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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 640x426, 1386870861658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407351 No.7407351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /fa/.

Im going to a house party this weekend and Im not sure what I should wear.

Of course I am able to dress myself, but it would be cool to hear what kind of clothes that gives you guys the pussy.

And I just got my paycheck, so Ive been thinking of buying some new clothes.


>> No.7407360

Is it winter where you live?

>> No.7407363

Give me also some information on your height, weight, etc. in cm and kg please, eurofag here.

>> No.7407374

Yes, its winter right now. Snowing and everything.

Im 190 cm and my weight is 80 kg.

>> No.7407380

fat faggot lol

>> No.7407382
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u should go goofninja

>> No.7407389
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>> No.7407391

I usually wear
Black hoodie, unzipped
Long black/gray tee
Black skinny jeans
Black high tops
It's good for partying with both plebs & interesting people alike

>> No.7407394

hahaha fat virgin nigger hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Reuters

>> No.7407402


>> No.7407412

you heard nee faggot blast it with piss HAHAHA armaments

>> No.7407411

Nah, man. I lift, so im not fat.

>> No.7407408
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>> No.7407405


>> No.7407416

is this some sort of new level of abstract dadaist shitposting
because i'm interested

>> No.7407420

this is what you faggots look like irl

>> No.7407421

>dadaist shitposting
It's the new age all right.

>> No.7407427
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>> No.7407433

Will the jacket matter for you? Would recommend a black/white t-shirt with a blue shirt unbuttoned.

>> No.7407449


i <3 sluts

>> No.7407456
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>> No.7407477
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These are good jeans for house parties
Combined with this:

>> No.7407479

you put this same thread on /fit/ you /fa/ggot

>> No.7407485

>kind of clothes that gives you guys the pussy

>> No.7407482

A long slim coat also fits good with this. If you care abotu the jacket as well.

>> No.7407513

only a tampon will give u pussy

if u say you can already dress well then what's the deal? it's not a "vogue" convention lol

>> No.7407524

Dont know how euro chicks are but dont overthink this OP. Nice flannel, white undershirt underneath, nice fitting jeans/chinos depending on your build, and nice basic shoes/boots (the only thing that can be super stylish). You can be dressed in the nicest clothes but if you look try hard or give off unwelcoming vibes then theres no poin. Be comfortable, introduce yourself. Gettin tipsy will help a lot with that. As for outerwear, just a nice casual jacket if they dont hang your shit

>> No.7407545
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More like this.

>> No.7407549

>open shirt
this looks pleb 99,99% of the time

>> No.7407554

>asking what to wear for a casual piss up
What you normally wear faggit, favorite clothes generally get worn though

>> No.7407561


Yea, plebs that get girls.

>> No.7407592

/fa/ just doesn't have mainstream taste
To be fair I hear americans dress awefully, but where I live everyone seems to keep in /fa/ guidelines without really thinking

>> No.7407593

Gets me laid

>> No.7407600

Yeah no, open shirts works at house parties
When in social events do best to hide autism

>> No.7407608

>works at house parties
its common, but it still looks like shit
>do best to hide autism
by looking like a tool?

>> No.7407618

where the heck do u live

>> No.7407626

sorry to be the one to break it to ya buddy but clothes does not get you pussy. it gets you looks, thats it

>> No.7407629

Depends on the type of people at the party and the type of girls you want to attract.

>> No.7407639

The netherlands, small, old city called maastricht
With a massive international student population (I'm english)

Literally none of the student body wears trainers/sneakers, no sportswear in sight, no trackies, no prit tshirts, t shirts in general, not even plastic coats in winter

And we all ride about on old road bikes that were second hand in the 80s

>> No.7407642

no by looking sociable
put down that fucking fedora
It's a casual space
You don't need to wear your sunday best
niggas is going there to get turnt and sloppy
people are trying to get laid
and if your collar is buttoned up to the top
bishes gonna curve you

>> No.7407652

Looks always help. But it doesn't help much if you don't have the confidence and the charm. Charm can also come in many different ways.

>> No.7407647

so it's menswear, not /fa/

doesnt sound very /fa/

>> No.7407656
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>these degenerates will have children one day

>> No.7407657


>> No.7407659

I meant the sticky guidelines aka basic /fa/

>> No.7407662

>people ITT dressing like a pleb to have sex with plebs
Are you so desperate?
Just dress like a patrician and fuck patricians.

>> No.7407668

ok anon
don't get rekt out here on these streets
I don't wanna see you crying on the next kissless virgin thread

>> No.7407670
File: 55 KB, 450x400, This??.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is /fa/ then? This??

>> No.7407677

get #rekt# anon


>> No.7407712
File: 123 KB, 444x750, 1373749650814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ uniform reporting in

>> No.7407727

just pointing out how wearing an open shirt will make you look like a clueless lower class dweeb.
if you dont see whats wrong with it, you probably are.

>> No.7407730

>Implying clothes gives you pussy
>Implying females have a sense of fashion
Just wear a polo(Remember to have a huge ralph lauren logo on it, chicks LOVE that.) and beige chinos. Preferably with Vans Era or Authentic and some Huf weed socks.

>> No.7407735

noone in /fas/ waywts can afford that shit

>> No.7407739

Shit dude, had me laughing like teachers asked me to flip my computer in class !

>> No.7407749
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Wear this
Lets people know you are ready to par-tay

>> No.7407751

That's so fucking gay regardless of whether he's gonna get chicks or not.

>> No.7407759

it's still /fa/ uni tho
not even tht expensive lol

>> No.7407780

most fits in the waywt are nowhere close to this.
not saying the fit is good or that the pieces are expensive

>> No.7407790

u said
>can afford
that is the /fa/ uniform bro minus/replace jacket with hoodie or no hoodie
white tee, black skinnies, white high tops

>> No.7407804

how many people on fa own white hightops? 5?
how many ppeople on fa own white raf velcros?

>> No.7407807

what lmao plenty of ppl have white high tops
a decent amount of ppl have rafs too
not as much as in the usmmer tho

>> No.7408593

dude vans make white hightops
nike adidas reebok make white hightops
they're not expensive

>> No.7408614

it's called 'blending in'. if you're going to a house party with people who don't wear designer pieces all the time, it's probably pretty stupid to do so yourself.

>> No.7408626

i get compliments all day long. today i wore my dh superslenders,white cps and a balenciaga graphic tee and people just kept on giving me compliments. youre doing it wrong

>> No.7408655

Semi related hitting the club soon. Never know what to wear to at least somewhat stand out. Are chinos in the club a nono?

>> No.7409241
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rick owens what i wear

>> No.7409389

carhartt makes that exact jacked for around 120 bucks
everything else is basic shit except for the shoes which are replacable with cps which are easy to get for cheap.

>> No.7409490

>going to parties in nice clothes
This is how you end up with a story about how your jacket/shoes/shirt got ruined.

Don't wear nice shit to places with potential vomit and drink spilling.

>> No.7409492

>entrance at berghain.png

>> No.7409498
File: 52 KB, 295x448, dipdye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear something to make u stand out

didnt Mystery teach u about peacocking?

>> No.7409528

wear nothing, less is more

>> No.7409585

the classic "i just shat my pants' look

>> No.7409591

I just wear what I feel like wearing that night (within context/reason).

I don't use my clothes like some autistic social costume as you suggest I should.

Nice pleb thought process.

>> No.7409611
File: 695 KB, 1958x2611, ninearm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ninearm

what do you expect

>> No.7409614
File: 10 KB, 245x229, 1382979285413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god that has to be the worst idea for a dipdye