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File: 73 KB, 500x500, emo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7434200 No.7434200 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you were emo/scene in the mid to late 2000s?

>> No.7434212

in the early 2000's i wore grey dickies, work boots and black or white tees and a black hoodie

half a decade later i was in japan wearing number (n)ine plaids i got on clerance and paid way too much for dickies in japan (like wearing PBJ here p much)

>> No.7434214

can't wait for scene to be retro

>> No.7434218


>> No.7434219

never did the fashion but i listened to plenty of stuff from saddle creek


>mid to late 2000s
>not early to mid 2000s

>> No.7434221

no, never, but i was visual kei

>> No.7434224

Yup, it was autismal.

>> No.7434225

No, because I played football in high school.

>> No.7434229

Were you fabulous?

>> No.7434230

you got me
i actually had that tshirt on left

>> No.7434232

i was one. Good times.

>> No.7434237

Lost my virginity to a scene girl
She was a slut

>> No.7434243

I never picked up the emo style, nor was I really in the scene, but most of my friends were emo. They were a cringeworthy group, and I never really was part of their circle. I didn't have many friends in high school, so I just settled with what I could get. When I graduated, I cut off all ties with them.

It still surprises me to this day how I ever managed to get laid, secure a date to the prom, get voted "most fashionable". It's not like this stuff matters, I just look back at my teenage years in shame.

Does anybody know this feel?

>> No.7434247

I sat with foreign exchange students at lunch

>> No.7434248

i was the only scene boy in my group of friends.

they thought im gonna go gay when i started styling my hair obsessively.

In the end, i got 3 hot gf's in a row and they all got really jealous of me.

>> No.7434250

explains goth ninja

this, it was early 00's
afi, greenday and stupid shit like my chemical romance were on mtv from like 02ish to about 05

in2006 everything kind of fell off

and the kids who were wearing the hot topic NOT MY PRESIDENT bush tees shut the fuck up about poser politics

they still play that stupid greenday song bitching about george w on the radio occasionally

they don't censor sieg heil on the radio lulz

>> No.7434253

That's pretty cool, though. Did you get cool foreign exchange students?

>> No.7434259

Half of them were alright.
Nice ppl to be fair

>> No.7434270

Why am I not surprised half of you faggots were emo

>> No.7434276

>no friends from middle school, so just hung around the guys that were in my neighborhood selling drugs/child hood friends at one point that went to different schools
>somehow was known for selling/consuming drugs despite being straight edge and nerdy
>people used to fuck with me just because i was little 6 months into HS, then stopped when the guys around the neighborhood hit the bully at school while he slammed my binder to the ground as i was reading socrates. i didn't even say anything they just were like "the fuck did you do pussy...blah blah blah then beat him" one of the guys was out of high school, one is now in the MMA (keith Ko Kid berry)
>one of the dudes died in a car accident while "speed balling" weed marijuana im told
>all the guys eventually moved away, guy out of high was then 25 and in the millitary at this point

sophmore year:
all those guys moved away
due to some rumors, no friends "that one drug dealing gang member kid who was friends with george who died in a car accident" although no wrong doing on my part

3.2 cumaltive GPA in first 2 years of school

>sophmore english teacher asks me why i hang with a "bad crowd" "look you're a smart kid, look at the language you use, it's 2-3 grade levels greater than your peers"
>i don't hang with anyone...maam...
>never talked in classes, always sat in the back
did the work hella fast, then usually just pulled my hoodie off or pulled the hood up and slept
>another guy who never talked started asking me questions and eventually started hanging out with me at lunch, he later dropped out before the year ended.

start of year 3, only friend i managed to kind of make is no longer there.

>i see a toyota supra, nissan 240sx fastback s13, datsun 240z and a honda civic being loaded into the school autoshop
>i look around and see nobody, i open the supra's door, pop the hood and suprised to see that it's a turbo model
>eventually while looking over the cars, an older man walks out

>> No.7434301

>asks if i like cars
"uh, i don't drive. i only know a little bit from what i read about on the internet...why"
>i only have 12 kids in auto-shop this year...i need 13 to start an entry level class this semester
"im already enrolled in graphic design"
>i can switch you with an overirde
>join autoshop
>learn how to work on cars exceptionally quickly
>straight A in auto, built my first motor, a chevy 454 marine block on a stand with some girl that said it was too dirty and had me do all the work. i never said a word to that woman. i just ignored here as i assembled a motor and she just sort of filled out a worksheet

at this point, i am failing spanish 1. i took it in summer school. and failed it 2 quarters in a row. I am also having personal issues with my math teacher, who says i keep swearing (i don't)multiple write ups. labeled by math and spanish teacher as approaching "problem with authority" status. Start having to get lectured by counselor

outside of autoshop i have no friends, all i do is sleep and occasionally ditch classes like math and history

>i ask my dad to let me test out of school
>never lets me
>go behind dad's back to talk to counselor.
"you know, i hate it here...you called me in here for behavioral problems last year, its because i wouldn't socialize in homeroom...i want out"
>i can't let you out of school, but since your GPA is so high, 3.15, the only classes you're failing is spanish, i can give you early release on tuesday and thursday.
>if you can convince a shop owner to get you to work for school credit and if you sign up for a community college work-study program. you can essentially skip your senior year. all you have to do is come to me and drop off your timesheet, and the notes you take from the college courses every week.

.....did it
never went to prom
never was in the year book

the only thing i got to do senior year was go to the graduation and post-grad monster energy sponsored event

>> No.7434310

Yeah, and even though I cringe when looking back, deep down I kind of miss those days..

>> No.7434312

i was a lot happier back then which is kind of ironic me being emo and all

>> No.7434313

This is the greatest story I ever read. Sieg, you are truly an inspiration to me. When I grow up, I want to be just like you.

>> No.7434317

no wonder you're so bitter

>> No.7434324


During a man's teen years, relationships are developed that teach someone loyalty and empathy for others. Being sieg's friend as an adult would suck, he will have no basis or respect for the value of a human relationship. Years of hanging out or even dating him, would mean nothing to him. I've met people like this and they tend to use people and cast them aside.

TLDR: Sieg is a piece of shit as a person.

>> No.7434331

shut up you plen
sieg is a bro
i wish i was his friend

>> No.7434334


I call bullshit. I spent an overwhelming majority of my teenage years alone in my room on my computer and yet consider myself a decent person aside from being a little socially awkward around people I don't know too well

>> No.7434337


>into VK, especially ero guro-kei/nagoya-kei
>dress like a scene kid
>all I ever wanted to be to edgy and in black
>start studying Japanese in uni
>meet guy, fab as fuck
>takes me to Ann D stock sales
>babby's first RO
>goof ninja

>> No.7434342

why do you gauge the success of people with the amount of "friends" they have, or how many women they have entered relationships with? Nobody looks in history books and reads about men who frequented night clubs and had several acquaintances. i didn't have anyone in college either, but i managed to graduate multiple times. what good would friends do me today?

drive drunks around from party to party and pay for their food? why do i need those people in my life?
i'm not bitter. i think you guys take my jokes too seriously here.

>> No.7434355

hey sieg

you seem to have been kinda lost and depressed in your teen years
is there any particular reason for that?

>> No.7434370

you sound like a real fucking idiot

>> No.7434377

damn man, we're like on exactly same wavelength on this matter

>when people I knew in high school would get pissed at me because I called them "acquaintances" instead of "friends"
>top kek

>> No.7434389
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Yeah, I was my final 2 years of high school. I wore kids shirts from Salvation Army, girl pants, had blonde and red streaks in my razorcut hair, went to grindcore shows every weekend, fucked a few girls from MySpace, but I never got into that straightedge shit.

Wow...I kind of miss being a complete faggot...

>> No.7434392

>I called them "acquaintances" instead of "friends"
>Autism fully engaged

>> No.7434414

Just because I sat at your lunch table or smalltalked once in a blue moon does not make you a friend.

>> No.7434423


Shit's always weird when someone think you're friends because you talked in class together

>> No.7434438

I totally agree with you, but normal people act tactfully in a situation like that. Not like some euphoric neckbeard

>> No.7434449

>tfw the one person who was your actual friend instead of just an acquaintance went on anti depressants towards the end of senior year and changed into a different person
it wasn't like my best friend was simply happier or kinda different... they started doing tons of shit that was completely out of character and became a total stranger (seeking out emotionally manipulative ppl when they used to avoid that kind of person)

>> No.7434454

I think you're reading a bit too far into this.

>> No.7434457

loyalty and empathy can be learned at any age

>> No.7434464

i was scene. stretched ears. straight edge. hardcore shows. good times.

>> No.7434482

In highschool, I was a metalhed who listened to slipknot, amon amarth, Iced earth, Into Eternity, Finntroll, Arch Enemy, etc.

>my years of being edgy and anarchist
>got bullied alot
>never had actual friends

Life changed completly on the 4th year
> I met a bunch of gamers who became my friends, they respected me as I was, (one of them showed me 4chan)
>people from my catholic highschool started to respect me
>my grades went from almost falling to pretty good
>Than my parents divorce because my father was cheating my mom for 10 years
>starting listening to emo and metalcore stuff like Greeley Estates, Underoath. And wearing super skinny jeans
>After highschool, I made a exchange in Finland for a year.
>Never felt that lonely but I found out who I really am
>Made friends there after 7 months living there
>shit was awesome
>found out that I want to study fines arts
> Came back to Canada
>Went 2 years to cegep (its like pre-university in quebec)
>Starting watching animes
>me folks wgho crazy like me in a anime club
>Started listenig to kpop
>All my art works I do is about how empty and lonely I am.
>top notch grades in preuniversity
>starting to like fashion this summer
>Entered Laval university in visuals arts.
>listening to Kpop and metalcore

>oh also, I have a TDA(attention troubles), ay kind of problems about propertlyy talking, reading, thinking
Oh shit I derogated from the the subject, sorry.

>> No.7434483

I've been hip deep in it for weeks

>> No.7434495

nah, we were metalheads making fun of them. Quite ironic in retrospective.

>> No.7434524

>implying people live in a bubble and don't see things like loyalty and empathy through various forms of media


>> No.7434529

yeah I used to be an edgy scene kid

now i'm an edgy rick owens-wearing adult

>> No.7434607

>>exchange in finland
topkek why do foreigners even come here? is it bc it's cheap?
did people speak you realy good english xD

>> No.7434608


emo from 2005 to 2008 (great times)
scene for a few months in 2008. that shit was embarrassing

>> No.7434623

i'm just interested, but what exactly was the difference between those two phases?

>> No.7434634

Nope, being part black i joined the rudebwoi scene and beat up emos.

>> No.7434644

No, I hated them for destroying the emo scene of the 90s with their hot topic bullshit

>> No.7434667

just the way one dresses really.
well at least here where i live emos were a lot more discreet. they were just a faggier version of a goth i think. straight black hair with some huge bangs, black clothing and some local shitty band shirt. oh and eyeliner if you were edgy.

scene kids had those terrible colorful puffy hair, wore girls jeans and fluorescent clothing

>> No.7434705
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still am :-[

>> No.7434748

glad too see i'm not the only one. it's crazy how the scene has changed since back then. I recently watched some old Cap'n Jazz footage from '95 and everyone in the crowd is just standing there with a dazed look on their face, but now a days the atmosphere at shows is more like a hxc gig (minus the aggressive brocore douches who think they have something to prove).

>> No.7434847

Well yeah they do speak english pretty well. Finland was my second choice after japan. I chose it because of all the bands that come from it and didnt know much about it so I thought it would be a good idea to learn about that country. Huva suomi

>> No.7434856

I was, never got the shitty haircut though

>> No.7434957

Right here. But back then everyone was either skater, scene, emo or "rave" (idk if rave is one but some people clammed to be it)
and if you weren't you were the outsider.
Up until the following year when everyone ditched the emo/skate/scene/rave movement for the prep look

>> No.7434987

I was p emo in high school.
Sometimes I really miss stealing girl pants from goodwill.

>> No.7435173

No. No it wasn't.
Stop calling everything autistic.
You have autism, we get it...

>> No.7435195


>> No.7435260

I still listen to shit ton of emo. mostly midwest emo nowadays tho. it's probably my favorite genre but I don't dress like a emo faggot anymore thank god.

I didn't even listen to emo back when I was emo lol how ironic is that. I though my chemical romance, fob, patd were tru emo~~

>> No.7435507

midwest emo is the truest emo
its like the source of angst

>> No.7435511 [DELETED] 

there were a couple of them at our school, seeing them in the halls was a quick and easy way to feel better about myself

>> No.7435519

there were a couple of them at our school, seeing them in the halls was a quick and easy way to feel better about myself

>> No.7435525

I still listen to a fair amount of emo, but I mainly listen to screamo/skramz now. Suis La lune, Age Sixteen, Diatro etc.

>> No.7435582

where are all the hardcore/metalcore niggas at??
Still listen to TDWP, Volumes, and Of Virtue
Midwest reppin'

>> No.7435739

Rites of Spring, Embrace You bunch of hopeless faggots.

>> No.7435874
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freshman/sophmore year of high school I used to go to a bunch of shows but I was more of a skater than a scene kid. I did listen to a lot of scene music though and I had my lip pieced for a good 5 minutes

>> No.7435884

will never happen

>> No.7435917

Do you wear fat DC shoes, a fox or monster hat slightly tilted, and famous shirts?

>> No.7435921
File: 8 KB, 265x190, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in2006 everything kind of fell off

The fuck are you talking about? The major scene defining albums were released during 05/06 years.

The early works were released earlier but stuff like December Underground is roughly when scene played clockwork on mtv.

>> No.7435949
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>having friends in highschool

No wonder this place is so horrid.

>> No.7435951
File: 63 KB, 380x574, 1382418727489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emo stuff of middle 2000 years was actually pretty decent when it came to music.

I was never bold enough to wear any styles in my teen years. But the music was more or less, pretty decent listen when it came to more mainstream stuff.

>> No.7435961

I dressed scene/emo my sophmore year of highschool, didn't listen to the shitty music though.

Although a few years later I ended up really getting into screamo bands like Orchid, City of Caterpillar and pg. 99. I was dressed like a normalfag at that time too.

>> No.7435992

love to pley uacsprovost@gmail.com

>> No.7436014

you dudes got last.fms? ill add ya

>> No.7436020

don't forget Moss Icon

>> No.7436025

forgot the log in info to my old one and can't be asked to make a new one.

>> No.7436029
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the only two "og" emo bands that anyone ever posts, well maybe moss icon
what about antioch arrow? assfactor 4? Maggat??? mohinder?????? cmon man if you're gonna stunt come hard

>> No.7436056

did you mean derogate or deviate?

>> No.7436076

I wasn't ever full on emo or scene but I had some elements of that to my look back then.
>neon multiple colored sneakers
>dark blue skinny jeans
>short sleeved light and dark blue striped shirt
>second hand cardigans
Never dyed my hair but I put a lot of product in it. I got a mohawk for a short time a the end of freshman year and after that just had a pixie cut.

I think a lot of people remember that time period with nostalgia because we were kids and the economy was fine up until the end of 2007.
I remember people seemed happier and much more hopeful back then and a college degree resulted in an automatic job. I think times were so good that's where the 90's and 00's goth/emo/scene thing came from. Everyone was well off and relatively happy so suburban teens had to come up with something extra angsty.

Tbh I never liked the irony and post irony shift that happened around the time of the financial downturn. I'm pretty tired of it and I feel like it contributed to our generation's jaded outlook. Or I guess our jaded outlook created the irony/post irony shift to begin with. Whatever.

What comes after irony and post irony?

>> No.7436110

>tfw had the biggest boner for emo girls
>tfw after all these years i still do
>tfw i never got to bang one


>> No.7436118
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>> No.7436145
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hi anon xD

>> No.7436179
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>nothing feels good like you in red and blue jeans
nah dude, you're just normal. plus that album came out it the 90s.

>> No.7436198
File: 51 KB, 600x599, 1387319327625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can namedrop some 'real emo' bands, good for you man

i was basically just a skater/hardcore kid for most of high school
got into have heart at like 14 and pretty much went from there

now i'm just a 'hardcore' uni student but i listen to emo, blackened punk and 80s pop now lol

>> No.7436210

fuck u bro

>> No.7436222

Does anyone see people who still dress emo or scene? How many people do you see today that still dress like that?

>> No.7436238

most of these kids became poser hardcore kids and started wearing cut off denim jackets with patches

>> No.7436249

if u didnt have fringe game circa 06 your probably a nerd in my books

>> No.7436260

General location of where you live?

>> No.7436257

Yes a surprising amount in my city.

>> No.7436264
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>> No.7436271
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>> No.7436281

>reading Socrates
Socrates never wrote tryhard, It's all through the mouthpiece of Plato.

>> No.7436361

What year was that?

>> No.7436393

technically it's plato using the mouthpiece of socrates not the other way around

>> No.7436428

That's a fair point, and is what I meant (not claiming to be some seasoned expert though, of Plato, I've only read The Republic), but yeah, either way my point stands that you can't read Socrates, because he never wrote anything

>> No.7436444

In the mid 2000s I wore pink floyd tees, draping paisley shirts, surfers beads, baggy straight leg levis, thrift-store blazers, a billy goatee and a goddamn ponytail.
I had no fucking clue what I was doing but damn if I didn't stand out.

>> No.7436462

Thanks for sharing Dan

please post a pic of you in that phase

>> No.7436466

I'm at work. Maybe later.

>> No.7436579
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>3.15 is a high gpa in high school.
do you live in a country that works one a 3.2 scale for grading?

>> No.7436601

Holy shit, I was never super popular in high school but at least I always had a core group of friends who were normal but social. Like we didn't party too much, we just hung out dated people and worked hard in school. Reading some of these posts just makes me feel depressed as fuck even though its someone else's experiences and not mine. I feel really bad for some people here

>> No.7436613
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>> No.7436619


>> No.7436631

because a lot of the guys who go to the work study programs are retarded

sieg would've been out of place with a non sub 2.6

>> No.7436654

lol i was your average scene kiddie. Shit was good while it lasted. All of the free emotionally damanged pussy you want

>> No.7436661


i had a skuxx phase tho lmao
its a nz/aus ting

literally cringing at the thought

they coexisted alongside scene but it was more hip pop influenced
a lot of islandas still do it

>> No.7436687

>late 2000s

god I hope now.

>> No.7436719


>> No.7438829
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>tfw never had a cutie scene gf

>> No.7438843
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>never had a gf

>> No.7438877

I had that shirt

so cringeworthy

>> No.7438897

they're the worst dude. they are all fucked up and will most likely cheat on anyone.

>> No.7438894


>TFW you could have qt scene gf's but you can't convince yourself to date someone you'd have to introduce to your friends knowing they're dumb as shit

>> No.7438905

a gf won't solve your problems

>> No.7438954

>Orchid, City of Caterpillar and pg. 99
literally my 3 fav screamo bands

i've fucked with emo/screamo since senior year of high school (06-7) but i never dressed scene

>> No.7438980
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i don't think anything will solve my problems at this point tomato

>> No.7439074

stop calling things autistic
it just proves you're overcompensating for your clinical case of autism