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7416697 No.7416697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>one spliff daily after work to enhance the day
>speed every other, makes me social and funny
>lsd once a month with my effay m8s just bc
>ambien when i want to sleep earlier than im able to

ITT your manageable drug use

>> No.7416708

Nice try DEA

>> No.7416715
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>Not shooting H for decadence's sake and living in a Heroin chic style /fa/ dwelling.

>> No.7416717

>vape an equivalency to a bowl a day in the morning to enhance my not wanting to kill myself
>shot of ever clear 191 mixed and some xanax whenever i start to come down
>melatonin or phenylaminobutyric acid to sleep sometimes

I-is that manageable?

>> No.7416745
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>good music
>rock music

>> No.7416750


>> No.7416754

nice pic. opiates are edgy and not manageable

>> No.7416756

its from a jehowas witness pamphlet.

>> No.7416761
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>take a couple hits of dank weed throughout the day to get just high enough as to not show it
>do a line of heroin in the bathroom occasionally for added effect

>> No.7416763

what you do during the day? work?
i believe its manageable but anxiety is a bitch.
i read eckhart tolles books and it vastly improved my life

>> No.7416777

For how long have you been doing speed?
In the long run, that stuff messes you up. I've seen it happen.

>> No.7416783

why heroin? i used oxy for a while but man i dont like it

>> No.7416793


Does this right to left and left to right shit have any kind of scientific basis?

Fuckin Jehovians

>> No.7416794

about a year. how does it mess you up?
i try to get adderall prescribed but are probably only gonna get ritalin as it seems right now.

>> No.7416796

coffee in the morning, coffee after work. sometimes weed on the weekend

>> No.7416801

should I ask doc for xanax

>> No.7416818

My dad's best friend. Pretty good looking guy, clever aswell, and got to using speed for exactly the same reasons you're using it.
The effect of speed will get less and less the more you use it, and that's what happened to him. He then started to experiment with other stuff and that eventually got him killed. I don't know the exact details, but my dad still speaks of speed with disgust when we talk about his dead friend.

I also 'lost' a few friends to hard drugs who all started with speed. At the risk of sounding cheesy, it's a bit of a gateway drug.
Not to mention the chemicals in it are really bad for your brain.
I'd suggest stop using the stuff and learn to live with yourself the way you are becasue you can't keep up this lifestyle for too long.

>> No.7416825
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Isn't being a drug addict the /fa/est thing ever?
Pic related. A junkie can't get classier than him.

>> No.7416830

aw yis that sweet coffee.
mmy friends seem to enjoy it but it gives a crazy abstinence when used too much. also, idk how to ask for xanax. it is kind of a big deal for docs. try a psychiatrists

>> No.7416834
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Heroin addicts are so chic.

gif related

>> No.7416846

lmap fuck off faggot you sound like a fucking faggot

being a straight edge little high-strung bitch isn't /fa/

>> No.7416848
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>A junkie can't get classier than him.
Oh please.

>> No.7416851

I want it for actual panic

>> No.7416856

>1/2 Bowls of weed to get me going or if I just wanna chill
>Gram of shrooms downed with orange juice if I wanna see cool shit
>2 20mg's of Adderall for the long nights of doing homework or if I wanna get something done right away
>Also coffee every morning without a doubt. Don't know what I'd do without it

>> No.7416858

>"le" tatoo

drugs is a hell of a drug

Anyway for me just caffeine and alcohol but i stay up for days working on music and shitposting on 4chan so I'm pretty /fa/ about it bru bro bri

>> No.7416862

Not 1/2 as in half. I meant it as "1 to 2"

>> No.7416865

>tfw yurop
>You just can't get Adderal anywhere.
>My student life would be solved if that fucking pills were legal.
How does it feel when you are on it?

>> No.7416869

It's Astile, the name of his son.

>> No.7416871

i love this doc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIbpt1aDFqM
but not h

>> No.7416877

I fucking lost it when I looked back at the pic and it just said "le"

>> No.7416899

then it should be great. that's what you tell the docs.
also you get hungry of benzo and not hungry of speed. there's that.

>> No.7416910

sounds nice imo

>> No.7416915

I live in the states. My friend gets it prescribed for his ADHD but he sells it on the side.
It used to be fairly easy to get it, not sure how things work nowadays. I just get it on the street because it's easier lel.
To me, it's like I get more focused, kinda hyper, and an increase in motivation.
If you're looking to get a high/euphoria out of it, you probably shouldn't try it. Unless you take a big dose but I wouldn't risk it. You won't eat much and the temporary erectile dysfunction fucking sucks.

>> No.7416927

I just want it to get focused and motivated to study. Uni is so fucking hard.

>> No.7416922

I'm worried about the side effects tho
my panic hasn't even been that bad lately but I'm going overseas soon and I think that might bring it back up again

>> No.7416935

>half a spliff about 10 times a month after dinner
>shrooms every 2 months

not much, but better this way.

BTW, how's 2C-E? it's something like synthetic mescaline and i can get it for dirt cheap but i wanna know what to expect

>> No.7416944

>wake and bake because nothing goes with orange juice than some dank
>get off work and smoke as much as I want because why abstain when I have no more obligations
and coke or acid whenever easily available. usually a couple times a year for both. It's always available but I either have to buy from people I don't like/ trust or drive to far for it to be worth it.

>> No.7416946

goes *better with orange juice

>> No.7416962

what do you study?

>> No.7416973

its the most challenging out of the 2-Cs, has very little of the euphoric stimulant effect of the others to counteract the overbearing harsh syntheticness of the psychedelic elements
wouldn't recommend if you haven't tried other 2-Cs first as they are most definitely not for everybody

>> No.7416975

its cool 25mg to the dome is the way to do it and its nothing like mescaline imo

>> No.7417032

thx. haven't tried anything harder than shrooms yet, but definitely wanna do a hallucinogenic trip. is lsd a better choice?

>> No.7417045

2-Cs are not even remotely as visual as LSD, at most you get fractals, color shifts and distortions

>> No.7417068

>wake and bake because nothing goes with orange juice than some dank

im so stealing this 4 my next rap

>> No.7417074

also ive done every drug in the world
even nicotine

>> No.7417101

been there done that no one cares

>> No.7417107


what drug has the best feeling

what is it like taking mdma for the first time

>> No.7417125

you sound like a cool guy who's really interesting to talk to.

>> No.7417129

You've never done opium DMT or albutetol

>> No.7417128
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coke, do it once every month or two with hs friends
also coffee but i'm quitting it for this week
looking to cop some opiates so i can SLEEP but can't fucking find them anywhere, I have like permanently sleep deprived eyes
I smoked weed last night to celebrate finals but probably won't do that again for a few months

>> No.7417140

DMT is not hard to get and it's kinda shitty 4-aco-dmt is far better. Also I've never done opium but I would get poppy pods and make my own tea regularly.

>> No.7417142

used to smoke a lot of weed, but i've cut it out. these days i just take LSD every once in a while on my own.

>> No.7417183

just dont use xanax often. from experience just try to relax if you feel the panic is coming. because it isnt dangerous at all

>> No.7417197

take it. its fucking nice my fuccboi

>> No.7417226

>confirmed for never doing adderall
you don't just feel "kinda hyper" and get more focused. You feel a rush through your body. Everything becomes more interesting.

>> No.7417238

you've never taken datura faggot

>> No.7417273

>a few spliffs once or twice a week
>mdma or coke one night a month
>shrooms once or twice a year

>> No.7417276

Mechanical Engineering. My city is also known to have the hardest standars and worst teachers in this degree.

>> No.7417292
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You will be addicted in no time if you try to use them regularly to sleep. Pot is a better choice for that.And this is coming from someone who prefers opiates.
Also, what is going on in that gif

>> No.7417299

If you're trying to do drugs in a "manageable" fashion, you will lose in the long run. If you let them in your life, don't let them take control of your life. Putting rationales & schedules on that shit won't help.

>> No.7417316

coffee in the morning

oxycontin on some nights to relax / sleep, sometimes I take it before I go to the bar on dates -inb4 bar dates- to help me be chill and just talk. seems to be working

i was also railing small amounts of heroin for a little while just to check it out - not really sure what the hype is all about, just lets you relax n be you

alcohol on weekends only when I go out

oxy for playing drums / gtr / recording in studio and writing music

creatine/protein for lifting

>> No.7417386

never taken mescaline but i'd compare it to slightly more euphoric acid, not stronger because you won't see more shit, just different, give it a whirl i loved it

>> No.7417403

It's reversed.

>> No.7417409

you seem cool

>> No.7417420

>people bragging about their drug dependencies

>> No.7417447

Smoke weed every day, pop oxy or adderal on occassion

>> No.7417462

That only happened the first and second time I popped Adderall. Felt like I could kill a man with my bare hands! It's great, but really, I've only used it for homework. Knocking out several projects overnight is nice

>> No.7417468

What city? I'm going into college for Mech Eng
Community college first to get my gen eds, then uni

>> No.7417475

>doing harm to your body is so effay and cool #yolo #livefastdieyoung

Good goyim...

>> No.7417479

I smoke pot every so often to de-stress and take vyvanse when I need it for college study sessions. Other than that I just drink at parties or with friends.

>> No.7417485

>Drink socially
>Smoked weed as a teen but not done drugs since
>Be nihilistic
>Hate everything
>Cry weekly

>> No.7417496
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meth is the absolute best thing I've ever done.
also one of the stupidest.
it depends on what kind of person you are, but if you're a really relaxed/lazy interverted person, and you're happy with that, I would imagine heroine may be the best for you. If you're a somewhat awkward person, but you want to get yourself out there, a higher dose of pure mdma may be the best feeling for you. I'm already an extremely extroverted, busy, slightly crazy person; so meth (my favorite stim) pretty much made me go super sayan...
But honestly if you haven't done anything yet, sobriety is long term the far superior choice, and it takes a stronger person to do that than it takes to do all the other shit.
thank you :-))
I cannot sleep on OxyContin
never done opium.
never done DMT.
have albuterol by the inhaler-load #teammildasthma
glad to say i haven't.
i have taken faggot b4 tho amiright?;)

>> No.7417492

>line of heroin
good job wasting your money

>> No.7417503

why dont you smoke or do drugs?

>> No.7417515


2CE is great.

The come-up is rough, have some weed on hand to kill the nausea if you don't want to puke.

The trip itself is a roller coaster. The visuals are intense and digital, you'll feel like you're on another planet/an alien. The body high – in my opinion – is really enjoyable and you get surges of electricity through your body intermittently. Thought patterns range all over the place. I get auditory hallucinations heavily, too, and that's the coolest part; music never sounded better, wind through trees, fires crackling, running water, it all sounds great. Sometimes you'll hear buzzing, crackling or droning in the distance.

It is the roughest of the 2C's beside 2C-P, so maybe try to get your hand on 2C-I or 2C-B.

If you can get acid, do it. But 2CE is awesome as well.

>> No.7417519

is dautra really dangerous or something?

supprised you havent done dmt

why do you do so many drugs?

>> No.7417522

P is not as intense as E, not even as intense as I, but it lasts for way, way longer

>> No.7417533

>vape some ganj with my friends every friday and sometimes saturday night
>drink once every threeish weeks or if we go to a party

yeah im not very exciting

>> No.7417545

it is overrated

>> No.7417547

lots of it
all the time

>> No.7417553

I have asthma and the idea of an addiction and not being in control of my wants and needs is terrifying to me.

>> No.7417560


>tfw chemistry undergrad and having a hard time

Jesus man, stick with it. I know it sucks dick now but the few years of shit will be worth it.

>> No.7417579

Then don't.

My friend has asthma and if he vapes weed he can do it but he still coughs way more then us. Idk the smoking part he HATES but the twoish hours of being high with us just walking around talking or listening to music just relaxing is always fun, or at least he says.

It's all preference, and if you know you don't have a strong will (aka no I need to study now instead of browsing /fa/) then you should be alright with any soft drug. Hard stuff is always dangerous territory.

>> No.7417597

I actually am a personal trainer, which I suppose is somewhat ironic..
But even though I've done a lot, I don't do anything serious frequently. I space out my drugs, research anything I put in me intensely before I do, and do everything I can harm reduction wise.
That being said, I do still do more than I should, and I've probably done some damage to myself. But honestly the only thing that really changed me for the worse personality wise while I was doing it was smoking weed every day.

>> No.7417606

LSD is inherently dangerous if you have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. But Datura is probably 10 times worse, in terms of potentially manifesting latent mental disorders. Beyond that, it's very possible to experience major delusions (quite different than hallucinations) which could last a week or longer.

DMT is pretty safe, in comparison, because it's a hallucinatory chemical that's naturally produced in the body.

>> No.7417610

uhm doing speed every other day for years at a time is not going to be good for you long term m8

>> No.7417618

Meth is so shitty and so are the people that do it

>> No.7417628

DXM is nice, I've done/do most drugs and this is my favorite

Any coke heads around? How's that depression treating you

>> No.7417631
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weed sometimes on weekends
did speed twice
coke like five times or something, smoked it once
xtc three times
mdma once, passed out at a party
shrooms twice
twenty cigs a day
one liter of vodka a week plus beer
ritalin once, never again
sleeping pills once a week or so

to do list:

>> No.7417649

valium on a sat/sun

most other days are gym days and my muscles are too relaxed to be effective

>> No.7417654

If you remember how many times you've done them, it isn't worth mentioning

>> No.7417663

oh wow you're so cool because you're addicted
i wish i was like you

>> No.7417677

>because I've done drugs I'm addicted
ty for proving my point tho

>> No.7417675

how did smoking everyday fuck you up?

like other than being lazy i guess it seems like dudes who smoke often are the most chill and fun to hang with

how can you tell if you have a predisposition to schizophrenia?
i want to try lsd but am worried i will get fucked up

>> No.7417688

keep lying to yourself, i don't care

>> No.7417693

I just have always had a very outgoing and extroverted personality, and over the top levels of energy, and pot just kind of made me duller for a while.

>> No.7417703

ah yeah i am kind of introverted and stuff
so weed sometimes helps with that. sometimes i just want to sit there adn be quite for hours when high lol

how do i become outgoing and extroverted all the time without being under the influence?

>> No.7417717

How do you handle extremely mild hallucinatory substances like THC? Do you have any extremely abnormal changes in cognition that are similar to what's expressed in the clinical definition of schizophrenia? Are your thoughts scattered when expressing ideas to others, but primarily focused on and alternating between topics of religion, esoteric significance of numbers, and then topics of sexuality? If so, there's a possible chance you could have the predisposition.

Just remember that there is a certain element of playing Russian roulette when messing around with mind altering substances...

>> No.7417723

Small Spanish city that no one knows. Actually, my uni has some reputation when it comes to Engineering. By the way, we don't have college. You finish High School at 18 and then jump to uni after the access exams.

>> No.7417725

Speed if i'm drinking a ton or bored/tired at work
P.much it now days
Gotta go fast

>> No.7417802

like what type of abnormal changs in cognition and stuff?

it can be hard to tell if i am just having weird thoughts ike everyone does sometimes or what

>> No.7417806

how do you know if you handle THC bad and stuff?

>> No.7417814

San Sebastián?

>> No.7417839

You don't enjoy getting high

>> No.7417853

hmm like when i am with close friends i like it, but sometimes i am also like i dont like this that much

like if i am with people i dont know i can get nervous when higha nd when i am with people who are smoking for the first time im like dont do it in my head

might just still be because i greened out once and that sucked

>> No.7417880

Datura will make you end up in the hospital
Read up it's really interesting

>> No.7417892

>consume marijuana daily (smoke/vape/dab)
>drink alcohol every few days
>shrooms/lsd occasionally

i generally drink only on the weekends because i dont like to drink unless i am going to get properly drunk

>> No.7417895

weed isn't for you
nbd homie
people won't care but it can be strange be sober among high kids

>> No.7417922

Read what I said, again. Look up youtube videos of schizophrenics talking. You'll recognize certain similarities in their streams of thought.

>> No.7417923

why do you say it isnt for me?

what should weed be like?

then again i have only smoked like 10 times over the past year and i have days and periods when i am can be insecure

>> No.7417982

No, even less known, but more or less the same size and population.

>> No.7418032

Usually just an 8th of bud a day

>> No.7418273
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Seriosly, whats deal about Coffee? I have adhd and my fucking doc only gaves pharmaton and its shit.

I never drink coffee in my life, cuz i hate its taste but a strong black coffee would help my adhd?

>> No.7418294

Just drink a lot of coca cola. Caffeine is caffeine, I think.

>> No.7418319

Cola is shit, im not gonna drink all those sugars.

>> No.7418325

Then mix coffee with a lot of milk, goddamit.

>> No.7418332

glorifying hard drug use is so contrived/fake/dumb

>> No.7418378

Well thanks for advice but i was curios about should coffee really help about my sleepy head problem..

>> No.7418853

what should weed be like?

what makes you say it isnt for me?

>> No.7418871


>> No.7418906

who /kratom/ here?

>> No.7419094

I've got ADHD and coffee doesn't do shit for me except make my mouth taste like a mocha sewer. I drink it before I work out because it's supposed to aid calorie burn or some shit but I don't like it. Tea is much better, just make it strong.

>> No.7419113
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Oh man it's shit to eat unless you have a blender but yeah once you get that body buzz/amped feel going you're ready to talk to qts or chill and shop for pomade online

As for my drugs, opis and benzos are the most /fa/. Snorting speed is also pretty cool

>> No.7419386

snorting meth isn't effay (I do sometimes, so this isn't) biased
It's just trashy

If you smoke a bit it's a lot more mellow, but it's still not effay

>> No.7419417

>a beer or two once or twice a week
>maybe a cigarette every once in a while when i'm out

drugs are not effay you plebians

>> No.7419427

yeah smoking meth is super mellow

>> No.7419447

Sarcasm? I said a bit

>> No.7419464

4/5 rolled up cigarettes a day
smoke weed 3/4 times a week
not much really

>> No.7419474
File: 48 KB, 508x550, Fabby-Halloween-Heroin-Chic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out partying
>drinking and doing a bunch of drugs
>friends are all surprised when I refuse to smoke weed

I just don't like it. At all.

>> No.7419496

i h8 weed and cigs. idc what people think. smoke breaks at parties are fucking retarded though when like 10 people just split for like 20 minutes.

>> No.7419523


Funnily enough, I like smoking cigs

>> No.7419545


yeah i like cigs and chain smoke them when im out drinking

weed is pretty tacky tho

>> No.7419615


>a bunch of drugs

hey tao

>> No.7419651


whos that

>> No.7419674

I smoke weed almost every day because life is fucking dull.
I don't want to do anything with my life.

I just want to browse the internet and smoke weed.

>> No.7419682

My life seems pretty dull unless I'm drunk or on something.

Really hard for me to get my hands on shit though.

>> No.7419686

Are you me?

Funny that we posted the same thing right next to each other

>> No.7419715

the people i snapchat knows my drug use
do you guys

>> No.7419713

i am same

>> No.7419728
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>> No.7419748

Ma nigga

>> No.7419745

post snap

>> No.7419764

used to smoke weed a ton but quit
only ever drink, occasionally smoke a spliff or j when drunk and someone offers

>> No.7419778

>lsd once a month with my effay m8s just bc

lol enjoy your neverending unmanageable depression once you hit 35

>> No.7419895

>same thing

Lrn2pharmacology and chemistry pleb

>> No.7419945

> smoke a lot of cigs
> don't like smoking weed
> pills during the week
> acid on weekends
> dmt/salvia to mix it up

>> No.7421115


>> No.7421137

Drinking most days but cutting down
Smoke weed every day
No MD because comedowns are the devil
Waiting for money to come through then party all next month w/ cheap coke
Also waiting to have enough spare money to CWE some codeine

>> No.7421157
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ok, so I smoked weed with my friends in highschool, we all lived in an upper middle class neighborhood and life was awesome. Well, I went to college and moved away. Recently I went back to my neighborhood to hang out with my friends. All of them are hooked on heroin. They live at their parents house and have no lives.

Not that drugs are horrible, but depending on the person they can be very addicting or life altering. My bro who I have known all my life is hooked on heroin and scratches his face so he has sores and scabs all over it because of the drugs. Here is a sign of the drugs also, your eyes fucking roll into the back of your head and you look retarded as fuck. It is scary, these are kids I have known all my life.

This is what they said to me: "meth is easy to quit, I haven't done that shit in like 3 months". So just be careful, to be honest I have done coke several times and it never bothered me. But don't slip to far into habitual use.

>> No.7421160

this is pretty much what I do

>> No.7421168

One of my best friend is now living out of his car. He lied to his parents too many times and now they won't even let him live with them. It is really sad.

Another friend, his parents keep on trying to send him out of the country on vacations with relatives so that he can get clean. Even when he comes back he just starts again with the heroin.

Don't get me wrong, drugs can be ok but you need to be careful. These days I just drink a few times a week but I am trying to cut down. Other than that it is weed occasionally and maybe some lsd or dmt on the rare.

>> No.7421185

xanax / klonopin when I have anxiety.. I use it as directed.

drink beers when I have nothing important to do.

>eckhart tolles
u srs m8? which ones. isn't that new age self help bullshit?

>> No.7421197

my friend got busted for heroin possession and check fraud (to fund heroin) spent 11 months in jail. this is after he sold literally everything he owns and stole all kinds of shit from his family. they kicked him out he lived on my other friends couch for like a year before finally getting busted again for stealing from his work (to fund heroin) and is now doing 2 years in prison where he will probably continue to do heroin.

basically fucked for life. and yes he was one of those people that said they "could manage it". fuck heroin.

>> No.7421213
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Sounds like so many of my friends. Selling their shit and going to jail. Rehab and jail just makes them worse as they are surrounded by other users. It makes me feel bad because it seems like just yesterday I was playing video games and going to school with them. So much wasted, especially because their parents are so nice and supportive of them, wtf.

>> No.7421231

yea i dont get it. i was pretty bad with alcohol it ruined my life in some ways but heroin is a whole different level of depravity. so glad i never did it. friends in jail, friends that have od'd, not a glamorous life at all.

>> No.7421233

just how do people fall into habitual use? are their lives just really shitty so they use it as a means of escape?

i could imagine doing h once or twice but never again, what pushes people on to that third, fifth and tenth time?

>> No.7421255

I think the habitual use has an element of biological or psychological predisposition. My friend's mom thinks that he has some issues because of the way his dad acts, basically being an asshole to him. But I don't know we have all done drugs, coke, speed and what not and been fine.

I have never touched the heroin because honestly it scares me. Most of them are hooked on it, only one has quit but still it seem difficult.

>> No.7421257

the IV part probably scares me the most, maybe I'll do it towards the end of my life

>> No.7421261

3.5g of methamphetamine every two weeks.

>> No.7421454

I just quit nicotine and alcohol. Trying to eventually get off caffeine. LSD every weekend.

>> No.7421640

Drinking and drugs have given me ED and my boners are much smaller than they used to be.... Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.7421672
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I always interpreted the love songs he sings as odes to heroin.

>> No.7421689

you can snort or smoke heroin, yknow

>> No.7421693


>> No.7421725
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Smoke weed once or twice a week.
Drink once or twice a week, to a serious point of intoxication once every 3-4 weeks.
MDMA once every 3 months on average, but I've decided to quit after my last roll (3 weeks ago).
Cocaine once every 6 months, probably my favorite party drug, but I've decided to drop that as well.
LSD once a year, last trip was too intense. Might stop doing psychedelics but I still have 10 tabs, lol.

I'm past the point in my life where I want to try new drugs, except medical grade amphetamine for the sole purpose of studying. It seems very unlikely, though, as I'm not exactly making a quest of it. I just want to taper off all my drug use to a few drinks and a few joints every weekend. So far I guess I'm doing alright.

>> No.7421758

There is a reason that drug abuse is endemic among the unemployed, homeless, teenagers, veterans & the mentally ill - If you already struggle to find any happiness in your life why not abandon it and become a drug fiend? If the 9-5 has you at breaking point there is nothing to stop you from dropping it completely.

>> No.7421822


>> No.7422502

not effay. i drink good cheap vodka with club soda and lots of citrus. i make them strong so 2 or 3 drinks before club/bar.

>> No.7422512

my m8 takes strong hits of lsd and he has genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. dmt on the other hand fucks with your mind like woha.

>> No.7422517

thats why im going for ritalin. or is it also bad?

>> No.7422518


>> No.7422526

why you like it?

>> No.7422569

this is not some religious or new age shit. im very critical to these things. 'the power of now' changed me so much. every person should read this. my closest friends and every member of my family except dad have read it bc of me. they all changed how they look at life. i read it the first time about two years ago and we all talk about the book frequently.

>> No.7422578

why get off coffeine?

>> No.7422597

my hedaches stopped after reading it. it only comes back after binge drinking or of staying hungry skeleton for too long

>> No.7422630

Same. Dissociation is my personal cup of tea as I tend to do it even when not Dexxing. Use to be a coke head. I did it to the point that it got boring and that's when the depression kicked in. I stopped hanging out with my coke friends and got out of the cycle.
One thing I've found is that having a qt to talk to and a little alcohol when you're coming down makes it so much more bearable.

>> No.7422636

Nope. You know, I check this thread everyday just so I can reply to you. My city is slighty smaller.

>> No.7422649

you are dissociated when not taking anything or what are you saying? can you describe dxm and have you tried mxe? its the only dissociative ive taken

>> No.7422653

just say what city then? also, i made the thread yesterday

>> No.7422666

used to smoke weed several times everyday.

quit cold turkey like 2 months ago tho. havent done it since.
occasionally drink socially.

>> No.7422677

MXE and by extension ketamine are very different from DXM even though they are both dissociatives

>> No.7422686

I get that, even the songs he didn't write

>> No.7422700

Sometimes I'll just lay in bed, close my eyes and just start imagining something, say a scenario that could occur in daily life, like what I'm going to do tonight. It begins with me actively imagining it, but as I get more off in my own world, my mind takes over and it's as if I'm a spectator to my own imagination.
DXM for me is always full of just good feels and positive outlook. The whole world takes on a strange tunnel vision like look. The natural light of the world seems to flicker and dim, and I feel like my consciousness is a balloon tied to my body by a string. Focusing is a hard thing to do, so I've had times where I sit and listen to music for hours on end, because it all just sounds fantastic. I should mention that my doses have all been 2nd plateau (354mg)
I've done MXE at 25mg bumps at a time throughout the day. It's like halfway between dxm and opioids. Kind of a relaxed feeling, but also some of the dissociated feeling. Most people describe a euphoria, but its always neutral for me. It's easier to focus than on dxm, and I find movies or tv series to become a lot more interesting. I've been to a party on mxe, but it wasn't as fun. I wasn't as quick witted socially, and I couldn't drink a lot.

>> No.7422898

did you k-hole? dxm works best for quitting h according to a friend

>> No.7423074

Chet's whole life is /fa/ as fuck, even if it became unmanageable.

>> No.7423234

Definitely not a hole. Whenever I come up on MXE, I feel like I'm going to get a lot higher than I actually get. It takes me off guard and then I get comfortable with it.

>> No.7423248

anyone can help me with this?

>> No.7423285

Let's say I check it every 8 hours or so. I don't say the city because it would ruin the magic. Is it important anyway?

>> No.7423351
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my body is all sorts of fucked up regarding how drugs affect me

i used to enjoy weed, but i kind of quit because i realized that it made me too introverted and quirt

eventually smoking wouldn't do much but just make my heart pump hard

the last time i smoked a spliff, i literally just laid in bed, my entire body in pain, for two and a half hours

two of my friends i've had since elementary school just got arrested for having a few thousand dollars of drugs & money in their car so i think i'll stay away from illegal stuff for a while

molly is great but i have to take probably like .3 to get high
the cost of .3 of mdma in addition to the price of a ticket for a show makes it all too expensive for me

meanwhile, i smoke cigarettes daily and i'm not proud of it

i'd probably be an alcoholic if i wasn't underaged

sage for not vidya

>> No.7423384

That video is fucking hilarious, its how I expect /fa/ is IRL.

>> No.7423398

>laughing at staged interviews

>> No.7423395
File: 318 KB, 500x499, 1383026303477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last time i smoked a spliff, i literally just laid in bed, my entire body in pain, for two and a half hours

>> No.7423399

just got drug tested for senior year.
weed once a week. ecstasy once or twice a month. lsd on special occasions.

>> No.7423430

i'm not sure how to interpret your reaction image

i was being serious

>> No.7423678

I'm just trying to understand why that would cause full body pain for hours

>> No.7423701

Did you smoke synthetic weed/spice?

>> No.7423711

who saw cliffy b on jeo rogan

>> No.7423729

MDMA every 3 months or so. Smoke weed maybe once a month. I've tried ket twice, 2c-e once and shrooms once

>> No.7423733

is ket good

>> No.7423759

It felt good but I probably wouldn't try it again. Last night I was at a party and half the people there were on ket, the rest of us took a pill each. All of us were getting to know each other and generally just having a great time with each other, whereas the people on ket just sat around looking bored. I have no doubt that they enjoyed themselves but as a social drug I don't particularly like it.