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/fa/ - Fashion

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7431049 No.7431049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this whole working out is modern couture manlet nigger shit has been going through my mind for some time
and i came to a conclusion:

if you're skinny and below 5'10" you look like a girl, and you can only avoid that by lifting
ofc there are exceptions but it's true for most people
if you're taller then it's ok to be slender cause you will still look manly

inb4 muh androgyny

>> No.7431081

if you're shorter than 5'10 you should be skinny because the stockier you are the shorter you look and muscle manlets always look like they're overcompensating
androgyny is /fa/, just being a faggot isnt

>> No.7431091

Idk about that I'm 5'8" and very skinny, lived with girls all my life and they've always said I should gain weight. I just cba with all that gym shit.

>> No.7431086

pretty much, though i think one should aim to be somewhat muscular at any height, being a scrawny little faggot in not /fa/.

>> No.7431088

personal advice: eat normally instead of starving yourself and do a bit of exercice every day instead. this is much better for you.

>> No.7431094
File: 107 KB, 253x380, 1338416080371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a faggot
>Not /fa/

>> No.7431102

>inb4 muh androgyny
>implying androgyny isn't /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7431113

as a formal hungry skelly that has barely gained anything, i would recommend it. shit releases dopamines and makes you feel better about yourself

>> No.7431117
File: 44 KB, 634x471, Screenshot 2013-12-16 18.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I'm sorry but lifting is not the way to go under 5 10, at least for an extended period of time

Maybe for 3-4 months to gain basic muscles, but then its back to cutting. Pic related is me at 17, 20 lb heavier than now.

With this body, I thought I would be getting a ton of girls, which was wrong, although there were multiple exceptions. Only once I finally looked proportional did I begin to get consistent attention from girls

>> No.7431120

You're picturing an amount of muscle that looks weird in general and not the reality of a good body

>> No.7431123

I've done some exercise in the past and even bought a gym membership last year, just really cba to go out and do that stuff. I would lift like once every three weeks and when I joined that gym I literally turned up three times on the first week and then got bored.

>> No.7431138

I'm a bit taller than you, naturally muscular and that actually looks amazing
That's the body that would bring me confidence. I'm already good looking so confidence would be the deciding factor with girls

>> No.7431144

hit some calisthenics m8

>> No.7431150

didn't clarify it in op, but i agree that looking too buff isn't good, especially if you're very short
i can only confirm this through first hand experience
try working out at home, dumbbells are enough actually, maybe check out scoobysworkshop.com/
there's some pretty good basic advice for home workouts imo
it only works as long as you're under ~20 though

>> No.7431151
File: 476 KB, 1280x1096, 1387240298608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever im 5'9 staying skinny af (im not starving myself or anything im just really skinny)

>> No.7431542

>it only works as long as you're under ~20 though
Andrej tho

>> No.7431568

what do you look like now? that doesn't look overly muscular

>> No.7431788

what jeans are those

>> No.7431796

why youll just look like a twink m8

>> No.7431870

How is this a bad thing?

>> No.7431909

objectively the most /fa/ way to look

>> No.7432965

Can anyone ID those boots in OP's pic?

>> No.7432979


>> No.7432990

i agree

fashion models are skinny because thats what photographs well in clothes

if you want your clothes to look nice, it makes sense to be hungry skeleton

if YOU want to look nice, you need some muscle mass

>> No.7433155

Not muh androgyny, but you're making a fuckton of unwarranted assumptions – about how people want to look, what their goals and priorities in life are, how other people read them, what constitutes masculinity and femininity, what is sexually desirable, the social importance of height (in before studies, go read The Median Is Not The Message), the acceptability of saying something is acceptable or not in 20-fucking-13, the acceptability of saying "nigger" in ever, how capable you are of assessing any of this (you're a cismale attracted to traditionally feminine cisfemales with no life experience or academic study to take you out of that cave, right? $50, post proof otherwise and I'll Paypal you, no joke), and how much we care.

FTR, 5' 9" ottermode cismale who likes to look not androgynous, but masculine and feminine at the same time.

>> No.7433160

you can be homo and not a faggot
I know plenty guys who aren't faggots and like dick

>> No.7433166


>> No.7433176


>> No.7433181

>the goose
hey i was watching gangster squid earlier

>tfw you need to work out to compensate for feminine face/head rather than height

>> No.7433185

Little stocky dudes that lift make me nervous. I know they feel insecure enough about be small that they went through the trouble of getting jacked.

So I figure they're desperate enough to try anything. I've said it before, its nothing personal and its nothing I can help -- I just can't bring myself to be at ease around manlets. I just dont trust those shifty little bastards.

>> No.7433217
File: 109 KB, 533x800, 4796560_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no zhill bod

>> No.7433224

my god he is vascular. are veins /fa/?

>> No.7433225

omg someone give him a tanning bed quick

>> No.7433238

You get that shit on the arms from drumming.

>> No.7433259


and hard drugs

>> No.7433345

you having trust issues is hilarious. I wouldn't trust you with my left sock let alone my right one

>> No.7433350

this nigga needs to do some push ups

>> No.7433375

jesus is always /effe/

>> No.7433426

i honestly think rick would laugh at momma dod or all the kids who buy into the faux pretentiousness of ambigous gender.

and im sure he would laugh at the sanctimonious crap these kids spout. What's even more hilarious is the piousness these children attempt to exude through their "written works" with a grade school vocabulary

it's a low end shirt, you fold sweaters for a living, you get all your furniture at walmart and you only own 5 pre-owned fashion articles....you're not the renowned expert you claim to be

>> No.7433444

hahahaha top lol dan

visible insecurities make me anxious as fuck

>> No.7433446

I'm 5'8 and began working out and had a build similar to Gosling in that pic before I realized its useless
I'm now working on becoming as petite as possible and started looking into what hormones to start taking as well as started wearing stockings and other girly things while I'm at home to make myself comfortable in it, I've never been happier I don't feel like I'm trying to be somebody else

>> No.7433457


>> No.7434035

i appreciate your serious response and i'll have to admit that i was just trying to stir some thinking/discussion on the topic through some asssumptions that were going through my head and should not be taken too seriously
>you're a cismale attracted to traditionally feminine cisfemales with no life experience
you're pretty much right here as well, but i guess most young guys are so i don't see what's wrong with making assumptions from my point of view
>masculine and feminine at the same time.
i don't really understand how you mean this, would be cool if you could elaborate more

hope we can get along

now this is just discrimination

>I realized its useless
why is it useless?
if that makes you feel good then go for it but i guess it's not an easy path

>> No.7434051

fuck y'know hill does have that jesus on the cross thing going on.

what a champ

>> No.7434054

shorter than 5'10" exclusively? Because people seem taller when they're big imo.

>> No.7436507

You are sort of right, wouldn't, recommend anyone to not lift, though.

>> No.7436522

>I know plenty homos
You seem to be aware of the faggot does not equal homo rule on the internet, congratulations on your graduation from being a recruit. However, we on effay are faggots.

>> No.7436546


Dan, i'm pretty sure most if not all people won't trust you even if their life depended on it. You're the biggest pile of horseshit i've ever encountered on this fucking disgrace of a board. Now do the right thing and ask your mother for some money, buy a gun and ether yourself. You're doing mankind a huge favor.

>> No.7436557

I'm short and skinny and like taking cock up the butt. Given that fashion is about creating an aesthetic using clothes that fit you correctly and represent you as a person I don't see how this affects anything.

>> No.7436560

6'4" 150lbs master race here.

Fuck yeah!