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7406484 No.7406484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>qt grill: "please anon, don't stand like that because people are gonna think you wanna flirt me"

>> No.7406489

wow OP, you sure are a beta faggot, no wonder she didnt want to flirt with you.

>> No.7406490

>not saying, "They just think I'm pitying you!" (Presumably muffled over loud music so a few others can hear this but don't think you were being this loud on purpose)

>> No.7406494

This. Or not saying something along the lines of, "Oh no, they know I would never settle for you."

>> No.7406499

>wow anon, i love ur jacket (undercover). can i try it on?
>uh okay
>hmm, it's nice but it doesn't look as good on me as it does on u!

and that's why i spent £600 on a jacket :D

>> No.7406510

fuggg :DDDDDDDDddddddd

>> No.7406519

man ur lucky

she couldve puked on it or somethin

>> No.7406520

this is funny.. i mean, idk why i feel so bad with myself.. its like i can't control my sadness, it grows on me really fast and makes me feel death.

i just try to throw it away, or to not think about it, but it seems like there's nothing i can do.

and when this came, i feel like austitic, total beta guy. but when im on my "good days" im completely confident and funny.

anyone feels like this ?

>> No.7406523

>waiting in line at club
>bouncer says hes only gonna let people through in pairs
>person next to me is some girl i don't know
>i say "i guess we should go through together"
>"i'd rather be single"

kill me.

>> No.7406527

ur ugly

>> No.7406528

u're gonna be okay friend, i love you

>> No.7406532
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>i say "i guess we should go through together"
>"i'd rather be single"

>> No.7406533

I don't know that feel. I used to be pretty ugly and beta but then i knew about it so no one ever got offended.
Now i look pretty good and i'm a lot more confident so it's never an issue.

>> No.7406534

i used to think so but i dont think i am cause every once in a while i do get qts makin eyes at me.

i just have no confidence to do anythin about it & it probably shows

>> No.7406563

well what do you expect from girls who go to clubs? really, not the best place to find decent girls but that was pretty harsh don't worry about it dude.

>> No.7406567

yeah i wasnt really expecting much just went for laughs to chill with my mates.

yeah i just thought it was really unnecessarily cold like damn.

>> No.7406579

Post faces

Let's see sum shit

>> No.7406580
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>at club
>fuckable girl says to me 'hey do you want to get a cab home with me?'
>'nah i cant afford it and i wanna get maccas'

>> No.7406588

What did u order?
Big tasty is the best

>> No.7406594

i cant fucking remember bro but looking back on it i definitely would of rooted this bitch over the maccas

>> No.7406599

she wanted a free cab ride, after all her free drinks
not sex

plus you're beta she knew you werent going tomake moves

also really fashion-y so probs gay too

>> No.7406600


>> No.7406608
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>Anon, I love your clothes!
>What brand is that?
>Y-you're so funny
>I broke up with my boyfriend last week...

That's literally what this qt grill told me.
She thinks she's out of my league. I usually get hit on and I'm terrible at flirting, so I'm having a hard time letting her know I kinda like her.

Her friend even came to me 'Anon pls don't give her false hope'

God damnit I'm such a retard when it comes to this shit

>> No.7406612

give her real hope

>> No.7406619

Stick your tongue in her mouth

>> No.7406620
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lel go back to r9k

>> No.7406621
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maybe she had the clap m8 nvm eh

>> No.7406624

Nigga, follow your heart. If you like her, let her know. If you don't, let her know. Don't play games. This will benefit the both of you. Maybe you two will never speak again, but it's for the greater good. Maybe you two will hook up? Stop being such a huge pussy.

>> No.7406623

Sieg knows how the world works, bitches

>> No.7406626

stick your thumb in her asshole

>> No.7406625

>Her friend even came to me 'Anon pls don't give her false hope'
he wants to date her
sounds like they have a better chem than you do with her since you guys can't talk to each other unless it's about the way you dress

which gets old fast

>> No.7406627

no, seriously look at you

i would assume beta, but don't know if homosex...dresses kinda homosex...probably a little of both

>> No.7406628

Stop being so right Sieg.

>> No.7406638

i dont think thats him fam

>> No.7406637


beta as fuck

>> No.7406641

Her female friend
And no, she's generally interested in every fucking thing I do.
Last two weeks I was at two parties where she was as well and we talked a lot. I mean a lot and she kept asking me stuff about things grills shouldn't be interested in..

I'm not playing games or anything but she has this image of me that's not really accurate. I'm awkward as fuck when it comes to girls and she thinks I'm some kind of James Dean ladies man

>> No.7406646

Also you seem to have a very good idea of what's going on despite knowing jack shit about the situation lol

>> No.7406649

top kek you hopeless cunt
just because you've read a hundred articles online about how to 'escape the friendzone' doesn't mean you know shit about real life

>> No.7406659

treat em mean keep em keen

proud of u anon

>> No.7406664

whoops ur not an anon ignore that bit

>> No.7406665

say what you will

but you know you're going to remember sieg heil when you're starring at a drunk slut in a cab next to you

with your hand jittering, not knowing if/when/how to grope that 19 year old's b cup...

just remember...she thinks you're into dick and wants a gay fashion friend to go shopping with

why do you think she asks you clothing adivce?

all compliments you pay her, she brushes off onto her clothes...it's always about clothes...why?

or she just wants to look pretty for the alpha

>> No.7406667

put ur dick in her left nostril

>> No.7406672


Damn bro, that was fuckin harsh. I hope bitches like that get rekted some day.

>> No.7406675

I'm getting the same idea

All these things he says might seem right to a sixteen year old boy who tries to win over one of the cheerleaders but in my experience, he's full of shit.

I'm not saying I wake up to a qt every week but I've got nothing to complain. If I were to decribe how I got laid the last two times he'd most likely describe it as beta.

>> No.7406673

where do you live that flirt is a verb?

>> No.7406674

she's using you as a rebound. Don't give in to the slut.

>> No.7406677
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>> No.7406680


Dude, just say you like her. There's anons here who will never have a qt3.14 (including me) and you're letting one get away.

>> No.7406682

Could very well be, I know.
I am always cautious when it comes to post-relationship grills

>> No.7406688

english is not my main language

>> No.7406689

where did i tell anyone how to pick up grills?
>last 2 times i got laid
sounds like you got picked up by two women using you for sex and money

sounds alpha bro, just sit around and wait for some alpha chick to pick you up to fuck once in a blue moon

so masculine

>> No.7406699

lol youre so pathetic

>> No.7406702

Pretty close, good comeback

>using you for sex and money
Oh no, the horror. Imagine a girl just wanting to have sex with you. I never claimed I was 'alpha', nor would I want to be.
I've still had a few good relationships that way. Some long, some short, one I still see today but as pretty close friends.

Not everything is so black and white as you think.

>> No.7406708

creme pls go

>> No.7406723 [DELETED] 

Yeah, used to be like that, now i'm just confident all the time. Just made a conscious change in my lifestyle and fuck do I feel great all of the time now,

>> No.7406730

what change did u do?

>> No.7406733

post a fit

>dressing only to get girls

>> No.7406736

>"cute socks troalpost"


>> No.7406749

My bad, had to delete my /vp/ friend code from the name field...
Well to be honest mate I just surrounded my self in things I like, I tried drinks until I found my favourite cider, I fucked around on youtube and found music I like, now my mates make me bring my Ipod whenever we go to gaths, making a playlist for a bbq right now, learnt how to cook actual meals, taught myself how to talk to people i've never met, girls especially, plus I don't man I just decided not be be modest all the time like I used to be, that and being funny, having a decent smile and fashion sense with a music taste thats infectious with my age group (19) it's hard not to be liked.

>> No.7406755

adding u on pokemon, u better b good Angus

>> No.7406756
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>> No.7406761

ahh dicks.

>> No.7406763

thanks bro, kind of things im actually working on. Hoping be fine someday.

>> No.7406778

No worries man, have fun doing it too, I know I did.

>> No.7406779

lol she got rekt

>> No.7406850

Pee in her butt.
With your penis.

>> No.7406858
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>> No.7406871

Yeah i feel this way exactly. I think it's related to being an introverted personality but also attractive so that people expect you to be some super social guy. Those comments hurt like hell, that is when you need to have your aggressiveness come out and demolish this bitch. Keep it up Anon there are a lot of people who feel this way.

>> No.7406877

thanks men, appreciate it

>> No.7406882

figure out if you like her and let her know but be warned you gotta level the playing field early in the relationship. having a girlfriend that has a puffed up idea of you sucks ass because you will ultimately be a disappointment to her. so do something or let her get to know you or something I don't know how to fix this problem if I did I might still be dating my last girlfriend

>> No.7406887

flirt is a verb he just needs the preposition with

>> No.7406919
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>> No.7407000

>recently broke up with qt non-/fa/ gf
>not really sad more pissed off that 11 months wasted
>friend of friend starts asking about me
>she's post HS prep, J. Crew model type dress
>into high fashion, loves yohji and mcqueen
>we have a small chat
>I can tell she digs me from body language/laughter
>tell intentionally bad jokes just to see if she laughs
>she does
>she asks about former gf
>"we broke up a while back"
>"well maybe you can find someone new"
>flips her hair and walks away

our feel is an awesome feel

>> No.7407038

why are girls so mean

>> No.7407057

'cause men let them doing it

>> No.7407061

u wot

>> No.7407147

>11 months wasted
how was 11 months wasted?

>> No.7407154

'cause you can't hit 'em

>> No.7407170
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>Drunk girl at party
>Leans in close and whispers in my ear
>"I really like asian guys, I think they're hot"
>I'm not asian
>I fake an accent to get laid

Am I going to hell?

>> No.7407185

go listen to arctic monkeys some more lol

>> No.7407183

'ooooooooooohhhh misserou darunk girrr i totary asian yessssssssssssssss'
'oh my god fuck me now'

>> No.7407190


Must've been a hell of a hangover

>> No.7407192

what happened next?

>> No.7407197

>dressing only to get girls

where did that assumption come from? i wear undercover every day because it's my fave brand

>> No.7407199

It was actually probably worse than that

>> No.7407205

ya u can

>> No.7407201

I started talking about how great the bullet train was in broken english and we ended up fucking on a trampoline.

>> No.7407209
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>> No.7407207

fuck that hoe

>> No.7407212
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>at party
>don't really know any of the people I'm standing with
>all chatting really loud
>one girl sitting down says "nice shoes anon!"
>everyone looks at me
>everyone goes dead silent

>> No.7407222

A qt grill that I kind of knew once asked me out. Se came up, hugged me, and was like "soooo anon you wanna go out this Friday? Just you and me?"

I assburgerd out and just said "no" and silently walked away. I said nothing else.

Needless to say she never spoke to me again. Is being weird and autismal /fa/?

>> No.7407225

why did you do that?

>> No.7407227
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>just said "no" and silently walked away
Mother of god

>> No.7407233

what is actually wrong with you dude

>> No.7407229

there's literally a thousand things you can say to that. wtf, man.

>> No.7407235

I cringed so fucking hard
that poor girl
you really are an ass

>> No.7407243

Wow since when did this place become incredibly beta?

Go back to /fit/ please

I mean, this shit I just fucking lame.
And a club is the last place you want to treat a woman with respect. Everyone in there is scum and deserves to be treated as so.

>> No.7407246

I couldn't think of anything. It's not that I can't talk to girls it's just that I can't talk to girls I don't know while there's 5+ other girls I don't know all looking at me. Still hooked up with a girl at that party though, she was one that didn't see the spaghetti incident.

>> No.7407247

i would have decked her right there

why didn't you?

>> No.7407251

It's called rejection
Girls do that to guys all the time

>> No.7407264
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I hope this isn't true

>> No.7407278

This never happened

>> No.7407282

He did say something though

>> No.7407287

>he's not up on that Assburger swagger
top lel

>> No.7407289
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Don't worry anon.
>I'ma do me, I'ma do me
>I'ma make mine, I'ma take mine

>> No.7407299

can't get hungover from lsd
Rick owens:0

>> No.7407306

terse but not autismal unless you did want her

>> No.7407309

>favourite cider

>> No.7407314

It wasn't a club though it was a friends bands afterparty

>> No.7407319

>you tried to kiss me yesterday
>uhh i dont remember (drunk af)
>apology accepted

i didnt even apologize

>> No.7407322

top lel, because you can't have Asian parents but still be born wherever you're from?

>> No.7407333
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>ex girlfriend tweeted "I just found out my ex is doing meth. I really hope he gets better. Even though he's a piece of shit, nobody deserves to waste their life away like that."

>> No.7407334

meth is /fa/ as fuck if you're responsible though

>> No.7407337

are you doing meff

>> No.7407342

anon pls don't do meth

>> No.7407343

ughhh i love meth

>> No.7407344

jesus fuck this is hilarious

>> No.7407349
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That's not worse than what I had today anyway
>le mad jew boss had to stop doing nothing cos he wanted to grab too big a piece of cake and got hustled a bit
>fucks up the pricing
>gets hustled a bit by his boss
>starts to be an annoying jewpric, loses his smiley and jokingly partyguy cool
>tells his boss every fuckup he had for the last 4 months is on me
>tells him all our silent treats (to leave early when need to, cover each other etc) like they're nonexistent and he knows nothing why I've been leaving early
>snitches me out 180%, even tells him shit that didn't ctually happen
>I get analraped by HR, than by big boss etc.
>"Hey, what was this? We need to talk."
>Why the would you put all your fuckups on me? I do 99% of your job, you said I was the best assistant only 2 weeks ago. Why did you do this?
>What the fuck are you talking about, I don't know nothing I tried to cover you up but you are just slow and always fuck everything up I'm tired of listening complaints *continues to bitch using "fuck" and "shit" excessively trying to cover up his snitching.
>And who the fuck are you to question me??
>Me: Excuse me, I was wrong, I'll try to get better and make less mistakes. Thank you for your input. *With a straight face*
Fucking rata motherfucker, bitch ass snitch. Thank god I always keep calm and don't do stupid shit in these situtions. I'll work perfectly for another month and quit that shit, see how he enjoys doing everything on his own for a few months and fuck the pricing up constantly like he always does. Gotta leave some cheese on his fucking table before quitting.

>> No.7407347

Damn I'd hate her if that wasn't fucking funny.
I'm so sorry

>> No.7407352

>hittin up meth
>gets trips
it's a sign we should start shootin up brah

anyways why does she say that? does she think you're a malnourished fuck??

>> No.7407359
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>> No.7407370

oh fuck dude

>> No.7407379
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No, it really isn't.
She probably does. I don't even know how she found out.

>> No.7407387

>House party
>Artsy fartsy DIY Brooklyn crowd
>qt girls everywhere
>I came in with a girl
>Eye rapes everywhere
>eye contact is too aggressive for me
>drown in moonshine
>start talking to everyone
>girls offering my cigs asking about life
>Black out
>wake up naked with qt3.14
>write on post-it note "thanks for sex"
>stick it on her forehead
>She shuffles about
>oh shit oh shit
>wakes up half asleep
>"Anon, you're leaving so soon I thought you wanted to fuck again"
>Kiss her, "I'm sorry I have work"
>It's sunday I don't have work

p sure if I was a girl this would be rape. Maybe I should stop drinking because this always fucking happens, 8/10 times I regret the bish I fuck.

>> No.7407395

>if I was a girl this would be rape
maybe in third wave feminist tumblr fantasy land

>> No.7407393

nigga you think you're the only nigga shes ever dated? get over yourself

>> No.7407410

youre a pussy end of story

>> No.7407413

She replied to another tweet that she was specifically talking about me.

>> No.7407430

go bust up the bitches house. thats you reputation being shattered on public social media man

>> No.7407435


>write on post-it note "thanks for sex"
>stick it on her forehead

Topkek, I wanted to too this once but I fell asleep again and had the most awkward breakfast when I woke up.

>> No.7407436

she probably has so many girl followers
they all just crossed you off their list
now you can only get girls with daddy issues
that like edgy sad boys

>> No.7407441

>doing meth
I didn't know people actually did this

>> No.7407486

>reputation on public social media
I don't even use twitter, that wasn't the point

>> No.7407490
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>taking girl advice from a fat guy with no style

>> No.7407510

Try having a whitecollar job before calling me pussy.

>> No.7407512

thats because you dont get the point

>> No.7407520

hyundai salesmen wear white collars
i invest privately from my house.

>> No.7407523

but I do :^)

>> No.7407535

>Drunk girl at party
>Leans in close and whispers in my ear
>"I'm not gonna lie, but your accent is really hot"
>I don't have an accent
>It's actually a speech impediment
>I pretend I'm from new zealand to get laid

>> No.7407536

What you do is irrelevant. I'm telling you to try working a grinding corporate job before calling me pussy.

>> No.7407542

why are asspies getting so mad over this post

I have said no to girls I didn't want to hang out with a lot

>> No.7407556

Maybe you should look up the definition of "tact"

>> No.7407570

wow who cares

you're really saying shit like that when girls deny dudes in the meanest way possible. all that guy said is "no" and left, didn't sugarcoat it or anything. Pretty boss if you ask me

>> No.7407576

i promised myself i would never do that.
the way to the top is not through the bottom.

>> No.7407595

edgy sad girls are cute.

>> No.7407644
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tfw this has happened to me about 5 times

>> No.7407667

>doing math
>being asian
>not posting on sufu

>> No.7407673

others can be grose

>> No.7407674
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this is what happens when you have no money and even less charm

>> No.7407694

>frequent /co/
>come to /fa/ to get away from social outcast kissless virgin neckbeards
>see this thread

>> No.7407706

>implying all clubs are the same

>> No.7407729


Sieg, you're kind of getting trashed in this thread, back out man, respect lvl dropping

>> No.7407744

>>frequent /co/
I've taken a week off from that shitty board and it's probably the most fun I've had on 4chan all year.

Old ass neckbeards complaining about comic books made for ~17 year olds 'pandering' to ~17 year olds was the last straw.

>> No.7407831

You're still on 4chan, retard

I don't think we're as bad as /co/ though, apart from one or two stories ITT

>> No.7407832

You lucky son of a bitch.
I don't even try to flirt with girls since I know I'm out of anybody's league. When I go out I just drink till I pass out.

>> No.7407855

>go grocery shopping with my mom
>we grab a bite to eat at a place near the entrance
>qt's eye fucking me left and right
>make eye contact with one as I'm laughing and look away
>look at her again to see what that ass do
>she turns around to look at me and sees me staring at her ass
>we both look away
>look back and I see her staring through the side of her vision
I wish I had friends

>> No.7407867
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>go grocery shopping with my mom
>qt's eye fucking me left and right

>> No.7407869

All that means is you hang out with ugly people

>> No.7407881


>> No.7407901
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holy shit. I deid

>> No.7407956 [DELETED] 

aren't you and your girl like 300lb+?

>> No.7407972

fuck does anyone remember that guy from sz where this chick talked to him like he was retarded for weeks because she thought his bbs tag was a hearing aid?

>> No.7407999

what do you say when someone compliments part of your fit? I always had a problem with that...

>> No.7408008


it's not hard

>> No.7408042

>bbs tag
His what?

>> No.7408043

no, they always look at me expecting me to keep talking after I say that.

guess I just need to get my conversational skillz up

>> No.7408049

then just say a stupid compliment about them, or tell a story about how you got it

>> No.7408059
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tell me you saved the thread

>> No.7408067

For compliments you need to find a nice medium between them knowing you really appreciate it and not taking it too seriously.

"I like your jacket"
"Thanks, I like your compliment"

>> No.7408072

nice emily haines quote :^)

>> No.7408085

dude that is real tips fedora tier

>> No.7408106
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it was in the first few pages of the "strangers reactions to your clothing" thread i think, just flip through the first 10 pages or so and you should find it
boris bidjan saberi, he puts his tags on the outside of his clothes

>> No.7408124


>> No.7408130
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oh god i cant stop laughing thanks anon

>> No.7408132

Not really. It's just a compliment.
It doesn't matter what you say, just how you say it.
If you compliment someone after they have just complimented you it won't sound genuine.
It's best to say thanks in a half appreciative half blasé manner.

>> No.7408136

k go say that a girl and watch her laugh nervously at you and never say anything to you again

"thanks, i like your compliment dear maiden"

>> No.7408138

>tfw dont know that feel

>> No.7408141

the only right answer to that is saying : thank you and just smile

>> No.7408144

but it's not, it's a cheesy lameo joke

>> No.7408152
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>"Thanks, I like your compliment"

>> No.7408157

i know i was just poking fun at his overnight fan club

>> No.7408168


>> No.7408169

And just rude

>> No.7408173

if this happened to me i would laugh it off and flirt to see if she was messing with me
can't take stuff like that seriously

>> No.7408179

I have though.
"Nice jeans"
And an animated "Oh, why thank you!"
"Thanks my mom helped me pick them out"

The trick is to say something ridiculous when she's trying to gain your approval.
She doesn't actually give a fuck about your jeans dude.
If you don't understand that you need to talk to more girls.

>> No.7408187


>> No.7408193

>"Oh, why thank you!"
slayed me

>> No.7408188


>> No.7408196

tfw it's very hard to have this kind of dialogue when talking to a girl in my language
I wish I could just talk in english to all girls damn

>> No.7408202
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1386879729769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude no more please those are not good responses lmao

>> No.7408218

If you say so. They work for me.
In my experience just saying "thanks" or then moving onto a compliment leads to awkward silence.
If your goal is to get laid then genuine responses aren't the way to go in my opinion.

>> No.7408213

>tfw gf
>see all the fucking options I see
>there are hundreds of woman around me

Be a man, stand up straight have a loud voice and go meet girls at bars/clubs.

At the end of the day. What a girl claims she wants, and what she actually goes for ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS.

you gotta fuck it up. no 1 girl is perfect for you. Go out and see who you have a connection with.

if you want a quick/shitty fuck from a 1 night stand. then goto a bar and get some girl drunk. girls wanna get drunk and hookup. especially around the ages of LEGAL DRINKING AGE + .

woman have problems too meeting guys. just enjoy yourself. be the warm end of the pool. don't take it seriously. LET GO. FOR FUCK SAKES LET GO!

women just want to be taken.
(read that again)

no one is perfect. you'll fuck it up. but enjoy it. I'm in a relationship now with an amazing girl. but I can't stop thinking about how fun and how much of an adventure it is being single.

enjoy life bros

>> No.7408234

>"Thanks my mom helped pick them out"
She believed you.

>> No.7408239

dude if ur game works for you than keep doing it

im speaking from experience here, my game works for me but it might not work for others

girls in my area would think it/i was/were weird as fuck if i said some dumb joke like "oh my mom got them for me"

"thanks" is the best option imo you don't need to dwell on simple compilments

>> No.7408256

You're not meant to say it with a fucking lisp and nervous laugh.

You're meant to just say it deadpan, as if it's not completely ridiculous but she knows you're messing with her.

If she asks where you work you say "employee of the month at taco bell"

I'm just saying what works for me. You answer the question without answering, that way she sticks to you like glue because she knows nothing about you and is curious.

>> No.7408262

Yeah exactly.
I mean looking at it now, it IS utterly ridiculous.
But that's the point, it doesn't matter what you actually say, just how you say it and that you actually have the balls to say it.

>> No.7408264

why do kids on this website get so ethered by females

>> No.7408271


its a demographic. this website has a certain type of age

>> No.7408276

>virgin confirmed

>> No.7408285

bc that's what happens when ur into girls m8, everyone gets ethered sometimes
of course you're a faggot bitch so u wouldn't know

>> No.7408282

it also has a certain type of loser
it's not only about age

>> No.7408288

You have to fail before you succeed. You have to give them props for putting themselves out there.

>> No.7408290

for real though i have a feeling all of these feel threads have an intended sarcasm in them

>> No.7408295

>projection confirmed.

>> No.7408302
File: 25 KB, 468x408, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do /fa/

>> No.7408308

call her/him a bitch

>> No.7408311

hahahahahaha you are hilarious

>> No.7408321

say "thanks, i like your compliment"

>> No.7408317


girls are human bro. lol

>> No.7408329


>> No.7408338

dave nigga u have to actually say this

>> No.7408343

thats mean

>> No.7408347


>> No.7408357


>> No.7408369

>goes on /fa/
>doesn't get girls

so whats the fucking point

>> No.7408367

i dont get it, why are the autistic laughing at this

>> No.7408380

david this is your mother say this and post results rn or i won't let u borrow my cred card never agen

>> No.7408382

Cultivating an interest?

>> No.7408387

because >>7408067 got wreked

>> No.7408401

yeah but fashion is something you show off

if girls see it and think "please don't talk to me" why are you even doing it, change or stop

>> No.7408416

It doesn't always have to be.
You're right, ideally you don't want to be repelling girls.
But if "girls" is your reason for improving your fashion sense it's a little misguided.

For me it was more about looking exactly how I wanted to look, which gives me confidence, which gets me girls.
No girl is going to be impressed by $1500 sneakers unless she's fashion savy, which if so, jackpot.

>> No.7408431

wat the fuck man. sauce?

>> No.7408440

It looks like an old style bboy competition

>> No.7408464
File: 1.04 MB, 302x266, earl vomit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dressing for other people
Holy shit, why does everything some people do have to involve women?
>"B-but sex is the best thing ever.."
Find a beatiful panoramic view and drop some acid, that shit's unbeatable.

>> No.7408665
File: 42 KB, 838x295, beentrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

page 103

>> No.7408672
File: 412 KB, 500x500, 1386885149579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this pig, now I can't fucking sleep. Worse than being fucking cheated by a gf (I guess). Stupid cunt. Wanna smoke more but I'm already sick of it. Now they fucked me over with a paid vacation. Stupid fucking greedy kike cunt.

>> No.7408681

pic of the jacket he was wearing? idk what bbs tags look like.. why would they be visible

>> No.7408684

>Find a beatiful panoramic view and drop some acid, that shit's unbeatable.

But it would be even more unbeatable to get your dick sucked on acid. Maybe too unbeatable, id probably have a heart attack

>> No.7408690
File: 56 KB, 211x214, it crowd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what a gigantic cunt

>> No.7408703
File: 27 KB, 431x384, goldman-sachs-20-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta apply to Goldman fucking Saches next time. At least they pay you after they fuck you. Damn I'll actually have a chance to retaliate by contributing to another financial crisis and ruining all those fucking retail businesses. Just for you guys to know, in most online stores that shit is sold at at least *3,33 of what it is actually worth (including production, logistics and marketing).

>> No.7408705

Dude, ask that bitch out for coffee yesterday

>implying rebounding is bad

>> No.7408710

He's right about the acid thing

>> No.7408713
File: 6 KB, 239x239, bloo cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lold

>> No.7408723

>last week
>hanging out with girl I kinda know
>start talking about how I don't like the way people at our school date
>mention that I love romantic gestures and going out to nice meals and watching sappy movies
>see her eyes slowly widening as I talk
>"Anon...do you want to come up to my room with me?"
>She starts whining and gets mad when I say I like girls who are 5'10"+
>All of her friends later asking me why I didn't sleep with her when "she was giving it her best shot and you just wouldn't budge"

>> No.7408727

There's this girl I really like. I catch her staring at me all the time. She's so fucking hot. Face and body. The other day she just sparked a conversation with me out of the blue while I was sat minding my own business and I totally blew her off.

I fucking HATE myself for it because I do it all the time. Each time it happens I just feel worse and worse.

>> No.7408731
File: 24 KB, 512x384, krusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at a fastfood restaurant when I was 16
>two qts about to order- they keep looking at me and whispering to each other
>eventually one of them comes up to the counter and the other takes a seat in the dining room
>"My friend over there thinks youre really hot, can I get your number for her?"
>kissless virgin at the time, spaghetti'd out my ass
>stammered "I-I don't even know you though"
>she looks at me like im a freak and goes to leave the restaurant with her friend behind her giving me a dirty look


>> No.7408810

>Actually be from new zealand
>american people always comment on my accent when I go over there
How did it work out for you?

>> No.7408877

hb fam isnt so diff
sumtimes a dude wanna shed a tear for them
that tear is from laughing

>> No.7408889

they do m8
i'm a pro at detecting them
so good i graduated out with seal

>> No.7408923

post work fit

reel her in the next time

>> No.7408939

lol top shitpost award goes to troalost

(this is a good thing)

>> No.7408957 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 659x800, DSC_0997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only pic i have

>> No.7408985

Fuck her before she figures it out, godsake anon.

>> No.7409060
File: 2.91 MB, 252x263, 1383025690414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucked a tenga egg, not bad.

I'm so tired of crazy bitches, 99% aren't worth the hassle.

>> No.7409067
File: 179 KB, 659x800, 1386888050501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you can't escape 4 chan archive, here is what he posted replying to >>7408923

>> No.7409072

>smoking indoors

What a badass

>> No.7409123


The bbs tags are stupid and gimmicky though.

>> No.7409118

>not even lit

>> No.7409129
File: 83 KB, 197x189, 1386889828378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fite me irl bro

>> No.7409132

it's a verb in autistralia too you magnificent mother fucker.

>> No.7409164


>> No.7410447

no it's not
source: I live in australia