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7408014 No.7408014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here ever find anything good at a thrift store?

Is there any technique you use/ have any tips for other anons?

I sometimes get some decent shirts but that's only because I have a friend who works at one.

>> No.7408017

i am king thrifter

>> No.7408041

either the thrift store has something good in it or it doesn't. you're depending entirely on other people here, the only thing you can do is pick a thrift store where the donors aren't just dead uncle jim's 46-inch waist trousers.

>> No.7408056

What are your best thrift cops?
This. There isn't anything to say other than "know brands and go into a thrift store".

>> No.7408095

i found this sick as hell nike Airmax nylon pullover half zip jacket once

>> No.7408096

How do you do it? Is it just luck?
My friend has told me all the best stuff gets bought out at dawn by vintage shops who bump up the prices.

>> No.7408125
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ill dump some thrift copz

yes part of it is luck, and if u know everyone who works at the store it helps too. all the qts at mine know me and what i buy so they put away cool stuff for me when they see it
but 9/10 is just fidning good stores and going in a lot at the right times
for example my local value village unloads new stuff at the end of the day, so i go in a like 6-7 at night to get first dibs

>> No.7408146

Please do. And give tips if you have any. Checking quality etc.

>> No.7408162

tfw no qt thrift minions

>> No.7408190
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tips are basically what i said, it's not hard

go at right times, talk to the people who work there don't come off as a dick or they won't help you, that is if you want help with them putting stuff aside

checking quality is self explanatory just make sure there's no rips or defects by looking at the item, know your brands, etc.

above all is go A LOT
in the summer i would go like 4 times a week after work

>> No.7408198

Nice find.

>> No.7408211
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best places to go imo are suburbs that aren't too big with not many subdivisons because in those towns the stores actually come to ur house to pick up donations

also found a pair of billtornade dress pants in the summer for 3.99 tfw

>> No.7408228

My greatest find to date has been an unbranded wool bomber jacket.

Every thrift store around where I live has either struck a deal with the vintage stores or has everything xxxl

>> No.7408254

like what other people are saying, it really depends where you live. i was out in Montana for the past 3 years and was able to find some awesome vintage hiking gear (eddie bauer, patagonia, woolrich, colombia, etc.) for like really cheap. living in a city is harder because everything good is in consignment shops so the prices are jacked up. listen to the guy who said go to the suburbs. look for nice-ish neighborhoods and check there, you're bound to find something. also, going a lot helps. i worked at the thrift store i shopped at in Montana so i had first dibs on anything i liked that came in.

>> No.7408307
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ya my stores get some dope stuff
my location is rly lucky
i sold this shirt for 120 i believe on ebay

>> No.7408314

Try everything on always

>> No.7408325

where you stayin at my nigga

>> No.7408332

20 min north of toronto is where i live
thrifting at uni sucks tho i have no killer cops this year only a few average ones

can't wait to go back home for xmas and thrift

>> No.7408350

tfw in dublin ireland

i volunteer @ a thrift shoop on saturdays but there's v rarely anything worth copping

CD game vicious tho, got some NERD and Sean Paul and Bomfunk MCs and TLC and shit, got some original xbox games too, fuckin Burnout 3 and Soulcalibur 2 and Timesplitters 2

>> No.7408360

ya my cd game is tight too, same with vinyls
copped some sweet in box sega game

>> No.7408362
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I just got a button down by 3.1 Phillip Lim X Target at Goodwill; $8.

Also got a basic turtleneck; $4.

I buy all my shirts at thrift stores.

>> No.7408365

upside own pic but cool

>> No.7408368

pics not upside down tho?

>> No.7408371
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Lmao its flips the image when you click on it.

lets try this again

>> No.7408372

4 me it is

>> No.7408373

I once found an original Trout Mask vinyl but when I took it home I found out someone put a Neil Diamond christmas special inside the sleeve.
You guys are lucky..

>> No.7408377

lol u always gotta check them dude, always open cds and vinyls to make sure they're not destroyed/right one

>> No.7408385

one time i found an EP my uncle's old punk band released, got home, opened it and it was a collection of Irish rebel songs lol

>> No.7408390

I know that...now. I was so fucking happy too, I even called a friend over. He's never let me live it down.

>> No.7408395

only notable thrifted clothing cops for me are like

some old stussy stuff

ironic 90s stuff and bart shirts

moscow shirts

random tees mostly i suppose

and some jordan grown v9s

salvation armys offsite sorting = shit for every store and overpriced everything

>> No.7408405

Apparently thrifting is way more productive if you're into circuit bending. I'm thinking about learning just so I don't leave empty handed.

>> No.7409500

Im not sure if their region wide but i go to buffalo exchange. its basically one of those buy/sell clothes and clothing items. I mean its mostly clothes that were in style 11 months ago but still name brands.

>> No.7409508

Why is that whenever anyone wears something old an goof for fun they get the "ironic" label.

>> No.7409644

i almost never find anything good. right now im wearing a merino wool sweatee in new condition from some no-name italian manufacturer Sette Ponti. got a nice eddie bauer turtleneck too (i wear lots of turtlenecks)

i live in chicago and most thrift shops are full of smelly fat mexican women looking for clothes for their 10 kids.

i tried going to some of the thrift stores in some of the nicer neighborhoods in town, but the selection wasn't really much better. some brooks brothers stuff, but it was all way too big for me. bought a lacoste polo from a place that ive been meaning to sell

i will try going to thrift stores in the ritzy suburbs next time, maybe they will have better stuff and you wont have all the sweaty mexicans either

i heard recently on npr (i know, kill myself) that places like goodwill get way too many clothes than they can sell, so they send all the extra inventory in big bundles to africa where they sell it on the street. the problem is that because no african can fit into an amerifat xxl tee shirt, there are guys that buy up all the stuff that is too big for nigerian hungry skeletons and tailor it too make it into a small. apparently they also take pieces from diferent clothes to make one shirt. like, take the sleeves off a blue shirt,the collar off a red shirt, and the torso of white shirt and sew it all together

>> No.7409667
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nigger thrift pick up reporting in

>> No.7409678


>take pieces from diferent clothes to make one shirt. like, take the sleeves off a blue shirt,the collar off a red shirt, and the torso of white shirt and sew it all together

w2c sounds nxtlvl as fuc

>> No.7409708

That's an interesting bit of trivia, thanks anon.

It's all about timing and location. One bit of advice I don't hear enough is knowing when not to cop. It's kind of disheartening to go thrifting just to buy nothing but if you buy stuff out of obligation you'll end up with an ugly wardrobe fast. It's better to walk out a bunch of times rather than buy garbage. That being said, absolutely feel free to take chances on crap. I found this amazing 70s flower child beaded shirt on my very first thriftstore visit ever years and years ago and I still regret not copping. Just do it it moderation, buy hilarious ugly shit you love, don't buy ugly shit just to buy.

>> No.7409711

what jeans yo?

>> No.7409759

you gotta fight for your shit.
I have fucking mexicans always trying to cop my shit.
And plox don't switch tags its just scummy.
Overall you can find bretty cewl shit just hold your african attitude

>> No.7409788

All my shit from college was all thrift
Not too good, I used to trade a lot of thrift finds in for stuff that fit better at buffalo exchange
I looked like shit, had no friends no gf
But I was there on merit, no scholarship no money

>> No.7409793

thrift stores here are largely shit so I can't be bothered with them

>> No.7409848

nigerian street markets