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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 176 KB, 600x700, dogecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7399021 No.7399021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


sponsored by dogecoin :)


>> No.7399035
File: 2.03 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_2765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh my faggot mouse is broken or some shit

>> No.7399043

ur bald

>> No.7399053

looks nice

>> No.7399067

You seem to be improving in both your fits and in not shit posting. Keep it up.

>> No.7399081


>> No.7399087

trim your fingernails

>> No.7399090

I feel like you could wear the scarf differently.

>> No.7399100

Straighten that back and iron that shirt friend

>> No.7399110

Taper the pants below the knee and you can do better than black vans. Not awful though. Othetwise good fit. And blackbar your tired eyes. Kinda throws it all off

>> No.7399127

its shitty weather out im not getting salt and nasty shit on my cps

>> No.7399137

this is a waywt not recent purchases m8

>> No.7399131
File: 1.41 MB, 4032x760, standardsneaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so fresh.

>> No.7399133

Post ur fit I'm anxious

>> No.7399140


>> No.7399141

That's what I'm wearing m8.

>> No.7399142

dude what

>> No.7399145

w2c those brown boots?

>> No.7399144

would look better with a more tie-like knot maybe

>> No.7399152

post it fork fucker

>> No.7399157

They're CDB's

>> No.7399167

Really liking this

Nice job, saved

>> No.7399192

much improved by putting on the creeps and a darker shirt imo

>> No.7399204
File: 42 KB, 343x525, Mono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desaturated for full b/w fit

>> No.7399214

the jacket is falling off your shoulders and slipping into your elbow
return it.

>> No.7399240

oh didnt notice that, ill pull it together in the front more

btw msg me on steam or give me ur email or some shit

>> No.7399246

u want turnleft dick???

>> No.7399257

no, id probably catch camel aids

>> No.7399260

dats a chill cool fit b.

>> No.7399262

pull it under the scarf or s/t

no lol

>> No.7399266
File: 957 KB, 1717x3045, 9340i50939it0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7399288

thats not a bad thing

hey ur a neuro dude rite??

is deep brain stim overhyped?? read about it in the uni mag :^)

>> No.7399301

fuck yes

dat beanie

>> No.7399308

what does it say?

it looks like it says bruins but idk why it'd be red

>> No.7399313

it's a really competitive area of study since no one really gets all the intricacies of the brain and devising experiments to map and manipulate all of it is beyond crazy

it's also really hard so need to seriously dedicate time to.

>> No.7399333

bruit, french for noise

>> No.7399339

lol i meant the technique where they put electrodes in ur noggin and use it to stim Alzheimers patients back into re-developing memory n shit

they said some old dude grew back some of his hypothalamus and stuff lots of out there claims so wanted to run it by someone


i'm already studying it its fun :)

>> No.7399391


it's more often involved in parkinson's opposed to alz ...
the real problem in alz is the build up of protein deposits in the brain (plaques)
there isn't really much for it since it progressively gets worse and worse

idk how brain stim reverses that process

studying what?

>> No.7399431

i was confused 2
i figured it had something to do w/ plasticity fixing the broken connections (I don't know, they don't explain it very well in the article, plus my knowledge base is lacking)

"Even more remarkably, MRI scans revealed one patient had an eight per cent increase in the hippocampus, the brain’s memory hub, and another had a five per cent increase. “That’s incredible. In Alzheimer’s, the memory areas of the brain shrink and we’ve never seen the hippocampus grow,”

so i figure it assuaged symptoms but didn't solve the problem then :(

im majoring neuro but im still undergrad

>> No.7399437

Duuude creeps would make it 10x better

>> No.7399448

its slushy and salty out and i think these jeans arent tight enough to look good for creepers

when my new jeans come ull get a creeper fit

>> No.7399455

u can just take a pic and wear something else i think a bunch of ppl do dat

>> No.7399469
File: 203 KB, 492x1145, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say doge?

>> No.7399478
File: 94 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K b iktf I'm stayin tuned

>> No.7399481

ye i have done that

but like i said i need new jeans first B^)

>> No.7399479


i think you should use them more, they are extremely versatile imo

>> No.7399487

i mean - i think it's already pretty well proven the role of electrical stimulation (ref. LTP) through whatever means to increase brain plasticity --> neural development which otherwise would not occur
but as you said...it's not really a solution for the cause, kind of prolonging the inevitable

maybe w/ drugs which slow down the build of amyloids it's a worthwhile process but iirc the protein build up is exponential so i think you'd have to be diagnosed and treated pretty early to make the process of inserting electrodes into your brain tissue worthwhile

lol what - neuro offered as an undergrad course????

im actually half tempted to rip out my notes from this year on it but it's too late and it's my break, maybe tomorrow.

>> No.7399498
File: 73 KB, 640x426, 写真(13-12-10 15.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7399523

yeah i figured, just got a lil' excited by the article title

could b useful if they used plaque removal drugs then DBS to patch up damage caused by plaques but its all theory i guess

yeah my uni offers a bunch of them as undergrad, lucky me

thanks tho :^)

>> No.7399545


(terrible fit btw)

>> No.7399551


>> No.7399561


>> No.7399572
File: 1.03 MB, 1125x1500, waywt-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems I've been janitated.

>> No.7399568

post the bottom please

>> No.7399593

Good riddance.

>> No.7399595

Looking good Dan

>> No.7399598

Lookin' good, Dan. I like the patterns on the shirt and hanky.

>> No.7399615

janitors are jelly of your fits
looking good dan

>> No.7399618


my exact reaction word for word

>> No.7399627

looking chic, dan

>> No.7399650
File: 2.89 MB, 1392x1392, 20131210_225016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7399667

Am I the only one who remembers when his fits were terrible?

>> No.7399675
File: 10 KB, 204x199, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7399678

rip nujabes

>> No.7399691
File: 300 KB, 253x670, スクリーンショット 2013-12-08 12.21.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as this

>> No.7399694

Best part about this fit is the sweater. W2C? I wouldn't roll up the sleeves, and the way you're wearing your jeans with your boots don't look good at all.

>> No.7399707 [DELETED] 

My brother actually bought it, it was too big so he gave it to me. It's still big on me which is why I rolled up the sleeves.

how2wear the boots?

>> No.7399709 [DELETED] 


>> No.7399732

I just want to be /fit/ stalker-kun

>> No.7399735
File: 486 KB, 1392x1392, 20131210_233855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you literally search Nujabes crewneck you can find it in a bunch of stores. My brother bought it so I'm not sure.
Took a pic with the sleeves down + boots tied up.

>> No.7399737

wat camera?
nice fit bruv

>> No.7399947

sleeves down, boots untied

>> No.7399983
File: 1.03 MB, 1936x2581, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to change effects and shit to give a better look, the lighting in my bathroom is off. Should I switch the black and white authentics for my all blacks with this fit?

>> No.7399995

props for the sweater man
want to get the tee of this

>> No.7400026


this is all you ever say

"when x comes i'll show you guys a good fit"

it'll never happen dipshit

>> No.7400037

>"blah blah blah #ether this #rekt that"

is all you ever say

you came into a FIT BATTLE thread to talk shit about me and refused to post a fit, like holy shit dude, are you even the slightest bit self aware

honestly, the most pathetic thing ive ever seen on /fa/, and ive been here for a while

kill yourself

>> No.7400051
File: 42 KB, 788x442, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh internet cred

you're a joke levi

actually that's a stretch. you're not really funny enough to be a quality troll

and you're not well dressed enough to be serious. i don't think even turnleft would find novelty in you

who are you trying to game here? you're just wasting money and effort at this point

pic is what i wore on my recent coast trip

>> No.7400057

how were finals

>> No.7400076

u think ur being witty and funny but

ur just one of 10000 /b/tards turned namefags/trips on here who are constantly talking shit but are too fat/ugly/poorly dressed to back it up with a fit


no one cares about anything u have to say

keep whacking away at that keyboard kiddo and keep thinking that anyone cares about weak insults weve all heard 100 times from some nobody from /v/ who is autistic enough to come to a board that doesnt interest him just to try to #ether strangers on the internet



>> No.7400078
File: 24 KB, 290x352, 1339163695212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trunks im on ur side
but i thought you were banned?

>> No.7400089

why u banned?

>> No.7400084

i was until like 5 hours ago

still banned from sufu

>> No.7400092

Hah was banned phone til like two hour ago

>> No.7400090

what a badass

>> No.7400095

posted thread on /an/ by accident

cant delte cause moots a homo

"oops wrong board pls delete"

>u have been banned for 3 days u cant appeal this shit

cant get new ip cause router doesnt reset when u turn it off

post thru proxy

proxy is shit

get another 3 days

fcking moot im going to kill that piece of shit jew

>> No.7400100



you ARE that autist from /v/. and /mu/

I've never been to any other board

why is it so hard for you to admit you're not good at anything?

>> No.7400103

no fit


>> No.7400117
File: 552 KB, 1350x3074, DSC_0629-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7400119

always all black van's man. Mono black and coke white are the only way to go.

>> No.7400123


lel keep crying bitch nigga log off u dont belong here

>> No.7400129

I agree with trunks. Post fit bro.

>> No.7400131
File: 298 KB, 400x900, IMG_0477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7400136

pls b in hicktown, USA

>> No.7400137


fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.7400142

Not feeling the skarf or glasses.

>> No.7400143

horrifying on all accounts

>> No.7400167

Thanks for your opinion anon.

Aww the scarf is new and I love it, lol.


Depends on what you consider hicktown.

>> No.7400179

Pretty bad but hey

Uniqlo shirt
APC jacket
Cheap Monday jeans

>> No.7400191
File: 387 KB, 634x2116, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck me

>> No.7400198

Your image is fake anyways, reverse google image search and all.

>> No.7400226

Humor me, how does reverse image search prove my image is fake?

>> No.7400236

It doesn't Brenda.

>> No.7400242

>Your image is fake anyways

>> No.7400246

Oh wait my bad I was supposed to respond with worry that you knew my name right.
I sowwy.

>> No.7400274

>either oblivious
>or rustler
asians man

>> No.7400284

Little bit of both really.

>> No.7400286
File: 409 KB, 602x900, DSC_0614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's upset because apparently she works in fashion and we don't love her outfits.

>> No.7400288

what the hell is happening

if this is a troll you fucking succeeded, this sort of shit gets me furious

>> No.7400290

Sorry, let me put on my sadface. I know I can do this.

But really anon, it's k. You don't have to love my outfits.

Also I don't work in fashion, lol.

>> No.7400297

My work here is done!

>> No.7400299

looks extremely clownlike. Keep trying

>> No.7400303

which one is your fit b

Also what exactly makes this clown-like?

>> No.7400309

i haven't posted a fit in a month

The poorly arranged pallet doesn't help.
Your jeans are too skinny and make your big feet look giant.
Your tucked shirt looks bad.
but what does it for me is the fact that youve made your upper body look so small and disproportionate.

>> No.7400312

are you from hong kong
you reek of narcissism

>> No.7400316

Nope sorry not Hong Kong.

>> No.7400317
File: 163 KB, 377x398, Confucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking whore, I bet you open leg for foreign white devil every night, LEGGING IS NOT TROUSER!!!! Indecency fit such as this reason for downfall of Asian decent society.

>> No.7400323

w2c shoes? or how are they called?

>> No.7400324

My Asian boyfriend has a white man dick if that counts.

>> No.7400321

but you're too fat to be a mainlander

>> No.7400329

your head looks like a circle you fat bastard

>> No.7400330

I know anon, I humbly apologize. I'm sticking my finger down my throat as I type.

>> No.7400331

you bring shame to your loved ones

>> No.7400334

I have none because I don't deserve any, it's k.

>> No.7400338
File: 112 KB, 163x445, fafit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7400339

Has /fa/ always been cancer?

>> No.7400340

at least the waywts

>> No.7400343

Obvious answer is yes.

>> No.7400346

this owns

>> No.7400349

you just made my fukin day m8 lul

>> No.7400382
File: 395 KB, 360x922, 1386762967205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really old fit since i havent left the house in days

Raf Simons
Cheap Mondays
Clunky milsurp boots (only wore them once and then put them in storage)

I look like the goth kid from south park

>> No.7400387
File: 5 KB, 183x275, augusuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally bought all the shoes /fa/ recommends

Get a1923/MA+/CCP or something like that instead of fuccboi gothninja stuff. Your looks doesn't go well with that sparkly gothninja shit, you need more rugged look which A1923, MA+ and Zam Barrett offers. Sure you can accesorize it with rick owens/damir scarves and hats.

You look like a tool right now.

and first of all, I'd get a better apartment instead of burning funds on designer clothing and develop own taste and style before copping anything new

>> No.7400396

lower half looks bad

>> No.7400401

>augusta next to ccp and MA+
>Zam next to ma+
check yourself

>> No.7400405

Zamb said his work is greater than MA across

>> No.7400407

post it!
ma plus is goat

>> No.7400408

can't remember your fits but have you ever worn that stuff? They feel really same level even the prices are different. also the aesthetics are similiar and you can easily mix that stuff, amirite?

>> No.7400409


don't be so demanding of poor old levi

it needs to be at bargain bin ebay prices if he's even gonna consider it

>> No.7400406

is that a dress?

>> No.7400413

Yeah. Raf designs cute dresses.

>> No.7400411

white buttondown
tie scarf in a loop
would look much better
btw do u have the creepers or the espadrilles? or the combo?

>> No.7400418

fortunately never handled zam

own ma+ (no ccp or augusta)
but lmao zam is LEAGUES behind all of them
i suggest reading a bit more about augusta
ccp is p.crazy tho (2crazy4me)

>> No.7400437

You should try Zam, not just read about it. I have one wool longsleeve from him here, I can sell it for you 20usd+shipping so you know what I'm talking about. ;)

I've had a1923 boots, leather jacket and sneakers, ccp pants and shirt, and wool tops and pants from ZB. Only wallet from MA+ so don't have a lot to say about it.

I must defend ZB, he isn't a step behind MA+ and such! Maybe the materials aren't that avant garde but they are safe and durable materials.

What stuff from ma+ you have?

>> No.7400443

it looks cute

>> No.7400450
File: 590 KB, 976x554, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hell no, wouldn't invest another second let alone 20USD on his products
but i mean, if you can rock the augusta w/ the ccp and zam - more power to you
just a pair of trousers and t-shirt B)

>> No.7400461
File: 867 KB, 2352x1568, asdasdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic as fuck.

I get looks bcause of the Flyknits thou.

>> No.7400467

The flyknits mesh with the palette you have going on... Don't really like it

>> No.7400471
File: 55 KB, 960x640, raffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude

>> No.7400470

hey turnleft have you tried paul harnden?
seems like the kind of thing you'd be into
hard to find stuff out about him and find good pics because of how obsessive he is about the display of his clothing

>> No.7400478

>white and black flyknit
>"so clean, matchy matchy

I think there's something that should always pop out on such a common color combo; and at least the flyknits are closer to a green,

>> No.7400482

I thought someone was just stealing her photos or shes one of those inept aspie asians

>> No.7400485

Nice doge
Nice fit

>> No.7400493

Uh ohhh someone doesn't understand how colours work
It's not matchy matchy you inbred , it's called a cohesive colour scheme.

>> No.7400491

thanks man xx

>> No.7400495

I didnt read up on a color theory found on google so I dont know the lingo; just supporting a fit aspie

>> No.7400498

Oh shit I green texted that shit
How do you not take as an exaggeration retard
its also 5am

>> No.7400499
File: 83 KB, 272x683, IMG_0267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7400503

How am I an aspie when i'm correcting your misinformation?
That's someone telling you 2+2=5
Me saying it's actually 4
And then you calling me autistic

>> No.7400504

w2c tee?

>> No.7400506

what on earth

>> No.7400511


I wasnt even referring to any lingo, moreso a stereotype
Your syntax is pretty autistic

>> No.7400512
File: 2.76 MB, 2000x2000, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might wear this to get together with friends

The Courtneys Tee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl77f2gFSL4))
Raf by Raf Simons (need to be hemmed bad/might wear them uncuffed)
Raf Simons x Adidas

>> No.7400516

Considering you can't tell two posts apart i'd say you were the autistic one.
Why do you people like you (plebs) get so annoyed when you educate them?
Can't you just be all like
>wow that guy was right
Instead of trying to start an argument?

>> No.7400517

You know I posted >>7400498

>> No.7400522

w2c jacket?
dope fit

>> No.7400523


nah fuck that tee

get a plain pink polo or something like dat

>> No.7400525


ur body is underdeveloped

you just look like a child

>> No.7400526

I think the T needs a higher neck. I know that its difficult with a bagy T, but the lowcut with a hoody or cardigan makes you look like a douchebag.

>> No.7400533


also take a proper fucking picture, you cant see how trousers fit,

>> No.7400536

hi freddy ljungberg

>> No.7400537

I'm 20 and I have 0 muscle mass (skinnyfat to the maximum)
They need to be hemmed and taken in so they look pretty fucked up

>> No.7400539

Oh you didnt reply quick as your previous post so we'll leave it that you're an aspie, stop being so charged and read that context

Still dope, whip appeal
Black boots or better shoes and youre set mate

>> No.7400544

Not even going to reply because you actually liked that shit fit with the flyknits. Is everyone on this fucking board 16?

>> No.7400545


>>7400499 here

Thats what I have been thinking, I need to get new black shoes so I had to use those.

>> No.7400553

Like your reading comprehension/angst lol keep F5ing
Yeah itll look pretty fit mate; but only because the skinny/boot is safe

>> No.7400564


>> No.7400565

Hi dad

>> No.7400560
File: 690 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1386767918082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7400561

>keep f5ing
You're clearly new to 4chan if you think someone hits f5 to refresh the page

>> No.7400566
File: 764 KB, 1531x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What top would b better w this

>> No.7400569

I forgot there's autoupdate so you can reply to post faster unless proven wrong.

>> No.7400573

It's fine dude. I actually like it.

>> No.7400572

u almost there

>> No.7400578


Looks fine just like that.

>> No.7400592
File: 11 KB, 300x200, igiveyou4minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and it happen again
sleep well you aspie

>> No.7400596

One day b
One day

Patty and 90s movies got me hooked on blue jeans
thanks pals

>> No.7400604
File: 920 KB, 1535x2724, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty pic sry

>> No.7400606

what are de shoes

>> No.7400611

fuck the pom W2C FISHEEZ

>> No.7400620

>pocket square pattern AND color clashing with shirt

>> No.7400621

Dr marten Kensington bra they on sale on sale on asos

>> No.7400624

bless you sir

>> No.7400670
File: 259 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah so?

>> No.7400695


>> No.7400697
File: 1.31 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumper is comfy as fuck.

>> No.7400703

this was almost great
the cuffs fuck it up
try skinny black denim and less chunky shoes

>> No.7400705

yuo look asian

ui asian bro??

>> No.7400712

literally look like very british 20 yo currently
i see this shit almost daily in Scotland

>> No.7400730
File: 45 KB, 558x505, 1366756048965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 90% of people ITT are goof failures.

Is this what /fa/ has become?

>> No.7400738

one of the best so far

>> No.7400746

you make my day

every day

>> No.7400752

post fit

>> No.7400767
File: 182 KB, 427x876, IMG_5257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make best of what I got

>> No.7400776

Very nice

Nice haircut, it fits well

too many colors going on think, try more earthy colors.

>> No.7400801

w2c shirt?

>> No.7400813


>> No.7400815

oh u actually weren't legit calling me out

Nvm then no fit needed from you, you're just here to shitpost without trying to contribute

>> No.7400823

yo, man. Nice proportions/silhouette.

>> No.7400829
File: 87 KB, 500x475, mdwDaBo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a fucking fit if you want to be respected here, you goddamn autist. That's all it takes.

>> No.7400830

>piece of shit jew

>> No.7400845

>90 %
far from it

but thanks for shitposting!

>> No.7400849

You dress like a 16 year old Swede.


>> No.7400857

oh no i am offended
please go elsewhere i don't want to hear you, please leave, no please, please stop, please i don't want to hear

>> No.7400978

Boring and dull as fuck. You look exactly like every pleb on the street.

>> No.7401001



>> No.7401069

Looks nice. I like the combination of your shirt and coat. The latter might be a little too large though, if it's not the image mocking you.

>> No.7401150

wicked jacket
put some fucking socks on you nasty pleb

>> No.7401192


>> No.7401194

You'll hate this outfit in a year when those brands aren't as hip anymore

>> No.7401205
File: 430 KB, 1668x1566, 12-11-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy some decent slim fit OCBDs? As far as mainstream brick and mortar stores. Don't want to order online.

>> No.7401212

dont pull your pants up like that

>> No.7401213
File: 1.68 MB, 2304x3072, painbaskets by squeak owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made the squeaking stop with some wd40 and put some insoles in there but not sure whether i'll keep wearing them, it seems that they ultimately are too small

>> No.7401210

Man, that's a long phone

>> No.7401211
File: 220 KB, 467x992, IMG_5491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7401222

Depends on where you live. Also, w2c coat.

>> No.7401220 [DELETED] 

what size are they and what's your TTS?

>> No.7401221


theres something unsettling about that shirt/pants/belt combo

>> No.7401228

Yeah, I'm not digging the tucked in thing, but this looks good other than that.
And if you have one, J crew has good shirts that fit slim.
Just order em and send em back, it won't hurt.

>> No.7401342


Nice j crew shirt

>> No.7401374
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>> No.7401379

>matching your scarf to your shoes and lipstick


>> No.7401396


>> No.7401406

are you fuckin autistic ?
paul harnden is hyped as fuck everywhere.
how can you imply turnleft hasnt heard of him ?
everybody and their mom has

>> No.7401414

100$ wasted on fakes, just like we told you

>> No.7401439

gr8 slav-core

>> No.7401501

omg seth rogen

>> No.7401547

every time XD

>> No.7401564

i dont really like the idea or product TOO much (outside 1-2 jackets)
like idk, maybe i just don't get it - maybe there is nothing to get and i just don't like it.

>> No.7401717

The jacket colour is making the fit looks all wocky. 5/10 fit otherwise, but could definetely be better with a different outerwear

>> No.7401866

like normal people can tell

>> No.7401888


pls b in toronto kawaii

see above

cool sell me ur shoes

>> No.7401889

Who cares what normal people think. They look like shit m8. You wasted your money.

>> No.7401893

those who r normal will think u have ugly shoes
those who know about ro will know they're fake

lose lose plus they look bad

>> No.7401895

I'd say buying legit tricky rick geobaskets is wasting more money than that

>> No.7401905

oh and don't listen to lovely because he (?) is a skinnyfat manlet that dresses like shit, uninspired, wigger, etc.

>> No.7401910

>skinnyfat manlet that dresses like shit, uninspired, wigger, etc
post a fit m80

>> No.7401922

if you can't afford geos then don't buy them, it's as simple as that. You look like more a fuccboi walking around in a cheap version of shit you can't afford.

>> No.7401960

Only good fits ITT.

>> No.7401968

dont forget glasses

>> No.7402059
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Shirt says "Harvard drop-out"

>> No.7402096

such edgy

>> No.7402132

lose the hoodie forever, keep this jacket on, get betteer fitting jeans and u got a solid fit

>> No.7402311
File: 1.55 MB, 709x1344, WWLN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wore last night (before I got awkward and untucked the shirt)

>> No.7402329

nice as faggot (like mine)

>> No.7402377


Everybody remembers, nobody wants to talk about it. The things we've seen, we're lucky to be alive.

>> No.7402409

Led zeppelin shirt I bought in 9th grade high school from khols lol

Edwin 505 again
Trying to get my money out of them

>> No.7402415

Nice bag in the corner

>> No.7402431
File: 763 KB, 500x275, 1345827114777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen one single outfit on this board that wouldn't make me lose respect for its wearer at first sight. This is the worst board on 4chan.

You guys are all either very dedicated trolls, or completely delusional.

>> No.7402448

/fit/ here
Just stopped by to say the vast vast majority of you look like fucking faggots
It's like you are trying to make yourself look like you have autism so you get more money from welfare
Fucking lol

>> No.7402458


...and back to /fit/ you go!

>> No.7402460

10/10 come back soon

>> No.7402453

Thanks for your opinion. Did you really need to tell us that? No? It's pointless?
Ok then fuck off and let us wear those cringe inducing outfits you fucking pleb

>> No.7402465
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>> No.7402467
File: 445 KB, 1904x1904, IMG_20131211_215634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide whether coat fits well

>> No.7402472


It would help if we could see it, you aryan faggot

>> No.7402470

You look like a skull.

also we cant tell if your coat fits good since you only photographed your skull

>> No.7402486

see trunks ur not that bad when ur not being a meanie :-)

>> No.7402492
File: 440 KB, 2024x2024, IMG_20131211_235217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my grandpa's coat, I'm thinking about cutting it smaller or using some kind of belt with it, whatcha think?

>> No.7402510
File: 126 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mxgj8lIMSN1slgwzco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 messy room

>> No.7402556
File: 360 KB, 1417x1063, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pink bin bag or the leather one?

>> No.7402565

sup homie?

>> No.7402574

still cant see it v well

take off the scarf and backpack, stand away from the mirror and try to get all of it in the shot

>> No.7402577

i'm more worried about your terrible knock knees. there's exercises for that, get on it you look really silly
otherwise its a solid fit

>> No.7402580

are you captain al's brother

>> No.7402581

Alright, then I'll upload full photo tomorrow, since right now it's night where I live

>> No.7402582

hey you faggy twats, you should be ashamed of yourselfs posing for the internet like 13y old girls with your handycam in the mirror. you're pathetic, you think dressing like you are is an achievement. i tell you its not, it's quite a basic human thing. like taking a shit.

>> No.7402583

uhh don't reckon thats knock knees just kneebags/awkard stance

>> No.7402590

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7402595

dressing is my hobby raf ovens is what im dressed in
i don't dress for da girls but 4 myself

>> No.7402601

the right leg looks locked with weight on it. that is probably knock knees or just weird picture

>> No.7402605

Where get shirt?

>> No.7402610

Maggie Jung?

>> No.7402608

guy with the fake ricks here
i didn't expect too much, just ordered them on a whim
i'm glad i did cause i feel like i learned something from it
hey why don't you mind your own business, imo you're even more pathetic getting mad about stuff like that

>> No.7402617

nice ankle flexibility brah

>> No.7402642

>wearing a belt on your coat like a woman

ronaldo was right

>> No.7402649

fat and low muscle percentage.
die, whalebaby

>> No.7402680

w2c jacket

>> No.7402730

I have this ass. Apparently plebe girls find it attractive. I fucking hate seeing that shit in a mirror.

thank you beautiful skeleton

>> No.7402736

post an outfit then if you think you dress well.

>> No.7402756

Anon, I'm trying to put on weight not lose it.

>> No.7402789

Weekday common jacket sz S

>> No.7402810



>> No.7402813


>> No.7402828



>> No.7402862
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>> No.7402941
File: 132 KB, 388x399, 1381692536303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do I look really bad then?

>> No.7403031

>>7400117 wtc shoes?

>> No.7403114

it just looks unhealthy and silly, like bad posture. there are exercises to fix it

>> No.7403173


I mean my outfit?
My legs look worse in the picture then they actually are, I've never had a problem with any physical activity involving my legs, soccer, running, kicking people in the face

I just want to know how my outfit looks?
Please be kind ):

>> No.7403913

not done

>> No.7404106

I think this would look sweeter with black shoes, it would put more emphasis on your nice shirt.

shoes like >>7399131

>> No.7404122

With black skinny, your fit would look even more sick, but if you do, tuck your jeans into the boots.

>> No.7404135

The gray shirt make you look like a grandma, beside that, cute fit.

>> No.7404150

I like the way you're colorful but the shoes ruin your fit,

>> No.7404171

the fit is good, just put socks you faggot.

>> No.7404189
File: 230 KB, 1080x720, 1386815982324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fun fit! varsity jacket's a little bland with just a black tee tho

>> No.7404305

i'll grab my fuccboi roshes if you want

>> No.7404518

take a pic

>> No.7404790

dis b coo