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File: 58 KB, 1011x801, 1387096534947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423357 No.7423357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7423367

Fuck school, I haven't got the time. I'll teach myself and learn what scraps I can in what jobs I get.

>> No.7423396

>Strange racist beliefs
weirdly accurate

>> No.7423410

doesn't matter got money

>> No.7423424

lel the average engineer makes what? 40k?

>> No.7423436

>tfw german engineering student

ye sure, whatever.

>> No.7423443

How much does the average lib art major make?

>> No.7423447

As someone taking Computer Science this is totally accurate for 90% of the people there. Like jesus christ the smell.

>> No.7423448

$75000 starting in Silicon Valley

>> No.7423449

about the same i guess

>> No.7423453

this goes for most places in Europe as well

>> No.7423458

my friend spent 8 years at school for engineering degree and barely makes ~55k a year.

I learned a trade and joined a union and make 100k+ with job security and benefits.

>> No.7423461

i'm so envious of mathmatical/scientifically inclined folks.

>> No.7423466

are you retarded?

>> No.7423467

Why? I enjoy living an autism free life to be honest.

>> No.7423476

It's kind of all over the place, but the lows for liberal arts majors are definitely the lowest because some of the degrees aren't into secure fields and are hard to market. But it's definitely possible to get into good money in lib arts and any of this "100k starting" bullshit you hear from STEM should be understood as a joke since no career field is secure.

>> No.7423485

>ignoring social sciences major

Shit chart.

>> No.7423492

I'm not odorous you slimey nigger

>> No.7423497

is law liberl arts

>> No.7423502


lib art major here, about 75k

>> No.7423503

computer science is not a science

>> No.7423505

>thinks the only thing that matters is money
>one of the descriptions on the pictures is "cannot comprehend non-numerical logic"

>> No.7423514

itt: worthless liberal arts majors

>> No.7423515

>any of this "100k starting" bullshit you hear from STEM should be understood as a joke since no career field is secure.

You have no idea what you're talking about. When I graduate with my degree in Mechanical Engineering, I am pretty much guaranteed a $110,000 starting salary.

>> No.7423528

liberal arts majors dont contribute to society

what is the point of going to art school because you dont help society you just make snobbery

>> No.7423531
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>science guy balding
right in the feeler

>> No.7423538



The last STEM major who left my firm made half what I make. I mean he started where I start but he never got a raise and was eventually fired because he couldn't talk to people and couldn't into creative problem solving.

All the STEM majors I've met are aspies who think they're super smart but all they know how to do is memorize and recite formulas.

>> No.7423545

itt: 12yo's making 100k$ a year.

Srsly get a fucking life posting this bs on /fa/..
It's not even trolling it's just sad.
Btw electrical engineer here, mfw 'muricans actually think liberal arts is not a licence to be unemployed

>> No.7423546

I can vouch for this. 100k isn't far from the starting salary where I live and the companies are pretty much hand-picking engineers off our university before they've even graduated.

>> No.7423550

>couldn't into creative problem solving
>all they know how to do is memorize and recite formulas

This is a sad truth to many in the STEM field. They are just so hard-wired into quantitative thinking.

>> No.7423562
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my nigga

>not welding

>> No.7423563
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>all they know how to do is memorize and recite formulas.

>> No.7423564

I need to cite that no career field is secure? Are you serious? I made plenty of dubious claims, but THATS the one you doubt?

>> No.7423570

you can't include money made sucking dick on street corners

>> No.7423579

Whatever you guys think, we can all agree that Business majors have the shittiest job prospects. Business is an over saturated field which is quickly becoming irrelevant. I don't know why anybody would go into a business related field, because they aren't learning anything useful and it is basically retard mathematics. ANYONE could be a business major. Plus they are all douchebags.

>> No.7423590
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>physics major
>any high school I want
>30 kids starting

>> No.7423586

great STEM comeback, m8

>> No.7423589
File: 66 KB, 1011x801, 1387141060778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highlited what applies for me.
Am I failure?

>> No.7423593

From most of the business majors I've met, most seem to go into business with the intent to not get a job or work for anyone but themselves. To qualify my statement though I've only met business undergrads.

>> No.7423594


If you want to run a small business, a business major is a good way to learn the theory that you otherwise would have had to learn from experience.

But yeah getting an undergrad business degree to work for someone else is pretty dumb. It's not like anyone would hire you over an MBA to manage a department.

>> No.7423600


>> No.7423601

>having a degree in something that there are literally no jobs for
have fun living ur moms basement

>> No.7423598

My sides are obliterated.

>> No.7423608

Pretty accurate unless you're into some entrepreneurial stuff. But if you're not, there's very little else to an undergrad business degree that a couple years on a workplace and a couple short courses wouldn't cover.

>> No.7423607

I'll post the same thing I posted in this same fucking thread on another board;

stemfag from a technical university here, now I have no clue what the fuck is going on overseas that made stereotypes like this a reality, but I've met plenty of cool, some even really /fa/ people on campus who know how to have fun and party.
and I think i've met a grand total of 4-5 neckbeards in my time here so far, so I really have no idea why OP's pic even exists

>> No.7423610

You missed off

>Dillusional sense of popularity

>doesn't talk to anyone
>missed at parties

pick one

>> No.7423612

>All the STEM majors I've met are aspies who think they're super smart but all they know how to do is memorize and recite formulas.
all the art majors I've met are pretentious cunts who are getting dressed by the internet and think taking black and white pictures of tables makes them artists.
Btw physicist here, I make my own formulas.

>> No.7423619
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>> No.7423620

>I highlited what i think applies for me

>> No.7423627

strange racist beliefs is the only right one about me though

>> No.7423631

it's not "never talks to anyone" but "avoids talking". I don't enjoy meeting new people but around my friends I'm fairly popular.

>> No.7423635

Short answer? Yes.

Longer answer? Unless you're in some very prestigious school, yeah. You have to be very sociable to do well as a liberal arts guy, be able to suck up to a multitude of people, and just be remembered. If you hate talking to people, that will almost never be the case.

>> No.7423641

of course

>> No.7423649


Pretentious is another word for "you intimidate me"

It's unsurprising that a socially inept STEM major would be intimidated by someone who can talk without stuttering or resorting to memespeak to establish a connection with the interviewer.

For job that you're qualified to take, you are easily replaced by someone from India or Malaysia who is just as awkward at English, has just as many social barriers as you, but who can and will work remotely at a discount.

Sorry about your disability.

>> No.7423653

that's what I was afraid of.

>> No.7423655


what is "strange racist beliefs"

>> No.7423656

Doesn't mean you're missed at parties.
If it's just you and your circle, it's not a party.

>> No.7423663

>Pretentious is another word for "you intimidate me"
I play 5 instruments, people who call themselves musicians and only play guitar and listen to Radiohead all day are pretentious to me. Please tell me how that makes them intimidating to me.

>> No.7423667
File: 53 KB, 1011x801, stemfagfromtechuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and oh here's what applies to me I guess

>> No.7423671

Let's make this simple:

Experience TRUMPS Education

A manager will happily hire somebody with respectable work ethic. If your work experience is relevant to your particular field, even more perfect.

In fact, this is why internships are so fucking important. The two summers that you spent working at Target isn't going to land you a job in Toyota's engineering department. Working a part time job on campus isn't going to land you a comfy job at Google.

Get the idea? Work experience matters, because a degree is essentially USELESS.

All of this undergrad degree snobbery is bullshit.

>> No.7423675
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You sir, make sense to me
College is a scam
have a cigar

>> No.7423684


I'm not sure as I don't work in the music field. If your 5 instruments somehow help you function better in a professional setting, more power to you.

>> No.7423688

>liberal arts student
>never alone

thats worse than being alone all the time, fuckin kids these days dont know how to handle being by themselves for a bit, theyre so dependent on others

>> No.7423693

Real talk man.

>> No.7423698

But I need to mention that in this day and age, a degree is still essential. So don't put off school.

The best game plan is to balance school and a part time job on campus. This minor work experience can look good on your resume, and it may land you an internship. With that internship, you can put your foot in the door and get the job you want. It's A to B to C.

Guys are all about guts, you all need to work your asses off.

>> No.7423702

halfway between liberal arts and science
more socially adept than a hard science major but still odd/awkward in some ways

>> No.7423704

Archis trump all. suck my hard working, aesthetic, extremely cultured dick.

>> No.7423715


>feeling so insecure that you actually have to respond


>> No.7423717
File: 2.13 MB, 500x281, 1384750541737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>software engineering student
>hung out with fashion majors at party with gf
>fit in with them
>20 minute conversation about fjallraven with girl who had a kanken
>gf actually got jealous over it
>mfw superior patrician who is also rationally intelligent

>> No.7423727



>> No.7423741

this is such shitty advice. you dont need work experience when you have a patrician degree.

>> No.7423742

>fashion majors
isnt this the equivalent to canada goose

>> No.7423750

I don't own one. I own the rucksack no.21. The girl had just visited europe and was telling me about it. It doesn't take much to dress better than everyone else in phoenix az. I'm also handsome, tall, with a good body, and my iq is 124. I just walk around being better than everyone else.

>> No.7423754

what is god tier STEM choice then

>> No.7423757

is this b8

>> No.7423758

post fit

>> No.7423761

>not studying graphic design

>> No.7423766


Anyone from a decent institution that forces you to take serious humanities courses in which writing, speaking, and abstract thinking skills are taught. Not just Big Football State where they make you write a shitty essay for English 101 and then let you memorize math problems while slamming irish car bombs for the next 3 and 1/2 years.

>> No.7423772

yeah, it's always kids who are still in school who engage in this dickwaving about majors. they've never been in the real world so they don't understand how shit actually works

>> No.7423775

lol arts/science double degree

>> No.7423780

Ha. You're a funny one.

Prolly isn't the same guy though.

>> No.7423789


>tips fedora

>> No.7423790

how can you have a fucking 20 minute convo about fjallraven?

>> No.7423791

top lel

keep telling yourself that as you enjoy your completely fucking useless degree. for real, a liberal arts degree means jack shit. there are tons of artists/designers who are successful w/o a degree. if a liberal arts major had "bright academic future" he wouldn't be a liberal arts major, he'd be doing something productive.

>> No.7423799

No, people here dress so terribly that all you have to do is buy clothes that fit and match and not be fat and you are better than everyone else. I'm 6'2" and 180lbs at 14%bf which is better than probably 97% of guys around town. You don't need to be perfect to be better than most people. Most people are shit.

>> No.7423813
File: 394 KB, 581x1087, 2013-12-08 20.35.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my cb, nerd. All my friends are as arrogant as I am, stem kids who aren't socially retarded are all this narcissistic.

>> No.7423814

Great definition of a fuccboi bruv.

>> No.7423821
File: 11 KB, 191x263, 1383673845604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineering student here.
>live in Cambridge, $500,000~ condo
>family friend owner=no rent
>internship with DARPA
>work with a robotics company in Boston
>military budget money
>good enough to sit in at gigs with jazz professors from Berklee
>6' 2", blonde haired, blue-eyed
>mfw all engineering stereotypes are wrong

>> No.7423828

Your opinion means nothing to me because I already assume I'm better than you.

>> No.7423835

We should all strive to be Aryan engineering students. You are an inspiration to us all.

>> No.7423838


Is that the company that's making those terrifying metal gear dogs?

>> No.7423845

Jazz professors actually exist?

>> No.7423852
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They make everything evil. /fa/ is too young to remember TIA but it was all this Snowden shit before all this Snowden shit was an itch in all this Snowden shit's dad's nuts.

>> No.7423877

my fits are still horrible though
Yes, I'm more into the flying drone business though, I want to be on the frontier when they hit the domestic market
extremely talented people, no one really cares to listen though, means they find money in teaching
not evil, a necessary step towards a better world, sure there will be a lot of horrible use with these toys, but to us, we are just leading the way to a brighter future

>> No.7423883

>not evil, a necessary step towards a better world, sure there will be a lot of horrible use with these toys, but to us, we are just leading the way to a brighter future

You're a funny guy. Kill me last, please?

>> No.7423895

Meh, the delusion that you're improving the world feeds your urge to move the world forward I suppose.

>> No.7423905


lolwut of course

>> No.7423903

I have a decent product manager position in GAP Inc. It's not the best job, but the pay is nice, and I like the people I work with. I got the job through various internships that I worked during my undergrad. I never did a master's program.

>> No.7423943
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I'm improving my world by making money, having interesting work.
I'm improving the world by introducing new technology that will lead to further innovations. This may sound incredibly autistic, but I see one of the biggest goals of humanity as to leave the solar system before it becomes inhabitable, whenever that may come. I think it is achievable, we have millions if not billions of years, but we are still in this barbaric era, where people are willing to impede scientific progress/kill each other, albeit there are great countries and forerunners to the next step.

>> No.7423977

>2013 moving into 2014
>people still not majoring in a STEM field
Lmao, you're not doing yourself any favors.

>> No.7423989

Moving forward =/= moving towards a better place.

>> No.7424002

they also developed this thing called the internet

>> No.7424007

Study whatever you want, in the end it's all futile as you will never become itslavishbitch

>> No.7424005

top lel

>> No.7424009

It's called ARPANET.

>> No.7424017
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>> No.7424024

So American.

>> No.7424028

god, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.7424038

You're so fucking stupid.

>> No.7424053

That's not what the word means in that context you dimwit

>> No.7424055
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>> No.7424095

Souls aren't real and there is nothing special about living like animals and dying like flies. You're a romanticist and a fool. I actually value life while it lasts. Nature is cruel and teaches us nothing.

>> No.7424113


>> No.7424117

>nature is cruel
spoken like a true romanticist

>> No.7424127

>but muh progress

You are all so amazingly short-sighted. It's good to know that at least in academia this retarded school of thought is finally going out of style.

>> No.7424136
File: 231 KB, 617x812, bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why need people when i can be on 4chan, watch 30somethings on sufu shitting on each other, and post all my yoox fits

>> No.7424142

>teaches us nothing

Natural science, anyone?

>> No.7424147

Go get the plague or polio, or go try to live in the wilderness without technology or outside contact. Go walk to the other side of your country. Make your clothes from start to finish. There is nothing good about living without technology. Nothing. You are a romanticist, a fool.

>> No.7424154

facts are constructed
there are cooler facts to construct than those based on the myth of "nature".

>> No.7424162

>not being an emulation of nature

The levels of alienation are too high here.

>> No.7424174

Facts are observed, not constructed. Theories and explanations are constructed.

>> No.7424184

observation is never neutral, it's based on theories, myths, and culture, even mechanical objectivity is.

>> No.7424185

I am the engineer-man, the closest personification you could possibly give to nature is "indifferent." Romanticists aren't fools either. You're pretty naive, but that's fine, it takes time to get over yourself.

>> No.7424189

I know that, retard. He is one of those faggots who think that life was better 500 years ago. We have learned much from the inventions of evolution. I was speaking about how to live. Animals live like shit.

>> No.7424204

They're complete idiots. "Will it work" is more important than "do I like it".

>> No.7424196

please don't use such expressions as "how to live" when you're actually talking about comfort and safety.

>> No.7424199

I guess that works if you think of language as a basic system of metaphors, but take the following scenario into consideration:

An object is dropped. The object falls.

It's as neutral as it gets, although I suppose you could chalk up the observation as being a tad too attuned to our sense of gravity.

>> No.7424201

I don't believe that you sack of shit, I believe and PRACTICE the opposite. Animals don't live like shit either you muff cabbage.

>> No.7424209

>not doing what makes you happy


>> No.7424211

They live like shit.

>> No.7424214

>inventions of evolution

Are you one of those rhetorically challenged STEM majors I hear so much about?

>> No.7424221

it's as neutral as it gets, and you won't be able to get anything that can be called "science" without a heavy dose of interpretation and mythology.

And no, actually it's attuned to something else, since you're considering that the object is performing the action of falling (that's at least what language suggests) rather than undergoing gravity.

>> No.7424229

why try to make something that works if you don't like the result?

>> No.7424234

We're not talking about science, we're talking about facts. And the fact is, the object fell.

I could say that in whichever other language I could find, it still wouldn't change the fact that the object fell. It's observable, regardless of your pre-conceptions about gravity or downward acceleration or natural states or whatever.

Facts do exist.

>> No.7424235

>An object is dropped. The object falls.
not on my planet.

>> No.7424239

I'm implying that what he likes doesn't work. You should have been able to pick up on that.

>> No.7424252

what you're talking about is a phenomenon.
A fact would be "objects usually fall". Then you have laws.

>> No.7424258

if he likes it, it means it works

>> No.7424273

I hate people like you. When communicating to other humans who live on earth it's assumed that they can understand what you're trying to say. There is no reason to think in terms of communicating to a blank slate. It's insulting.

>> No.7424271

how in the hell did you infer that from my post. it has nothing to do with souls or nature

>> No.7424272

Facts are a very broad thing. I'm not too sure we're working with the same definition of "fact" here.

Still, I'm defining as either a real occurrence or event, or as information based on true sources.

>> No.7424283

No, it doesn't if he likes it it means he likes the idea of it and it works in his head. His head isn't reality. That's what romanticism is.

>> No.7424291

a paper plane is an object and they more often than not go up initially.

>muh observation
>muh phenomenon

>> No.7424292

That's how every anti tech fag I have ever met is.

>> No.7424307

I didn't take philosophy. I took critical thinking.

>> No.7424299

We're not having a regular conversation on the curbside about the weather or cars or whatever. We're arguing epidemiological definitions here. It's acceptable.

You just sound like someone who's butthurt about being failed in an introductory philosophy course.

>> No.7424312

and people like you mix up words and definitions until they need to go through very lengthy explanations to actually communicate ideas.
We were talking about science, so I'm talking about science facts.
Anyway, facts, by etymology at least, are made up. Not entirely since there are phenomena, but still made-up, insofar as they can only be understood within the framework of a theory and a language (as in, a system of symbols and references).

>> No.7424313

It's called intelligent conversation. I don't know why you're so offended by it. Probably because you don't know what you're talking about since you haven't taken a physics course since 11th grade (or ever).

>> No.7424314


Uh, did you mean "epistemological"?

>> No.7424321

...I did.

>> No.7424323

>his head isn't reality
reality is a myth, you should be aware of that if your ambition is to make some science.

>> No.7424342

>all this shit about a falling object
>not just writing down the lagrangian, deriving the equations of motion, and calling it a day


>> No.7424338

It shows. They use the term so loosely these days.

Facts aren't understood merely through frameworks of language, they are instinctive in so many ways. If that were the case, phenomena also would suffer from the same problem (for we're looking at them from at least one framework, and that would be time, as in things occurring linearly).

If everything is understood through a framework, does that framework really exist?

>> No.7424339

why did you assume i was anti-tech? nothing in my post implies such a position, let alone the stuff you cooked up about me about souls and nature.

>> No.7424362

No, it isn't it's just being annoying. I'm a software engineering major. Who cares about defining if it falls or is dropped. It doesn't matter if what happened is understood. It moved toward the center of the earth based on observed and understood patterns. We fucking get it, move on.

>> No.7424383

You kids are so alienated, wow. I get that you might not have time to devote to this professionally or academically, but the least you could do is be aware that there might be problems with the definitions here. In the most basic levels of what is now called "science".

>> No.7424379

it only "really" exists depending on the framework in which you're working.

and language doesn't stop at communication, it's also very instinctual. So yes, phenomena, insofar as they depend upon an observer to "exist" suffer from a similar, even if less consequential, problem.

But then again it's only a problem if your conceptual scheme is mostly based on the assumption that there is such a thing as a stable, exterior, objective reality. Which most scientists don't really give a fuck about anymore. Most of science these days is focused on engineering, not upon a quasi-mystical view of nature.

>> No.7424381

>who cares about defining if it falls or is dropped

uh, einstein and the entire field of relativity cares

>> No.7424387

>I'm a software engineering major
This explains everything

>> No.7424388

Shoot yourself and pretend in your head you didn't. Report back to me about if what happened was real or not.

>> No.7424393

but here's the thing: the patterns only make sense in your language, the center of the earth only exists in your worldview.

your massive assumptions are the reason why people constantly fuck up when placed in unfamiliar social environments.

>> No.7424398

Define the problem where it matters. In this case it doesn't so move on. We've already defined gravity between objects, this argument is a complete waste of time. Move on.

>> No.7424409

You know I've actually considered it, but in my scheme of things I have to first go through several shifts of paradigm before attempting ritual suicide and transcending reality.
By the time I do that, I probably won't care anymore about proving anything to anyone.

>> No.7424410

all arguments are a waste of time lmao. why are you so upset. fuck you must be insufferable irl.

>no no im right youre wrong whatever it doesnt even matter anyway!!111

>> No.7424422

Of course it doesn't matter, our points have merely been critical from the beginning of the conversation, the only thing that matters is putting our assumptions to the test of critical thinking.

>> No.7424423

Nigga if 124 is high for Arizona I better get over there and feel real good bout myself

>> No.7424420

I've not communicated with an alien before. But if I do I'll keep your advice in mind.

>> No.7424425

The entire notion of reality and metaphysics is flawed. As long as something like the conceivability-possibility principle is almost universally accepted, there will be problems with philosophy.

I'll think about what you said.

>> No.7424433

You mean you haven't tried to take an order from a waiter who couldn't figure out what the fuck you meant due to your lack of culinary vocabulary? Or some similar situation?

>> No.7424435

>Define the problem where it matters.

Typical engineering problem-solution dichotomy POV.

It's so like you people to stand on the shoulders of giants, lounge around and trash the place, not even remembering the people who stand there at all.

>> No.7424430
File: 69 KB, 586x627, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really regret my business degree, just regret the amount of debt I have.
Much more proud of my culinary degree.
Also happier now.

>> No.7424439


>thinking there are problems with definitions in the laws of motion for basic shit like a falling object


>> No.7424456

Isn't it f = Gm_1m_2/r^2?


>> No.7424454

>assuming falling objects and gravity are basic shit


>> No.7424455


Nothing sexier than a dude cooking for you.

>> No.7424471

Compared to something like SU(3) non-abelian gauge theory, yes :3
At least for classical mechanics, and non-quantum gravity (which is obviously unsolved)

>> No.7424462
File: 78 KB, 490x700, 1349740688004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economics major here
i'll give op credit simply because every science major i've know has had a smell about them, and i only know one engineering student and he likes mlp soo ...

>> No.7424474

economics majors in my city are all either retarded swagfags or nerd stereotypes.

>> No.7424480

Econ majors have a strange tendency to know almost nothing about the world around them.

I should know, I'm one of them.

>> No.7424486

>epistemological discussion on /fa/ goes on much better than on any other board
I don't know how much I should have expected that
on the one hand this is a place where people call each other fuccboi and speak like niggers all the time
on the other hand all other boards are really full of spergs.

>> No.7424500

ooooo fuck dat mashup

>> No.7424501
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i've never met any other economics majors because i go to a retard uni, so i can neither confirm nor deny these rumors

>> No.7424492

what has become the point of this fucking thread anyway

>> No.7424510

Not really. I can describe things visually very easily.

>> No.7424503

>starting in silicon

>> No.7424516
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>still no gf

>> No.7424519

Are you high?

>> No.7424528

good for you that humans usually rely on images a lot.

>> No.7424542

Describe something that way to someone who's blind.

>> No.7424551

he just sort of did; he stepped into a conceptual conversation and got his shit wrecked because he couldn't adapt.

>> No.7424593

Food or an object in motion? If they understand distances I can describe motion. Food would be super easy. Just switch to texture and taste. But an object would be more difficult. I went to like a tolerance camp and everyone was assigned disabilities. I got blind so I was blindfolded the rest of the day. I consider myself good at spacial understanding and it pissed me off because they seated me on the head of a long table and I thought I was on the side so I was flipped 90 degrees to where I thought I was going. No one could describe where to go to me. I would just use angles and feet but no one thinks like me I guess.

>> No.7424607
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>mfw law student
>mfw i get the best of the both worlds

>> No.7424610

>faculty of political sciences, main course journalism here

The ratio of guys and girls is around 8-9 girls per 1 guy. Pretty chill, laid back university all in all, I'm really enjoying it so far.

>> No.7424619
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why dude?

do you not like jobs?
do you not like money

what the fuck are you doing studying law? If you're studying law you're smart enough to do something that'll actually get you a job

>> No.7424626

but nothing will get you a job apart from being friends with powerful and rich people.

>> No.7424631

Working hard in under-appreciated and under-staffed knowledge areas usually helps. Supply and demand and all that crap.

>> No.7424649
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2nd year uni student here

what the fuck should I study anymore

>> No.7424643

dunno man, there is pretty high demand on barristers if you reach masters and eventually pass the permit.

>> No.7424647

because he's interested in law would be my first guess, but im not autistic.

>> No.7424660

whatever you find interesting and fulfilling intellectually and emotionally. you're going to be spending 50 hours a week there.

>> No.7424664
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>tfw nothing makes you feel this way

undecided literally defines my being

>> No.7424674

STEM subjects are wonderful but not everybody has the necessary skills to study them. Likewise some STEM students would not have the necessary skills to study some Humanities subjects. Do people never think of this?

>> No.7424667

>50 hours a week
philosophy student here
next semester will be 15 hours a week, tops.

>> No.7424669

Whatever you're doing, work your ass off, suck up to people who might help you get jobs, et cetera.

You can crash and burn with a "foolproof" STEM degree and do very well with something like Gender Studies or Ancient Philosophy. It's all about what you do with your 100-250k investment.

>> No.7424676

well do you have a hobby. pick something that somehow can relate to that. that's what I did. mechanical engineering because I like r/c cars and working on real cars. maybe I can work for a robotics company or a drone company or designing components of cars.

>> No.7424682

I meant your job after school..

>> No.7424678

you should study whatever you like and want to learn. the difference in average salaries between different disciplines isn't anything to care about if you look at the statistics, and if you're going to be investing four years of your life there, don't pick something only because it offers short term monetary benefits.

>> No.7424693


Fjällräven (Means Arctic fox, ä is pronounced ae/ai, like the ai in hair)
Kånken (Kånka = basically "lug around something", å is pronounced similarly to the "o" in "more")

Fixed that spelling for you.

>> No.7424691


>philosophy student

>> No.7424698

eh, a philosophy teacher does 20 hours a week at most, the hardest part is correcting tests.

>> No.7424702

Philosophy classes have one main purpose; educating new generations of philosophy teachers for the next generations of philosophy students.

so there's some room.

>> No.7424716

Physics undergrad with previous experience in a summer lab placement, along with a 1 year internship at a hospital specialising in radiation protection. Been offered a job at IBM for when I graduate.

It's all about the work experience, getting a 1st in a STEM degree doesn't mean shit if you have no idea how to actively adapt your skill set to a commercial environment.

There are so many guys on my course who are too scared to ask the lecturers questions let alone give presentations to a board of managers at an engineering company.

>> No.7424723

You have no idea what being a teacher is like if you think that lmao. embarrassing.

>> No.7424720


>2nd year
>what should I study

Women and drugs

>> No.7424732

it's true, though, in France work presence isn't a really big deal but tests are.

>> No.7424736

I plan on going into chemical engineering and I have most of the qualities of the liberal art student. I have no attributes of the science or engineering students other than liking science. lel. I just happen to be both smart and socially active at the same time. Thank you based upbringing.
I think what we need to get from this thread is that you can't just put blanket statements over what kind of person someone will be based on their interests. I mean there are certainly trends, but it's not always true.

>> No.7424742


I teach the equivalent of high school in my country (16-19 yo)

45 hour work week, around 20-25h is actual teaching, the rest is grading, planing, administrative shit etc etc

>> No.7424745

it doesn't matter though, there's a lot of boring busy work when you're not actually teaching a class like lesson planning, grading, and assessments/projections for management. it's at least comparable to a 9-5.

>> No.7424749


>> No.7424754

I know that bro
although lesson planning is a whole different issue due to the programs

>> No.7424770

Studying a music degree, focusing mostly on music in audio-visual media. I live with people studying architecture, maths and business. Ask me anything

>> No.7424819

Not all education is concerned with job training.

>> No.7424834

>Ask me anything
When's the last time you were touched by a woman?

>> No.7424874
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Does your mother count?

>> No.7424904


Don't lie, you wanna make vidya music, don't you?

>> No.7424909

Well, she's a woman so yeah.

>> No.7424958

That would be pretty cool yeah, I started the course wanting to compose or orchestrate for film but games would be more challenging

>> No.7424962

I'm sure she's a lovely one

>> No.7424981

thanks, you're not very good at this are you. lets try something else. call me a name and then ill call you one back.

>> No.7424985


Lol I bet her china is pristine and her armoire is rarely dusty

>> No.7425004

oh yeah? well your dad is probably a college graduate, bro.

>> No.7425034


Your mom cooked the best food during sleepovers and let you and your friends stay up late if it was a weekend, faggot.

>> No.7425070

Your mom made excellent cocoa and tucked you in bed and you had sweet happy dreams, bitch

>> No.7425210

>Pretentious is another word for "you intimidate me"

nah nigga. why are you making up definitions and shit.

your entire post is just a big strawman against the idea of the stem major.

>> No.7425219

i make 30k a year as a part time working uni student. id never work more than 20 hours a week.

i dont get it making money isnt hard

>> No.7425228

Your mom always ordered us pizza whenever there was a sleepover in your house, nigger.

>> No.7425247

You forgot to add to liberal arts:
>Will always be poor

>> No.7425533

>Liberal Arts Student

Cowers in fear when confronted
Heart over head
Denies uncomfortable truths
Can only make friends with other pushovers
Often camp or outright gay

>> No.7425637


>14% bodyfat
>abs slightly visible
>abs become visible at 10-11% bodyfat

Looks like you suck at numbers, research and making claims.

Must be a pretty shitty STEM student. Enjoy failing and working the cash register at Old Navy for the rest of your life.

>> No.7425710

Having fun isn't hard if you've got a library card

>> No.7425734


lol, I think we know who the real autist is here

>> No.7428433

yeah, i'm a math student, and its pretty much the engineering one combined with half of the science one, no drug use mentioned in that img tho

>> No.7428443

90k average in the US.

>> No.7428472

Well shit I'm an Accounting major right now :<

>> No.7428479
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>238 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.7428481

>be asshat skating through high school
>gain admittance to small engineering & science school verified to essentially have nonexistent grade inflation
>get shit together and am Dean's List
>volunteer leadership and job
>am trying to intern with N&S, have stellar profile but who knows
>still have friends, know most of the RA's well
>am still fashionable cardiobro mustard race
>don't play video games ever
>never have watched anime or mlp

get #rekt faggots, not all STEM majors are horsefucker shut-ins (though a fair amount are, at least at the school I attend)

>> No.7428509
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>> No.7428519

Accounting is good, accounting will always be needed and is essential

if you're really good at accounting you will have a good time

>> No.7428530

>Dean's List

Who's gonna tel him

>> No.7428537

>Have BA in International Business Administration
>Currently getting M in Supply Chain Management
>also learning Brazilian Portuguese
Planning to go to Brazil after I get my master.
tfw having a good 5-year-plan

>> No.7428539

t-tell me what?

>> No.7428543

>feel major
>a gf I want
>0 gf always

>> No.7428549


deans list is academic probation, buddy

>> No.7428568

No, you idiot. Dean's List is having a high GPA; most schools that I'm aware of set it at a minimum of 3.50

>> No.7428575

that's good
i can cook a nice spag bol and i gonna be smashing de poon

>> No.7428585

The fuck you gonna go to Brazil for?

>> No.7428634


undergrad this is kind of accurate ok, but bright academic future? lol. the sane liberal arts students graduate, then the smart ones get good jobs the mediocre ones get shit jobs. the batshit smelly weirdos go for phds

>> No.7428639


uhm, wut? maths student here, past year one ALL we do is creative problem solving. There's no more creative field than maths. science is the same, dunno about TE

>> No.7428654

I'm an liberal arts student and I can tell this is all bullshit. This is what we tend to think we are but we actually aren't. Also

>never had a gf
>we all think we ain't gonna have a bright future
>also we dont go often to parties

>> No.7428672

F&B a shit. Nothing is less /fa/ than cooking for people who are paying you.

>> No.7429479

>8 years for engineering degree
is this a masters/phd or is your friend a retard

mechatronics is the longest bachelors program that caps at 6-7 years i think

>> No.7429573

>Liberal Arts

Never having the satisfaction of doing something important in your life or contributing to the progression of mankind.

>> No.7429595

tfw graduating upper secondary school this year
about to learn either fashion design or architecture or become a goth ninja priest
or just gonna find an easy and enjoyable way to make quick money for cops ._.

>> No.7429604

>IQ 124

Is this supposed to be impressive?

>> No.7429624

It's the 90th percentile regardless of whether or not you are impressed.

>> No.7429675

I'm 129. Never considered it worthy of note. 90th percentile should be expected not something to feel special about.

>> No.7429683

>90th percentile should be expected

do you not know what a percentile is

>> No.7429679

most of my friends have 125 or more. I have 151, my sister 156.

>> No.7429689
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>> No.7429692

Except 90th percentile is special by fucking definition. you have the capacity to be more intelligent than 90% of the planet. You are a like a 5% minority at 130. That's special.

I think you guys under estimate how fucking retarded most of the population is.

How is that relevant at all to anything in this thread? Too bad you have autism, huh?

>> No.7429713

I thought it was funny because you obviously thought 124 was something special. didn't want to hurt your feelings snowflake.

>> No.7429721

Of course I do. I meant that when I talk to someone I expect them to be in the 90th because I probably wouldn't be associating with them if they weren't.
Essentially yes both me and you are better than most people, but i don't feel proud of that nor do I consider myself to be intelligent simply on par with what a human should be.

>> No.7429767
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>simply on par
you're above par you idiot
90% of the population is below you
this means youre smarter than the average
nothign to be real proud of but you have to acknowledge it

>how a human should be
you can't train IQ
(you can get a higher score by taking a lot of tests tho)
but you cant just become smarter if you want to be

fucking psycho

>> No.7429783

So much autism.

I'm not even the person who posted that he has a 124 iq.

>> No.7429799

First step is accepting bro

>> No.7430227

At my university, its actually the opposite. More STEM dudes look like the far left. The guys are the right are in like "psychology" and shit.

>> No.7430424

I'm an engineering student and I basically dress in dadcore, I guess I'm a cross of the science and engineering students, I watch a lot of anime and never talk to anyone but not any of the other things. I only go on /fa/ because I like to look at nice fits and weird shit people are wearing

>> No.7430628

middle is accurate left is accurate for half the BA students right is accurate for maybe a tenth the engineers

honestly my engineering mates know how to have a good time. i dont. ;_;

>> No.7430663
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>be philosophy major
>embrace the ways of Stoicism
>don't give a fuck about the opinions of others and material possessions
>zero anxiety any day I want

>> No.7430670

>philosophy major
nice man, whats your field?

>> No.7430676

Nothing yet, still being an undergraduate


>> No.7430683

mah swefag
god kväll

>> No.7430686


I stand corrected.

>> No.7430695

why did they skip 7-10%?

>> No.7430702


>> No.7430705

phil of language and logic.
its not that im not interested in other fields, but youll simply have to make choices sonner or later if you want to go indepth

>> No.7430719

dude, where can I learn more about Stoicism?

>> No.7430721

Some basic rules regarding IQ:

1. There's no great difference between IQs when you're smarter than ~125
2. Most people who took IQ tests took these online, these are not reliable enough (especially when they're free)
3. Most people lie about a few points (same as dick size) to feel better about themselves
4. IQ doesn't actually measure intelligence, it measures how well you're able to take an IQ test. Some people train for their IQ tests so they score higher, this shouldn't be possible considering intelligence isn't trainable

Conclusion: Discussion on IQ or estimating your own IQ and thinking it means something for yourself is ultimately futile

>> No.7430738
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lol this

>discussing your IQ on 4chan
>pic related

>> No.7430752

Letters of Seneca is a good start

>phil of language and logic.
Very interesting, I'm considering something like that myself. I'm also very interested in Nietzsche and 20th century continental philosophy.

>> No.7430767

> Nietzsche and 20th century continental philosophy
interesting stuff, but very time-consuming to get into

>> No.7430790

you don't read the authos books to get into it. You read notes and guides on their philosophies. Then you can develop knowledge of other philosophies used within the texts. Once you have a broad recognition of theories even if shallow you should get into it deeply by reading the actual texts. I tried reading philosophy, analysis, psychoanalysis and found that the authors reference other theories which then makes it harder to understand theirs if you do not recognize the basis or evidence they use.

>> No.7430802

thats basically what i said in short lol
for nietzsche its a lot of biblical and classical references + kant and schopenhauer

>> No.7430885
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Physics and philosophy joint hon.

>I get more bitches than any of you autismal faggots could dream of.

>> No.7430893

philosophy minor or double major?
either way, great choice

>> No.7430906

Chem eng major here too - stereotypes of fields of study (maybe with the exception of Lib art majors flipping burgers) are almost never true. Of all the STEM people I've met so far there's probably a good 20 well-adjusted people for every neckbeard

>> No.7430916
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>tfw studying in cinema
>tfw in 5 years ill be making the greatest visuals ever
you just wait and see

>> No.7430967

Yup. idk where the STEM nerds stereotype comes from. I'm guessing its perpetuated by lib arts majors who are mad about being unemployed. I'm a mech eng major and there's maybe 2-3 autistics and 1 guy that wears a fedora in my classes.

>> No.7430980

It's a decent course. I couldn't decide between the two. So I took both in one.
>always wanted to be a writer but had science drilled into me from a young age due to family of aeronautical and electronic engineers (Rolls Royce) and my superego (if I could call it that) always laughed when I wanted to take "poncey" subjects such as literature.

>> No.7430983
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What the fuck do Philosophy majors do?

Like after they're done with college, where do you all go?

>> No.7430987

think lel

>> No.7430988
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>> No.7430994

tbh Philosophy is only really useful to complement sciences (specifically physics or astronomy) where at higher levels you start getting into metaphysics and other strange shit

>> No.7430995

philosophy is to be accompanied with another field much like liberal arts. It is more of an enhancer than a field itself. If yo move on to graduate school you can focus it with economics, language and ect.

>> No.7431004


So it works mainly as your second major/ your minor?

that's pretty interesting

>> No.7431109

Yeah. Doesn't pay at all as a primary major.

Come to think of it, a lot of the majors that used to mark a person as educated and employable(i.e. Liberal Arts or English Lit) are now really only taken by people who truly enjoy learning the subject without regard to getting a job in that field. Nowadays engineering degrees are the Libart degrees of the 60s and 70s - IIRC engineers make up most (~30%) of Fortune 500 CEOs

>> No.7431476

If you want to do actual theoretical physics, philosophy is a shitty complement compared to mathematics (which is what I would recommend as a minor/second major). Learning stuff like group theory/differential geometry/topology is infinitely more useful than anything philosophy can offer. Some physicists might have a side-interest in certain philosophical issues (relating to quantum mech mostly), but it essentially has 0 impact on their research.

I'm not hating on philosophy, I just think that it has pretty much 0 practical use to an aspiring physicist. Fair enough if it interests you, though.

>> No.7432597

>friend gets a physics PhD
>gets made fun of
>"lol ur gona b a teacher"
>"lol nerd"
>does some internships
>gets quant job at wall street
>can get up to 500k

>> No.7433189
