.7437669

I don't like the song much but it took a lot more talent to create than fucking DIAMONDS.

Holy shit, what am I reading? It just repeats the same thing over and over and over like a shit version of "Around The World". That's it I'm done with the internet for today. You're either trolling me or you're all 13.

>> No.7437675

i will. and i will enjoy my math rock and skramz while youll b listenng to your shitty ass dad rock

>> No.7437681

>you're all 13
>touts that all modern music sucks

holy shit man I'm cringing so hard

>> No.7437682

I like some modern music, however dat nigga is clearly part of the mainstream music factory pumping out shit tunes to gobble up the cash of kids and retards.

>> No.7437685

"Oh shit I look retarded better say they're all trolling and leave"

>> No.7437688

if u dont like sia ur opinion is invalid, dadcore fucker

>> No.7437690

bohemian rhapsody was just poppy gibberish

if it was released today you wouldnt like it any more than a rihanna song

stop trying to romanticize shitty pop songs that you imagine to be good because you werent alive when they were released

>> No.7437706

absolutely perfect. jesus.

>> No.7437701

jesus fuck those hands

>> No.7437702

No, all of you have AWFUL taste in music objectively speaking. You look more retarded by trying to defend shit songs like "put a ring on it"... Like wow I don't even know where to begin. I'm just appalled that a fashion board would like such crap over King Crimson and actual talented musicians.

>> No.7437712

nobody is defending single ladies u retard

>> No.7437720

man i remember being like u. when i was 14. now i just like most shit except cheesy fucking dadrock

>> No.7437725

>objectively speaking

>King Crimson
>talented musicians

haha alright its just a troll guys, whew for a second i thought someone was actually this retarded

>> No.7437750

No wonder nobody respects your opinion on fashion. Go listen to shitty RnB with your teenage friends. You're a joke.

>> No.7437769

Time it takes to make a chart topping hit in 2014:

2 days tops + autotune + shitty synth beat made by a low IQ negro.

>> No.7437784

go listen to ur shitty prog rock and then jack off to anime and cry urself to sleep alone just like everyone else that has ever listened to prog rock



>> No.7437795


>> No.7437809

lmao look at your behavior in the thread you have no room to talk.

>> No.7437810

I admit Prog Rock is an aquired taste but he's right.

>> No.7437822
File: 229 KB, 658x987, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7437817

1. are you a musician
2. if yes, are you even talented
3. if yes, did you go to college or university for music

my guess is that 2. and 3. are no

my boyfriend is actually a musician and has done gigs. he understands music in a technical sense and can tell you what exactly needs to change in a song to make it better. he has taste that varies from classical to rock to disco to synthpop, so there really are very few genres of music that can be completely disregarded the way you completely disregard all modern music.

>> No.7437820

At least take off your trip when you talk so you have SOME credibility.

>> No.7437844

Does your boyfriend think Diamonds in the Sky is a good song? If so he's part of the problem.

Autotune, popular face to sell, welp, looks like we have all we need to go platinum in 2013!

>> No.7437863

do you really need inspo for cp achilles low?

if you do you're hopeless

>> No.7437892

no he doesn't because rihanna is a dumb bitch
but he does like sia, and if u dont know who she is ur a fucking pleb just like the morons who probably actually think rihanna and beyonce write their own songs

>> No.7437889

I don't need to, I just want to. But I didn't get any with all the shitposting in this thread.

>> No.7437896

>an aquired taste

its usually something you grow out of when you turn 14 and start listening to music that you actually like instead of things people in youtube comments and reddits music section have told you is "real music by talented artisits"

>> No.7437902

guys modern music can be great

just look at James Blake, Death Grips and Yung Lean

>> No.7437898

it should really be a global rule of no music discussion outside /mu/

its shit there, but its even worse elsewhere

>> No.7437906

is this a serious post

>> No.7437905

inb4 someone posts the diaper fit

>> No.7437911

why wouldn't it be?

>> No.7437933

bcuz u posted james blake death grips and yung lean lmfao

>> No.7437931
File: 153 KB, 620x413, kanyewest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. /mu/ is fucking terrible nowadays. At least in this discussion there's no memes. They talk about the same 4 albums, and it's nearly impossible to find out about new music from that board. There's no point in going there anymore. The community is shit the music is shit. The board is just absolute shit. This summer really fucked it.

>> No.7437937

/fa/ has bad taste in clothes and you're going to ask them for music?!?

>> No.7437954

I'm not asking for new music from /fa/. It's just better for music discussion. I went on a bit of a rant but yeah.

>> No.7437979

James Blake is great

I can see why people wouldn't like Death Grips, although my friends do like TMS and their "safer" tracks

honestly the only reason Yung Lean isn't top40 is b/c he's not black

>> No.7437977

get off the computer dad

>> No.7437991

yeah cause kids rapping about pokemon and gatorade regularily make it into the top forty you ignorant fucking retard

try copping your own taste instead of latching onto the first 3 artists /mu/ recommends you next time

>> No.7437999

With a love of Capital FM manufactured music it's a pretty safe bet that your dad actually *does* have better taste than you, in both music and fashion.

>> No.7438008

i've been a JB and DG fan for a long time, Yung Lean is sorta my guilty pleasure.

>try copping your own taste instead of latching onto the first 3 artists /mu/ recommends you next time
but w/e I'm not going to sit here and argue about music to some white boy who exclusively listens to ghetto rap that he thinks makes him hard

okay and next time try copping your own style instead of latching onto the first 3 designers /fa/ recommends you next time

>> No.7438004

>Ignorant retard
>Thinks it makes sense for single ladies to be chart-topping


>> No.7438018

>lol everyone who doesnt agree with me listens to justing beeber thumbs up if u le agree

i guess this is what you have to assume if you want to try to have better taste than anyone lmfao

gb2 ur shitty entry level plen dadrock

>> No.7438017

this attitude really bothers me
You posted three of the trendiest current artists, and in a few months you'll be following the crowd to whatever else is blowing up. in two years you'll have forgotten about 2-3 of those musicians
get some taste man, grow up and branch out

>> No.7438022
File: 6 KB, 251x207, 1372296973125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am legit disappointed that it is this easy to troll /fa/

>> No.7438025

I was trolling you.

>> No.7438032

it makes complete sense for rihanna to be chart topping

its well produced, well written for what its trying to achieve, its poppy, happy music with a catchy hook and an attractive lead singer with a nice voice, thats exactly what you need to top the charts

or are you seriously one of those kids that posts on mongolian throat singing videos "omg so much talent! why isnt this at the top of the charts instead of miley shitrus!"

>> No.7438036

I genuinely wanted to talk about achilles lows, but it looks like a pretend nostalgia-fag completely derailed this thread.

>> No.7438039

>Implying entry level pleb dadrock isn't better than Rihanna


>> No.7438040

what are the top 3 /fa/ designers? name them

>exclusively listens to ghetto rap

lol try again bruh, enjoy your meme rap and babbys first dubshit

>> No.7438042

>Slight implications of liking Miley Cyrus music

On the filter you go.

>> No.7438045

they both serve the same purpose and fill the same niche in different time periods. but yeah i definitely prefer rihanna

>> No.7438050

>picture of Frank Ocean
>sperglords everywhere

Wow, you must all be underage, retarded or both. Frank Ocean is definitively /fa/

>> No.7438051

It's clear teenybopper idiot trunks is being serious.

>> No.7438057

i dont reallylike miley

but think what you want, i know you didnt filter me anyways, whos posts would you sperg out over and have autism fits when reading if not for mine ;)

>> No.7438063

Uh she has one good song, Umbrella. And then producers latched onto the success of that song and her fame to push awful music onto kids.

>> No.7438065

That's what you get for discussing fashion on /fa

>> No.7438071


>> No.7438072

>Autism fits
I only know of one "autism fit", babby diaper.

>> No.7438074

nice opinions :)

>> No.7438087

uhm yeah it's not like I picked them up 3 months ago

I don't like the other shit /mu/ listens to

but ofc if I happen to like 3 of the things in the sea of shit they like, i'm considered a follower.
ps, everything you said about how I am w/music is the way you are with fashion isn't it?

I bet right now you and trunks are pushing all-black and lunarcore in a diff thread. So forgive me if I find it hypocritical when you're telling me to get some taste and stop liking what /mu/ likes

you like:
Raf Simons
Rick Owens (usually what I'm dressed in)

and of course the honorable mentions are yohji and damir doma

if you say something else like CDG or Issey Miyake then I know you're just following User and Twerk

>> No.7438088
File: 64 KB, 600x338, cp_acchiles_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there no pictures in this thread

>> No.7438114

not rlly a huge fan of raf but i own a couple pieces from him
i like like 1/2 of ricks stuff
julius yes i like but its rlly not very popular here besides the cargos
yohji isnt my style but yeah i like some dd stuff but not their recent collections
im not interested in cdg at all and i dont rlly know anything about issey miyake
u completely missed my fav designers as well seems like youre talking out of your ass tbh

>> No.7438139

>and it's nearly impossible to find out about new music from that board
all your points are valid but they share a lot of new music though
you can just pick from that giant list from what's his face's top 500 or 100 albums of the year or something that he never finishes

>> No.7438149

>julius yes i like but its rlly not very popular here besides the cargos

jackal was obsessed with julius
/fa/ was obsessed with the brand in like 2009-10

especially the red reather and the sheer white colors they did every summer season

>> No.7438157

you still copped all of your designers from /fa/ whoever they are

the shit you actually wear is stuff that /fa/ told you to buy (rick tees, docs, camo jacket, prada creepers, velcros, list goes on and on)

>> No.7438172

>issey miyake

nobody else on /fa/ likes that brand
they made fun of me for owning that "off brand" shit

then /fa/ found out it was a Japanese designer
and acted pretentious about it

i also introduced yohji here in 2009 since i was more of a fan of traditional wear

but i am a huge fan of italian cuts/euro styling

you got your /fa/ history wrong

trunks is an advocate for ann d, milsurp, silent damir doma with occasional rick basics tossed about

he may, emphasis on the MAY mix in a japanese piece or two but the breadth of his lust is aimed at traditional belgian designers

>> No.7438185

u do realize everything u listed is hugely popular both irl and on other sites besides /fa/ right

u r not the center of the universe

u could buy anything and itd still be by a brand thats been mentioned on /fa/ at least once

>> No.7438210

I'd cop lows in every color if I could. Black, white, blue, green, tan and oxblood achilles lows look beautiful.

>> No.7438207

so basically

u r saying I have shit taste because I like music that I came across on the internet

but when you find out about designers on the internet it makes you a super patrician and everyone else who doesn't like what you like (whether it be fashion or music) is a pleb with bad taste

you are a /r9k/ crossposter that decided to stay one day and make an identity for himself

>> No.7438215

I mean, this is true, but I was saying unless /mu/ is your only source for learning about music it's really bad. Like, I can just go on fact mag or tiny mix tapes or even pitchfork and all those albums are there. Minus all the memespeak. It's just not an ideal place to learn about new music from.

>> No.7438221

i found out about issey thru steve jobs :^)

>> No.7438225

the only japanese brand ive had a big interest in is julius, i guess lumen et umbra a little too but im not usually a big fan of their cuts, so mostly accessories

but yeah ann is my fav designer, like seig said mostly northern european shit, maybe ill get into ccp and sruli just to piss off turnleft

>> No.7438237


James Blake Yung Lean and Death Grips are also popular outside of /mu/, and /mu/ didn't make them popular, which is why we got into this internet argument to begin with

it's okay I'd be pissed off too if I was a gay canadian who had pictures of him in a floral tank reposted every time he came to visit his favorite anime forum

>> No.7438236

jokes on u i found about fashion by listening to asap rocky :)

but seriously your taste in music is shit, stop trying to draw attention away from it by changing the subject to my fav designers, u need to leave /mu/ for a month and realize that theres music that exists besides meme rap and needle drop approved albums

>> No.7438245

Seriously Levi, shut the fuck up..

>> No.7438246

ps-I don't ever go on /mu/ I don't know why you keep saying that lol

>> No.7438250

>James Blake Yung Lean and Death Grips are also popular outside of /mu/, and /mu/ didn't make them popular

youre 1/3 right

james blake made it on his own

death grips rode on hype from /mu/ and review sites, look at how much they grew from exmilitary to tms

yung lean wouldnt even exist if not for /mu/ and tumblr

>> No.7438257

lmao nice work trunks

keep telling this /mu/ mongoloid whats up

>> No.7438258
File: 481 KB, 400x302, weirdassdog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Chance The Rapper yesterday.
And then basically all the 200 people left while DJ Rashad played a dope ass set.

>tfw jeanjacket autist beside me never shut up.

>> No.7438268

I found out about Miyake through the posh bitch on Birds Of A Feather...

>> No.7438269

why would anyone go for chance the rapper but not stay for rashad? that's like backwards.

>> No.7438272

>death grips rode on hype from /mu/ and review sites, look at how much they grew from exmilitary to tms
[citation needed]
/mu/ isn't the only trendy place to discuss music on the internet and they're not the only ones who watch fagtanos reviews or go to p4k

>yung lean wouldnt even exist if not for /mu/ and tumblr
more tumblr than /mu/, and yeah that's why he had a AMA on reddit and not a thread on /mu/ right?

u r not the center of the universe trunks

>> No.7438274

Trunks likes Rihanna.
Anything he says is invalid. He's a moronic pleb, the exact type of person music producers target to push their tracks onto which they made in 5 seconds.

>> No.7438281
File: 97 KB, 640x426, 1371417531168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[citation needed]
all you have to do is not be a newfag

>and yeah that's why he had a AMA on reddit and not a thread on /mu/ right?

like this matters? where do you think fantano would go for an AMA?

you're spouting bullshit and i'm convinced youre trolling now

>> No.7438282

I would rather have autism than be forced to listen to Capital FM every day of my life, where I can hear fantastic music from talented artists like Miley Cyrus.

Damn Miley is SOOO musically talented. Better than even Beethoven.

>> No.7438285

lmao go listen to ur 1963 pop music and act elitist towards kids who listen to 2013 pop music pretending ur any different from them aside from the fact that they wont die alone as virgins and jerk off to prog rock every night

>> No.7438289

lmao do u actually like beethoven tho

the only people who think they have good taste in music for listening to shitty entry level classical are 13 year olds or have the minds of 13 year olds

>> No.7438290

Vancouver, man.

>> No.7438292

very compelling argument
idc where fantano would go for an AMA

oh look you called me a newfag and posted a reaction image, that sure showed me!

dude you listen to rap and are acting elitist
you're not a musician
you're not an artist
you're not a designer
you're not a creator

why do you think your opinion carries more weight?

>> No.7438308

yeah i do play a couple insturments actually but thats totally irrelevant and im not going to sperg out and brag about it

and u dont have to listen to my opinion

if u want to listen to meme rap and needledropcore go ahead no ones stopping u, just be prepared to have ur shit taste laughed at by anyone whos ever logged into the internet

>> No.7438304

>idc where fantano would go for an AMA
but that was the point of your argument. a person that rose to fame because of /mu/ doesn't necessarily make them obligated to do an ama on /mu/. stop talkin b please youre trolling yourself now.

>> No.7438310

>yes, I play a few instruments dear maiden
*tips fedora

>> No.7438319

i serenade bitches all day on the digeridoo mane

btw did u figure out if that jacket fits u? i dont want to fkn have a bidding war with u i already spent enough money lately

>> No.7438321

You're such a fucking idiot. "Shitty entry level classical", fucking twat. You don't know fucking ANYTHING about music. I've been a pianist for over 15 years, Beethoven is the greatest musical composer of all time. He even managed to write music when almost completely deaf. That's musical genius.

You are legitimately fucking stupid. Maybe you should go back to school, you'll fit right in with all the other children. Except they might bully you for your shitty diaper clothing.

>> No.7438327


>> No.7438330

dead @ this whole post

ur really raging behind that keyboard arent u

bonus points if u actually shitted away at the piano for half ur life and still listen to fucking beethoven ahahahahhahaha

>> No.7438331

it will fit me perfectly
How much were you gonna spend on it

>> No.7438332

he used sum device to listen to it
he actually got to hear music iirc

>> No.7438334

even if you can be quite a help in regards to clothing, what brands to buy, quality. Remember you are still a fat loser (least im pretty sure your fat? ) who from what I've gathered, never gets laid. I mean even if you don't think she's attractive, you can't call her fat that's ridiculous, I'm guessing you're trolling so props for making me reply, but goddamn, please do something with your life other than post on this board, if you have so much money.

>> No.7438335
File: 58 KB, 501x900, GjtPAwN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.7438333


I can't even begin to describe how pissed off this has made me. Jimmies status: extremely fucking rustled.

>> No.7438338
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've copped huh

>> No.7438340

>but that was the point of your argument. a person that rose to fame because of /mu/ doesn't necessarily make them obligated to do an ama on /mu/
lel that wasn't my point at all; the point was that /mu/ isn't the only trendy place to talk about new music

and no I don't go on reddit if you were wondering

the only people who who laugh at my taste are insecure fuccbois like you who think that the more obscure and unpopular their music is the better

also from experience people who are "into music" and know about dg/yung lean etc won't laugh at you they're more open to talk about music

and james blake is gr9 to play when you're with bitches

ps-I don't even listen to your opinion

>> No.7438342

>replying seriously to any sieg post
don't do that .jpg

>> No.7438343

not telling u fuccbitch im not retarded

haha jk i mean uhh

u say first ;)

btw u will never see my raf glasses if u bid

lol umad

>> No.7438344

ehh white looks way better in any case really

>> No.7438348
File: 42 KB, 395x548, cara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's entry-level that means it's shitty

>> No.7438352

i know man, i just am so annoyed. I just dont get it, can we get a petition to have him banned from this board or something, it's so tedious

>> No.7438354

Yes I am actually angry. You've always had a reputation for being the worst poster on this board behind Sieg, you've just cemented it for life.

Of course I listen to Beethoven, because he's the best musician of all time and it's not even close.

>> No.7438364

granting 2 things:

a) the original post sparking this shitstorm ("there's no beautiful music in the modern day") is a "le rong jenny rayshun" reddit-core attitude


b) he is being unreasonably emotional in his post

i would say that 1) beethoven is godly and a perfectly great thing to listen to and 2) bach was actually the GOAT sorry le enlightened pee-anist

>> No.7438361

>not Bach

>> No.7438362

lmao half the thread u guys are bitching me out for listening to miley?/rihanna/mainstream rap but no now im suddenly a 2deep4u hipster who only listens to music with less than 100 listeners on last.fm

make up ur mind kiddo

>> No.7438373

beethoven is what unpopular high school kids put on their ipods but never listen to so that when someone looks on their ipod they can be like "yeah i have good taste in music"

thats pretty much the only thing hes good for
seig is one of the top 5 posters here

>> No.7438381


Also, many concert pianists deducate their lives to perfecting the works of Beethoven, particularly Barenboim.

>> No.7438392

idc about your musical taste

what does annoy me is your pretentious attitude and elitism. Like okay you can have your taste that's cool, but calling everything you don't listen to shitty just makes you look retarded

>> No.7438387
File: 29 KB, 302x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already saw them in that thread a fewweeks ago with ur scarf
I still hope to find a pair for $30
I won't pay any more than that now

I'm not telling u either
looks like it's going to be a showdown

It's def not an orig colour tho I can't find anything on it
so badass tho whoever did it

>> No.7438394

u dudes talkin bout the purp one

>> No.7438403

no they don't white cps are goat

>> No.7438396

Black CPS look way better than white ones. I thought that was common knowledge

>> No.7438399


>> No.7438413

Black jeans and darker colored jeans contrast too much with the white CPS, and take away the focus from the top.

>> No.7438408

pianists are fucking nerds and losers

theyre the kind of kids that get breastfd when theyre still 5 years old
u cant go toe2toe w/ me, im on a whole nother level from u fuccboi

but srs how much r u gonna bid nigga, why do u even want a pink rick jacket wtf everyone was talking shit about it

>> No.7438417

uhm that's the point

"hair and shoes says it all. Everything in between is forgivable as long as you keep it simple. Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive" -Tricky Dick Saturnino Ovens

>> No.7438422

No, not Bach, however I respect that opinion. In my opinion, Bach did the best music for strings, that's all. I would certainly say Beethoven is the best musician of all time generally speaking.

Also remember Bach had no sustaining pedal so his music was more limited compared to what could be achieved by later composers such as Ludwig Van. Which isn't his fault but still.

Shit taste in clothes, shit taste in music, might as well have shit taste in posters too.

>> No.7438424

I can't wait to win it

as soon as I saw you post I knew I had to had it, it's dope as hell
idc what a few ppl on the Internet think, it looks sweet
why do you want it
prob same reasons give or take

>> No.7438440

That's funny, I'm a pianist too and I probably made fun of kids like you in school considering I was popular and you look like an outcast.

>> No.7438441

I'd like to see a white CP, black/dark pants, non monochrome/black top fit that looks good.

>> No.7438432

talk shit post fit

u wont bitchboi, u gonna post ur little pianist nerdsuit? thought so fag

>> No.7438449


>> No.7438451

cuz its dope as hell nigga plus purp is my fav colour

i got 5k in the bank try n see me boi, get @ me

>> No.7438465
File: 951 KB, 1176x2061, 1376666263903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black cps fam

white ones are cool, but they only look good with conservative fits imo

and yes i know these are acne shoes in the pic
almost the same thing tho

>> No.7438458
File: 87 KB, 685x685, 09-10-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy dumbass, however I am grade 8 pianist so I feel challenged into posting a picture of myself anyway.

>> No.7438474

Lol another one. There's like 20 pianists in this threads all fighting against diaper-boy.

>> No.7438468

it's hard to fuck up when all you're wearing is a t shirt jeans and common projects

the only way it would look bad is if you are horribly ugly

>> No.7438471

um did u pop ur collar

>> No.7438479

only black CPs are boring as fuck

I know that's the whole point of CPs but at least white or colored ones add contrast and bring attention to your shoes

like I hardly wear my black CPs now that I have cooler black sneakers

>> No.7438487

Of course, being a cocky cunt in chavwear is generally how I spend weekdays until Friday night when it's time to hit the clubs. Then I actually dress up more /fa/.

>> No.7438489

those dudes ankles are almost as white as the shoes hahah

>> No.7438497

>pianist making fun of anyone

maybe u said how much u hated them 5 hours after they push u over, while ur crying into ur pillow that night lmfao
thats not a fit but god damn are you one ugly motherfucker, nice underbite there bow wow

>> No.7438493

fuck purple is my fav color too
this will be le epic :P!!

my resp money just came in niga

>> No.7438507

is resp money like student loans or some shit

ur throwing away ur dreams of being an astronaut just to try and steal a gay ass jacket off me? rip

>> No.7438517

>thats not a fit but god damn are you one ugly motherfucker

No. I'm not. I also don't have an underbite. Maybe you should go get some /fa/ glasses so you can see better.

By the way, this should prove to everybody why nobody ever responds to post fit requests, because you will just get ripped on no matter what.

>> No.7438525
File: 1.31 MB, 1270x714, 1386998525996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur throwing away ur dreams of being an astronaut just to try and steal a gay ass jacket off me? rip

>> No.7438523

Did you go a whole size down when you bought Achilles? Not sure how they fit size wise

>> No.7438527

I have a scholarship I pay jack shit
resp is money put away, like savings sorta but it's "meant" for school
except I don't need it 4 school

I really don't wanna dip into it for clothes bc I wanna save it for when I'm old but since ur making a big deal I might have to
this will be the only purple drkshdw jacket ever

>> No.7438528

>Making fun of another guy's looks

Pahahaha dying!

>> No.7438533

u didnt respond to my fit request

u posted a pic of ur ugly fucking face that no one asked for dicklips

>> No.7438545

w/e u cant outbid me anyways so ur precious funds are safe nigga

>> No.7438553
File: 94 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish u luck

>> No.7438554

>ugly fucking face

Just kill yourself bruv. Before someone humiliates you by posting your pictures. If I'm ugly then you're Hunchback of Notre Damme tier.

>> No.7438562

>Taking anything trunks says seriously

He's an ugly teenybopper with shit clothes, shit music taste and no friends. He's an outcast, even the woodwind band probably kicked his ass daily.

>> No.7438565

>Implying you have money unless your mommy gives it to you


>> No.7438567

qt cat

shame hell never be able to shed his fur on a purple drkshdw jacket :'(

>> No.7438575

HAHAHAHAHA retard. Rihanna's music is poorly produced and poorly written. Just end it.

>> No.7438584
File: 159 KB, 1000x1000, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought some CP derby shines, wondering if anyone else has them and can tell me how they age?
I'm using shoe trees and have polish and all that for upkeep, but wondering if they crease easily and stay that way

>> No.7438576

>He's an outcast, even the woodwind band probably kicked his ass daily.


what went thru ur head when u typed that one out

"oh yeah i bet he cant play the flute as good as me, thatll sure ether him"

like wtf? doing band practice after school cause u have no friends to smoke weed with isnt an accomplisment bruv

>> No.7438586

This. But it's easy to understand why a Simple Simon like Trunks would like Rihanna. He's a low intelligence trend follower. Which is why he bought a bunch of Rick that didn't look good on him because he thought it would finally help him become accepted. Instead he was laughed at forever more. Such is the sad life of Trunks.


>> No.7438594


is this like the new version of spamming my fits every time u get mad

its kind of autistic but hey what can i say, ive become a meme

>> No.7438598

>no friends to smoke weed with isnt an accomplisment bruv

Try-hard trunks is now attempting to copy the words of fellow /fa/-member >>7438554, nobody speaks like that anymore it's not 2004. Another fail in the life of Trunks.

>"Hey I should say I smoke weed that'll surely make me cool!"


>> No.7438609

If only, that would be the greatest achievement in your life so far. You're such an outcast that you even try to copy the way others on here speak in a sad attempt to fit in.


>> No.7438617

How long until trunks commits suicide? Hopefully soon, I'm willing to buy the Helium tank for him and ship it to his location.

>> No.7438625

hhaha sorry i cant take u guys seriously any more the .png thing is just too autistic bye

>> No.7438648

Oh god, please be a suicide note. He best call in sick for school tomorrow.

>> No.7438668

where the fuck do you live where you need to call in sick to school?

>> No.7438661

Yes I'm sure his classmates will miss him :( oh wait I forgot he has no friends.

>> No.7439445

ima download da album
i'ma shoot a bootlegger

>> No.7439465

i like trunks cuz y'all take him way too seriously god damn like let a nigga breathe

>> No.7439476
File: 144 KB, 640x360, 9814596375_c910f3be51_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought these off sufu for 100AUD
did i do good?

>> No.7439480

thats really cheap. have them cleaned by a professional and youre golden

>> No.7439491

Bohemian Rhapsody is garbage

>> No.7439503

>Beethoven is the greatest musical composer of all time
>being this plebeian

>> No.7439618

planning to sell my CPs because they're too small

barely worn, very clean. Had them about a month but only worn for 2/3 weeks

how much should I sell them for? how much do they normall go for? I was thinking like £170

>> No.7439636

45, white lows

>> No.7439633

Size and colour?

>> No.7439643

how do you clean cp's yourself

>> No.7439644

Dang. 2big4me.
Wont have a problem selling them though

>> No.7439691

you sure? every time I see a pair for sale they're 42/43, i'm worried nobody has feet this big

>> No.7439863
File: 1.43 MB, 1936x2592, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been working on beating up my CPs for a while now, coming along nicely

>> No.7439870

does 45 in CPs translate to 46 normal? it's p big but i guess if someone needs them they are more likely to buy them from you :)

>> No.7439890

those shoes are so unimpressive

>> No.7439892

isnt that pretty much the point?
they look a lot nicer when clean though

>> No.7439894

no they don't

>> No.7439902

Ugh I don't agree with the dad rock faggot but I legitimately like Prog rock. Well at least Yes and KC, but you proved your just as retarded as this dadrock faggot.

>> No.7439907

pls every fuccboi learn from their mistakes and buy the black version if you must.

black leather ages better and doesn't look likere shit after 2 wears

>> No.7439910 [DELETED] 

To the dadcore autistic shut posting in this thread:


Your thoughts on vid related.

>> No.7439913
File: 433 KB, 960x1280, 1387373929150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do, now they just look shabby.
pic related are obviously superior though

>> No.7439931

/classical/ is gr8 m8

>> No.7439955


>> No.7439964

Ladies and gentlemen, Presenting...

Le born in the wrong decade autist of the year

>> No.7439982

Yeah, it's clearly J.S. Bach.

>> No.7440067

anyone else with CPs get it coming lose at the sides where the widest part of the foot is? had my feet measured and apparently my feet aren't wide so not sure what the problem is, maybe they're too small

>> No.7440071

i think they're just generally narrow shoes, i can feel it tight where my feet are widest, gonna size up one next time. i just don't lace them up too tight

>> No.7440080

just don't want them falling apart. Everyone says to size down but I definitely wouldn't recommend it

>> No.7440083

>Everyone says to size down
isn't the general advice to size up for cps

>> No.7440087

nope, size down. Apparently they run big

>> No.7440369

So which one is it?

>> No.7440476

i think it depends if you have wide feed

>> No.7440490

no it doesnt. you should size down. they run large by a full size. i wear a 43 in all non cp-sole shoes i own (nikes, dior, saint laurent, margiela) and a 42 in all shoes that have te cp-sole (common projects, balenciaga, krisvanassche, raf simons)

>> No.7440501

nigga quit giving sizing info on shoes you don't own

you usually size down and they only make them in full sizes, don't think you would ever want to size up

I wear size 10.5 in most shoes (nike adidas nb etc etc) and size 10 in cdbs (another shoe you size down for) and wear a 43 in cps and rafs, although the latter are a lot snugger

they use margom cupsoles, not """te cp-sole"""

>> No.7440528

I had to size down a whole number from 41 to 40 with CDGxcons, so should i size down with achilles lows?

>> No.7440642

sorry dude I haven't worn converse in forever.

I would measure the outsole/insole and then email a CP stockist like ssense or s.t and ask for measurements of the outsole/insole on w/e size and model you were interested in

>> No.7440703

Lot's of shit talking about which lows look better, the black or the white. I guess there is no consensus on here. I first wanted to cop the blacks, but I like a lot of fits with whites. I am hesitant to buy the whites because I don't know how well they will age.

Anybody have pics of heavily worn Achilles lows in white?

>> No.7440747
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 25257423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /fa/
>end up on /mu/

>> No.7441195

It's not Bach. I've never really enjoyed Bach's music either apart from his most well known works due to the lack of sustaining pedal on piano. Clearly you are referring to his works for stringed instruments, i.e. cello.

Bach was a good orchestral composer. However Beethoven was a lot more exciting with dynamics, unorthodox in many ways and MUCH MUCH more emotional. You don't know what a musical rush is until you wack out a climax phrase of a Beethoven piano sonata. It's a musical orgasm. Power chords. Passion.

Beethoven's soul and essence is in everysingle piece he ever composed. That's art, conveying your soul in your work. You can almost FEEL the thoughts which were going through his mind when he wrote them.

It might be cool to say a less common answer but Ludwig's rep is for a reason. I would absolutely say he is the best musician of all time.

>> No.7442958

why does every pic of cps have them sawtooth laced?

what makes it so good

>> No.7442972


that's how they come + that's usually how they look best

>> No.7442973

>I don't like his lack of sustain pedal
>so you must be referring to his stringed instruments
>what is an organ?

>> No.7442975

the laces on my tournament highs will only go up all the way if you use that lacing

>what makes it so good
uhm it's not like it's any better at keeping your shoes on than a diff method lel

>> No.7442995

I used to play the organ for a church, of course I'm aware. Organs have no dynamics, you just have to pull out stops to add more pipes (hence the term "pulling out all the stops", learn something new everyday haha)...

But it's impossible to put as much emotion into the dynamics as you can with a piano. In fact the instrument feels very "dead" to play. Even when you have all the stops out, it's loud but unresponsive and clunky. You're not gonna be hitting quintuplets on an organ or able to put your heart and soul into the music.

>> No.7443043

Yeah dude, killed it. What size?

>> No.7443049

lol that shoulder cig pack looks so uncomfortable. It's going to unravel as soon as he shifts his arm

>> No.7443053

you faggot I told you what to do in the thread where you asked if you should cop them

why do you need to be told twice?

>> No.7443073

no it doesn't and no it won't

that's a pretty regular thing

>> No.7443157

also interested

>> No.7443167

can i get them any cheaper than £270?

>> No.7443169

i wish white college kids would stop pretending to like black people music to feel cultured

>> No.7443181

I wish fuccbois would stop talking about music on a fashion forum

>> No.7443305

I wish this board would stop pretending to know anything about music.

>> No.7443320

it's b/c p4k is shifting that way
and god forbid white college kids try to discover new music on their own

>> No.7443334


>> No.7443333
File: 564 KB, 3264x2448, shoeeesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we are on the topic of CP's, If I'm a 9.5 in vans, should I go for a 42 or a 43 in CP's?

>> No.7443337

well I'm a size 10.5 and I have 43 cps

so you should probably get 42

>> No.7443342

how the fuck do you do that with the laces?

every site says to go to the third hole, but cps go to the 2nd hole wtf

>> No.7443348

if you can't figure it out on your own based on that pic you're legit retarded

>> No.7443352

no idea, these aren't mine

>> No.7443354

i am literally retarded i guess

>> No.7443411

not that guy bruv
i just wanna know how to celan cp's

>> No.7443499

size 42 cp

>> No.7443848

pls respond